Binance is going to send raiblocks into the ground. All the normies voting for their coin to crash, too perfect

Binance is going to send raiblocks into the ground. All the normies voting for their coin to crash, too perfect

The salt and FUD from people that missed out on this and are too scared to buy in is just precious.

>implying the chinks wont pump this shit to 100$


What’s the logic behind this? It’s not like you can’t sell XRB to Eth or Btc and transfer it out of bitgrail... all it’s doing is adding more demand

Do you think there’s a ton of people sitting on XRB waiting for it to list so they can transfer to binance and convert to btc? Why not just convert to btc then transfer? What is the logic?

New exchange = rise
This is as sure as the sun rising up.
Are you dumb?
Yes. You are.

>>implying the chinks wont pump this shit to 100$
>Implying this coin won't be a hell of a lot harder to manipulate when it's actually on relevant exchanges

user, where did daddy XRB touch you?

Go on Binance right now. Look at what happened to every. single. coin. that was listed on binance.