Character Art Thread

Continued from Requesting good art of wind spirits or wind/travel gods, please.

I'll begin by filling an unfilled request:

Other urls found in this thread:






What do you consider a wind spirit?



You'e got the right idea, thanks. I'm just missing a pic for the god of wind/travel of my setting. Male. Preferably a depiction of a more humanoid manifestation. I'm temporarily settling on this pic but I'm not satisfied with it.

Ok, I found some interesting ones


These next two seem like a better fit for a god of wind and travel


Any of those help?

This one's excellent, definitely what I was looking for. Looks like from the Kalevala? Thanks!

Anyone have that sword and sorcery fantasy image of an alabaster woman riding a pterodactly away from a massive sailing ship?



Anyone got any swashbuckling elves? The seafaring kind



Requesting catfolk, the more animalistic the better

You da man

Just dumping random stuff I have in exchange










That's pretty good my dude. Thanks

These are pretty much all of my best animalistic ones. I have couple more in a similar style if you're still interested

>Catfolk Diplomat causes uproar after pushing Dogfolk Ambassadors dogbowl off his desk.

>could be an elf?

Seeing if I have any of my old stuff pre-computer migration, but this is all I have in my new stuff that's not just catgirl/catboy.

Probably not what you're after, re: catfolk, but why the hell not share because it's great?

Requesting... Whatever it is you'd call this style. Sort of a mix between fantasy and modern, but in a lowtech kind of way.



Still seeking superheroes and supervillains. Preferably not ones from DC/Marvel material.




More nekogoblins.



Found this while trying to find a bigger size of something else.

This cover is for ants, but I've never been able to find a larger size for it and you might enjoy it as inspiration. A lot of the Ryuutama stuff has nekogoblins/konekogoblins and their replays and supplements are no exceptions.

This dapper gent is pretty much all I have left, unless you want a koneko marching band in a cute-icon style.

However, if this guy is to your taste, you might want to look up art of Monster Hunter's "Felyne" race.

Requesting spellcaster female gnomes of any stripe







Does anyone have any multi-legged tanks, preferably with light or concealed armaments?

Do you mean spider tanks or AT-AT?

Spider tanks, preferably something that at least looks like it could have an argument made for it being street-legal with licenses, or used by police.

Ok, I’ll give what I got



Thanks man.



And this last one was already posted awhile back





Is it possible for one man to look any more like a prick?

Why are these threads always the same 20 pictures posted over and over again?

Anyone got traditional fantasy races in Bronze Age or Roman armor? Things like pic related.


>doesn't post anything new

Be the change you want to see.

Requesting swordmages or spellcasting monks please.



Do you have a request?
