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Games #570
Asoiaf Alternate Universe
Factions in a post apocalyptic setting
Play a paladin
Imperial Guard
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
Magical computers
Filename Thread
/40krpg/ 40k Roleplaying General?
How do you do a ruler who protects his people with an iron fist?
I need your help, Veeky Forums...
Weird cold war/high tech arms race/metal gear style setting
You and your party see an old beggar sitting in the middle of town
/swg/ Star Wars General
Henchmen Thread
Merry Christmas you autistic fucks
How do you balance werewolves?
Has anyone on this board played Brik Wars?
Is Magic going to be great again?
What are some things my players should encounter while infiltrating an inquisitor's ship? (Dark Hersy game)
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Will you play tabletop games with your kids?
Warhammer 40k General /40kg/
Shonen manga about roleplaying games
How would you make a hawkwind inspired setting?
Finding 40k Recasters
/srg/ - Shadowrun General
In fiction, we often see balkanization of USA, China, Russia, India and even Germany
What would be the reaction of humans if vampires...
Hard sf settings can't have anything but shit shi-
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1960: Christmas Carol Edition
Choose one
A single Chaos Space Marine is stronger than a normal Space Marine right?
When it comes to "half human, half [animal]" type races/monsters/creatures...
Spooky skellingtons
Anime Fantasy
Drawthread - Welcome to the Suck Edition
Excuse me, Patriarch, but why do the Tyranids strip planets of even microbial life...
Is there a game about city birds surviving in an urban metropolis?
How do/would you handle magic power armor in your setting, Veeky Forums?
Bright (2017)
Weekend Warcraft Lore General
Warhammer 40000 General /40kG/
EDH/Commander General /edhg/
What's your favorite Outer Plane, and why?
Did monarchs have sexual access to all the women in the hare. or only the wives and concubines...
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General
Post action shots
How would a pre-industrial society know what a missile is?
Oni in D&D?
The two armies call a truce for the biggest holiday of the year
D&D Pods
The game uses a simple system
How to achieve originality?
New to RP
Hey, all -- happy Holidays!
Age of Sigmar General /aosg/
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1959: Dashed Hopes Edition
It's Christmas day here in Australia, and I wanted to wish all of Veeky Forums a Merry Christmas!
/skerples/ OSRGeneral
So with all the talk about proxies. I decided to order a custom set a few weeks ago. They just came in...
What do you want for Christmas, Veeky Forums?
Meanwhile On Christmas Demon Hunter Veeky Forums
WIP - Work In Progress General
The thread didn't survive until I woke up, so I figure I'll ask daytime Veeky Forums
Old d&d is shit
If you have ever experienced a magical realm in effect, what kind of fetish was the GM imposing on you?
Why do people hate the Imperial Guard players?
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
Dude, shrooms lmao
Filename thread
So... I've been playing around with this idea for an RPG system for a while now...
Cestree clearly doesn't understand Christmas
Game Balance in TTRPG
If there are high elves, how would low elves look like?
/mesbg/ Middle-earth Strategy Battle Games
/swg/ Sith fuckery edition
How would you do a Shin Megami Tensei-style magical/theological apocalypse game?
Hags, Witches, & Warlocks. Post what you got
Tabletop wargaming is 90% humanfags roleplaying as nazis/communists/some other fascist regime
How different would your setting be in the most powerful mages were all 10 cm-tall at most?
MTG modern general
Midly infuriating stuff
Weekend Warcraft Lore General
Would magic limit technological progress...
MTG Standard General
Pathfinder General /pfg/
What are some of the worst ideas in modern "games"?
Give me one good reason why I shouldn't ban someone from playing a class on the grounds of "You don't know jack shit...
How do you do the Mad Scientist archetype justice?
Warhammer 40,000 /40kg/ General
/GURPSgen/ GURPS General
How to do a comfy ass campaign like Dungeon Meshi...
Unearthed Arcana: Elf Subraces (No new UA this month)
What circumstances might lead an extremely advanced civilization to willingly adopt an effectively hunter-gatherer...
Why are humans often catogorised into being the "plains race" in fantasy?
Is there a way to "fix" alignments? Is there a better alternative...
There are no elemental planes of air, earth, fire, water, etc. in the traditional sense
What makes traditional games so much more expensive than video games?
PDF Share Thread #122
How do we save vampires?
Majority race of the setting is relatively dumb bug men
So there's the light side and the dark side of the force
Warrior Cultures are dumb
What would be the optimal form for an indestructible blade?
Why do science fiction fans have more problems with humanoid species than fantasy fans?
Is this the most compelling argument for chaotic evil?
How do you defeat a Warlock whose darkness+120 ft darkvision combo without using another warlock?
Veeky Forums - /twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General
What is the least useful class in 4th Ed D&D?
Warhammer 40000 general - /wh40kg/
D&D may be a fantasy game, but some of the mechanics are obviously based in reality (ie...
How do you get someone else in your group to GM if everyone else prefers no game over ever giving you a break?
NPC Pictures?
Is this comic the equivalent of FATAL?
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1958: Christmas Eve Edition
The Emperor charges Perturabo, the most scientific and technologically gifted of the Primarchs, to "pacify, control...
A disease is turning the people of the region into flat-skulled idiots
Got captured by Drow
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
Alright Gentlemen. It's the end of the year Time to a Miniatures Power Ranking
Force User Genocide
I know that young adult fiction isn't a deep well to draw from but explain to me how this isn't the dumbest/most...
This is what Ancient Greek roleplaying groups looked like
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
ITT: Veeky Forums makes a Pike & Shot Fantasy setting
Character Art - Aliens
/swg/ Star Wars General
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
I'm playing a level 3 Independent George. What feat should I pick up on level 4?
Why are humans always the strongest wizards in dungeons and dragons and how can we fix this?
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General
Weekend Warcraft Lore General
Warhammer 30k General
Weeb TCG General #6
Trash common houserules
Pic related has just been dropped into, Wait for it;
Female paladins
Can we stat her?
/swg/ Big Guy edition
Can someone explain why can only humans become undead WHF? Unlike elves for example?
Merry Christmas Veeky Forums
Is it possible to have mountains without plate tectonics?
So now that the Star Wars franchise is officially dead...
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
The fantasy races are subspecies of humans, changed by magic and/or gods
What are the essential elements of a good space opera story?
So I can either pay $320 for a playset of pic related or pay $12 for a nearly exact thing...
L5R - Legend of the Five Rings
An asshole gets treated like an asshole for acting like an asshole
Has an evil campaign ever gone well in your games? Something more than
/bgg/ Board Game General - paper weight edition
Weird War II
/ssss/ Stand Still, Stay Silent General: Smiley Boi Edition
How do I get my DM to stop holding out on me? I know I'm ready for the next step
The characters are good
/wfg/ Warhammer Fantasy General
Should we be worried?
Is modern Yugioh really a 3-5 turn game nowadays, or is it just a meme? Thinking about getting back int the game...
What does terrorism look like in your setting/campaign?
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
ITT post heroes who are bards
What would be the best weapons for dexterous races like elves?
Map thread
WIP - Work In Progress General
The Warmaster: A Veeky Forums Book Review
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1960: Jumperpoole Is Cute Edition
What are some examples of blatant hysterically retarded self-inserts in rpgs?
Is it possible to get out if you fall into that hole?
Storytime: Wait... WHAT?
/srg/ Shadowrun General
Age of Sigmar General /aosg/
What historical figures would work well as Vampires?
/kdm/ Kingdom Death: Monster (KD:M)
Wamham 40,000 General /40kg/
WOW weekend lore thread
Today I'm going to show you how to build a competitive Modern deck for only $288!
Stat me Veeky Forums
Party runs into a demon assuming the form of a human
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General
Elf Thread
How do people feel so comfortable talking with strangers online in video games?
Magical girl setting
What are the coolest superpowers that aren’t just magic/genes bullcrap?
Veeky Forums bingo
This is very much a longshot but I'll give it a try
Character Art Part2
Why are humans so boring in most games?
Why are we not working on creating models to 3D print that will at least moderately approximate overly expensive GW...
What is the appropriate response to a village that every so often sacrifices one of its own to a legitimate...
Necromunda General - /necgen/
Weekend Warcraft Lore General
/gdg/ Game Design General
Swg - Dunkirk general
Warhammer 40000 General /40kg/
In This Thread
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1956: Technical Pacifism
What is the worse fantasy species and why is it Centaurs? second only to Elves ofcourse
Why aren't you playing and enjoying Go user? it's fun
Women in games
Ask a GW manager
Have you ever simply made a PC that was more or less a complete expy of some already established character?
What are some of the worst/most cringy character types/ideas you've seen in one of your games from another player
What sort of martial arts would be proper for women of noble upbringing?
Storythread - Christmas Edition
How to deal with THAT DM
ITT: Veeky Forums plays Veeky Forums chess
I need some UNIQUE fantasy races
1e/2e vs 5e
I'm only a driver. That's all I'll ever claim to be
That DM
How do you properly play a female rogue?
Warhammer 40000 General /40kg/
Is it evil to ruin someone's love or break a relationship?
What are the essential elements of a Swords and Sorcery world, Veeky Forums?
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
/osrg/ Old School Renaissance General
Write a set of racial traits for humans that isn't just "they can do anything lol"
Playing with female DM
/wbg/ - World Building General
So I was invited to play D&D. The only RPGs I have played are Skyrim and Mass Effect
Why is old D&D lore so much better than the new shit? It was all developed through real campaigns played by real men...
Space Habitat Design
Warhammer 40k
Wamham 40,000 General /40kg/
The army of Naggaroth
The norse religion survives, but influenced by Christianity it becomes pretty much a monotheistic religion
Best name for a game store
Kamigakari - Legendary Arms RPG Thread
All the Primarchs at least attempt to build their own Ultramar-like realm during the Great Crusade. What are they like...
Nobledark 40k part 45: SCREEE! edition
"People of Terra! I am the God Emperor of Mankind! Thou shalt worship me and none other...
Resolution Mechanics
When would a vampire need the help of a vampire hunter?
A portal opens up in your setting and the Combine//universal union invades
/swg/ Star Wars General
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
/wmg/ Warmachine/Hordes General
Weird magic
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1955: Monkey's Paw Edition
How can we make Godzilla fit into a fantasy setting?
What are some Oddball character/race/class combinations you've come up with in play?
Giant Hornets invade your setting, and you can't just wish them away with magic/tech. What happens?
I'm tired of old men in dresses with sticks and owls. How do you make wizards truly strange?
Weekend Warcraft Lore General
Space opera setting common
Things the paladin can say, but not the rogue
Can anybody break down the "best" OSR systems out there...
Android netrunner general /anrg/
Why didn't Palpatine order the construction of Female Clone Troopers?
Age of Sigmar General /aosg/
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
Would MTG be better if you were only allowed 1 copy of a card in your deck?
I've taken a lot of feedback from how true hardcore roleplaying and not ROLLplaying is done...
HoHoHo! Merry Christmas Veeky Forums! What would you like this year?
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General
Malware on Veeky Forums
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General: you can't stop me edition
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
Discussion of the Unsleeved Media Debacle
Tfw no blue means the entire game is just midrange
Has Anyone Ever Played Dread?
/btg/ BattleTech General
Game Finder General
His character can read despite not having a moneyed background
WIP - Work In Progress General
Deity art
Sci-fi vs fantasy
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1954: South Park Edition
I was looking into running a grittier dungeon crawl than what D&D provides and picked up GURPS Dungeon Fantasy at the...
Paizo Games General /pgg/
What are some medieval industries that could remain lucrative in a fantasy setting?
I'm working on a lowish fantasy setting and I wanted to know more about medieval botany and alchemy or at least...
Is there a system that allows you to easily make a unique, one of kind style playable character...
Hey guys, one of my friends recently got me into War Machine...
/GURPSgen/ GURPS General
Eat a dick /pol/
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
Draw Your Party thread
Can you think of any spells/incantations/rituals that depend on the caster's gender to function...
Hail Chinaman!
What system is best to use for a Sicario style game?
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Is there anything wrong with having not!christianity in your fantasy setting...
Exalted General /exg/
Has anyone here ever run a game set in the Dragon Age setting...
PDF Share Thread #121
Of all the legions Alpha Legion is the most rational. Humanity is fucked and doomed beyond belief...
Magicgate: Front page of Breitbart
Who exactly does this aesthetic appeal to...
Balance in TTRPG's
What's the best "intangible idea or concept you can't normally make a sword out of" to make a sword out of?
/swg/ Sexy Winged Guntablets
Describe in one line both your first campaign's session and the last campaign's session in the most nonsensical way...
Coastal captial bad?
After the untimely death of her hardline conservative father...
Watching Gladiator because it's a comfy movie for me around Christmas - we always watched it with my Nana and Papa...
Genesys Destiny
Players talk extensively about "builds" and the "meta"
We all joke about magical realms but has anyone actually been called out negatively by their players...
Fanservice in Game
L5R Legend of the Five Rings
Does anyone have the gurpsgen megapdf? Trying to get the pdfs cause my hard drive got wiped
Can I invite my friend to the game?
Storytime: Jolly Cooperation
/srg/ Shadowrun General - Nuclear Families
/tgesg/ - Elder Scrolls General
Best Primarch coming through
Veeky Forums - /twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General
Give players a puzzle to solve
Literacy in Fantasy
You enter the bar and are greeted by the bartender, an elderly woman smoking a pipe of harri leaves. She nods in greet -
The best fantasy is written in the language of dreams. It is alive as dreams are alive...
Good Little Things for Veeky Forums
A game where people just try to have fun. People crack jokes, try to suplex direwolves...
Warhammer 40k General /40kg/
Warhammer 40k General /40kg/
/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General: Elf Lord edition
Your party loves cheap convenient lodging, right Veeky Forums?
After comparing the findings from three different highly reputable institutions of all things magical...
How is incestual marriage treated in your setting? Is it unclean or seen as keeping nobility within the nobles?
/wfg/ Warhammer Fantasy General
Modern setting. One player said that since a penny is worth more than a penny, we should collect a ton and melt them...
Obese blue haired liberal female friend I met at university invites me to her 5e campaign
Give me one good reason why I should buy real cards? I've been using these at my LGS and no one bats an eye...
The party is transported into an SCP foundation facility during a severe containment breach
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1953: Please don't fuck up my Konosuba build Val Edition
/STG/ - Star Trek General
How would your party defeat Sheer Heart Attack with no prior knowledge of its abilities and strengths?
Bretonians are dumb
Beastfolk General Thread: Cultured Beastfolk Edition
/cfg/ Comfy Fantasy General
/osr/ - Old School Renaissance
Sharkfolk Thread
Warhammer 40k General /40kg/
Guys, my planet is acting weird. What do I do?
Character Art Thread
A setting based entirely on free market capitalism
[elemental] creature
So let's suppose a jedi was in a big war like they always apparently are
Shadespire General
Tomb Kings
Yfw Netflix makes a shadowrun look-a-like movie
So is there any hobby that's more aspirational that P&P roleplaying?
Good Mapbuilding Tools?
Dming game
Epic 40k & 30k Generall
Dm's oc donut steel world
The archery contest goes awry when ______________
Hhg is a dead thread edition
/swg/ Literary Hell Edition
/hwg/ - Historical Wargames General
We've all seen space empires based on Rome, Britain, America, and Germany. What would a Dutch space empire be like?
Age of Sigmar General /aosg/
What do you guys normally do when your DM pulls a Orc Baby dilemma on your group?
What does Veeky Forums think about Bolt Thrower?
How do you feel about sword saints/eastern swordsman/magic swordsman as a class?
Which sounds like a better time?
Player Character Trauma
Meanwhile on force user /tg
Dieselpunk Thread
What is the highest god in your setting? Who is the supreme divine authority?
Greetings, son of man. I am Ose, one of the great 72 demons, and president of Hell. Tell me human...
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1952: Time Looper Edition
S->C, C->S
Goatwomen begin systematically exterminating the centaur race
Tavern Art
Where does Veeky Forums play their games? How do you set it up? Do you mess with lighting, bring themed snacks?
Infinity General: ¡Hey, Pirobo! Edition
Chemical warfare in a steampunk world
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
Running away
Elvish woman flees her homeland
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General
Most balanced
/WIP - Work in Progress General
Which of the following is most intimidating, and why?
/gengen/ - Genesys Roleplaying General
Why do women have less problems with romances in rpgs than men...
EDH/Commander General
On which turn does Time Walk become a better Remand? Turn 3? Turn 4?
The real problem with TCGs is the "Kaiba"s...
Warhammer 40k General /40kg/
You fight a glorious battle against your greatest foe, and strike a telling blow that knocks them on their knees...
Hexcrawl questions
Wesley Snipes and Sean Astin Write Grimmerspace Starfinder Setting
Why should elves, dwarves, orcs and other humanoid races be a race of their own? Why not just variations* of humans?
/awg/ Alternative Wargames General
Mainstream Media Company Does Story on MTG
Are RPGs fucked for me?
/srg/ Shadowrun General - Whiny Little Bitches
So how does Veeky Forums age their elves?
How do you kill a slasher so he can't come back?
/ccg/ Custom Card General /cct/
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1951: Ojou-sama Edition
Warhammer 40000 General /40kg/
/nwg/ naval wargames general
ITT: we stereotype other anons by their favourite systems
Drawthread - for fuck's sake, Kevin edition
Jokingly start a brawl at the inn
Everybody’s new favorite (worst) army Edition
I got 324 cards to play in my cube for less than $100 and blue core paper too...
Best primarch coming through
/swg/ - Star Wars general
Your character has to put on a show of weapon skill in a competition
So tell me about the character concepts and setting ideas you have that you believe are 100% non-sexual...
Best system to run a war scenario but with a diabetes inducing romance
/btg/ BattleTech General
Warhammer 40.000 General /40kg/
New TTS special
Pick ONE (1):
ITT: Concept albums you'd play as a campaign
This is a screencap from Twilight 2000, 2.2
/kdm/ Kingdom Death: Monster (KD:M)
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General
Paizo Games General /pgg/
So what are the common themes and things found in most cyberpunk systems/setting?
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
So I've been getting into the Star Wars universe in response to the newest movie being a shitstorm...
Any reason why wotc doesn't create something like this and sell it to consumers...
Greetings Veeky Forums. May I join your party?
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1950: Young and Tight Edition
/osrg/ - Old School Renaissance
Horus Heresy General /hhg/
Lore dump thread
Elf VS Dwarf
New game session, GM wants us to create a backstory and hope and dreams for our character
/swg/ We Were Troopers Edition
Flames of War / Team Yankee: looking back edition
Just post images of wizards
Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/
Lost Races
What will happen to the lore of wh40k if it gets sigmarized or infested with SJW bullshit
Pic related tells you:
Perception should always be an innate stat...
DM forced my character and another PC to have sex
MtG Art
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General
Age of Sigmar General /aosg/
Magic The Gathering - WOTC unveils new commitment to community environment
What kind of undergarments do Sisters of Battle and Space Marines wear?
What is a good theme for the names of my campaigns Not!Homunculi?
If you were a being powerful enough to permanently kill Lovecraftan horrors; eldritch monsters, great ones...
The Sign Edition
EDH/Commander General
Warhammer 40.000 General /40kg/
Exalted General /exg/
Brujah Supremacy Thread
At what point did you realize that the only reason to put monstergirls in your setting is to wantonly slaughter them?
So, under normal circumstances, death takes you
How would a fantasy setting based on the byzantine empire differ from the usual medieval fantasy setting?
/WIP - Work in Progress General
Are sun gods the best patron gods for paladins?
According to Mighty Internet...
Muh masculine ladyknight waifu
Please describe to me what bloodsecration involves
/cyoag/ - CYOA General
Your character discovers that there's porn about him
There is goodness in this world and YOU are called to protect it
Hey guys I will be DMing 5e, who's interested?
/bgg/ Board Game General - furball security system edition
Exposure to daemonic energies forever taints electricity on earth
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1949: Nostalgia Edition
Hey Veeky Forums...
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General
Have a session after two weeks of not playing
Game Finder General
Hey guys, this is Emily we talked about, she'll fill Brad's place. She's playing an Elf Moon Druid
Tomb Kings Total War Trailer
New GM planning
Human sacrifice
Warhammer 40k General /40kg/
Warhammer 40k General /40kg/
Why haven't you implemented a mandatory race mixing empire where you can find people of every shade and colour living...
MTG Modern General
Campaigns/settings my players rejected this month :
Skaven should be at times Cute
/wfg/ Warhammer Fantasy General
Help with weird races
/swg/ - Broadside Edition
Filename thread?
My character was in a trance-like state and trying to walk away towards some distant, unseen voice...
ATTENTION ASTARTES: Great Crusade Mustering
"Risen" Demons
One PIece RPG - /opr/
/5eg/ Fifth Edition General
Why do nearly all sci-fi settings feature extremely powerful governments...
Player constantly nags to let her character romance npcs
A mark of true GMing skill is the ability to take a completely mundane, non-exotic...
Another D&D Movie? Brace yourselves, Veeky Forums...brace yourselves
Warhammer 40k General /40kg/
How would you justify the continued use of medieval weaponry while modern weaponry exists in your fantasy setting?
How does Veeky Forums feel about gimmicky bardic musical weapons?
Beaten and robbed
What will the 42nd millenium bring?
Talk about things you want to do but haven't gotten around too for one reason or another
Our healer desn't want to heal what can I do?
What is Veeky Forums's approved elf race
Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1948: The Absolute State of /JC/ Edition
Post alien planets in this thread
Veeky Forums literature general
Character Art Thread
Weeb TCG General #5
What are some good easy low-effort houserules to "fix" 3.5?
/swg/ New ships edition
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games
Veeky Forums
Food and Cooking
Video Games