Post maps.
Map thread
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Here is the one I created yesterday. What do you think ?
Pretty good, 8/10.
next couple aren't exactly legit fantasy maps but they're neat
thats it for me
found one more
and i forget the image
Rivers rarely ever split and if they do they often join up again. The same goes for lakes, they will have only a single outlet.
Even if you have a river that splits it will only be temporary as the larger stream would erode faster and the smaller one would eventually dry up.
But you get credit for making a map in Inkarnate that doesn't look like shit. That's pretty rare.
I love the style of this map.
Rate my map
I'm working on the lore for it still but its coming along
I like this map, OP. Probably my favourite in the Inkarnate style.
trying out some town maps for my campaign
Actually I take that back this is fucking sick.
Might wanna fix those coastlines a bit, make them look more natural and less like cut edges. Everything else looks fine.
Ah, right. I'll do that thanks.
This is one I did for a game that no longer is running.
Ok new official finalized map here we go
That is *pretty good* my guy.
Thanks bro
>not Mediterranean
I like it
is there any way to access the old versions of inkarnate? I don't like the way the new stuff looks
tutorial link pls
Not even particularly serious about this one. It was mainly an experiment pissing around with using Perlin Noise Generators to create the landmasses and another program to run an erosion cycle on it to see what'd happen.
Desert planet.
I'm gonna steal your shit.
Is there any kind of realistic random map generator out there?
Dwarf Fortress
Anything less pixellated? Don't have the skills to translate it into something that looks like the above.
When Toady finally gets around to adding plate tectonics I'll unironically agree.
oh shit more?
Guys i need a map with lots of ice & snow on it. Ideally it should be a world map but a regional one should still do.
You just took Europe, cut off Italy, and most of Eastern Europe.
It's not bad, mind you - I like it and it hits all the adventuring locales well.
7/10, would adventure here with some light ribbing
this one keeps me lolin'
>guess where the last cataclysm happened
>i dare you
And that's all from me tonight. Rate any of these?
Here are some maps for my Age of Sigmar dudes
>Make a setting map in Inkarnate
>Persuade myself that I can't really do much better - it's Inkarnate after all
>mfw seeing all these rad maps here
r8 and h8
Constructive critique is much appreciated.
>splitting rivers
Posting the aforementioned map, fully expected to get (rightly) shat on - but I'd really appreciate the insight on how to improve.
A lot of these maps are made by professional artists. You can find lots of them on the Cartographer's Guild. It IS possible to get that good (of course; how else did the pros do it?!), but it takes a lot of time and practice. You've got to go with a bunch of tutorials repeatedly until you get good at those, and then do it some more, mixing up tips and tricks, until you find your own personal style.
I wouldn't recommend Inkarnate as a good intro to mapping. Absolutely unironically, start with MS Paint or something similar. It'll teach you the importance of label placement, colour palettes, symbols, and other things. From there, you can retry the same thing with layers in GIMP or Photoshop. This will teach you about the basics of, well, layering, and how to use various effects to make them mesh together well. No point jumping in the deep end.
Pic related was my first 'serious' attempt at mapping, in its final form after 3 years of continual gameplay (all that changed were names and borders though). Although you may think it looks shit -- which is true -- it's close to my heart because it was functional for so long.
Your campaign map doesn't need to look like a Renaissance painting, it just has to work. Both you and your players will grow to love it as they explore, analyse, and alter it through your games.
You're not getting any constructive criticism from me until you fix those damn splitting rivers. That's not how deltas work!
world work in progress as the players move through it.
Ever plan on making it less stitched together?
Pretty bitchin'
Any feedback?
Not him, but I assume it's difficult on Inkarnate if the background 'canvas' texture doesn't tessellate. That said, I don't think it's that big a deal. I'm personally happy to overlook these small things and still be pleased with the quality.
Geography looks really interesting; would like to play in that sort of setting. My only comments are based on geography: what's going with the rivers on just south-east of Groveholm? Why does the river at Fairbreeze just end at a lake (this does happen in real life, but it's very rare and only occurs in certain conditions; look up endorheic lakes on Wikipedia). Are there any rivers feeding the Marketh Sea and the other one to the west; it seems strange that something that big relies solely on rainfall. Same goes for the Halo Lake, though I guess something like a meteor crater could cause that sort of shape.
Of course, this is all fantasy, so feel free to handwave it away.
>stitched together world map
Mah nigga! This shit shows a lot of dedication to what you're doing, and I respect the hell out of it.
Your map is far more visually pleasing than all the inkarnateshit everyone posts.
if you see this, mind posting your work user? this is a way old picture, but im still curious how far youve gotten and i dont see this posted anymore in wbg
Looks pretty good. Only thing is that the rivers mostly shouldn't stop at lakes, they should continue on to the sea.
A lot of people use Inkarnate as a glorified MS Paint, which is a problem because it results in crowded, confusing maps with little colour variation. You have to really look closely to get an idea of what the land's like. In comparison, user's literal MS Paint map uses lots of colour contrast and very simple glyphs (i.e. circle for cities; blobs for mountains).
That said, you can do Inkarnate maps well, like and . The thing you want to avoid is , where the variable texture makes it hard to differentiate between the trees, mountains, and any other detailed features.
Inkarnate was a godsend for 'lazy' amateurs who don't want to spend weeks learning GIMP/Photoshop, but, please, don't use it if you want anything long-term. You can create something like this within half an hour, just by learning a couple of tricks.
I've been wondering if he's still around i'm actually a little worried
One of these days I will do a campaign set in pic related...
I'd love to do a Homeworld game, but no one else in my group knows about it or wants to try it.
What's wrong with them? I can name you a lot of splitting rivers and rivers with deltas.
How did the 650k Hiigaran survivors establish such a large empire within a century?
Baby factories.
>Not legit fantasy
Bitch please.
What did you create that in?
Tried my hand at it for the first time. Tell me how to improve Veeky Forums.
>rivers flowing towards mountains
I agree with this user 100%, I get so much more 'feeling' from shitty MS paint maps than compared to copy and paste inkarnate maps.
How do i git gud and make stuff like this? I already have GIMP installed and all. Are there any good tutorials?
wasn't done entirely in paint, it involves a map generator modding tool for Crusader Kings 2, then ripping the reference material of the generated map and editing it on MS paint. It's really fucking convoluted and obtuse, but it takes your rough sketch and gives it actual coastlines, improves the topography and adds climate to it.
That's pleasantly organic in its layout.
Is that Azerbaijan and the neighbouring regions?
Thanks buddy. I wish I could make it stitched together-less. It has also grown on me as a old map folded.
The rivers in my mind, trail into the endless peaks. That whole area(Groveholm) is more like the everglades but had a hard way to explain it using the tools available. Fairbreeze I got nothing on just fantasy bullshit. The Marketh sea is like a salt water great lakes region(I live on lake Erie) but with several dead seas. Nail on the head with Halo Lake. Meteor crater with a strange antimagic field with it. GreenArc places its populace onto ships during seiges( part of the campign)
thanks user I have some shitty MS paint maps as well once I am home I will post them to compare to inkarnate. I find inkarnate is nice. My map only less than 4 hours maybe...more time lining things up right. thanks buddy but like said its for bums like me who wanted a quick and dirty. I also dont have spare time to sit around in gimp/photoshop. Also if you havnt I would love to have and or learn how to draw maps like runehammer/hank from youtube I love that character of the map and the space left for more to be put into the map.
Having never looked at a topographical map of Azerbaijan until today, the answer is 'no' and subsequently 'well how about that'
>map generator modding tool for Crusader Kings 2
Interesting. How the fuck do i work that one then
it's really convoluted, first step is owning and installing Crusader Kings 2, since it uses the files or something.
you get the generator here
but I wouldn't recommend it except to create a base map for editing in detail.
I wish Paradox would release a proper map editor for their game since you could make awesome maps with the engine.
this map is based on france
Donjon’s world generator.
I use that, trace an outline of some part of it, and use that as an outline for a continent
>die, meme-belt!
You can also use it to auto-resolve history and such. Though a bit clunkier but it's worth