/wfg/ Warhammer Fantasy General

Success breeds jealousy

>Resources (Crunch, Lore and Warhammer Fantasy Role-play)
WFB: pastebin.com/2EJLZq7a
WFRP: pastebin.com/NX6t6eYa
Novels: pastebin.com/bgy1rqd6

>We're looking for these novels for the archive:

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>Warhammer Video Games

Old thread

First for banners and standards.

Kruber for captain

Does the white flag stand for surrender?

He is king of not!France in a world that is collection of historical memes.
What do you think?

no, it means that the modder put in a basic texture to test it.

Wait, why is Leoun with a bunch of Imperials anyway? Is it some mod where you get to recruit Imperial units in Imperial provinces no matter the faction or something?

its a test mod that the modder used to show that banners work. Its still a WIP.

I did make a mod where playing as the empire you could recruit dwarf and elf specialist units

The 4 Tomb King LLs.

Hope Nagash is the end game threat.

So I got something really cool in the post today from a friend abroad. A hand-drawn map of the Old World. This is a pretty low-quality pic but hopefully you can see what I'm talking about,

Its pretty sweet, too bad a lot of detail is lost in the photo.

He plays bretonnia doesn't he?

I've been told that he took higher res photos himself with his fancy camera which I'll get and post in here at some point. Weirdly he doesn't play at all, just likes the lore and the way the setting is a melange of european history.

Anyone play 9th Age? Is it any good?

So do I.


Oh my I just remembered the End Times.

>Sic Transit Gloria Mundi



Tomo a cute

Smugsuzu p. great tho

That shit is amazing, man. I love it far more than I should, and I already should love that level of detail and quality.

>tfw you will never discipline the sisters of Twilight
>with your cock

Do you think that if you came inside one of them the other would sense the load?

No, but if you cause pain to one the other feels it.

Gotcha, blowing up that back wall.

I have $100 to blow, what roleplay related thing should I get?

Settra looks like he’s dead and loving it

>dead and loving it
I need to see that movie again.

>What’re you thinking about Khatep?
Just, ya know, pyramids and stuff...

Not sure why this one is higher resolution than the other one...
Might be because of my phone

What are the spells for Nehekharan lore?


Are we going to get more for tww2 armies? I love queek and skrolk but we need some skryer and grey seer reps. Thanquol and ikit are really the only options if they are not touching the council of 13.

Of course, lord packs sold very well.


For what purpose? Eshin has no missing units, and that guy is a hero, not a leader.

Ikit will be the paid lord with all the missing skryre units, Throt will be the FLC lord in Hellpit.

So since there will be a total of 4 LL per faction we might never get Thanquol?

We better fucking get Thanquol. Not including him would be like not including Karl Franz.

Fucking awesome.
I really need to finish the maps I was working on.

Where are you getting these from?

CA already announced he wouldn't be included. Sorry :)



What? No they did not. They said he was not the flc LL so he might be dlc or end up as a promotion pack like Grombrindal did.

Do you mean WFRP?

>Nehekharan Lore
>Lore of Nagash

>missing skryre units
Stormfiends and what else?

all the weapon teams besides the warpfire

Jezzels, ratling, mortor, doomflayer. Maybe options for pistols/warpmusket for engineers or somthing.

Elves are for loving.

pls no bully

Nehekhara didn't even have a lore before the 8th edition, they used incantations.

What other books are good to have apart from the Roleplay 2e core book?

-Old World Bestiary. This book contains the bulk of the monsters you'll need to run just about anything you care to.

-Old World Armory. I do NOT recommend using its custom weapons rules without serious review and houseruling, but this book contains TONS of useful odds and ends, even a system for making underlings for your PCs to hire and send to grisly deaths (also useful for gauging where a generic NPC should be).

-Career Compendium. This book collates all the careers from all the supplements in one source. Due to a fuckup in copyediting, not all entries/exits are properly updated, so you may have to read it thoroughly to get an idea for newer career paths that were added later.

-Sigmar's Heirs. If you only get one 'place' splatbook, it should probably be this one. Chock full of information about the Empire and its provinces. Sadly, it tries to do so much that at time you'll long for death. Either ignore population numbers or multiply them by about a factor of 5 or 10 - remember censuses from this time were super inaccurate and only accounted for the head of a household.

-Realms of Sorcery. This greatly expands magic, if you intend to make it a major component of your games.

-Tome of Salvation. This details faith in the Old World at great length. Because of how important religion is to the people of this setting, I recommend it heartily for the fluff alone.

-Tome of Corruption. This is your go-to resource as a DM for everything Chaos. It's a messy book, but a damn useful one.

-Warhammer Companion. A stew of fluff, secondary systems, and a few more gribblies to murder your PCs at. Recommended.

-Shades of the Empire. If Sigmar's Heirs left you lusting for more fluff, this provides details and rules for a bunch of important and semi-important Imperial organizations. It even includes a new system of magic for non-Chaotic but non-college human wyrds.

Oh, if at all possible, do NOT let your PCs read Tome of Corruption, and only wizard PCs should have access to Realms of Sorcery. PCs should not be allowed OWB, Shades, or the Warhammer Companion either if you wanna keep the bits in there secret.

First DLC lord has also been confirmed.

so what's everyones warhammer christmas got?

I bought myself some 40x mantic zombies and some spirit hosts to celebrate this spookmas with cheer

I'm hoping on getting a couple dozen Men-at-Arms. It'll be nice to get some peasants to get back into painting, since I wouldn't have to worry about individual heraldries and can probably get away with a few mistakes.

>tfw whenyou make a campaign fashioned out of this very album with the main city themed around this image

If you had a chance to try and make at least one new unit for each tabletop army book, what ideas would you throw out there?

Is that artwork of Skeggi?

Has anyone here used Warhammer Armies Project's 8th and 9th edition army books/rules set? Curious if they just look nice or if they actually fix anything with the rules.

I heard the Skaven are a bit of a mess, but other than that, I haven't played enough or read enough of the rules to say much.

Ah ok, I play Skaven and was hoping they toned them down in 8th/9th a little bit. Oh well guess I'll look at T9A.

I don't think they're necessarily OP, just a bit "bugged" or something. I think I'll need to read their army book again.

9th Age slaves don't get steadfast unless they're attacking a flank or rear.

Squig-pulled chariots for Night Goblins
Forest goblins riding giant bats
Black Orcs on boars
A big wicker Orc that they throw a shaman so it can have laser eyes

My boyfriend got me Thranduil riding his Elk, which I'll convert into a Glade Lord

The skaven armybook is shit, played it various times.

a quick rundown of what is clearly wrong with it (not "changed, just plainly wrong)

>The Warp Lightning Cannon fires like it did in 6th ed (8d6 range). However, unlike the old one, it cannot move, nor march and shoot.

>HPA last attack is an improved thunderstomp. Which means that, if the HPA is in combat with anything else than infantry, it won't attack

>3 different spells do the exact same fucking thing.

>Skaven Engeneer lord are completely useless, as they have no access to the dreaded 13th, cannot go up to 4th level, and cost a meager 10 point less than the Seer

>Warmachines are now T7, which means that you cannot run them with a Bell

>Storm Banner is a rule clusterfuck. I understand the nerf, but as it is writen, it does not work at all

>You cannot use a Verminlord unless you're playing with more than 3000 points

They're not OP, but they are an extremely well rounded army where almost everything is playable.

It basically is empire on steroids, with better melee, better shooting and better magic.

You can kit them to either be a gunline, a melee grindfest or a spellslinging list and it will work every time.

If he's included, I can only see him added as a free promotion event, like Grombrindal or Isabella

>and that guy is a hero, not a leader.
>legendary heroes never
game sux

I dont know what I got
but I got my father who got me into the hobby a nazgul

>Krell Lord of Undeath

Krell, summoned as a spell by Kemmler
And green knight , a temporary summon with limited uses per campaign

>Deathmaster is a special agent that can be summoned for a job only a limited number of times
>His success rate is always 100% sure death against any kind of enemy, but his price is exhorbitant
>The price grows everythime you summon him
>The last time you use him, he requires all the money you have.
i can see this be real

That’s true at least, do you have some Bret’s/ historical counts as already user?
My Bret experience is limited to 20 monopose bret archers who I foolishly didn’t strip and instead repainted over EXTRA THIC shit.

I always liked how the model looked let’s hope for a good hall!
Also merry Christmas u fucks

That’s actually a real neat idea; you will have to comment on the scale though as I’d read Lotr minis are slightly off.
I was thinking of converting wargs to make undead dire wolves actually.

I really like angry sarcastic teclis


what did he mean by this?

So... T9A 2.0... beta's rules came out recently. Thoughts on them? Better... worse?

I wonder if GW will ever bring Tomb Kangz and Settra back.
His fate in the End Times, while baddass, was still disappointing.

no they wont.

Fuck them then.
Total War Warhammer does more justice to Warhammer Fantasy than that End times shit ever did.

Not a big fan of the End Times, but I find it pretty weird Settra's most cited quote, and the aspects of his character so praised are FROM End Times when the same people despise it.

Settra was one of the few good aspects of End Times, chiefly in that he refused to be fucking cucked by it and kept fighting to the end. I fucking despise most aspects of End times, especially everything surrounding the Elves.

That quote no matter what fits his personality.

Technically I've been promised a small army of Brets, but they're being held onto by the seller as I'm buying them unit by unit - which is still a great deal all in all. Usually they excuse Christmas as a chance to give me a unit in place of a gift.

Out of curiosity, what other bits of ET did you like?

Not that user, but I liked Kroak.

Not the lizardmen stuff overall, but I liked Kroak.

I didn't like that very much, I liked it better when Skaven destroyed Lustria. Skaven have always been the best army and the End Times just proved it correct.

Skaven have a good personality but I dislike a lot of their lore and I disliked End Times in general, especially the Skaven part of it.

Not him, but absolutely everything in Nagash was great. Glottkin was also pretty good. Khaine was pretty shit with a few diamonds, and the rest is SHIT

Most of the regiments were pretty cool. I actually liked how the Lizardmen went out pretty bravely, losing their best living Slaan and only retreating when they could no longer change the outcome of the world. Lord Kroak, man.

Redpill me on Khatep.

I wanna get hyped on him seeing as im not getting Apophas.

flamethrower gyrocopter for pure vietnam flashback purposes.

Nagash coming back was cool and quite promising
Glotkin book, while not great, seemed to head in an possibly interesting direction, moving forward the story, but it went to skub shit as soon as Karl Franz becomes Sigmar and super nukes everything and following books just get worse and worse and worse

>Interesting points in the pool of shit
Skarsnik's more human side, poor fuck doesn't even know what's happening to him
Grimgor headbutting the Eye of Sherian, would have been a nice way to lower Archaon's powerlevel
Gelt's dark side is developed
Settra being Settra till the end
Kroak's last ribbit
Sigvald's golden shower
Regiments of Renown were cool as fuck

>It ain’t me
>It ain’t meeee
>I ain’t no high king’s son, no

Everything the Kangz have is thanks to him and his mortuary cult.

>Sigvald's golden shower

Would you be okay playing against this as a Night Goblin Great Shaman?

Actually, yes, I would make an exception for this creative and colorful model. But I still think AoS has gone a little too crazy with making spidergobins and mushroom goblins.

Ehhh, I prefer regular, hooded gobbos, but I can see the appeal. He looks nice, dislike the mushroom hat though