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How has this not gotten more recognition
Because people mistook it for the other Magocracy CYOA and skipped it, thinking it was a mere repost.
I fap sincerely to tok's cyoas
You guys are my only real friends some days.
I love you all.
>less accurate than Pulse
>no Pulse listed
i talk and get more interaction through this shitty website in a day than i do in real life for months
love you all mates
I'm really fucking horny and I'm probably going to fap to my friend's GF
I am the guy who always posts "depends on the setting" in all threads
I keep all the best cyoas I make between my and a small group of irl friends, so that they remain unsullied by this place forever.
I had my emotional support destroyed and now im struggling between total lazy neet and terrible sex addict. Its like im trying to x10 those 2 parts of my personality now that i have nothing i care about.
I've made 5 or 6 builds for this thing but haven't gotten around to posting any.
Completely optional 2nd page.
Dammit. Have a (hopefully) less potatoed version of
In loving memory of the season, which will soon no longer be with us
I pretend there is another dimension where waifus watch all of us males, like a livestream, and they pick the man they like the most and wait for him in the afterlife. I always try to pretend to act cool both online and irl so when I get there I have at least a couple of waifus fighting for my love.
Glad I picked knife
Good thing I can't talk or else I would go all Lilarcor on this bitch
Two things.
One, that's fucking stupid
Two, oh fuck I hope not. I do a lot of degenerate shit when I think people aren't looking.
see, but what if you're right? i mean the all religions afterlifes just about boil down to "you are judged in death and rewarded if good enough".
me too desu
No you can't be me
we can be ourselves user
I can be myself you can't be myself
We can dance if we want to.
I got drunk as fuck last night and woke up with a trap in my bed this morning. Apparently I took the final step between fapping and acting.
Also, I've got a Star Wars bounty hunter cyoa I've been working on for the past two years that I still haven't finished.
prove it
I hug my blanket every night pretending it to be someone else
I don't have to prove anything
Ok take The Order for 6 points and add the Followed for 30 points and late bloomer 3pts (with your dimensional travel ability being one of the things you don't get right away)...then take precog and arcane crystal to boost precogs effectiveness.
Now when you know the Followed killer is going to attack, you turn yourself in to the order, showing them you can't actually cross dimensions so can't break their rules, where you're suddenly attacked by the Follower whom the Order will be all over like stink on shit for being a Traveler Killer and having breached Earth. You help the order during the fight of course and then possibly join them afterwards.
This cyoa is comfy af
y-you too
then you are wrong
Order might kill you anyway for crime of being connected to Eldrich.
Crystalled Precog gives you about 10 seconds of warning according to rules, no?
I mean, my build has that and Crystalled Time Flow because there's very little that you can't kill or escape from when you have 10 seconds to react and act at 60x speed. It's good, but it's not perfect knowledge of future.
What if there's a waifu who is as, if not more degenerate than you and also happen that you are her type?
There is always a probability, I guess. I hope that if I don't my true love irl I can find her in the afterlife.
Mystery box
Become the knife.
If I've gotta be something, I'd rather be a murder tool.
It's a comforting thought to imagine, thanks for sharing.
Please tell us more.
>woke up with a trap in my bed this morning
Do tell!
don't worry, we love you too Tok
Remember. Don't be a fucking jerkoff and be willing to give that person a reacharound.
I wish sometimes that people would repost my CYOAs more.
Pink hair in a long braid. I got drunk in one bar, my friends got Ubers home and I decided to try a new one. Didn't notice the rainbow flag on the window when I went in.
I remember ~60% of what happened last night. I wish I could remember it all. Got his number. Fuck it, I went all in last night. What's the harm in doing it again. And again.
I got you
zbg or celt
reminder that Akatta Bok'bok is the only good choice
>ywl be a big fluffy tiger pillow for Akatta
>ywn sneak up on her on one of her late work nights and play with her ears until she rides your pelvis into dust to relieve her stress
you're not angle
I feel insulted you think I'm him.
I'm Ordion, not Angel.
Mr. Dude Weed Lmao
Good guess.
True. Dealing with the order would be dicey regardless but if they're in the middle of interrogating you when you get attacked by the traveller's killer, they're probably going to ignore you for the bigger threat and if you help you may get in their good there's always fleeing, heh.
Precog just says a few seconds of warning and the crystal is supposed to triple the effectiveness so that's kind of open to interpretation as to what 3x as effective is going to be. Is it only a few more seconds from a flat progression numerically or is it something more exponential? Either way it is far more warning then you'd get normally.
Your cyoas are too long for me to bother reposting I'm sorry. But don't feel bad, I'm a fat lazy fuck irl.
the content was zbg, but the writing style was celtic
It's strange, but all of them seem pretty good/10 to me
Oh, haven't done this Beri CYOA yet
>Jingle all the way
Best power
>Yeti's strength
Gotta be strong
>Grinch tamer
Even Grinches deserve to be happy
>Fa La La La La La
>Christmas Cannon
>Sleight ride
To travel around in style
>Big Spirit
Only increases my strength
>Feasts and sweets
>Gifts of the Magi
Gonna give gifts across the world, and also solve world hunger while I'm at it.
>Fluffy romance
Even gonna get people their waifus
I'm not choosing her, just pointing out that I find her incredibly weird, and how uncomfortable I am that the reindeer has some of the biggest tits.
Might as well put her cookies and milk to good use if you know what I'm sayin'
>Kookie & Mika
Beri, you know all too well cowgirls are one of my biggest weaknesses.
aaaand there's my other weakness. You're too good to me Beri. She's absolutely best girl too.
I'm a sucker for typically evil things trying to be good. Everyone deserves a second chance.
>Avenge Santa
Killing Santa aint ok in my book. She's gonna get some Christmas spirit whether she likes it or not.
>Wonderland Voyage
Fun adventure where we recruit even more people to our cause? Yes please. Gonna need a reeeaaal big sleigh since Gia's coming along.
>Support friends
I just want to help everyone. Easy to do when you're good at singing and can grow big. Plus, treats!
I'll stay.
Real good CYOA Beri, had to make some tough choices.
Question though, if I choose the girl in the Big Spirit pic as a companion, is she a giant like in the picture who can grow even bigger since she has access to that magic?
You're trying to move away from the association with your older CYOAs though, so I don't post them.
What do you anons want for Christmas
i wish someone loved me
For CYOAs to be real.
To be Isekai'd.
Or for everything to become anime.
Data spoiler...
But user, wouldn't that be the true definition of a fucking jerkoff?
Because when i keep getting frustrated when i want to waifu my tulpa but waifuing your tulpa is super expensive and makes her really constrained personality wise and stuff like i want inmortality but the insanities are superharsh and the only other way is to join the league of magical autists so i kinda get stuck with that and some more stuff here and there i think the CYOA is not for me
To finish my CYOA in time for Christmas.
Like that's gonna happen.
I'm and you sir, gave me quite a chuckle.
to be comfy and alone again
also to get my face fucked by pantyhose covered feet
You lack ambition
Nah, I'll take Girza Volthax. I wanna edgelord it up with someone and do gobbo shenanigans.
Nothing because I have to work during Christmas.
What about my most recent one? I am always wanting of feedback and ideas for it.
for this cyoa to happen for everyone itt
get /comfy/ for your lifetime cunts
Wait, Santa's REAL? What the actual he-
>Christmas Party Wallflower
What do you mean, BELIEVE?
>Powers: Snowsword [3], Yeti's Strength [2], Flurry Flight [1], Let It Snow [0]
I'm feelin' cold.
>Stecca [3], Blae [2], Nina [1], Kassy [0]
Okay, got a party together. Now what?
>Avenge Santa [2], Raid Rogues [1], Hunt Abominations [0]
You draft me to fight your war? Fine. Just don't expect much else, this is still a lot to process.
Historical knick-knacks. I probably won't get any, because I got a bronze spearhead last Christmas, but honestly -- old stuff is my go-to "what do you want for Christmas?" answer.
I wouldn't want it
I'd spend too much time inside of it and forgo my family
You want a truck to murder you? That is a strange wish.
Yup. Still want it though.
To slaughter the fuckheads at my work who gave us all off Christmas week, but then decided inventory has to be on goddamned thursday so we have to interrupt what would ordinarily be a nice comfy week with the senpai to go clean up other people's administrative and paperwork-related fuckups, because the CEO bought this random fragment of a broken company to try and take control of our supply chain except somehow he forgot that "if it's a steal deal, there's a reason for that". And now we have to fix this dumpster fire and I'm furious.
To die and wake up in the ArchDemon Roommate CYOA so I can go live with Lynneth.
but that's worst girl
Thinking of updating this, even though I'm not the author