The Sound of rolling new dices for the first time
Good Little Things for Veeky Forums
nailing the first nat 20
nailing the first nat 1 (In the System I use its the other way around)
They sound the exact same way as any other dice, you fucking retard
The smell of new game books.
Being able to retire a character after a campaign, successful or not.
Ah. The Board Fun Police. Tragic. I'm sorry for your loss.
Thread died so you could post this shit. Doesn't really matter which thread and what it contained. You bumped something out to post pic related
Getting back into the game after a few months Hiatus, when you weren't sure the group could get back together.
Having some inter party conflict that ends up resolving an issue and is great fun.
The feeling when you have a miniature that took a ton of prep/conversion/painting work finally done and game-ready.
>The smell of new game books.
Fuck, I swear the printers lace the paint with drugs to keep us hooked.
Sorry, what would be the correct term?
What if he had multiple sets of dice?
It's dice. The singular is die.
dice sets
The way the players' eyes light up when they gain a level and get some new and wonderful ability that fundamentally changes how their character works.
>Thanks for the game, that was fun
>Yeah, you're a pretty good GM
>Can't wait for next time!
Knowing that the players enjoyed themselves and appreciate your work is really nice.
>ask my players if anyone wants to playtest my homebrew garbage
>one player gets really excited and makes grabbyhands at it
nailing GM's wife after the first TPK
>Making the first mark on a fresh character sheet
The smell of your friends baking they brought at the game table.
When you put a hard encounter in there and they nearly die, but they legitimately push through in the end.
When player characters develop good bonds or have development moments in game.
Being the man with the plan and the plan works out.
The first session 1 hour in.
Yeah it's a good feel.
finding a player wanted sign at the flgs
>GM do you want tea?
minus the meido and the break.
you had a player who hosted the game at their house and served tea?
That new card smell when you open a booster pack
Oh my god this
>Everybody actually arrives on time
I GM but my house isnt fit for hosting a game, so the games are always at player houses and they know i love tea so sometimes they serve it for me only or for everyone when they feel like drinking too
what kind of tea?
this is a nice thread
The smile on the DM's face as he realizes what you're planning to do and is totally on board with it.
>a freshly double sleeved deck
>also that fucking smell of a freshly cracked pack
Oh yes, this. My players know that when I start doing pic related behind my GM screen (while listening to a player explain what they want to do) epic _something_ is about to happen.
Now, whether it's epic awesome, or epic fail - that's up to the whims of RNJesus.
How is that special in any way?
Not him, but my group circles places as a way of ensuring proper participation. We do the same with GMs, since each campaign is run by different person.
Works flawlessly for past 4 years. And the host is always responsible for making dinner and handling drinks, then we split the bill.
Correcting people who say "dices" or "a dice".
It's one die and many dice, jusy FYI.
>Newbie's first campaign
>Shaky at the start
>Months later realize they've been getting better
>Complete newfags first campaign
>Shaky, barely functional
>In span of 8 weeks they are the best group I had since 2005
When you can tell the DM is having as much fun as the players are. When everyone is so psyched up they're getting into character and pantomiming actions.
When my friend is bouncing in his chair at the absolute madness and chaos we are about to deal to the enemies and his happiness is ultra-effective on mine.