Don't say gurps!
What system is best to use for a Sicario style game?
I would suggest the SWAT supplement for a RolePlaying System that's Generic & Universal.
Alternately, Ops & Tactics.
Or Shadowrun. Or Cyberpunk 2020 without the cyber. It's fucking deadly.
GURPS Tactics
>Or Cyberpunk 2020 without the cyber. It's fucking deadly.
FPBP famalalamadingdong
Guns are super lethal. Skills are more important than stats, but stats still have value. You can make it as obsessively crunchy as you want, and there's large armory lists already drawn up. It's pretty light by default, so you can focus on intrigue/character development.
Never seen it but a synopsis I read says mmaybe Fiasco
Since OP didn't ask for a campaign, but just a game, this actually works
It's obviously GURPS, but if you don't want that you should stick with D20 Modern.
Savage Worlds
Ops and tactics
D20 modern with Star Wars SAGA "armor as damage reduction" rules
I'd use Classic Unisystem. Conspiracy X 2.0 has everything you'd need and lots you wouldn't to spice things up.
Ops and Tactics
Ok well if the obvious answer doesn't float your boat, can't you just reskin d&Dre?
Strip the supernatural elements out of:
Call of Cthulhu,
Delta Green,
Trail of Cthulhu,
Unknown Armies (1e or 2e? Have not yet looked at 3e,) or
Conspiracy X.
Especially the new edition of Delta Green for quick-go character creation packages/guides and the lethality mechanics.
Dark heresy
GiVe Me SoMe BrOtHeR
How do I become an operator like Alejandro? Working for the cartel?
>Don't say gurps!
I'm about to do it. Make my day.
the precise moment that I realized del toro was vastly overrated and always has been
>Or Cyberpunk 2020 without the cyber. It's fucking deadly.
>without the cyber.
Fuck that! Cyberpunk Sicario sounds dope as fuck!
Also GURPS or Genesys, your only real call.
Twilight 2000
Twilight 2k is nice, but holy shit are characters tanky.
Patrician taste
Cyberpunk pic related would be total fucking carnage.
Phoenix Command.
>Especially the new edition of Delta Green for quick-go character creation packages/guides and the lethality mechanics.
came here to say that
It rhymes with shmurps
Anything modern. You can't substitute vision and good GMing with one ruleset or another. Frankly, I don't think you get Sicario beyond "hurr operators are cool." Maybe try watching/reading No Country for Old Men and then watch Sicario again, because they dance around some similar ideas.
I feel like the NAN in Shadowrun screams out for this kind of treatment, desu.