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>How to Jumpchain
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What superhero jumps are relatively low power? Eg, more Batman TAS than Superman TAS
See, I was about to say Duel Monster: The Heroes, but then I remembered that the drawbacks involve kaijus, ayyliens, cosmic horrors, and a demonic alien yandere.
Here's the latest Mummy Trilogy WIP from last thread since it died so quickly. Need ideas for general items and companions.
Just saying.
"Love is the law, love under will."
Double Cross, because the world of traitors tends to draw people in whether they're willing or not.
I want a falcon.
I'm a lawyer, my parents are lawyers. I have seen some crap.
I will never forget the day my mom thought it was a good idea to make a 9 yo go to see how prison is like.
There's the "Animal Companions" for the Medjai.
>I'm a lawyer, my parents are lawyers
Well. That certainly explains the evil.
Ah, must have missed that.
Um... Incredibles, Arrowverse, Batman Beyond, The Dark Knight, My Hero Academia, Ghost Rider (mostly), Spiderman: Raimi Triloy, Ultimate Spiderman, MCU (potentially), Swat Kats.
Not a lot of room there, really. All of these are arguable.
The mechanicus jump will have a sub-section devoted to cybernetics of all sorts. This made some perks superfluous, and I'm re-writing a few more to hopefully be better.
I've got the RPG books and a few wikis in front of me, but outside of limbs, mechadendrites, replacement organs/senses and assorted gubbinz, are there any particular pieces of equipment that people think should be included here?
>My Hero Academia
That's not really Batman-power level though, since All Might and All For One exist, plus Overhaul's shenanigans and what Deku is growing into. Granted, those are outliers, but they still exist, so you can't really call MHA that low powered.
Wait, shit, just noticed the "All of these are arguable" part. Sorry user.
Can some of the bigger 40k ships go planet side, or are the constructed in orbit?
Farethere City Jump ver 0.5 is up! No scenario to get your own Otherworld or Garden yet, but it's jumpable otherwise.
Sweet, reading now.
Always in orbit. I think only the smaller transports can expect to enter atmosphere and leave without needing to be dragged out by someone else.
Will there be cute tech priest waifus?
Already included. She's perky and thick.
So I've got a suped-up revolver that I dual-wield with a weird energy revolver, and both can combine into a machine gun thanks to RWBY.
I've got a suped-up Piercing Rifle from Bloodborne that's now a glorified high-powered hunting rifle.
And I've got a triple-shot crossbow that after Van Helsing will become an automatic crossbow.
Am I missing any possibly ranged weaponry. Like should I pick up a shotgun, and if so - from where, etc.
Your mama sounds like a true hero and a champion. Treasure that bitch as long as you can my italiano friendo.
>perky and thick
But can I impregnate a toaster?
You know not what powers you toy with.
Judging from my time in New Vegas the answer is
yes .
Was it the homicidal toaster that wanted to burn everything?
Please tell me he didn't burn the baby.
She also weighs a half ton due to the metal.
City of Heroes technically scales with you. The setting has everything from street toughs to demigods.
That baby is probably toasted.
It doesn't have universal-level threats.
Judging from my time in Nier Automata the answer is
>Parents are lawyers
I’m so sorry. Your dad sueing your mom for more conjugal visits?
I guess you could say, that toaster has a bun in the oven.
It doesn't have anything special, but you plain can't go wrong with the Chicago Typewriter from Resident Evil.
For shotguns, I reckon both Showa Kamen Rider Part 1 and The Evil Dead will do you good. Bonus on getting THE boomstick: the purchase it's given with also gets you a steel gauntlet and a chainsaw with infinite fuel.
I was going to suggest the Black Barrel from Angel Notes, but I reckon one rifle type is good enough, even if you could customize it to have a slightly different niche.
There is Rularuu, but he did get beat up and trapped.
How did you know my parents are divorced?
But no, my father never really visited after that. I actually sue'd that bastard because he said he would pay 2 years of my college and never did. I discovered it just in time to not lose a whole semester of classes.
There's also arguably Hamidon (other clusters of Devouring Earth with their own Hamidons have apparently conquered galaxies), but you can start as his sibling and thus potentially waifu him
Lawyers don’t make good spouses. When’s last time you’ve seen a Lawyer that wasn’t divorced at least twice?
I know a lawyer guy who's still married to his first wife.
>but he did get beat up and trapped.
Then he wasn't a universal threat.
He’s probably cheating on her.
The young ones that aren't married? Mom's only divorced once.
I never married. Some of my colleagues are in happy (or at least functional enough) relationships.
Geez user. Have some faith. There must exist true love. I want to believe.
The only true love is between a man and his 2D waifu.
> implying a man won't dumb his 2D waifu for some new trim the second it comes along
>The only true love is between a man and his 2D waifu.
Well... I honestly can't deny that.
2D>3D, after all.
>if they end up in your world they will escape it somehow. It may be difficult for them, but there are ways for them to escape.
So this adds methods of escape to worlds which otherwise wouldn't have them? And not only that, but it guarantees they'll succeed? Does this still apply if you use other methods than the perk grants to bring them in? Also, what counts as "strong-willed", as that's kind of subjective.
I've been with my Waifu for 8 years. Since 2009
>retreating to delusions that can't love you back
>not just accepting your fate
Go away Marche.
>accepting your fate
Never! I won't lose hope! I won't give up!
>This thread
2D>3D, the only truth I need.
>Sapient beings cannot be merged this way.
Can you still merge parts of sapient beings?
It'll never be real and you know it.
There is no such thing as reality, only varying depths to the illusion.
>Something To Live For
I love it. And I love you Nikamoth!
I should probably change "will" to "can", as it's not a guarantee.
>Does this still apply if you use other methods than the perk grants to bring them in?
No it doesn't because that's silly. Only if you used the perk to bring them in.
>Also, what counts as "strong-willed", as that's kind of subjective.
I guess what you define as "strong-willed", with a willpower that threatens your own.
I guess if you chopped those parts off you could.
>pic related
>I guess if you chopped those parts off you could.
Is the restriction on merging sapient beings, plural, together or using them in a merge at all?
>Items for The Mummy
A pool of souls?
Treasure maps and key.
A cat to scare away mummies and other undead.
This one I posted earlier Some of the cybernetics I was interested in are:
Prehensile Dataspike
Plasma Cutter
Skitarii war plate and Sicarian battle armor augmentations.
The various void, displacer, refractor and conversion fields
The basic tech priest upgrades in Dark Heresy
Other items
Arc Weapons (and the perma-capacitors which power them)
Phosphor weapons.
Those perpetual motion generators that power the ironstriders.
An Ironstrider with enough of a machine spirit to not need a monotask servitor.
A ton of servo skulls.
Explorator shit.
It's using them in a merge at all. However, if the Sapient being was connected to an object or could transform into an object, you could still merge the object with something (Like with the Touken Ranbu Sword Boys and merging their swords.).
So I guess I should say "sapient beings not connected to objects."
>could transform into an object
So would something like souls (in settings where they're helpless balls of light) qualify? Assuming you could interact with them?
If you can physically grab the souls, yes.
So, odd question. For characters that are ‘stable’, or present in multiple settings, like maybe the Greek gods, are there any perks to induce a vague sense of ‘I know this guy, he’s cool’?
Like, befriend Artemis or someone in one jump, and get a reputation boost to future versions of her?
I want to freak Dresden out by having him walk in on me and Tatiana
>So, odd question. For characters that are ‘stable’, or present in multiple settings, like maybe the Greek gods, are there any perks to induce a vague sense of ‘I know this guy, he’s cool’?
I can't remember the name, but there's one in F/GO. You may also be able to use the perk in God of High School that makes you part of mythology, if you're wanting to maintain your reputation with legendary or divine figures.
Cosmic Fact from Marvel works.
Neat, thanks.
>comatose child killed by your parents as they “couldn’t love a vegetable”
Wait, is there someone in here who actually has a backstory like that? Because that’s fucked up.
Yeah. If you don't try to be his friend or get to know him, when he becomes Aware he becomes so unhappy he's put on the Path of Rebirth.
It's okay, though. He got a new set of parents that love and care for him in the afterlife.
...well I’m definitely befriending him. Poor kid, that’s terrible.
>Afterlife Gardener
If an Omen is resurrected, do/can they still retain their position?
Omens can't necessarily 'die', like everyone else in the afterlife they're dead too. I'd imagine if it happened, however, they'd still retain their position in the hierarchy.
Unless I missed something in what you meant.
Yes, I meant restoring a dead Omen to life.
*A "normal" Omen to "true" life. Like, as in, literally not dead.
Why do people in this thread pretend to have standards for what goes on the drive when they accepted Rainbow Six Siege and Medaka Box - Abnormal?
Ohhh, yeah suddenly the question makes a lot more sense.
Hm, this is a difficult question. If you were the person in charge of the Garden and had turned them into an Omen, I'd imagine it would be up to you personally if they'd lose their position or not. Omens don't get to walk on the Path of Rebirth, but since this isn't rebirth but rather straight up resurrection I'm assuming (Which doesn't come up), it would be up to you.
They'd probably still retain the Omen form as an altform, however, if you let them retain their position as an Omen.
i liek purple
Happiness is mandatory, citizen.
Unhappiness is treason.
Would you like some salad jello?
How dangerous is this setting?
It's a slice of life rpgmaker game with no fights in it. So not combat stuff that's for certain.
It's also not very dangerous if you don't take any of the +300 drawbacks. You could get dicked over by someone in the Demon Market at the very worse? I'd imagine that you'd have to be completely and utterly naive for that to happen, however. Because Demons in the Demon Market make it clear what payment they want from you when you talk to them and what they're offering and don't really try to force you to buy stuff.
I mean, there is also a chance of accidentally walking into the Otherworld from the Blue Mushroom (Which leads to Grove Village), but you could just turn around and walk back if you have a reason to live if you accidentally end up there. Farethere City won't fall to Izanai's Otherworld by default.
How feasible would it be to resurrect yourself or otherwise return to the world of the living?
>Not realizing that we are years away from VR waifus
There is still hope
If you're talking through in-universe means, less than 1% of the people who go on the Path of Rebirth actually succeed at becoming reborn (Actual statistic Michibiki gives Pigula in one of the endings, hence why he doesn't typically do that with Aware souls unless they're exceptionally upset at finding out they're actually dead). Plus even if you did decide to go on it, you're only given 10 years in the jump. The Path of Rebirth takes decades at least, so I doubt you'd be able to accomplish it normally given the timeframe you've given.
You also have to completely forget about who you are as a person (Also going on a grueling journey where the next inn is decades away, and even then there's a chance it may be a demon is disguise wishing to gobble you up), and I don't really think that's something people want to do.
If we're talking out of context stuff, that's up to you. Although the land of the living is pretty mundane from what you see in the game.
They'll still just be images. No real presence or substance. No capacity to truly feel, truly think, truly love. No words besides those they're programmed to say.
They'll still just be pixels and palettes, ones and zeroes.
Can I let someone into the House item?
Question Jumpers has your harem ever gotten the jump on you when you weren't paying attention?
Have you ever immediately regretted a decision when you found yourself surrounded by them while they were smiling at you with implied promises of heaven or hell?
So are you and the other characters ghosts/spirits/souls or just people with non-human bodies?
That would imply that I have one.
We'll just have to invent true AI so we can waifu it.
I don't have a harem, my custom waifu from Overlord is enough.
But user, a true AI would have standards like a real woman!
Alternative Question: Has your waifu ever gotten the jump on you when you weren't paying attention?
Have you ever regretted a decision when you found yourself face to face with them while they were smiling at you with implied promises of heaven or hell?
The above is for these individuals/those who don't have harems
Not necessarily the same standards, though. Who knows, maybe its psychology would be alien enough to actually like pathetic NEETs.
Haven't got one, either. Got this kind of Eternal Child thing going on in-chain.