>[elemental] creature
>using the word guild
[elemental] creature
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What's wrong with elementals?
Because it's garbage that spawned from WOW
Gnomes are not garbage, you're garbage!
elementals are cool, not to mention widespread enough that nobody really complains even if just shoe horned
tieflings are cool, who doesnt want to be a little devilish?
guild is an inherently cool word, not to mention spammed to heck and back in real life, candlemakers, clockmakers, fishers, beggars, you name it
i will accept any whatever guild at this point,m since in real life there were more guilds than grains of sand, some still exist in fact
if someone wants to be a gnome, let them, it costs nothing
holy warriors are cool, crusaders with actual magic powers will never not be in vogue
>Because it's garbage that spawned from WOW
Warcraft lore, just like all the other shit Blizzard has made, was ripped wholesale from Warhammer, which was ripped wholesale from D&D. Elemental creatures in fantasy predate Warcraft by at least a decade, probably longer.
>He doesn't want to play fantasy
We get it, Conan is great, something something OSR something something dark sun
Fucking what? The concept of elemental spirits dates by to before the written word.
This is the three headed monster we must slay to save modern fantasy from pauldroncore.
Look, you may want to get a second opinion since I'm just a homosexual and not an actual proctologist, but based upon my experience with the anus, I suspect you have some sort of foreign object stuck up there, and judging by your leavings, I suspect it's a tree branch.
You may need to see surgery for removal.
>...something something dark sun
Dark Sun still had way too much derivative fantasy bullshit that didn't belong.
Like what ?
Honestly I was just mentioning it because that's what S&Sfags talk about all the time.
Not that it's bad, mind you.
>Like what ?
Elves and Dwarves are still present. Because of course they had to be. ("way too much" is possibly hyperbole, but still. fuck that)
Athasian Halflings are cool, though.
Ironically, almost none of the evil mook races exist on Athas, even though Gobs, Orcs, Trolls, etc. would fit just fine.
Dark Sun is still one of the better settings, though. A shop near me recently had a shelf full of almost all the old DS stuff at original cover prices, and I picked up some, intending to return later, but tit was all gone when I returned. : (
>not having public messages being sponsored by the Altdorf miller's guild, strong bread for the strong men of the empire!
I love my DM.
I found elves to be pretty cool since they're fairly different than usual.
Dwarves are anecdotal honestly.
>doesn't like gnomes
I like kobolds.
>Using the word guild
...what if your setting has guilds? Like actual trade-based guilds, based off of the real life ones. Is there a problem with the word?
Yeah, they made them different, and they could be ok if they only existed as scary, elusive NPC beings instead of including them as a commonplace fan-service. (this goes for every DnD setting, though)
Muls could stay with them being just some kind of mutant human rather than hybrids.
>>[elemental] creature
disagree, can be done acceptably with moderate effort
>>using the word guild
disagree, unless you are talking about NOT-MMORPG guilds, then I agree, trade and crafting guilds are fine.
disagree, but you gotta make them more interesting than lawful stupid guy with a hammer
disagree, can be done good
agree completly
>unless you are talking about NOT-MMORPG guilds
in-universe it isnt out of the question for people to band together to increase their power, and name themeselves a guild because that is the word everyone uses to refer to an organization
The fuck is a kobold?
>in-universe it isnt out of the question for people to band together to increase their power, and name themeselves a guild because that is the word everyone uses to refer to an organization
fair enough, but I feel there are better words to use, like syndicate, union, company, cult, sect, gang, expedition, etc... I feel the word guild has a very economic undertone though that might just be me.
I wish I had the time to play Dark Sun with my friends.
We never seem to have the time
Banal, shit, boring. They have no personality or purpose other than to be a speed bump for adventurers.
Guild was the term used in medieval times, and in TTRPGs is commonly only used in medieval fantasy settings.
>using a concept that existed in the real world
Why don't you try being creative for once?
Nuts to you OP. Elementals are great when they're part of a consistent system of metaphysics.
there probably was a period of time when guild specifically meant trade, but it lost that meaning pretty quickly
people wont really bat an eyelash at anyone using guild loosely
That's deliberately making things unecessarily complex and borderline cumbersome. You don't need to give day and night wholly different names to make your world feel like night and day from reality. It's ok to use words and concepts from the real world, y'know.
>he doesn't set his game in Wyrd World
>[elemental] creature
Elemental creatures are a thing in mythology and magical teachings since middle ages.
Invented by DnD, nothing wrong with them. Half-demonic characters and races have been featured sinve Bronze Age
Back to the question 1.
>using the word guild
Guilds existed since middle ages. What's wrong with you?
Archetype of Paladin dates back to Arthurean cycle or earlier
Dates back to the bronze age or earlier
Date back to pre-Christian European mythology
Invented by DnD, inspired by classical fantasy conflicts Good vs Evil, Chaos vs Order
Read a book. you illiterate faggot.
Guilds are only bad if it's a generic adventuring guild.
A goblin that panders to furries
My homebrew has a family of merchant kobalds that my pcs really love
>I feel the word guild has a very economic undertone though that might just be me.
Guild is a very specific type of economic and social organization that maintains local industry monopoly and regulates competition. It's a very technical term, an institution very integral to the economic structure of medieval Europe. There is nothing wrong with it as long as it's used correctly.
Most fantasy tropes are awful when torn out of context and used inexpertly, that is hardly newsworthy. Sure, 90% of fantasy fiction is garbage. It would be much, much more fucking useful if we talked about the few examples of fantasy fiction doing things wrong than endlessly circlejerk the vast sea of things that have been done wrong.
Pic related: a proof that fantasy can still be done unique and meaningful.
>using the word guild
Why do you hate fun things?
Literally nothing in WOW is original to it.
Why do you people respond to bait threads
>things I don't like, because reasons
How about I do what I want and you deal with the fact that you can't stop me?
IMO it's just clunky and inorganic.
Like, a band of thieves might refer to themselves as "the brotherhood" or "the Marauders" or something, and later when an PC asks "what are the Marauders?" an NPC in the know might respond "they're a thieves Guild". but it's just as likely they'd say "they're a bunch of thieving bastards" etc.
And certainly if the players stumbled out of a pub after a night of merriment and drink to find a half dead NPC lying in the street and asked what vile fiend could have done such a crime the NPC would more likely respond "It was the marauders" than he would "It was members of the local thieves guild"
My personal problem with "Guild" is that people bother to say it at all when their are so many better ways of phrasing. So I guess I just hate the lack of creativity descriptors engender.
>IMO it's just clunky and inorganic.
Dude, can you not read?
A guild is a very SPECIFIC ORGANIZATION. If you have a thief guild, it's because they FUNCTION AS A GUILD: that is, they have a monopoly on their industry or services or whatever job they perform, and they control and dictate the prices. That is the fucking point: they are the gate keepers of their industry, nobody can perform it without their approval, and they can withdraw the approval and revoke your guild membership if you do not follow their rules. It's really that fucking simple. Officially recognized institution that holds monopoly on a particular industry or service category.
If anybody uses it in any other sense, they are just flat out using it wrong. But if the institution works as described, it's pretty much the ONLY appropriate term to use.
Not that poster, but while you're right that there are contexts where the term "thieves' guild" is correctly applied, I'd still rather hear them be called the Marauders or the Mafia or whatever.
I hear the words "thieves' guild" and my brain cringes, whether it's a correct descriptor or not. Stylistically, I think it's bland.
>Why do you people respond to bait threads
All the people who played quests because they were browsing Veeky Forums and bored are still browsing Veeky Forums and bored.
It's just that now that quests are banned, they only have bait threads to get some measure of interactive gratification.
Is that why you're here, Mr. Superior user?
>I'd still rather hear them be called the Marauders or the Mafia or whatever.
If they have a monopoly and are at least semi-officially recognized, then no, "guild" is the correct official term. Though obviously, historically the idea of a thief guild is a bit of an oxymoron, in a world where crime is treated as reality of life rather than something inherently undesirable, or where the criminals have enough power to dissuade the official from disbanding them, it's possible that thief guild could exist.
The point is, if somebody says "I'm a member of the thief guild", he is actually telling you "all thievery in this town is organized and monopolized by one organization with it's own hierarchy, and I happen to be member of that organization".
If he says "I'm a member of a thief band", he tells you merely that there is a group of thieves in the town that happen to stick together. But it tells you nothing about how the rest of the crime world is organized, if there are any other rival thief bands, if there are thiefs working on their own etc...
See the difference in the meaning?
And my point has gone completely over your head.
You don't have one. Your point was "something something I cringe because I don't really understand what the fuck does that word means and therefor I insist people don't use it even if it is appropriate because MUH FEELINGS!"
Nobody gives a fuck. The word has a proper use. Get used to it, or shut the fuck up.
>not making your players memorise an entire conlang dictionary you wrote as well as grammar rules before they're allowed to play your game
You're the sort of scum killing the hobby, normie.
Yeah, I would much rather be enjoying a thread on Veeky Forums where the OP drew a picture and started the thread with a fun premise that could keep me entertained throughout the day with the back-and-forth interaction of the OP and several posters during the course of me browsing the board in my free time.
Unfortunately all the quests are on /qst/ and none of the people who played quests while browsing Veeky Forums (i.e. all the people who played quests) want to bother browsing another board that's almost 100% unrelated to their interests, so quests on Veeky Forums are dead and the only entertainment on Veeky Forums is bait threads like this one.
Aren't Dark Sun Elves borderline unplayable cannibalistic raiders or were those halfings. In any case they aren't really commonplace.
You're thinking of halflings. Athasian elves just run really fast and die before they hit 300 years.
Very excellent point.
What if there was an officially sanctioned guild of thieves, brought together for the purpose of finding and taking down other thieves? They would study things like identifying various hand-made traps, the construction of locks, and such. A side duty they could have is making sure the people have proper locks of the most recent and up-to-date construction. The members being former illegal thieves given a chance to redeem themselves.
It's kinda like fighting fire with fire; though I suppose the main issue would be making sure the thieves stuck to the right path and not regressing to their lawbreaking ways.
A shame things had to be like this. Even the quests that do chug by are mostly fan-fiction. The ability to turn out an original setting seems to have died with the creation of that board.
>What if there was an officially sanctioned guild of thieves, brought together for the purpose of finding and taking down other thieves?
It sounds like they aren't doing much thievery anymore, does it? It would be, I guess, a protection guild. The problem with thieves is: they need to steal, that is how they make their living. If they decided to offer their experiences to protect people against thieves: why not (I mean if you can del with the issue bad reputation they would carry around - infamy was, historically, a really big deal, but fantasy can ignore that). It's just I think calling them thieves seems misleading.
Then again: terminology in general takes strange paths.
>A shame things had to be like this. Even the quests that do chug by are mostly fan-fiction. The ability to turn out an original setting seems to have died with the creation of that board.
It's mostly just a matter of scale. When we had quests on Veeky Forums, a fanfiction quest could easily draw in 100+ players, while most original setting quests were lucky if they could hit 20 players.
Now with /qst/, a fanfiction quest might be able to pull in 20 players, but an OC setting quest usually can't pull in more than 1 or 2 players, which causes the quest to die because it's no fun for the QM and a single player to be exchanging posts, so most OC quests die on the vine and the only ones you see are the fanfic quests.
>”wahhh I don’t understand that other people don’t like using this one word while roleplaying”
>t. autist
They're called the IRS and SEC.
Says the person who throws tantrums and whines because people use the word without consideration for his own special emotional baggage that he randomly associated with the term?
Do you not fucking realize what you just said?
that begs the question, is a thieves guild a guild made up of thieves, or a guild dedicated to thieving?
Does the carpenters guild have to actually build things to continue existing?
Does the Healers guild need educated members so long as the uneducated members are still dedicated to the task of healing?
>Does the carpenters guild have to actually build things to continue existing?
That is up to you. I mean: I like to draw as close to the complexities of real world as I can, and we do have an organization called "The Masonry", which is NOT exactly known for being masons anymore. It is entirely possible that organizations completely evolve and shift yet for whatever reason retain their older name, no longer really reflective of what they do now. Most people tend to avoid doing things like that in their world (just like they avoid intentionally using the same name for multiple completely unrelated phenomena) because it's often confusing the players. I personally fucking revel in that kind of shit though, and my players seem to be used to it.
In the end it's just a matter of transparency and clarity between you and your players.
You sound like a fucking unfun faggot. I don't imagine there are many cool people at your table.
I'm not sure if I've seen a full panda race before that.
No, that was Nazi-mod that killed everything. Wandering creative types died that moment.
Questers like to think they were creating something, but it honestly was just multi-part garbage with no lasting value. It wasn't funny or short enough to have meme usage, it wasn't very inclusive due to the lengths, and the lack of drawfags at that point have reduced the OC potential.
>I like to draw as close to the complexities of real world as I can
so you would never even include a thieves guild
Nazimod had a strong negative effect on the board, but we had a lot of great OC that came out after he caught the moot-boot. Remember that he was only a mod from 2011-2012, and things like Engine Heart came out after that point.
It's much more difficult to point at OC that originated on Veeky Forums after quests were banned.
>so you would never even include a thieves guild
Not really, I haven't even think about it. That said, "drawing as close to the complexities of real world" does not really mean "being realistic". My settings include magical golem-like creatures, giants, and a race of ageless people. I just like to make things complicated and not straight-forward.
>tfw to intelligent to make own quests
I just spent 30 minutes learning about Thou and it's various forms. Thank you.
I make one, but it only gets about 10% of the players that it used to when we had quests on Veeky Forums, so it's less fun for me and the remaining players.
I still do it though, because it's a lot of fun.
According to the mods, this thread is allowed, and archive.4plebs.org
Literally nothing that Blizzard has made is original.
I know Dofus/Wakfu had panda people, but I'm not sure if they came before or after the Warcraft variety.
>Literally nothing that Blizzard has made is original.
Originality does not matter, it's massively overvalued.
That said, nothing that Blizzard has made since Warcraft 3 has any value. That is more appropriate formulation.
entirely underrated post
Inaction is not to be taken as speech.
Wrong, Fuck you, Get Out. WOW gave them fur, in DnD, they are underground dwelling failed dragons. Also its a real folklore monster (pasta below is from wikipedia).
The kobold (occasionally cobold) is a sprite stemming from Germanic mythology and surviving into modern times in German folklore.
Although usually invisible, a kobold can materialize in the form of an animal, fire, a human being, and a candle. The most common depictions of kobolds show them as humanlike figures the size of small children. Kobolds who live in human homes wear the clothing of peasants; those who live in mines are hunched and ugly; and kobolds who live on ships smoke pipes and wear sailor clothing.
Legends tell of three major types of kobolds. Most commonly, the creatures are house spirits of ambivalent nature; while they sometimes perform domestic chores, they play malicious tricks if insulted or neglected. Famous kobolds of this type include King Goldemar, Heinzelmann, and Hödekin. In some regions, kobolds are known by local names, such as the Galgenmännlein of southern Germany and the Heinzelmännchen of Cologne. Another type of kobold haunts underground places, such as mines. A third kind of kobold, the Klabautermann, lives aboard ships and helps sailors.
>It's much more difficult to point at OC that originated on Veeky Forums after quests were banned.
Nah, that’s just your confirmation bias talking. Funny how Veeky Forums only ever has about 1-2, MAYBE 3 blatant shitposting threads at any given time out of the ENTIRE catalog of threads, but questfags hone in on them to use as an example for how bad Veeky Forums has gotten. We won’t even go into detail about how often said shitposting threads are actually made by questfags...
If you’re not actively trying to make Veeky Forums a better place with the OC you claim is lacking, you’re doing nothing to improve the quality. You’re in fact making it a worse place by bitching about something that’s never coming back.
After. Pandaren were a thing even before WCIII was officially released. Pandawa are sexier, though.
I know what the word means, my gripes are entirely aesthetic.
Yeah, and that is precisely what I'm calling you out on. Nobody cares. Your issue is entirely illogical, completely unrelatable, and irrelevant to anyone but you.