Eat a dick /pol/
Eat a dick /pol/
>The usual Alt-Righters like Milo and Sargon are desperately trying to make this into the next Gamergate
>They still think Gamergate was anything but mad nerds acting like autists on twitter
Also the fact that you still take a pedo seriously is rather telling OP. A pedo that even Richard Spencer denounced.
>a destroyed life
That's some funny shit, thanks OP
Conservatives are pretty desperate to talk about anything besides Trump right now, aren't they
Milo's website is covering magicgate: how SJW destroyed poor wittle mtg?
>spamming this shit
You have to go back OP.
fuck off /pol/
Milo is a disgusting piece of shit no matter how you spin it
>pol is one person
>taking it seriously
I don't. But the fact that this is now relatively mainstream makes it worth sharing.
Nobody is trying to change your opinions guys. Calm the fuck down, stop spergging out.
>muh youtube money from Gamergate trash is gone
>muh life is ruined
Great, get a real job now, fatass.
If anyone here wants to discuss with me, I find this very very interesting.
This and Rudy etc.. is an insight into how society in the future will work.
Now social media power is real and private corporations dont have the reach to actually supress them, I think big corps will tank and individuals will rise.
>Gamergate made a hashtag called #NotYourShield
>Milo uses his gayness that he wishes he had a cure for as a shield
It's like pottery
>relatively mainstream makes it worth sharing.
>relatively mainstream
It's not champ. No one is talking about this on twitter except alt-righters. No one cares.
>Nobody is trying to change your opinions guys
Stop lying, faggot
kill yourselves, the fact that you can't even manage to pretend that this about mtg and not your politics is embarrassing.
>stop sperging out guise
>posts multiple threads trying to get Veeky Forums to care about his politics
Someone level headed. Thank you.
Honestly people like Rudy and HQ are breaths of fresh air. Shit is getting stale, and as of now, regressive.
Its only a matter of time before social media was weaponized into a corporate machine.
Like it or not. We need assholes and outsiders to keep balance.
you delusional piece of shit
>no one is trying to change your opinion
sure, that's why you keep spamming these threads
Guess the reddit hate mob didn't count?
>samefagging this hard
>can't even bother to change his writing style
If you guys want to accuse stupid shit, show proof.
Literally my first post today. Glad to see it triggered leftists.
>Its only a matter of time before social media was weaponized into a corporate machine.
Are you living in a third world shit hole by chance or do you have no fucking clue what you're talking about? Social media has been that way for a while now, because people are dumb and simply click agree to whatever these sites want to do with your info. What they want to do is sell it for profit and because of people mindlessly clicking agree they can legally. You can also see this with the recent shit show that was net neutrality.
I'm not him faggots, must be an idiot like me if he writes like me.
What I mean is I'm starting to see individuals actually making a living and having a public image better than the old ivory tower corporations that rely on the workforce of lesser workers and slaves.
OP here
Looks like anything you say is now void.
Great job.
You mean something that happened on an MTG subreddit? How is that "mainsteam" again?
>Haha I'm triggering the libs!
Wanna know how I can tell you're retarded and your mother doesn't love you?
MTG needs to die then it can be resurrected.
I didnt mean the weaponization of social media, quite the contrary.
I'm speaking about the failure of corporations at weaponizing social media, because people consume the content in their free time and relate to individuals (like Rudy) more than corps.
What I'm saying is all these e-celebs are in some ways being way more successful than already established big businesses, that had it nice when there was no internet and communication with the consumer was kept at a minimum but nowadays fail because people see what fucking retards they are.
>Glad to see it triggered leftists.
Oh... Mom jokes
Looks like I'm in over my head.
>Milo "It's okay to defend pedophiles because I'm gay" Yiannopoulos
>Milo "I literally can't stop talking about how much I love black cock" Yiannopoulos
>Milo "You can't pick on me because I'm a gay kike" Yiannopoulos
fuck off /pol/
It wasn't a mom joke you autist
And then the Timmies like you are in the middle, failing to see who is who and pitted against other Timmies like you to keep businesses running.
Wooow, this is some of the most obvious fucking samefagging I've ever seen. Kudos, faglord!
>Eat a dick /pol/
Oh my fucking god. It really is becoming more and more like /pol/ isn't it?
Every single day at least one person is posting more of this shit.
No one gives a shit. This isn't widespread enough to post on pol itself, and tg barely gives two flying fucks shit about a topic that isn't the game itself. Outside the ... seven people that post this. Go to reddit, you honestly will get more traction there.
But gamergate accomplished so much like...uh
>Anita got another million dollars
>some chick gamergate was against got to speak in the UN
>that beta guy they bullied has a million followers on youtube and is racking in 8k+ a month on patreon alone now
I mean, the people they complain about seem to be doing better than ever.
What's the name of the fish?
you aren't even talking about Veeky Forums, fuck off back to your containment board
Hypothetically speaking, could I make a thread on Veeky Forums about a setting and then run a quest in that thread?
I mean, if /pol/ gets to have /pol/ threads on Veeky Forums, we should be able to have quest threads on Veeky Forums too, right?
>incel corner
There's a joke in there somewhere but I can't bring it out.
>yet another instance of the same tactics used by the SJW corporate elites
Except this is mtg related.
>Incel corner
Please tell me that no-one sincerely, unironically refers to themselves as an incel.
wow you have access to a phone and a computer!
/pol/ack who didn't make the thread here. Sargoy of Mossad is definitely not anything you'd consider "alt-right." He's an enlightened centrist.
Seriously, fuck off.
Most sites had to change their codes of conduct. Despite what they wish to proclaim that the as all it was about.
Sure, because he said so. If he said he was a whale, he would be a whale.
>that the as all it was about.
this is some of the most self-victimizing shit I have ever read. Thanks for wasting 5 minutes of my life /pol/
> on all levels except actual he is a centrist
Lol. That's some progressive thinking, mate.
Yeah user, I don't know if you're new or what, but on a world of IP-switching, MS paint, multiple machines etc. nobody really takes those screenshots seriously.
go for it, mods seem to be asleep
Prior to this, I'd only ever seen the term being used to demonize ideological opponents.
what is it with /pol/ and using terms no normal person uses?
it's adopted from pick-up artists
What makes him alt-right? Legit curious
Right. The quest thread would be Veeky Forums-related because it would be about a thing on Veeky Forums.
MTG and D&D are as close as they can to being literal cancers, even without pandering to strong independent wymen. Move on, don't look back, and let the faggots to their faggotry.
I am /b/, /pol/, Veeky Forums, /gif/, /hc/, /h/, /aco/, and a dash of /k/ (and /qst/ when I'm REALLY bored). None of those things truly leave me, and some of those intertwine to create somewhat important threads, like OP's.
So, please, take some time to step from your computer and kindly go fuck yourself.
I miss quests
it'l the the desire to expele and kill people who disagree with him re: free helicopter rides
Hey I made that image
Also (y'all)
Calling out the unethical conduct by journalists in the game industry was the main issue GG itself. The “culture war” going on around it was already going on.
A piss company like WOTC policing social media is not acceptable. Crying foul over /pol/ or not. These complaints will not vanish, y'all better get used to it.
yeah I remember how into vidya Roosh V was
>These complaints will not vanish, y'all better get used to it.
What are they going to do, argue with the EULA? Wizards is absolutely not going to budge from their position of "if you're a creepy bully who ridicules people that attract customers to our product, we're going to drop-kick you from our circle". I thought you faggots were all about the free market. No gay wedding cakes, right? Businesses should be free to make their own decisions about who they deal with. WotC has absolutely nothing to lose by continuing to let alt-nazis shriek impotently at them.
If your shit attracts the alt-right autists you might as well be one.
They're only free market when it benefits them.
>Oh no I said something retarded in a public space and now I'm being punished for it save me Sargon the quarter nigger!
The alt-right likes Sargon because the number of reasonable right-of-the-left commentators is relatively tiny.
>Wizards is absolutely not going to budge from their position of "if you're a creepy bully who ridicules people that attract customers to our product, we're going to drop-kick you from our circle".
They will if sales decline. There's really nothing to gain from this corporate virtue signalling.
> Businesses should be free to make their own decisions about who they deal with
This is a case of a large, international corporation trying to bully local businesses into taking actions that have nothing to do with the product.
>WotC has absolutely nothing to lose by continuing to let alt-nazis shriek impotently at them.
Other than customers.
That's not an exclusively right wing view though.
Accepting that this is part of the free market doesn't mean we have to like it. This is what you lefties will never fucking understand. You think supporting a free market means we have to sit with our hands folded in our laps and never ever say anything negative. And then you use that argument against us as though it's some silver bullet that will make us realize we are all retarded and kill ourselves.
You refuse to understand your opponent's position and this is why you will never win a debate.
no, we won't. none of your complaints are valid, and they are transparent with the intent to rope others into your politics.
Fuck off and leave.
>There's really nothing to gain from this corporate virtue signalling.
There's nothing to gain from keeping around autists who chase off customers.
>This is a case of a large, international corporation trying to bully local businesses into taking actions that have nothing to do with the product.
Wont somebody think of the small businesses! Also I've yet to come across an LGS that doesn't have people regularly saying nigger that also doesn't think Jeremy is a dipshit and I live in the South.
>Other than customers.
>You better not be mean to Neo-Nazis or you're gonna lose customers!
Conservatives by large aren't the ones playing Magic you mong.
>All bantz are the alt-right
No wonder leftists are losing the culture war
>kill people who disagree with him
Oh wait leftists are alt-right too apparently
I thought the AR hated him since he calls them all alt-SJW cucks
Conservatives have and never will be a valid market as they tend to not spend their money on frivolous shit you gargantuan retard.
>muh 50% of the population
Their both fags.
The alt-center!
>virtue signalling
I will ask this again, why the hell does /pol/ use terms no normal person ever uses?
And thinking that this will affect sales is dumb, no normal player or normal small business will ever break these rules and nothing will change.
I'm going to sound really ignorant here, but what makes a /pol/ thread a /pol/ thread?
why does /pol/ always choose the assholes and pieces of shit to be their spokespeople?
Jeremy is an asshole, regardless of his actions. I would kick him out of my playgroup without a second thought.
Because it makes them "real"
Also because nerds have been bullied for so long they defend bullies if it means people they perceive as their former bullies are now getting bullied. Like so many of these retards look at someone like that lady and think "She must have been one of those prep girls who wouldn't talk to me in high school" with zero evidence or proof. Like those kinds of people exist but just because some people aren't social rejects or fat landwhales doesn't mean they didn't like this shit for years.
Depends how you're determining left and right. One can be leftist in one respect right wing in another. That said people who are "liberal" in the context of social issues by definition do not want to kill people for having an opposing view point
The alt-right isn't really a discrete ideology, just a collection of non-establishment right-of-modern-left groups. Sargon is arguably part of the alt-right, but the more extreme elements of the alt-right consider him to be the enemy as well.
>"conservatives" don't buy MTG cards
>yet these rules were needed for some reason
Think before you post. The kind of people that elected Trump didn't just appear out of thin air and then disappear the moment he was elected. They're still here, buying shit. The kind of disaffected young males that support Trump or ascribe to alt-right ideologies have a significant overlap with the kind of young males that make up the majority of the MtG playerbase.
>Think before you post. The kind of people that elected Trump didn't just appear out of thin air and then disappear the moment he was elected. They're still here, buying shit. The kind of disaffected young males that support Trump or ascribe to alt-right ideologies have a significant overlap with the kind of young males that make up the majority of the MtG playerbase.
Neo-Nazi LARPers aren't true conservatives retard. One of them went to a rally for saving a confederate monument and got fucking strangled by an actual conservative who doesn't have time for children's card games. They're reactionaries and nothing more.
>just a collection of non-establishment right-of-modern-left groups
You mean people that even the established right finds distasteful, which is a bit of an achievement.
>. That said people who are "liberal" in the context of social issues by definition do not want to kill people for having an opposing view point
And yet word-games mean that that groups like antifa are considered "liberal."
Assholes/pieces of shit have larger audiences and attract more attention. They make for a more polarizing story. Fuck Jeremy, it's Woo and Lansdell that people should be up in arms about.
>no proof or evidence the post
I like how none of you idiots have any proof to back up your claims of how big you think you are when it comes to the playerbase.
fuck these gay as threads and the faggot(s) who keep spamming them, this is now a fantasy art dump thread
I said nothing about political ideology. Any normal person won't break the EULA, because they aren't assholes.
But since you are making, I really doubt that alt-righters play mtg, there is a lot of other more alt-right fantasy stuff that they would be playing. You pretending that you somehow are a majority is fucking ridiculous.