Is it possible to get out if you fall into that hole?
Is it possible to get out if you fall into that hole?
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According to the EU, yes. Boba escaped and burned it out with Slave-1's engines.
Who knows what the nu-Canon has to say about it. We don't know anything anymore.
>Boba escaped and burned it out with Slave-1's engines.
Note that he came back in order to do that, specifically for revenge on the thing that tortured him for so long and destroyed his armour.
>According to the EU, yes
So "no," basically?
>According to the EU
Didn't Boba Fett fall in THREE TIMES according to the EU?
The EU is better than anything Disney has shit out after they got their hands on Star Wars. I don't give a fuck about the new canon.
Zorba the Hutt did, although it's more like the sarlaac found him indigestible and barfed him out.
Yeah, it's a hole. Just climb out.
EU made Boba into a Vore fetishist?
This is my feeling about it.
Best part of Star Wars is the EU on both sides of the Battle of Yavin.
Only twice I think.
Disney’s jew-canon has confirmed it, too.
It doesn't exist in nu-Canon to not trigger feminists with the sci-fi representation of their vaginas.
I don't know about the rest of the EU, since it has some shit quality.
But the best part of Star Wars is clearly KotOR 1 and 2.
haha upvote
How is exactly the full thing? Is there a concept drawing of the whole?
>How is exactly the full thing? Is there a concept drawing of the whole?
Did you try googling this question before posting it here?
Not really.
Having been surprised by the unexpected popularity of Boba Fett, George Lucas himself approved this change. He come to regret killing him. He got close to filming Boba Feet escaping or having escaped in the special edition of Return of the Jedi. Similarly, Aurra Sing (the assassin that appears shooting at the Pods in the Phantom Menace) was going to be the pawn that Jango would sacrifice. However, seeing her popularity, he switched the character with the shapeshifter one.
Nostalgia goggles.The EU is full of shit. It is better to salvage the best bits and get rid of all the rest.
Oh so it's just a giant ginger plant.
>still-sentient cocooned victims become part of the Sarlec's collective intelligence
>parasitic male remains attached to the female for life
Oh lordie.
It's inspired by angler fish.
What if Sarlacc ate a powerful Force-sensitive who knew the Force Ghost trick? Would they be able to maintain their individuality and take control of the Sarlacc collective intelligence, perhaps granting full self-awareness back to other victims and having them inhabit Sarlacc's dreamscape? Since Sarlacc is a living creature and presumably capable of breeding, you could set up an order of Force-sensitive Sarlacc hiveminds seeking to assimilate the entire galaxy.
"We are the Sardi. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile."