What do you think about media coverage of MTG?
Mainstream Media Company Does Story on MTG
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>inb4 /pol/ boogeyman poster
The shills are too busy on damage control at reddit right now.
Tried to ruin. Got the guy who painted Atog claiming he invented the game and trying to exile anyone who didn't vote for Hillary
Jesus, Breitbart is even getting involved in this shit? God dammit, /pol/, just leave it alone, you're not helping anything with this behavior.
What's next CNN? Come on OP, get this shit out of here.
It's about a major tg
Nothing of this would have happened if the whole Unsleeved vs Sprangle shitshow had been taken as the average cyber bulliying from a troll case instead of being blown up as if it was a fucking holocaust.
/pol/ is a nest of reactionary contrarians, they are insincere with their politics and change flags for whatever gives them the biggest chance to whine at the drop of a hat. The only way to keep them /out/ is not to give them a "cause" to "fight" for by not espousing radical politics yourself.
>mainstream media
>inb4 /pol/
Decide for yourself who's the ones killing this game.
>It's about a major tg
Yeah right, obviously it was posted here to politely discuss MtG, not to stir shit. That is absolutely not a pretext for OP to start a sterile discussion about modern politics.
Is there a way I can help punish Wizards of the Coast for this, besides not buying the already-piddling amount of cards I buy? After BfZ being such a disappointment, and realizing just how boring the game felt now, I kinda dropped off playing or buying cards.
Not to mention they fuck over my FLGS by selling them D&D PHBs so that they have to sell them for 50 bucks, while amazon sells them for 30 to...what? fuck over the small stores? I'm not buying any Wizards of the Coast D&D products. I shamelessly pirate them and print out the pages I want to use in my adventures (mostly monster stats).
Remember when Veeky Forums made fun original content that lots of people enjoyed, instead of posting screencaps from Facebook and Twitter just to get people upset about social politics?
>Is there a way I can help punish Wizards of the Coast for this, besides not buying the already-piddling amount of cards I buy?
Have you tried posting the word "cuck" repeatedly on Veeky Forums? That might work.
Meh, without quest threads on this board, low-test bait threads are the next-best substitute to interactive content on Veeky Forums.
Yes, I too remember when people who actually play MtG posted on this board in threads other than generals.
> breitbart
Wtf I love mtg now
gr8 b8, i'd r8 8/8, but people take the b8 too easily nowadays
>The only way to keep them /out/ is not to give them a "cause" to "fight" for by not espousing radical politics yourself.
the problem with /pol/tards is that any politics that arnt theirs, is the enemy. they are alot like SJW's in that they have to center their entire identities around their politics.
Any ideology forced on people by infecting what used to be neutral entertainment. Maybe if they didn't politicize fucking card games with their sjw shit.
> And you exploit their addiction mercilessly with regular releases of new card sets, sold in packages costing around $100, which they can’t afford not to buy and trade because it will limit their gameplay
Literally stopped reading right there as it's pretty clear this fuck has no idea what he's talking about and is just trying to promote his political agenda.
It doesn't matter what your political association is whatsoever. Keep politics out of Magic. Left, Right, Center; leave it all at the door and let us play the game in peace.
at least use a proper source like infowars or dailymail
It's almost like these people pushing their political agenda on a nerdy hobby don't actually consume or take part in said hobby, they just use it as a soap box from which to promote their ridiculous, divisive identity politics.
Where have I heard that before..?
Breaking news, Print Run Numbers leaked
>Mod deletes the post stating that this is a troll thread
Remember, our mod isn't a /pol/tard and the reason why CYOAs are still allowed on Veeky Forums while other non-quest game threads were forced onto /qst/ has nothing to do with him being a TowerGirls fan.
I didn't get this part of the article. Am I supposed to sympathize with a guy who gets banned for doing things like making "memes" out of publicly labeling other players as pedophiles?
That shit would get you banned in nearly every community. Its not like WOTC hasn't banned people for less, see the butt crack guy.
>not rivals
the fact is, anything slightly right of marx is a "poltard". to everyone in this thread who loves this game, this is your chance to take a stand against this type of censorship bullshit. if your already an sjw this doesnt apply to you, but if your passively sitting by doing nothing, then when your time comes and you dont fully conform to their insane standards of speech and thought, then you deserve this and fuck you because i love this game too.
Whoa, what an objetive piece of journalism.
Can someone bring up the bingo pls? It was posted a few threads ago.
It's because he is an adherent of a certain sort of politics, causing other adherents of that certain sort of politics to crawl out of the woodwork to support him.
>post pepes
>get banned from MTG by wizards
You have to be insane to think WotC is justified in doing that.
And anyone left of Reagan is a soyboy. Don't pretend you don't do the same shit.
Maybe if you inbreds came across as rational human beings instead of edgy teenagers that discovered you can blame anything you don't like on 'sjw's, people would take you seriously.
>fishing for clicks this desperately
And I thought calling out shills was one of your favorite pass-times?
Preaching to the choir here, mate. I didn't take sides in that whole kerfluffle and wanted it to go away as rapidly as possible. Fucking thing is retarded all around. Why can't we just play the game and forget all the partisan politics shit?
Apparently banning people for telling others to kill themselves is now Marxism.
I might ve missing something obvious, what do you mean?
I dont know if this will translate well in english, not only as a language barrier but as a law system; There's a big difference between Freedom (of speach in this case) and Debauchery. You can say whatever you want, but words (and specially in social media) have consequences. To put it in a very extreme case: "I want to kill X person in the goverment!!" It's not like you're really going to do it, but ir forbiden for a reason.
Anyways, you americans are really fucked up to the core.
does anyone have that comic of the Skaven going "why do anything nice for anyone?
morality is a weakness!" and then backstabbing each other?
It's not like they're a private company or anything... Wait.
my local store is about to close down because of all these mtg problems. Counterfeits, shitty card quality, and awful standard are killing the game.
Time to sell out and cancel standard orders
>/pol/ is one person
anyone who acts like they're from /pol/ is for the most part similar, the only difference is whether or not they love trump enough to believe the jews aren't the problem
No the fact that only some specific groups get banned for telling people to kill themselves is.
But these are the same people who would scream "discrimination!" and sue if it were the other way around.
True true.
Also jacking all of your digital content just cuz is pretty jokes. Left is pretty malicious, doubt we will see any band on that side.
Really it boils down to that. WOTC can have rules and ban people for it. But if you are going to do so along political lines, fuck off.
Also they are ditching Duel Decks... fuck em
Pepe is the swastika of memes. Originally a global symbol of good fortune, now inextricably linked to a single rightist movement.
>Also they are ditching Duel Decks... fuck em
>implying anyone bought duel decks
"Legal" and "justified" are mostly unrelated concepts. They can legally do whatever they want. They could ban anyone wearing the color green if they wanted, or every 18th person to walk through the door. That's not in question. Banning individuals instead of classes of people just makes them look arbitrary. That one guy with a criminal history got banned after someone started a twitter witchhunt, but no one else with a criminal history got banned, so it's arbitrary and bad and looks like they banned him for being attacked on twitter.
>create content that is nothing but critical of a company's product and that advocates that others consume less of it
>declare that other individuals that make content that supports that company's product are child molesters and advocates of political violence
>insinuate that a woman that dresses in fashion that gives the company a great deal of publicity is nothing but a whore stealing money from horny manchildren
>create misleading, click-baiting thumbnails that imply that an important public figurehead of that company is a serial abuser
>be shocked when you're banned for life from consuming that company's products
Let's face it, guy did a lot more than post pepes.
>>implying anyone bought duel decks
I did...
>my local store is about to close down because of all these mtg problems.
please, its closing down because its being run by some nerds who are terrible businessmen. two shops have being doing well in my town for nearly two decades. in that time I have seen other shops come and gone, they were always poorly run or they simply made bad business decisions.
I don't have that one, but I have the original.
But isn't cancelling a line of product only to make a suspiciously similar one pretty much a constant for WotC at this point?
>Create a "new" line of supplemental product
>At one point they end up putting in some good cards in one of them (ie. Ancestral Vision in Jace VS Chandra or Collected Company in Origins Clash Pack)
>Stores ended up just opened most if not all of them and sell the singles because of arbitrage, which resulted in players having difficulty in acquiring the sealed products
>Subsequent products onwards becomes shit and no one buys them
>WotC goes "we'll cancel the product because it sold poorly" only to sell a new line of somewhat similar product in a few months
>Rinse and repeat
>Yes, I too remember when people who actually play MtG posted on this board in threads other than generals.
Heck, I once ran a Call of Cthulhu game on Veeky Forums. With individual player characters and everything.
I also played a D&D game here once.
Yes, that is why I hate it. DD is a damn fun format. Competitive? fuck no. Enjoy able if you want to fuck around, fuck ya.
I dropped out of the set cycle long ago but still enjoyed the DD format. However I am holding my breath for the Challenger deck. could be epic, could be sick. Just needs form good art, flavor, and focused decks.
"Incels... Are not wanted"
I mean that's true but it's weird to say that a HKV is in the same category as 1488 Stormfront guys.
>Can someone bring up the bingo pls? It was posted a few threads ago.
I only have one that's been marked.
>Pepe is the swastika of memes. Originally a global symbol of good fortune, now inextricably linked to a single rightist movement.
Reagan was a soyboy.
>he thinks Reagan or any other president is far right
What in the world is wrong with that spellcheck?
What does HKV mean? Google just gives me villages in Asia.
Probably because of the lack of punctuation.
>No square reserved for people shilling Chinamen Proxies
Couldn't we combine the two "how dare they put in things I don't like!" squares into "X in muh Y"?
I get your point, the things is WotC cant act motu proprio. Having someone with criminal records playing your game is bad press but they cant make background check on every person.
I didn't make the card, but if you give me a list of changes you would like me to make, I can redo it.
Picture related because I made it for Veeky Forums a few weeks ago per request.
Handless(never has hold hands) Kissless Virgin
Oh, I didn't realize they'd added an "H" to it. Thanks user!
They let another guy with a public criminal record play. There is precisely one reason he is not in jail right now for peddling literally tons of PCP and that's because the key witness in his drug dealing case died of a PCP overdose.
Selling drugs is way more likely to happen at a big public convention than drunkenly date raping a girl in a dorm, but the guy who date raped someone 10+ years prior and served time for it got banned and the guy who sold literally thousands of pounds of drugs and walked is allowed to roam free at all events.
Most of them are fine. I would add the chinaman proxy meme and the spellcheck thing.
Sorry I didn't know about that, was there a big fuz about it?
shocking, you mean to say the court of public opinion means more to a corporate juggernaut than not being hypocritical? what next?! ITS MADNESS I SAY!!!!
>it's okay to be hypocritical as long as people like you and its in your best interest to be liked
that's just being a corporate bootlicker man
>literally thousands of pounds of drugs
And quest threads were 90% of the board
t. could totally have a girlfriend and rule the world if somebody would let him
No, but it is public and was brought up repeatedly after the guy got banned.
It's clear that they banned him because of the Twitter attacks, not because of any supposed danger.
And that doesn't inspire confidence. All it takes is a well known Twitter celeb or two to direct their followers to be angry at you and down you go. Even this most recent guy didn't get banned until months after the events, when it blew up on Twitter. Twitter outrage is the only reliable criteria for who wizards will ban.
It's all there in public court documents. His partner overdosed and posthumously took all the blame.
You value people based on whether a woman raised in this broken society finds them attractive? Gross.
You're better than that. And the other user is right. Hypocrisy is bad.
Don't blame Wizards for your shitty store's shitty business practices causing it to implode.
Ah yes, the immaculate defense for a modern age.
fuck off agent /pol/ek
I'm glad someone on this board fucking gets it. The whole 'he just posted frog pics' response is so disingenuous.
My county has 4 stores that run >2 events per week. Each Friday I can choose from draft, standard, modern, or legacy. MTG is doing pretty well.
>linking an unethical and politically motivated journalist site on par with Salon
Also who keeps bumping this thread?
The GPs he went to had to hire more security because everyone knew that he was prone to starting shit
The political bullshit is the reason I quit that game. It seems like no other tabletop game I play has the same issues with this kind of drama.
He was trying to prove a point that accusations via Twitter polls isn't accurate.
>trying to prove a point
>using someone he didn't like
brietbart is a tryhard fringe media source, and is trying hard to follow in the footsteps of Goebbels as the media arm of the fourth reich.
these fuckboys are just /pol/ with money.
Yea I read it myself, glad to see that WOTC is finally getting some backlash.
The next set is bound to be shit, waiting to see how badly it sells because of all of this.
>Implying wanting roughly equivalent treatment instead if doublestandards is a bad thing
What about ism is bad argumentation, but it usually does have a point and dies activate my almonds more than mocking, like you just did
I think his fans are just actually that fucking stupid. For Chist's sake he's trying to file a lawsuit against Wizards saying they don't have the right to delete his MTGO account and doing so is somehow theft. It's like the mother fucker and the people who like him have literally never read anything regarding ToS or User License Agreements in their life. I'm pretty sure if he claimed tomorrow that somebody in WotC raped him they'd beleive it. The whole /pol/ vs SJW argument itself is basically both sides screaming at each other for making shit up and pushing their political agenda where it doesn't belong. All I can hope for is that all these bitchy breitbart fags actually DO leave the game forever so i can start enjoying magic again.
/pol/ with money is a very dangerous thing.
Why don't you redditfags ever stay on reddit?