How does Veeky Forums feel about gimmicky bardic musical weapons?

How does Veeky Forums feel about gimmicky bardic musical weapons?

First you have to ask me how I feel about Bards.

Can't speak for everyone on Veeky Forums, but I love them.

Provided the player isn't a disruptive asshat, which people who go full gimmicky with any class (but especially the Charisma types) tend to.

(I make the complaint with Bard being my favorite class and Charisma types being my favorite to play.)

I once told a goth chick to fuck off because she wanted to use a cast iron cowbell as both an instrument and a club for her minotaur bard. Truth is, like , I usually love that kind of shit, but just didn't like the girl in question; plus, she played her character like a literal retard because he had a low Intelligence score, so she was already on thin ice with me.

It needs to go max stupid for it to be cool.

refuge in audacity and all that

Depends on setting

Go completely over the top with it, as in pic related, and I'm 100% on board.

I'm pretty sure the flamethrower was entirely decorative. Any combat abilities was a bonus.

I think they are alright but they should require a special feat to be used and they should have disadvantages against full instruments unless they are of much higher quality

>she played her character like a literal retard because he had a low Intelligence score

How low?, anything below 8 INT is justified in acting retarded

forgot to quote

A bow is literally a one string harp

>How low?

It was 9. And I don't mean acting retarded; I mean certifiably retarded. If the character had brain trauma, that would be one thing, but her excuse was just that his Intelligence was relatively low, like I said. Never mind the fact that I would have never green-lighted an actually retarded character in the first place.

no, a bow needs to flex. String instruments need the frame to be rigid.

I played one once with a scimiguitar

gimmicky how? because I have no problem with a hammer dulcimer that casts thunderwave with every strike of the cords.

Draw me a scimiguitar right now.

On a more related to the topic note, why do people think that shit like a cowbell is an acceptable bardic instrument anyway?

Personally I wouldnt let a bard use anything less complex than a kazoo

How do you feel about bards?

>String instruments need the frame to be rigid.
Oh look at mister fancy-pants over here, flaunting his heaps of gold around. Not everyone can afford rigid frames you know.
I guess I'll take my jello cello AND my business elsewhere.

Is a flutesword viable?

Sorry, I was on a bus

Something along these lines, it was canivalized magitek

That's certainly true. Whenever I play a bard, their instruments are always an important consideration and aspect of their character.

One of my favourites was a gestalt bard / warlock that worshiped a moon god of Greed, Truth, and Night. His warlock powers came from a powerful and ginormous exach of his deity: a silver, whale-like creature that swam through the Astral plane and ate comets. His primary instrument was an aquaphone / water harp. Made for a very spooky and eerie image whenever he started playing it in the middle of battle.

No him, but I somehow imagined it would have the strings aligned along a slightly elongated hilt, set within a beveled groove. You'd have to wear gloves to wield it properly, but they could also double as the pick.

This thing was born from some drawthread and I thought it was kind of cool.

As a violinist, that picture made me cringe into a singularity. That's not how the fucking instrument works, at all.


Yeah, don’t people get mad at you for posting that picture all the time?

>space whales with background aquaphone


Thats my biggest irrational phobia

Better if they evoke the feeling of one while still remaining a plausible weapon.

They can be done well and done stupidly.

The Final Fantasy XIV Artemis Bow is rather well done in my opinion.

The Doof Warrior is completely blind, so his guitar-flamethrower allows him to aim a weapon *in the general direction* of a threat and attack it effectively.

So no, it's not purely decorative.

I fucking hate bards.