What are the coolest superpowers that aren’t just magic/genes bullcrap?

what are the coolest superpowers that aren’t just magic/genes bullcrap?

what superpowers do you think don’t get much love?

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I don’t think the force gets enough love.


To be fair in the movies it hasn't gotten a decent treatment since the original trilogy.

Kinetic energy absorption and redirection is severally underrated.




How retarded eldritch space whales do science.


I've always been fond of the idea that messing around with time travel can get you unhinged from normal causality in a way that can be like superpowers. Being a living paradox is fun.


Biomass assimilation via beard tendrils

Super strength
Super toughness
Super reflexes
Super senses

Well, you have the Ripple already there, so bam
That too

I mean, most monk type things are cool, since its just honing your bodies natural abilities to a fine point. No magic or jeans. So yeah still Hamon

The ability to move bones.

One Piece is pretty good with bizarre powers turned up to 11

Seconding this, Tattletale is best

Hunter x Hunter does shonen magic skill bullshit martial arts better though. Nen system is more interesting and gives author freedom to do basically anything in good taste.

Haki's always been iffy but I'm consistently impressed by what he comes up with for the devil fruits

Doing this shit

Especially if quickening isn't restricted to just highlanders, and anybody can get in on this business.

One of my private nerd fantasies is a broken killbot killing a highlander, quickening, and becoming a city-wide threat.

To name a few:

Quantum Field Manipulation
Superhuman Strength
Matter Absorption
Dark Matter Generation
Dark Matter Manipulation
Also if his armour skin ever gets pierced MF runs the risk of detonating an amount of volatile energy comparable to a nuclear weapon.

Also this fucker is brutal as shit, see what he did to Kyle Rayners girl back in 94'

man...i really miss highlander. Loved the shit so much until they decided to ruin the story at the end. sadly there's no way to do it well as a tabletop game.


He said that ISN'T just genes

What's hard about killing things and getting experience?

Killing higher level things gets you more experience.

I'm a big fan of subtle or informational powers, or one's that work in a very specific way

>[REC.] - This power allows to playback sounds that occurred in the area where you stand, as if they were recorded on tape

>[TRUTH OR DARE] - When you present a person with a question and a plausible challenge they are forced to either answer the question truthfully or perform the challenge. Challenge can't be explicitly harmful.

this kind of stuff. My dream game to do is where players are detectives with powers like these who try to catch a serial killer with a specifically tricky super power himself

Stands are always the coolest

I thought the Thu’um from skyrim was pretty cool.

I agree.
It's pretty cool telling time to stop,and having it obey.

Honestly, stands seem stupid to me. 'your spirit animal is a guy in a stupid costume, and has a power' is pretty distinct from having the power yourself.

And then posted Ripple/Hamon energy, which can be passed down the family line. Same deal with Stands.

Faggot OP can't even follow his own rules.

Can be does not mean that's all there is to it. Very few people in JJBA have their abilities via inheritance.

Ripple is a breathing technique, and stands are a virus.

And yet Joseph got access to both just by being born to a renowned Ripple user and the son of another renowned Ripple user. He had to train to hone it, but he had massive untapped potential that he used instinctively just thanks to his lineage.

I really like the Flash Step. Moving faster then the eye can follow and then just one-shotting someone never gets old.

Except Jorge wasn’t born with ripple.

And neither was Jolyne born with a stand.

it's not a spirit animal, it's basically your astral projection. You still have the power itself, it just comes out of your astral projection instead of your physical body.

Although honestly my favorite powerset from Jojo is the Vampire abilities, granting complete control over every process in your body is weird and had some really weird effects. Regenerate from almost any damage sure. You can fire vitreous fluid out your eyes by increasing pressure like a bullet, tearing your eyes apart in the process, and then just regenerate. You can reverse your blood pressure until your limbs become intensely endothermic and can freeze things by touch. You can plant a small tumor from your skin into people to control them like cordyceps fungi, even if they've been dead for centuries. You can somehow make cats with dude-heads for some reason? Like there isn't even a reason why.

Even without SUTANDO POWAA Dio was pretty OP.

pheromone induced mind control

Nah, Hunter X Hunter fails in that it takes itself far too seriously. That and a creepy homesexual pedophile clown that has an overt sexual attraction to some prebusecent boy
but maybe you enjoy that kind of thing

>You can somehow make cats with dude-heads for some reason?
Probably due to fucking with your regeneration to make parts of your body 'regenerate' into a brand new body, probably optimized for combat or whatever.

Ultimate life-form Kars has probably what I would pick to be my superpower.

Turning bits of yourself into animals is cool and super ripple would be awesome.

Especially if you got hermit purple, which gets stronger with your ripple.

My nigga

>Haki's always been iffy but I'm consistently impressed by what he comes up with for the devil fruits
I like it better when they stick to the theme of "a devil fruit gives you a weird altered body which can function as a superpower", rather than devil fruits giving you any random power like shooting time-stop beams or turning people into dolls.

But yeah, even when they stick to the theme of "I ate the X fruit and it turned me into an X-man" it's really impressive what sort of things he can come up with. Living shadows that can manipulate other shadows, strings that can control people like puppets, a human castle who can shrink people to fit inside himself, a giant living voodoo doll...

Impossible biological matter from nowhere

Terrifying death arms.

Wow is this some sort of God-Hand trope?

Unironically no shit THIS. Don't believe me? Imagine the things you could do if you had 50 or 100 billion dollars. What would your life be like? Money is the only real-life super power.

In the eternal maxim of Unknown Armies, Don't Fuck With a Merchant.

Money is a pretty bullshit superpower.

I don’t think so.

The girl is Lucy from elfin lied. She has invisible Psionic arms (called vectors) with a 5 meters. For example she killed a dude with a dropped pen.

Don’t know the other guy.

Same with gurps.

>You have a net worth of 300 quadrillion dollars? Imagine what you could do with that money? You could solve world hunger!
>But I don't want to solve world hunger! I want to create an army of genetically engineerd kung-fu catgirls!

>>But I don't want to solve world hunger! I want to create an army of genetically engineerd kung-fu catgirls!
And this, class, is why taxation exists.

You mean armed robbery

Hisoka is pretty based

Supernatural martial arts.

Just reaching that point of mastery that you start to do things that shouldn't be humanly possible.

Recreational McNukes™ for self-defense purposes only to the rescue!

Money is the "power" of useless, uncreative bitches. It's just saying "Even my power fantasy involves me being utterly dependent on other people's skill and labor."

It's not robbery, it's a protection racket.

my elves have this to a certain point, they can appease others or even poison them for the most proficient
and also deduce a shitload of info from sniffing someone

Being forced to pay for stuff you don’t want to under threat of violence sure sounds like robbery to me.

Hunter x Hunter just had the fucking audacity to formalize the author's laziness in coming up with powers by unifying them into a system that not only gave concrete reasons why people came up with over-the-top special moves or why everyone knew super kung fu, but explains the dumb shit in-universe, like "I have to explain my evil plan and the weaknesses of my power in to everyone involved in order for it to work".

It was fun to see it done once, but it's way too meta to not get old if everyone did it

The greatest superpower is compassion.

Boo hoo poor people are going to be fed wahhh wahh I’m the victim here.

Man /pol/ sure does cry a lot.

Just take out your wallet and hand them some money.

Or donate it to a charity. It’s not like there are millions of them.
And it’s not robbery.

Not even a lolbertarian here, but whatever system of politics you follow you must acknowledge that taxation is backed up by force. This means the question that should always be asked in terms of taxation and state expenses is "is this the affair of the state?". In other words "can only the state do this?". For shit like roads, the military and the police force the answer is obvious to non-lolbertarians. Things like healthcare and education things become a bit more of a grey area. An arbitrary redivision of wealth because somehow the poor are entitled to the wealth of the rich? That's the state clearly transgressing its boundaries. The problem is that this idea, though wrong and going against the fundamentals of a liberal (in the Yuropoor sense, not Murilard sense) society, is popular. Especially among the weaker segments of society (the poor in general, but also women and minorities), the idea of getting free stuff makes them exctatic. They don't care about the many problems with this, namely:
>You can't increase wealth by splitting wealth
>You eventually run out of other people's money
>If the rich feel things are getting too hot under their feet, they're the first ones to depart to tax havens
>An overly heavyhanded taxation system can undermine economic growth and dynamism, which in the end only creates an even larger dependent class
>This entire affair is politicians using the money of the masses to buy the votes of the masses
And they especially don't care about the biggest problem: the great expansion of state power, which will sooner or later be used for other means (perhaps means these masses themselves don't like). Though even then, a LIMITED degree of welfare can help increase purchasing power. But then we're talking about the objective merits of a limited welfare state, not the emotional fuzzywuzzies a borderline socialist worker's paradise gives us.

It's really a question of whether welfare is cheaper than the increase of crime.

Pressure Points.

There's a lot of ways you can put this to use - numbing the sensation of pain, kickstarting biological processes so wounds can heal faster, inflicting insane amounts of damage by hitting structural weakpoints in the human body. Honestly, there's not much you can't figure out with a bit of creative with them.

Now the Jesusbeams and shiet we can live without.

>Tattletale is best
She knows.

>Don’t know the other guy
That's Tetsuo from Akira. You should go watch Akira. Now.

In the long term no welfare will make a productive country in which even the poor can feed and house themselves.

Plus charities. As well as the fact that without high taxation everyone’s spending power will increase.

In an ancap paradise no taxes and private currency (look at how well bitcoin is doing) as well as higher employment (more small businesses, and no true monopolies) will really weed out the poor.

Plus guns + NAP = far less crime.

You mean warlord third world countries?

Of course not.

Those weren’t established with the intent of being ancap, and the NAP (+ natural law) are not the laws of the land.

of course they're laws of the land, user.
As much as they would be in any other ancap nation.

If they were the warlords wouldn’t exist.

Those guys break the NAP all the time.

So, exactly as it would happen in any ancap nation, yes.

Midi-chlorians are just force-sensitive bacteria, they're not the source of the force (anymore than all other living matter anyway) Their presence can merely indicate a persons connection to the force and even then it's not completely reliable.

The EU isn't canon anymore m8.


The broest of all the conventions.

I always thought that stands were just a way to personify psychic powers and make them more visually interesting. Jotaro's ability is basically just a high-powered, close-range telekinesis. Rather than have Jotaro and Dio clutch at their heads trying to out mind-blast each other, you get to see a rockstar and a diver throw punches around.

some of the most succesful nations in the world use a fairly expansive welfare system

redistribution of wealth, within reason, has a water-ripple like positive effect on society.

>Muh OT
You mean the one where it doesn't do shit half time, can barely pull an X-Wing out of the swamp, and at its peak, is just some lightning bolts from your fingies?

that is still the canon answer, even in nu-canon. Though i think they're also the source of force-intuition or something like that now?

The were never the source of the force as a whole though.

Correlation is not causation.

Those nations were probably resource rich to begin with.

>I always thought that stands were just a way to personify psychic powers and make them more visually interesting.

That's pretty much it. Araki wanted a way to use psychic powers in the manga while still having something that was visually interesting to draw. The stands of the Stardust Crusaders were largely stereotypical psychic powers personified.
>Star Platinum was short range telekinesis, like you said
>Hierophant Green was psychic possession and supernatural senses with a ranged psychic attack thrown in
>Magician's Red was pyrokinesis
>Hermit Purple was fortune telling and farseeing

I loved that part, just Gin watching as the two of them piss off on an, I can edge better than you contest was fucking hilarious.

That and the ability to shoot beams from your third eye.

Just say superman nigga

This always bothers me. You have to have pheromone receptors for pheromone control to work, and half the time you see it used, there’s no reason to imagine that those receptors are there. And if you really needed immunity to pheromone control (and really, is there any good reason to keep it around?), you could just get your vomeronasal organ removed, or, in the extreme case, burn your nasal passages.

Free-market advocacy had a dual task: show that welfare states would fail, and show that laissez-faire policy would produce prosperity. The argument for the former was, loosely, that a welfare state’s power would eventually reach totalitarian proportions. The argument for the former was that unregulated markets were efficient and efficient markets maximized economic growth, which in turn produced broadly shared prosperity.

Neither one of these things turned out to be true. Laissez-faire policy produced high inequality, wage stagnation, and heavily consolidated, virtually oligopolistic markets. The proceeds from economic growth have gone to the rich, and there is no indication that this state of affairs will change. Meanwhile, other welfare states have not only failed to become totalitarian states, but have managed to mitigate these problems. It is difficult to point to non-policy factors as determinants of these outcomes because the USA lies somewhere to the right of nearly every wealthy nation there is. The totalitarian argument has also failed: it’s the conservative USA that retained capital punishment, reintroduced torture and indefinite detention, and embraced mass incarceration.

So the free-market position is in a bit of a pickle right now.

Goddamnit, my usual editing process just doesn’t work on a phone.

>You mean the one where it doesn't do shit half time, can barely pull an X-Wing out of the swamp, and at its peak, is just some lightning bolts from your fingies?
Yes. The Force is great when it's subtle, because it being subtle and far-reaching is kind of the main concept. The real power of the Force isn't throwing around giant pillars or vampiric soul-draining, it's being in tune with the ebb and flow of the galaxy, understanding what's going on and how to give it a little push to get what you want.

Force Lightning was great when it served as the ultimate expression of the Dark Side of the Force. Emperor Palpatine is so powerful and evil that he doesn't even need to use a lightsaber to fight like other Jedi or Sith; he can corrupt the Force itself into his weapon. It loses its impact when every Sith is wielding a lightsaber in one hand and a electric blaster in the other; the exception to the rule should have been Darth Sidious, not Darth Vader.

Wait a second..

well stated truth on Veeky Forums, this is a season of miracles.

beware /pol/ krampus.

>be me
>tell group about Worm/Shards
>they all think it's really interesting
>ask if I can run a game with this setting
>all on board
>say we have to roll for our powers
>they all drop out

I understand using a power you haven't chose may not be fun but I think it's a neccesary challenge in a game set in the Wormverse. And I probably drove them away from looking into Worm because of it.

Use Weaver Dice's thing where it's less that you roll for the powers and more roll for the power's general stipulations and conditions, then design them as a group. They still get to make the powers, they just make them with friends now.

At least, I think that's how Weaver Dice worked. It's been a while.

All you fucking faggots dont understand the goddamn power and might of THE BEST JEANIST. There are many JEANISTS out there, but he has been the BEST JEANIST for eight consecutive years. Absolutely none of you cock sucking cuck jews understand how powerful this guy is and I am absolutely fucking sick of it. He'd tie you up with your own clothes while he fucks your dad in front of you and your mom cries and masturbates in the corner. Todoroki would shit his goddamn pants if The Best Jeanist came for him. All Might is a little pussy faggot in comparison to him. NOBODY CAN CONTEND WITH THE GODDAMN BEST FUCKING JEANIST FUCK YOU.

Is his nose a dick?

No, but the SECOND-BEST JEANIST only has pants up to his neck, so BEST JEANIST had to do something to be the BEST.