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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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I agree with op.
Living in the Chaos Wastes is probably a better fucking deal than squatting in the Plane of Faces.
What is your favorite armor jumper?
I like cloth armor, especially since the xianxia settings allow you to make cloth armor super good by soaking it in elixers. Though the plate is nice too.
If you guys have an issue, it'd be better to speak up and explain it now, rather than later.
~hysterical laughter~ Thank you. I needed this.
Smart Liquid. Symbiote, or nanotech, whatever.
Yeah I would appreciate it if you didnt get rid of or nerf any of the jump as it looks pretty good as it is.
Man venom is basically a small scale shoggoth
I'd also appreciate if you can give some more detail instead of a uber generic answer. It just doesn't make me feel like you're really up to date with the conversation and discussed changes when you mention nerfing for no reason, since nothing like that was discussed.
I remember Carnage and Toxin being more shoggothy overall, actually.
Please don't get rid of the Cheat Weapon and it's upgrade in the current origin it's in. I love it, and my build is totally fucked if it's gone.
I'm not getting rid of Cheat Weapon or the upgrade, just considering changing the boosted version of Cheat Weapon to something else and moving the existing boost to replace the boosted version of the cult item.
Last thread it was talked about making the cult smaller for arbitrary reasons. I dislike that obviously.
Don't listen to the nerfwhores, is all anyone asks.
Yes and I responded by saying I disliked it for vaguely similar reasons to what you do I guess. Point is, nerfing is not being considered.
>just considering changing the boosted version of Cheat Weapon to something else
Well, that's basically the same as getting rid of the upgrade, isn't it? That way you can only get both the Cheat Weapon and the Divine Relic if you spend 900 CP, instead of the 300 CP you need to spend right now (discouting the cost of the capstone booster).
Why would that even make sense for the cult? It just doesn't make much sense to me that you would replace the boosted cult with a weapon. Unless the standard cult option gets a boost.
I think cult is getting rolled into fallen goddess
Boosted cult wasn't getting replaced by a weapon. It was the holy relic.
In that alternate furry world spiderman show (where he flies to alternate earth) they were insanely shoggothy. Merging togerher into a blob of bone blades, teeth, and eyes.
Because the Divine Relic is the clearest representation of a deity's power, the only one we see is Aqua's and the cult item's origin is all based around her. It makes much more sense than the origin it is currently in the item line of.
If that's the way you see it.
It's not.
wearing a shoggoth is fine, too.
Oh, that would be a shame. I quite enjoy having a major religion already there waiting for me. It feels somehow tawdry if I put work into proselytizing myself, too egotistical to build a religion in the modern day instead of inheriting an ancient one.
>If that's the way you see it.
Oh come on, that's not even an argument. That's why changing jumps after so much time has passed is bullshit.
Can you make it so the cult has an option where you are the pope or equivalent instead of God. I'm a bit concerned that if you take it without also taking Fallen Goddess then the actual Gods will take offence.
I just really don't care, one way or another, and I'm just going to take whichever path is less of a pain to deal with.
I seriously doubt any of the Gods would care. Most of them seem very hands off, or at least they're meant to be, and those that do interfere are usually either super dumb or do so subtly.
Honestly just don't make a massive death cult and I doubt they'd care.
>I just really don't care
Yeah, you really don't, do you? Guess I shouldn't have wasted my time.
So I'm a bit confused: How large would the cult be under the new format? My apologies, I wasn't paying very close attention to the conversation last thread.
Which is dumb. Why not add the item and keep cult as is?
Of course, spite is also an excellent motivator, even when one is normally exhausted from a long day of christmas party planning for multiple parties. So, you know, watch your mouth moron.
The idea was to just replace the boosted version of that item and leave the normal cult item as is, but I'm probably just going to not bother since it's too much effort.
Just go read the last thread.
>I just really don't care, one way or another, and I'm just going to take whichever path is less of a pain to deal with.
Which would be Not fucking over everyone. Seriously the boosted cult was my favorite item in the jump, I could care less about some stupid magic holy item.
Wow, someone's being bitchy. Could you go vent somewhere else?
>So, you know, watch your mouth moron.
Don't worry, I no longer care either.
Don't worry Val will tell you it's not a nerf. Then cut out anything that you liked. It's easier this way.
Awesome. We can all just laze about in a state of temporary apathy and exhaustion together then.
Seems a bit like you want to come on here and spitefully change stuff to work out your provlems at home. Maybe take a bath and cool down there. Relax.
Attending or hosting a party?
Trying to think up a pun for provlems but nothing comes to mind, unfortunately.
Anyway, that's not really the case. I just don't really care for the arguments about the option being overpowered, since I don't really think it is, but I also don't care that much about the option either, hence not minding changing it. Also I just don't care that much about the whole changing builds thing in the end, beyond whether it'll be too much of a pain or not, which it definitely is too much of a pain.
Hosting one, attending another, helping out with two more. Busy bee time.
Excellent taste. Hinduism/Buddhism inspired clothing is the best. Suits are a close second
>Hosting one, attending another, helping out with two more. Busy bee time.
You really bit a big chunk off there. Why do that to yourself?
>a long day of christmas party planning for multiple parties
I know that feeling. Not this year thank God.
Also, pretty sure this whole fracas is just shitposters rather than people with legit complaints. I wouldn't worry about it. Just do what you think is right, Val.
>The idea was to just replace the boosted version of that item and leave the normal cult item as is, but I'm probably just going to not bother since it's too much effort.
Ah, I see. Well, I suppose I'm happy with that, then. I'm sorry that people are hassling you over this, Val.
>one is normally exhausted from a long day of christmas party planning for multiple parties
Oh, that's not good. You should head to sleep, then. I don't know what time it is where you are (Australian timezones are confusing, how do you live with them?), but unless you live on Christmas Island it should be past 8:00 at least. I think you'd be justified in lying down for bed early.
I always felt that guy looked like more of a catholic ganondorf. But yeah I love the aesthetic they have going.
Valeria feeds on shitposter's salt, without her daily dosis she would lose her powers
Festive spirit or something. Two of them are family things, the other two are for good friends.
Oh, I usually do in the end. Thanks anyway dudio.
It's fine, I just wish more of these people raised these issues last thread when it was being more actively discussed instead of all suddenly jumping in a couple minutes later in a new thread. Woulda been easier for all involved.
Naw, it's only 11PM and these days that's like 7 hours from bedtime. Sides, I think I'm at that point where you get so tired you wrap around to being so awake that you can't sleep. So basically just time to make jumps and play GO
Also I guess post cute animu girls, since that seems to be in vogue lately.
Umm not really I legit would rather not have things changed for ths worse. It is not shitposting to say that when it was asked for.
11:10 PM in Melbourne atm.
Why didn't you just say something last thread then?
>It's fine, I just wish more of these people raised these issues last thread when it was being more actively discussed instead of all suddenly jumping in a couple minutes later in a new thread. Woulda been easier for all involved.
Sorry val but it is 7 AM here. A lot of folks don't run on aussie time. Not trying to come off as sarcastic here.
I just got up and the thread was dead.
Has anyone picked Gramps in a non-GO grail war?
I understand that but the sudden number of posters speaking against it, despite the last thread ending just nine minutes before this one, makes it hard for me to really consider that the reason unless it's either a massive coincidence that almost everyone against it suddenly signed on or that it's just one guy samefagging, neither of which I really think are likely.
It's not a shitty thing or anything, just kinda annoying, since it's all over and done with anyway.
Its 5 am here
Understandable. Watch out for roo swarms and drop bears. Head to your fortress compound and get some rest.
Was that why you ignored the original guy's complaint?
Eh, kinda? Pretty sure that guy was shitposting anyway and the later responses kinda proved that, but I'm also sure that someone else started talking instead of that original guy, since they became like 300% less idiotic.
Hey Heavens or Digger, can I import the Experimental Gashat in the Ex-Aid jump into the Gashat supplement and pay to change it to level 100?
So did you roll for Mordred in the new gacha?
Nah. Mordred's great but fuck spending my quarts on the chance of a 5 star and no one else in the current pick up interests me. Banned myself from spending on quartz cause of the last disaster there, so just saving up my points for when someone comes up that I do want.
I've got Heracles and Waver and a few others though, so I'm hardly in bad shape. And the second best waifu too,
I was the user who set out suggestions on how to frame a constructive criticism to the original poster based on conversations I remember we had, and he (if it was in fact him) seemed to go back and forth with me for a while. I left around the time I also came to the conclusion the current cult capstone boost seemed to be the best choice available for the background after he(?) tossed out the OC suggested replacements. Dunno if the guy who ended up suggesting the Cheat Weapon revamp you took a shine to was the same person.
Either way, I feel bad about contributing to this mess.
I just wanted to get some actual opinions flowing for once instead of just seeing dudes complain about random shit about your jumps and then slink off into the dark corners of Veeky Forums again for once, but like you said nobody spoke up so I thought progress was being made. In hindsight my timezone being on the exact opposite side of the world from most people here meant it was inevitable a lot of opinions were going to be left out.
I don't get how gachas work, hasn't Mordred been out for a while?
>hasn't Mordred been out for a while?
Us server, shes new
She has been available for a long time in the JP version, but only recently she became available in the US version of the game.
Oh no, you were cool from the start. Both in your general opinions and how you handled various people. Most kudos to you dude.
Might be you're confused cause the japanese and american servers for GO are very different in how far they've progressed. On the jap servers, Mordred has been in the gacha as a rollable servant for like two years. But the american server has only just gotten her unlocked like two-three days ago.
>"Gee, BuildAnon, are you gonna do something special for your BLAME! build?" Especially after saying you'd do a build for X jump and then actually posting a build for another twice?
>"Well gosh, I think I might image the events of the scenario! Given how vague BLAME!'s storytelling is, it'll be easy!"
>it'll be easy
>Adobe Illustrator, ~50 hours
>Adobe Photoshop, ~10 hours
>Writing time: ~2 hours
>Time harvesting the manga panels: I want my December back.
Dear god I hope this doesn't load like ass. I messed around with the compression settings a lot to get it under 8MB but I've never done pdfs before.
Oh hell that's a pretty build.
that looks so fucking sweet.
>dat recompilation meter
It's the little things, but the whole thing is just so damn purty. You an art student or something?
Always a treat to see your builds, BuildAnon.
Sadly I live in Burgerland and am poor, so I can't afford it. That and I can't actually draw. I'm just an user who subscribes to Creative Cloud instead of an MMO and has some free time.
If you drew that, I'd be interested in seeing what else you've made.
>If you drew that
Oh fuck no. That's something I cropped off of danbooru or something.
When I say "I can't draw" I mean "I have never attempted to learn how to physically or digitally draw beyond idle doodling back in high school and have the most unsteady hands ever."
>Eh, kinda? Pretty sure that guy was shitposting anyway and the later responses kinda proved that, but I'm also sure that someone else started talking instead of that original guy, since they became like 300% less idiotic.
Same guy. You can thank
Since when did Ganondorf convert to religion?
Huh, it kinda looks like a Heartless.
Huh, Gwenpool's canceled.
I'm almost certain that guy is ASA.
Since he became cyborg president and the Lifestream tried to eat him.
It wasn't even the real Lifestream. It was Evil Buddha cosplaying a spider treating the lifestream like a puppet. With literal golden spider god puppet strings.
>Lancer Alter is a Heartless
>Lancer/Lion King is her Nobody
Fuck, this makes so much sense
I want to try something new and the alt-chain builder just isn't cutting it for me, so what is the least awful SB challenge? Or are they all garbage on the level of Creative Mode?
>Or are they all garbage on the level of Creative Mode?
I shiver at doing anything akin to the crossposting attention whores that get off on (you)s, but because you are contemplating a dark path without hope of salvation.
Yes. Yes, they are all at least as bad as Creative Mode.
Sorry, was just browsing through the archives and came across an user asking for interesting ideas for a chain, which raised my interest about different and unique houserules.
Thanks for the advice.
Do you mean full sets of armor? because I only really have the one complete set, for actual protection I rely on the Godkicker boots and the fashion perk from high school the dead
Have you been focused on jumps lately other than Monogatari?
Not really. Been busy with other stuff mostly, so it's mostly just that and some secret stuff that was meant for christmas but won't be till after Christmas now.
Besides, I keep getting distracted lately. Was just catching up on the latest Raildex stuff and holy fuck is Crowley even more unbelievably bullshit broken than I expected he was gonna be. How the fuck is Blasting Rod even fucking fair
There was the shopkeeper one. In every jump you get a magic shop and your perks only apply within the shop. However you also get a trinket for each of your perks which can be used to give a copy of a perk to a customer and a bunch of Discworld narrativium to ensure people involved in the plot come by your store.
Any chance we'll be getting a Raildex jump covering the LNs from you?
Just a humble shop keeper challenge
Pretty sure that wouldn't be kosher, even if it'd be the coolest thing ever to get to do one and I'd absolutely love to.
Kamachi is already one of my fave LN authors and Raildex is literally everything I love about crazy anime bullshit bound into one series and it's so damn coooool
Wheel of Reincarnation
Blind Jump Challenge
Honest question: do the current jumps we haven even cover the light novels, or are they just for the anime?
You're probably right. It's pretty sad though. Iirc, before Reploid disappeared, he was trying to update the jumps. Now that he's gone we'll never get that update, no matter how far along the actual story is now.
At 2275sp he is hella expensive, pretty damn likely to win any given war though.
Yes unfortunately. Maybe she’ll stick around but only Mark Waid & Gurihiru done her any justice. Everyone else makes her look ugly, or just spouts memes like she’s JUST a rip-off of Deadpool. When she rarely memes and is more a tragic character under Hastings.
I mean she was a HS drop out NEET, whom probably has Autism, that was Isekeied into Marvel Universe. She tries her hardest to be a hero, but fails constantly, often causing more trouble.
Big list of challenges
I mean...is it even realistically POSSIBLE for him to lose the F/Z one if you don't force march him right into Angra Mainyu or something? The man can infiltrate and decapitate Ozy in the temple billed to make him live up to the invincible god-king hype. He can toy around with high-tier Sabers.
Hey, do you frequent /co/? I've noticed a lot of your pics coincide with stuff trending on their threads.
I don't really know. The problem is that they don't really differ that much, it's just that the anime/s only cover a tiny fraction of Index and a slightly larger fraction of Railgun.
Yeah, it's a shame. That said, I think Reploid might have ended up not doing it anyway, just due to how...well, how fucking gargantuan the series has gotten and that he always did imaged jumps, which wouldn't gel that well. Even in the idle dayreams I've had about how I'd do it, the projected size of the project would be well over a hundred pages for the magic side alone and you could probably do almost that much for the science side as well. So many characters, so many items, so many powers, so much story, so much fucking content just stuffed into such an awesome series.
Honestly, going in with a halfway competent Hassan (Cursed Arm or Hundred Faced both work) and plot knowledge can almost guarantee you a victory in the 4th or 5th wars, barring drawbacks. Sure, you won't take on any of the Servants and win but you know when all the masters are vulnerable and barring Kirei, none of them are a problem to take down with them.
The King is just humiliating everyone.
Do the last hopenotes in nier show how to make 2 b robots and how tough/strong is a robot of her kind?