How do you properly play a female rogue?
How do you properly play a female rogue?
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Use her body to trick others.
Do stuff male rogues do but with boobs.
Now I'm gonna make a character that keeps trying to pick locks and pockets with her tits
Tell her about another girl you know who's really pretty and then insinuate that she probably doesn't have the skill to pick that lock.
You sneak, bluff and backstab.
Well, first try to touch mutants with useful powers, utility is the key. But if needed don't doubt on more powerhouse like powers.
Also remember that you can also steal memories, which can be handy in certain situations.
>Whipping out her dagger she lifted it to stab into the polished ivory with the intent of chopping her hand free, when a girlish voice exclaimed, “Don’t stab me!” Mercurial stared at the speaker, and shook her head. Either this was one of the most elaborate Magic Mouths she’d ever dealt with or one of the most potent of illusions. In any case, this was in no way what was supposed to be going on.
>The chest started to flow, becoming plastic and soft. Mercurial’s breath caught and she swallowed past the lump of fear that surged into her throat. She had heard of mimics. They were said to be huge, silent monsters that waited for the unwary and clubbed them to death as they held fast with their sticky surfaces the hapless victim. Never had she heard of one talking or of one so small. And certainly not so….appealing.
>Her hand was stuck fast to a soft, surprisingly warm curve of breast, nipple pressed gently into her palm, while the liquid gold cascaded over her wrist from the mimic’s head. Skin as pale as the ivory it has appeared to be covered the lovely girl; her nipple, lips, and eyelashes were of silver, while liquid-appearing lumps of gold made up her hair. Golden eyes gazed ingenuously into Mercurial’s hazel eyes, and she blinked, suddenly blushing.
>Looking down didn’t help. The lovely female figure had what looked like gold appliqué between her legs surrounding her femininity – and the harbinger’s tools sticking out of her quim. “So sorry about that,” she murmured, her blush deepening. She was more worldly wise than most would have expected for her apparent age, but she’d never raped a chest before.
He said rogue, not just plain female
>faggots that never contribute to threads besides “girls are dumb, lel”
Go kill yourselves
>t. brainlet who doesn't understand how a woman needs to operate with any sort of effectiveness in a middle age/dark age setting
what happens if what she uses as a pick gets stuck?
You caught me off-guard nigga
I female rogue'd like this once before, and it worked out well enough.
The same way you make any character, figure out what they want and what means they have of getting it, then act accordingly. With female characters, the society they work in may affect either or both of these things but that depends on the setting so I can't answer it for you.
You just wanted to post that picture, and not start a worthwhile thread.
You play a rogue.
That's not how you spell that word, but youtube has a lot of make up tutorials for that.
>why is she a rogue in the first place
>why did she decide being a rogue is the best way to reach her goals (can be just because she's incredibly good at it)
>what kind of rogue are we talking, wildish ranger/archer or sneaky thief/assassin ?
doing both is retarded
>what are her WEAKNESSES ?
very important, being a rogue has a price and a good part of playing that character is dealing with it
>le mysterious hooded rogue with knives and buckles all over hoping to go unseen in the middle of a street with normally clad people
Why ? It's easier to put on normal clothes and pretend to be a dumb peasant who got lost
Why is the the way she is ? By asking what she wants, you know what she'll do to get it. It's more important to be coherent than to check boxes in a "what rogues are like" list
Missing teeth, alcohol and opium addiction, syphilis, and bruises all over the place.
>feral teenage girl
>raised by monkeys
>best climber in the land
>fish out of water perspective
There you go, you can also pair her up with the old jaded paladin for extra cuteness
>getting this butthurt over what was obviously a joke
Like, I agree needlessly shitting on women is meh but people like you are far worse to be around.
edgy, I like it
play the main charcter from the resident evil movies
Have her be charisma statted, with a bluff through the roof, and then fool the party into thinking you're a bard for almost the entire campaign, befoe turning on them and declaring that you're actually a Evil rogue working for the BBEG.
Then regret your life choices as the paladin pounds the word of God into your frail body.
But more seriously, the same way you play a male rogue. If your characters are primarily dependent on their sex to inform their character, you almost certainly are playing shitty characters. Especially in egalitarian fantasyland.
Ok, I agree it was rash to jump to a conclusion and taking the joke too seriously.
High Bluff. High Charisma, Good dex. Low Str. have her pretend to be weak and helpless while she steals things from people. When she is caught, simply run to someone else for help and claim the other person accusing them of theft is trying to rape/murder them. Repeat.
how is every young man in that town not a member of the thieves guild?
She's a very harsh task master.
Thank you brother. Is this art your own?
Like a slot heh-heh
Only thing worse is literally anybody without a sense of humor.
>ywn have a milfy high-level rogue grinding on your lap
if you think I’m going to apologize twice you’re dead wrong
Take this (you) and consider this the end of the debacle
>How do you properly play a female
As a ditzy slut
Elliot from leverage. But then, I steal all my rogues from leverage
He did not ask how to be like your mom.
>Reach for lockpick in cleavage
>Accidentally unlock bra clasp
And thus, many a female rogue prefers backclasps.
>Not Sophie
You are not my nigga
Hai to Gensou no Grimgar
It's literally in the file name.
Like a Rogue, but with T&A, and charm.
Or catlike.
Pic related?
Heavily reliant on sneak attacks, too.
That's not his lap, though, that's his stomach. Abdominal muscles aren't fantastically strong, if someone is going to use you for a bench it's more comfortable to have them sit on your back (with some bones and larger muscles) than your front.
Like this:
Skip to 5:28 if it doesn't do so automatically
How in hell is Elliot female? The dude is huge
By playing female rogue (male).
To disarm the trap, you must become the trap.
My guess?
Girls have long hair.
Hurr durr.
But Leverage does have the best rogues.
use her feminine wile
That's a female barbarian.
>opium addiction
user, no adventurer can really be an opium addict, do you have any idea how crippling it is when you don't have a fix?
I hate that I know what this is. I wish some AI in the future goes through old NWN shit and executes erpfags.
>keeps lockpicking stuff in her bra
>explains why it's never confiscated
I'm not usually a fan of the furry stuff, but hot damn is the Pathfinder catfolk art hot.
Have your testicles removed. No matter how small they are.
Like a slut. Not even joking. A bit like the instagram whore you're posting.
By not adventuring. Women aren't strong enough or durable enough for extending traveling or high impact activities, and they'll attract dire bears during their period.
Yeah but neither are elves, and you don't hear anyone complaining about that.