One PIece RPG - /opr/

One PIece RPG - /opr/

Overly nice character art edition.

A thread dedicated to the development and discussion of the One Piece RPG, inspired by Eichiro Oda's titular work.
System building, character building, campaign building, and general advice and discussion are all welcome.

>D6 One Piece
System in progress by OPD6-user (V0.3):
There are still a few spots for pregens of Paramecia and non-DF users, although the rules are subject to change. V0.4 should be here "soon".

>One Piece RPG by The Beard
Somewhat complete system, with quite a few cool ideas, but it might need some work to get all the more recent information from the series. Also relies heavily on the GM for rulings on custom content. A more crunchy but lite take on the series.

>One Piece: Age of Pirates v6
Game developed by Hitotsunami, quite a few things missing but playable, unknown if it still being updated.

>Veeky Forums One Piece RPG Discord

We have a second game starting in the Discord. Still need more GMs.

Other urls found in this thread:

Do you guys have any Dm's in the discord?

That homebrew actually looks good also who's the guy in the OP?

Last time on the Serpent Fruit pirate Journey.

The crew boarded the steam ship Yankee Twain and hobnobbed with the social elite after Captain Dova managed to "I want to speak to your manager" his way past the security.

However, their hijacking plan hit a speedbump when they discovered a member of the Charlotte family, Charlotte Latte, was aboard. Sunny manages to convince him to try using poetry to win the heart of his Fiance and he departs on good terms, but not before cryptically warning them of Tierra Hope, the entrance to the Grand Line.

The ship sets sail and the crew attacks! Rackham finally does something competent and slashes a bunch of Tricorne bodyguards. Meanwhile, Barbos faces off against the Yankee Twain's engineer, the wrench and shovel-wielding Picator, inside the boiler room. Their new cook, Skikes, makes some bread pudding while holding the hostages at gunpoint. Much loot was stolen, at the expense of pissing off Greeley, the head of the island's printing company.

Now with a ship and the beginning of a crew, they sail north to Chak-pur, and island dominated by a giant tower and occupied by watchful monks. They seek clues to the whereabouts of the Sawtooth Pirates that stole their original ship. However, they were warded away from shore by enormous flamingos and forced to dock at an off-shore platform named Ortenza Pier. It seems someone named "The Great Anjari" is keeping ships away from land.

I'll assume you mean Gm's well right now a few games are being run and I think they'll have another gm soon.

We have two. One is Me, the other is getting a new game started. Right now we have many players but few GMs.

That's "Lizard Spear" Dova, captain of the Serpent Fruit. He's a former marine who seeks knowledge of Devil Fruits and their properties. Has a running gag where one of his crew members is a Devil Fruit user but Dova is never around to see it when his powers are used.

I'm not playing any games right now but I do enjoy hearing about other people's games. I suck shit at creating characters so I wouldn't be able to make one with a theme like One piece

So when are you gonna know the homebrew is finished One piece is a big series with alot of powers so I'm not sure you can really get all of it.

Expansions and splatbooks are a thing. We just need a good chunk of content to start with, then can add more later.

One thing to consider is that other RPGs like DnD, ChoD, and Shadowrun have particular character archetypes you can use as a baseline during character creation. However, One PIece is known for having huge variety in all characters, so there's no pre-made Kit of abilities you can acquire. Devil Fruits, the settings' signature feature, have a built-in rule that all fruits are unique, which makes it taboo to have a power similar to an existing character.

I honestly think making abilities that fit themically would be one of the harder things to do. Honestly if I were to play I'd like to play a mink but that comes across as a bit special snowflaky

Sort of. One Piece is in a weird spot where there are a variety of races, but they're not common and widespread like in DnD or Shadowrun. I imagine most GMs would want to stretch things a bit to accommodate all the players' preferred characters.

Yeah that's true If you are that GM that's running one of the games which do you prefer an optional mink and fishmen or just barren with those races in the blues and grandline

Bumped out of page 10.

Live thread live

Quick, nakama, what is a legendary treasure you want to find.

Why the fuck did you post my ancient party

One of the character concepts I've drafted is looking for the "Origin tree" in which all DFs come from. Something like Abrahamic tree of knowledge.
The other one is looking for his courage.

I found it in a forum somewhere.

>A forum

Bro where I played in this group and I only posted it twice

It might have been from the artist that made it.

Which one were you?
It's Chuubo's.
Have fun.

Sounds like a bunch of losers that need to join the Discord.

Hah, I drew some pics for a One Piece RPG ages back.One was a product of mixing the long leg with the long arm tribes, and the other was a cuttlefish fishman/child.

Tell me of the Cuttlefish. One of my players is a Cuttlefish Fishwoman.


Sold into slavery as a child, he was raised in a circus. There's a whole background story for him but its pretty standard, escape to live free and/or find the home he was torn away from.

Let's have the audience at home play along.

What do you imagine a character named "The great anjari" looks like?

Who is this fishtits?

One of Big Mom's daughter's, Charlotte Praline. Married into Jinbe's pirates to make the alliance. Has more love for her in-laws and husband than her family. Also she's like 20 ft long and has an enchanting singing voice.

this style strangely evokes late Akira Toryama.

I like

do you have an image of Big Mom?

Here she is. Real name Charlotte Linlin, world's largest human and also one of the Pirate Emperors. Builds her influence through marriages, and has over seventy children.

My s4s avatar :^)