Where does Veeky Forums play their games? How do you set it up? Do you mess with lighting, bring themed snacks?
Where does Veeky Forums play their games? How do you set it up? Do you mess with lighting, bring themed snacks?
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Anyone know what app the DM has on his screen?
Yes, app. Short for application.
a program or piece of software designed to fulfil a particular purpose.
"a database application"
synonyms: program, software, routine, use
"a vector graphics application"
>being that guy
>Being that guy
What, the guy who uses a word and corrects people when they misconstrue what I meant by it?
Go away please I just want to know what APPLICATION that DM is using.
yeah go away
it's apps all the away down these days
just kidding, bottom layer is container in cloud
The application is computer gaming, as seen by the table.
It looks like Fantasy Grounds.
>"No you can't use your mini you might scratch my table!"
>"What do you mean the screen is a small fucking hole in my table, I'll have you know it was crafted by top artisans!"
>"Don't you love the sound of me tapping the keys on my mechanical keyboard? Adds a sublime ambiance don't you think."
>"What was that? Sorry I was looking down at my computer screen."
>Crown Royal dice bag, just so you know everyone is an absolute pleb.
Looks sad.
Thank you.
>>"No you can't use your mini you might scratch my table!"
You could get a piece of transparent plastic to put over the tv. Probably a good idea to make it more load bearing anyways.
I play mine over roll20. Never played with a physical group before.
why dount you and the BBEG ugh guy go suck each other off in a closet?
A bit back on topic, With my set up I'm going to try and run two monitors, one being my DM screen, one being behind me facing the players.
I'm thinking of having character portraits when talking to NPCs, and ambient environment photos when not talking to people.
Any ideas to further use this second screen?
>be alive when windows 3.1 was a thing
>there are no programs, everything was an application, or app
>windows 95 comes out
>wtf are programs?
>Not using a hologram table
Get on my level plebs.
>Blows hundreds, if not thousands on dumb table with embedded screen.
>Two metal Folding chairs.
Y tho.
>user is salty because he plays on a folding plastic table in his mom's garage, the post
Also, in general, the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing people to play games for hours on end in chairs that were designed for human occupancy for, like, an hour - maybe two hours at max. You could legit call OSHA if you were getting paid to sit on those things.
I play them on my dining room table. I bring the lights down, light some candles, put on thematic music. I often make a big pot of spiced wine for winter games.
A few hundred, Max.
the latter is because of the former. Ran out of budget
This is violence.
Honestly, I drastically prefer living room tables. I'm a single-bedroom apartment boy, but even if I had a dining room, the orthopedics on everything involved with kitchen tables and chairs blow. There's a reason you retire to living room when you're done eating if the conversation isn't good enough to make you ignore how much your ass is starting to hurt.
Living room
Table surrounded by chairs, GM in armchair, laptop connected to the sound system
Lighting/atmosphere are two tall lamps
Snacks are usually bring-and-share, or halloween sweets on sale if it's a horror game (spooky ghost sweets)
pic related
>World of Darkness
absolutely degenerate
Dude wine should have a cork
screw top wine you pleb kys
It was a time of great budgeting.
Wine: £5
Fanta: £1
Dr Pepper: £1
Candy: £1
Tablecloth: £5
>No Folders
>Those two character sheets especially
>Hard creases in tablecloth. When you're rolling dice.
Maximum Untermensch.
Don't have a specific place, just at someones house.
If the light is at least a bit dimmed, that's good enough for me.
I like having a TV or other display to show pictures that set the mood like landscapes or pictures of specific things in the game (you are approached by an alien that looks like *this*), but that's not a necessity.
I am very particular about music though, I always bring my laptop/USB stick with playlists for combat, dungeons, exploration etc.
In a fallout game, we once made some thematic cocktails which we drank from glass jars whenever a bar scene happened. gotta do more snack stuff.
Tfw that's my food budget for 10 days on average.
Darken the room a bit if possible, play ambient music on a speaker in the corner of the room at a decently low volume, bust out the hard liquor and beer+arrange for food and we're good to go. Going all out on a gaming area isn't really required with my group, we just enjoy the company and shenanigans that involve drying to drunkenly make our way through the campaigns without dying.
*trying, not drying
IIRC it's a DIY table.
I play with my uni club so we've got a room on the 19th floor of the Sci building.
>Nice view out over city lights below
>Smart boards and speakers if we need to sketch some battlemaps or run some theme music
>Occasional pizzas provided by the uni, bountiful snacks provided by the GM otherwise.
Pretty good set up all things considered.
Between semesters we'll play at one of the girl's houses which is shitty and cramped but she makes up for it with spiced wine and delicious food.
You literally have no idea what you're talking about. Those tables are purpose build for this exact thing. How about instead of being buthurt and jealous, maybe you could actually try to educate yourself a little bit about things that are currently beyond your scope of understanding?
Some of the criticisms are over the top, and probably not that different from trying to game on a slightly better than normal kitchen table (though some people are anal about protecting the finish). But what the hell kind of person carries around working knowledge of bespoke artisanal tables (in a hobby that can at least claim that it has infinitely more interesting marginalia) or feels compelled to look that shit up on the subject so they can shitpost?
I mean you could buy a table at Ikea for $500
cut a hole in the center
Spend $600 for a 50" 4k tv
And you are done. Hell you could go cheaper with 1080p and the table.
The idea is cool but I think AR/VR is going to be better
What about the hardware that the interface is running off of? Is it just a Raspberry Pi or whatever? And that's not to mention the second monitor
It's mostly academic to me, since I'm a poorfag baker, and I make do with graph paper, dry erase mats, and the gutteral majesty of the English language.
But my main point was the damn chairs.
Also, I bet you're setting yourself up for some wild prep time and aesthetic expectations trying get everything to work in that interface. I'm breaking out in hives thinking about trying to put out stuff consistently through that for the consumption 5 people, especially if the rest of my GMing skillset doesn't live up to my facility with cartography software.