An elf and a human make a half-elf, this is given. But what happens when a half-elf combines with a human? Do you get a quarter elf? Conversely, what happens when an elf and a half-elf mate? Is it half-elves forever, all the way down? Half-elf-ism being the permanent curse of a human elf hybrid...
Can the Drow mate outside of the Drow, is there such a thing as a half-Drow? And then then all questions above about cross breeding again...
Why can elves not mate with orks, and, why can halflings not mate with humans? Can halflings mate with dwarfs, or gnomes?
What would a matrix of possible hybrids, and their continued breeding, look like?
Also, general Elf thread. We need pictures of Elves.
Are half-elves even fertile? I guess it depends on setting, but you'd expect half-elves to be infertile realistically.
Austin Turner
either halfbreeds are infertile, or at a point it becomes so washed out that you just get back to baseline human. A person who is 1/4th human might have an affinity to magic and slightly pointed ears. A octomer will just look like a human and like trees slightly more than normal
Colton Gonzalez
In 2e they had "If a half elf has a child with a human, the child has stats of a human. If the half elf has a child with an elf, the child has the stats of a half elf."
Then, Forgotten Realms with its desire to be unique and all-inclusive cause you can't have purist elves in a progressive setting, said that "half elves who have a child with elves have elven children."
So, yes, it depends on the setting.
Kayden Wilson
In my setting, all breeds of elf can create half elves, I just figure out the kinks of that by giving the half elf one or two of the features of said elf (Half drow have 120 darkvision but no sunlight sensitivity, but also no drow magic, Half wood elves have that speed boost, ect). That way half elves have their own subraces and shit. The quarter elves or third elves or whatnot? I think the fuck not. Too complicated for my goddam setting.
Jordan Campbell
Yes, you should always treat elves as realistically as possible
Luis Nguyen
Asher Morgan
>But what happens when a half-elf combines with a human? Do you get a quarter elf? Conversely, what happens when an elf and a half-elf mate? Is it half-elves forever, all the way down? Half-elf-ism being the permanent curse of a human elf hybrid... according to the new Xanather’s Guide random parents table for half-elves in 5e, basically any Elven blood whatsoever turns you into a half-elf, even if one of your parents was human. Conversely, any human blood combined with elf blood makes a half-elf, so a half-elf and a full elf still makes a half-elf. >Can the Drow mate outside of the Drow, is there such a thing as a half-Drow? Yes, and there’s several examples. It really just changes skin and hair color. >Why can elves not mate with orks, and, why can halflings not mate with humans? Elves can in fact mate with orcs (there’s only a K if it’d 40k), but with the exception of ogres everything an orc breeds with is also an orc or is a half-orc. Orcs that breed with ogres are ogrillions, half-ogres. Halflings can’t mate with humans due to womb size differences presumably. >Can halflings mate with dwarfs, or gnomes? Yes to gnomes and dwarves, no to halflings. However, dwarves can mate with humans and weather you’re in Faerûn or Dark Sun it creates either a full dwarf that’s slightly taller then normal (Faerûn) or a Mulgur (Dark Sun).
Isaac Bennett
That'll be a human with slightly elven features and slightly longer natural lifespan.
Lucas Flores
Been retconned recently. Apparently half-elves are the most “stable” crossbreed along with half-orcs and any human or half-elf or elf that has a child with another half-elf just gets another half-elf, while half-orcs also breed with pretty much anything to be half-orcs. Dwarves also can breed with humans to be slightly taller dwarves, which is something dwarves keep REALLY secret because they sort of find it embarrassing.
Jeremiah Peterson
Can gnomes and halflings breed then?
Justin Johnson
"Ach, we used t' be halflings, dammit!"
Grayson Martin
Yes. They make Quiznomes and are actually quite delicious.
Samuel Cooper
That I don’t know. I know gnomes and dwarves can breed (just makes another kind of gnome, and was probably where rock gnomes came from), but there’s no evidence of gnomes interbreeding with halflings anywhere. At a guess I’d say yes, same way elves can breed with humans since gnomes are kinda tiny elves (they live even longer then dwarves do).
Owen Turner
Apparently it goes back to 2e where they said more dwarf women and dwarf men were finding human mates to fix their extremely low birth rate problems. Dwarves didn’t talk about it because sex is sort of private to them culturally speaking and because they considered it shameful that basically they needed another species unwitting help to just breed properly.
Wyatt Torres
Actually the real shameful part is the real reason wasn't even biological, it was because the dwarves had decided to braid their beards with their luxurious crotch fuzz, thus "uniting the hair", which was culturally intended to be something to increase their power level and stamina. In actuality it made it incredibly awkward to engage in the old rumpy pumpy and fucked up their backs which is why dwarves became so surly all the time. Sadly like all culturally driven beliefs they simply refuse to give it up.
Nolan Reed
I want to struggle snuggle that elf
Thomas Campbell
I know it depends mostly on the seeting and its established lore, but I like the idea of ancestors traits appearing when half breeds mate, like two half-orcs having a full human child, or a couple of humans with elven ancestry to have an half-elf or even a full elf as their child
Cameron Foster
That's the entire point behind Pf's sorcery bloodlines.
Josiah Campbell
Considering elves these days are just pointy eared humans I'm just gonna go with they're a subrace of fey touched humans.
David Cruz
Noah Brown
That's no elf, that's a slav.
Lincoln Bell
They would be subspecies of the same species realistically
Mason Moore
I've always headcanonned it that half-elves aren't literally half and half, but any proportional mix that isn't just "particularly tall and skinny human" or "particularly stocky elf", assuming half-elves themselves are fertile. Much more straightforward than drawing up punnet squares for speculative biology in a world where realism clearly isn't a major concern.
Gavin Edwards
this would be slav
Anthony Gray
>But what happens when a half-elf combines with a human?
>Can the Drow mate outside of the Drow, is there such a thing as a half-Drow?
>Why can elves not mate with orks
Only half-human crossbreeds happen naturally, all other are forced abominations
>why can halflings not mate with humans?
despite superficial similitudes halflings are actually biologically bizarre when compared to humans, they are not incompatible
Michael Hernandez
Still not squatting, but looks like she might at any moment.
Asher Torres
Here's a pic of some elves for you, OP
Daniel Jackson
>Apparently half-elves are the most “stable” crossbreed
>a lot of half-elves gather together >a LOT of them. An entire nation >outnumber elves in their part of the world
Would they still call themselves half-elves?
Dylan Sullivan
heres another
Christian Stewart
>But what happens when a half-elf combines with a human? This happens in Tolkien lore and it's quite common. Some humans have more or less elf blood than others. Elven blood in humans is often an attributing factor to creativity. I'm pretty sure Elrond is a half elf or something, but the movies don't address this stuff.
Ian Davis
2e had variation on Halfings with Dwarf or Elf blood. Stouts and Tallfellows. They were probably in AD&D as well. I think Gully Dwarves were gnome/dwarf mongoloid hybrids from Dragonlance. I remember Mongrelmen as well, which were devolved 56%ers.
I just do half elf = elf blood, half orc = orc blood in games.
Elijah Wright
Not him but it's either you base an answer realistically to arrive to a reasonable or you just say lol it's fantasy and have zero answer. He's giving a suggestion, autist
Kayden Ramirez
Half elves in Tolkien were blessed to be able to choose what they want to be. Elrond and his twin brother were both half-elves. Elrond chose to be an elf and his brother chose human, founding the line of Numenorean kings from whom Aragorn descended from. Arwen's half-elvishness was one of the points in the movies, as Elrond's children also got to chose, despite him marrying another elf. It's unclear where exactly the cutoff point is for choosing, but by the time of Aragorn is was definitely too diluted to allow a choice.
As a whole mixed blood people were actually extremely rare, with only like three instances of an elf-human coupling actually being cited. In fact one of the big deals about Aragorn and Arwen's union was that it brought back together the original, and probably only remaining lines of half-elves. They also had godblood mixed in there too. First Age was fucking crazy man.
Evan Rivera
I don't see it so much as "have no answer" so much as "needs no answer". The gods, after all, don't really need explaining, and neither does magic.
But it just doesn't NEED one. Doesn't mean some people still don't try to explain it, and that's all good too. It isn't necessary but hardly a crime if people add one. Sometimes it's for the better, sometimes it's for the worst. Depends on the writer.
Isaiah Rodriguez
>But what happens when a half-elf combines with a human? You get a human with elf heritage. Namely, they are barely elf, having only the slightest physical features reminiscent of an elf. >Conversely, what happens when an elf and a half-elf mate? An elf with human heritage. >Is it half-elves forever, all the way down? Only if half elves mate with each other.
>Can the Drow mate outside of the Drow, is there such a thing as a half-Drow? Yes, and the same as above.
>Why can elves not mate with orks, and, why can halflings not mate with humans? Elves cannot mate with orks because orks are fungi and thus don't have genitalia. If you mean orcs, then they can, they just don't have children due to ancient divine grudges that prevent such mixings, while humans are weird and outside most divine mandates. Halflings don't mix with humans because the halfling matriarch goddess won't allow it.
Oh, did you think this worked off your high school biology lessons about genetics and such? Nope, this is mythical and divine.
>Can halflings mate with dwarfs, or gnomes? Yes, but no children, the Halfling Matriarch Goddess is a very simple goddess who prefers a lack of mixing within her small progeny. Ignore any reports of such creatures existing in any mythical tales of other realms or times. In certain setting such as FR or Dragonlance there are half breeds covering all races mixing in some way, often this is just fluff with no actual stat differences.
>What would a matrix of possible hybrids, and their continued breeding, look like? Full elf - Elf with human heritage feat - half elf - human with elf heritage feat - human. Each step with a heritage feat can be anywhere from 1 generation to 20 depending on the strength of the bloodline, which is completely arbitrary.
In non PF systems it's just elf / half elf / human, as the stats are very broad, covering a large swath of mixes.
Brandon Myers
This thread has been wonderful so far, keep it up. Next time we'll discuss the spelling differences between Elfs/Elves, Dwarfs/Dwarves, Orc/Ork, and why we still can't call Halflings Hobbits.
Robert Clark
My elf wont stop eating fries, she's starting to become a bit to chubby. what do?
Jonathan Howard
I hate that most official settings still can't use the word "Hobbits". "Halfling" wasn't used sparingly in LotR, but it was usually something of a slightly derogatory term if not quite a slur for Hobbits, used by Men and Elves. I always felt like Hobbits would never call themselves "Halflings", they're not half of anything; They're their own race of people.
I hope Tolkein's estate and family let the copyright die sooner and let it seep into the mainstream. Halfling is such an awful bastardization of Hobbit honestly.
Colton Fisher
work out, both of you
Justin Gutierrez
Apply this procedure to yourself, it should solve everything
Nolan Brooks
>1 In my setting, elven traits are recessive, so when a human and an elf reproduce, the child appears to be human. If a half-elf reproduces with another half-elf there is a 50% chance the child will be just like their parents and a 50% chance they will be of elven likeness (recessive genes only manifest when on double occurrence).
>2 Drow/dark elves are elves but accursed by some weird god to always carry the mark of something on their skin, so they work just like regular elves. Their offspring with humans is light grey-skinned instead of black or dark-grey and have human features (round ears, not slanty eyes and etc).
Leo Robinson
Hudson Sanchez
I-is this true?
Cooper Clark
It was in sauce
Mason Young
half-elf + half-orc = ?
Carson Nelson
Ryan Miller
Which is?
Eli Thompson
>they're not half of anything
Grayson Cruz
Technically, male elves too, though they require greater volume than human can reasonably produce. So you'll only really see them enthralled exceptionally gifted individuals, or to ogres, minotaurs and such.
Damn I never really thought about it like that until your post, user. Consider me on board with your point of view!
Owen Thompson
It didn't seem to take that much to effect Lolo, Lulu and Lala
Brayden Phillips
Incase made halfling a slur of their name for themselves, Halvin Truly that cock loving deviant is the hero we need
Hunter Morris
You've got to wear down the males over time if you're a human, you can't reasonably produce enough semen in a day to conquer the males but fucking them everyday over the course of a week will get them to the point that they'll stop struggling and let you complete the process
Wyatt Martin
Nicholas Rodriguez
>tfw no halfling GF
Gabriel Rodriguez
Understandable. The required volume is proportional to body size. The "more than human reasonably can" was referring to adult elf.
Sebastian Scott
Ah I see
Aaron Smith
You could store your semen in jars until you have enough to tame one through force feeding
Lincoln Sanchez
>Only half-human crossbreeds happen naturally, all other are forced abominations t Human
Brayden Moore
I guess I'll just have to try impregnating every single elf variation, starting with that one
Austin Price
>This thread I was wondeting exactly about this the other day, it is nice to see how other people handle crossbreeding
Eli Martinez
In Faerûn the word for themselves is “Hin”, and they call each other “Hin” all the time. Everyone else just calls them halflings and they just kinda roll with it because they don’t take that shit too seriously and because they sort of prefer humans and other races not learning their language.
James Cox
Rou proved it right in re:monster
Lincoln James
I think until relatively recently in Forgotten Realms there weren’t enough of them for folks to KNOW how stable a crossbreed they were, so maybe a more accurate terminology is “elf-blooded”.
Jason Long
Damn that scene was good
Jose Russell
Half Elves are the result of a eugenic plan to create a master race.
Brayden Turner
In the eberron setting they technically go to a continent and become called khorvarian named after the continent. Not sure about a majority of the population but they definetly outnumber elves from what I've read.
Wyatt Thompson
>But what happens when a half-elf combines with a human? Do you get a quarter elf?
In D&D, the mechanical result is you get a human, though the human might have some minor elf physical traits (like, say, slightly pointed ears).
Ditto a half-elf and an elf; the 3/4 person is mechanically an elf, but might have some cosmetic hints at human ancestry, like the ability to grow sparse facial hair.
>Can the Drow mate outside of the Drow
Yes. There are canonically both half-human/half-drow (which are mechanically identical to standard half-elves), and surface elf/dark elf pairings (which tend to favor the drow half over the surface elf half - that is, mechanically, they're drow, even if they have some surface elf traits, like green eyes or paler skin).
>Are half-elves even fertile?
Yes, and there's nothing unrealistic about it. There are a number of species that can and do crossbreed in the wild to produce fertile offspring species, such as the clymene dolphin (spinner dolphin/striped dolphin) or the savannah cat (serval cat/domestic cat).
Brayden Butler
Leave this place, virt
Isaiah Rodriguez
This is why I prefer the elder scrolls method. You’re whatever your mother was. Much simpler.
Zachary Gray
Sex is excelent cardio workout.
Elijah Ortiz
>You’re whatever your mother was Interesting.
Austin Adams
>drow are the genetically superior elf race Hmmm
Angel Adams
That's how I do it for interbreeding between elven subraces in my setting.
Though that's mainly because elven subraces are fundamentally the same race, differentiated by attunement to a certain predominant element. If an elf mother is attuned to a certain element, naturally any baby she carries will be exposed predominantly to that element as well, and thus be similarly attuned.
Oliver Price
>An elf and a human make a half-elf, this is given.
What if half-elves are just humans changed by elves to be more elven, made beautiful and infertile servants, and elves can only actually breed with other elves. Except the elven females womb is not accustomed to an elf fetus, so young are raised in pods?
Nathan Foster
>that pic Why tho?
Daniel Edwards
What if half-elves are a eugenics plan by elves to make more beautiful servants?
Aaron Scott
>AD&D Answers >Half-elf with human Human, rarely half-elf, though if FR is anything to go by the human child can still sometimes carry elven recessive genes. >Elf and Half-Elf Half-elf, rarely pure elf.
>Drow Half-drow are a thing, just as half-elf/half-drow hybrids. AD&D FR introduced them in a nation that was taken over by evil moon elves, and since they needed help getting manpower to run shit, a nearby drow city sent fuck loads of male slaves up there who bred like rabbits with all of the elves and humans within that nation.
Otherwise mating rules still apply, however it should be said that in AD&D FR a drow's powers/resistances came from the fact that they survive magical underground radiation that affects them since birth, so surface born drow and drow hybrids simply do not have most of those capabilities and are basically just normal elves/half-elves.
>Elves and orks Because warhammer. Though if you mean elves and orcs, default AD&D said no, Ed Greenwood said yes but it's incredibly rare, mostly due to the fact elven and orcish communities are so far from each other in FR.
>Halflings with humans No clue.
>Halflings with other midgets No clue.
>Matrix Meh.
Leo Ramirez
>What would a matrix of possible hybrids, and their continued breeding, look like?
Jaxon Long
>3e book written be a group that didn't even bother with understanding how D&D works, let alone crossbreeding in D&D
Just a reminder that AD&D implied elves + horses make centaurs, and centaurs are an elfin race. Dragons while they used to only be able to crossbreed certain types of dragons with certain types of humanoids was retconned in 3e to make room for more scalies. Elves and Orcs have bred in D&D's history (Faerun), as have Elves and Ogres (Mystara) Minotaurs used to not have females in default settings and had to breed human women to continue their race Orcs are notorious for being able to breed with just about anything with a vagina.
Logan Moore
elves don't have foreskin - so to properly initiate them into the faith, it had to be either that or the nose
Colton Baker
Halflings are the cutest.
Levi Barnes
>Just a reminder that AD&D implied elves + horses make centaurs, and centaurs are an elfin race.
I suddenly have a greater understanding of Cerea now.
Henry Ortiz
>that happy trail I don't know who made this but I want to visit their magical kingdom.
Austin Brown
>he doesn't know InCase boy, are you in for a wonderful, wild ride.
Matthew Mitchell
incase. All one word. Mostly does gay stuff but he did a webcomic that was surprisingly not gay.
Adrian Stewart
>surprisingly not gay. except every part with elves, and that one gay dude, and the lesbo
If lesbians are gay why do they come up on the straight section of porn sites?
Grayson Morales
Because the target audience for those porn sites is men, so the straight section is for what straight men like.
Zachary Phillips
When I use them, I tend to go with 'orcs=corrupt elves', so a breeding between an orc and an elf inevitably produces an orc. Maybe one that's a bit more slender than normal, but ultimately an orc.
I do make a point of listing hybrids on a scale from viable, infertile, unviable. So, trolls and furries are typically unviable with most other species barring magic or divine intervention, while elves and halflings and humans and dwarves and orcs are all viable with each other, goblin hybrids are infertile and the mother typically has to be the other species for reasons of capacity, etc.
Of course, I don't normally use a lot of species. Most of the settings I make are human only, or tend to have crossbreeds be biologically impossible barring divine intervention (at which point the child is best considered a newly created species that just happens to look like a cross between the two 'parents'), so I don't do this much and don't really get a lot of chances to work out the kinks.
Eli Flores
Aren't women the per capita higher consumer of lesbian porn?
Not disputing, just asking.
Hunter Foster
I don't know, I'll admit I'm not an expert. What I said was speculation on my part.
Blake Russell
It depends on the setting let me answer you for mine >Can the half-elf mate? Yes, they can breed with elf or humans to produce a pure elf or human, or breed with more super natural creatures like celestials and fiends in which case the supernatural aspects override the mortal half. Dragons are the only ones that can technically breed a "quarter elf" and dragons in my settings are basically demi-deities who liked playing around with eugenics so yeah.
>Can drow mate outside of drow? Drow society denies any and all rumors of half-breed children. Yes. Yes they can. More than a few drow matrons have secret bastard half-breeds they are desperate to hide. Except Lady Khaless who openly embraces her reputation as a hedonistic degenerate. Mostly because she's way too powerful for others to do shit about it.
>Elves and orcs Because elves are part of a fey ancestry and orcs are part of a goblinoid ancestry. Humans only get a pass for their tendency to fuck everything or get fucked by everything. Humans may or may not descend from a celestial equivalent of Succubi/incubi.
>humans and halflings Halflings and humans aren't in the same category
>Halflings, dwarves, and gnomes Yes, that is possible as they're related people. But the offspring is the race of the parent they share gender with. (So a dwarf man and a gnome chick have kids, the son will be a dwarf and daughter will be a gnome)
Jordan Campbell
Cameron Ortiz
So Elf god is the biggest slut?
Joshua Miller
why do you think surface elves abhor drow just as much as drow hate them? If a bunch of lusty female drow raiders rape all the high elven men, they could give birth to degenerate spawn they are unlikely to ever see but know will exist. Maybe.
The very concept is offensive!
Joseph Murphy
Pornhub did recently redo their "porn for women" section to be based on what women actually watch on their site. Turns out it's mostly lesbian porn, ageplay, rough fucking, and squirting orgasms. Also a surprising amount of dickgirl hentai.