What historical figures would work well as Vampires?
What historical figures would work well as Vampires?
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All of them
Wouldn't becoming undead change their ambitions though?
This guy. Relatively obscure, yet he was emperor of "the romans" and died under suspicious circumstances. So perhaps he died but not really...
Still not entirely convinced he already wasn't.
Good choices.
Vladimir Lenin (he isn't dead, just in torpor)
Petro Poroshenko (although he may be an ogre, not sure)
The hussits could be fun choices for sudden vampire villians.
>he isn't dead, he's just in torpor
tfw Lenin is literally older than the antediluvians
OWoD had some great ideas and some terrible ones
There were three guys calling themselves Rasputin for example
I thought Francois Villon, Heinrich Himmler, Oscar Wilde and Mithras (as in the original guy) were interesting choices
Any amount of Chinese emperors.
Search your heart, you know it to be true
It is a simple trick, tovarisch.
A shave.
A haircut.
A new nose.
Once a generation the people must see the hand that guides them. They must never see the arm controlling that hand.
>He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him.
Vlad tepes??
>the horse nomads were actually the good guys, fighting to free China from it's undead overlords
as raging a fedora I am, I can't help but find new testament writing just comfy as fuck
not teddy, he'd kill whoever the vampire is if it shared his time period
well comfy is a good way to sell literal vampirism to the masses
This nameless guy
>goes in torpid meditative trance
>gets encased in metallic shell by his peers or minions
>venerated as a holy relic
>now aprox. 1000 years old
Merciless death to the filthy Turk.
Queen Victoria. Sucking the world dry.
>third is the turks, can you guess number one?
Michael Jackson
Vampires are shit.
Could do with less historical vampwank, not more.
He's clearly a vampire HUNTER whos had a smear campaign run against his memory/historians have mixed up and combined his life story with that of the monsters he hunted.
>Vlas the IMPALER
>Impaled his enemies on stakes to protect his country
>how do you often kill a vampire?
Vampire wouldnt be as laughably incompetent
Well, he was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow, so he already had the physical features (striking, impressive and with an aura of authority). Most people looked at him with terror and with fear, but to Moscow chicks he was such a lovely dear (the seduction factor is important for vampires).
He could preach the bible like a preacher
full of ecstasy and fire, so he could also mimic his worst enemies (clerics of Good aligned deities), but he also was the kind of teacher
women would desire, thus making them easier to enthrall.
Isn't there a conspiracy theory saying the British royal family are in fact reptilians or something like that? Reptilian vampires passing as human kings would be a hell of a campaign hook.
Mehmed the Second was a filthy bloodsucker, then!
Depends on what setting's vampires you're using.
Fuck you for getting that song stuck in my head.
Oh who am I kidding. I love the funky Rasputin
Well this thread is happening. You can either cry like a whining bitch or you can click the hide thread button, but it's happening whether you like it or not.
Cathrine the Great
>Isn't there a conspiracy theory saying the British royal family are in fact reptilians or something like that?
It's not a conspiracy theory, it's the ravings of psychotics. To begin with, the "reptilian" thing was just a funny way of saying "psychopaths" (often in the context of ruthless rulers and such), then psychotics took it literally and started getting weird ideas like psychotics per definition do.
This guy. I think he actually is a vampire in WOD lore.
>He was quite literally a philosopher king
He would be a perfect vampire because noone would suspect him.
Nah, Heydrich was a vampire, Himmler was the Renfield in their relationship. HhHH, and all that.
I have a pet conspiracy theory that Putin is the Baron von Ungern-Sternberg's grandson, come to bring about his grandfather's Eurasian neo-Mongolian Empire. Putin apparently has some far-right Eurasianist occultist in his inner circle, he could be the guy assigned to assist the heir in claiming his throne.
Any of those celebrities with old photographed look-alikes.
I've always liked putting mythological figures as vampires and other such monsters, like having the basis for the Greek Pantheon be a bunch of vampires with Chronos diablerizing the hell out of them until Zeus deposed him, or Tlazoleotl being a powerful member that one bloodline of Malkavian? That can only drink diseased blood.
I have him as a vampire as part of the setting backstory in the Jojo campaign I run. Back in 1908 him and his secretive cult the Rasputinas created a ritual using his stand [Dschingis Khan] to call a solid meteorite of pure stand-arrow-rock to earth, and were foiled only when a still-unknown member of the Rasputinas turned traitor, slew Rasputin, and then sacrificed themselves by using their stand [30 Seconds to Mars] to achieve escape velocity and ram themselves into the meteorite before it could hit the earth, causing the Tunguska Event.
Has Civ ever done Romania or Transylvania?
The Jojo part sounds disturbingly canon.
Don't believe so. Not influential or well known enough outside of "that place with the vampires," I'd wager.
You may laugh, but Putin as a vampire is a legitimate conspiracy theory in Russia
Poor bastard didn't get turned when he still had a hairline.
You play Secret World Legends too, I see.
Keanu got lucky in that regard.
Only in mods. In Civ V there were a few Romanian mods, a handful of which were actually legit. One was done by a gay radical monarchist kiwi /vp/oreon and his polish /d/runkard henchman. Civ V modding was a scene full of fucking weirdos.
I want Keanu-senpai to sire me!
Isn't every modding community basically a collection of weirdos?
>Elizabeth Báthory
>Jesus Christ
>Delphine LaLaurie
>Harry Houdini
>Grigori Rasputin
>Peter Kürten
>Fritz Haarmann
>Nikola Tesla
For a recent one, Max Schreck. Kinda ironic, but he'd be the guy to do that.
This board in general does not have the intellectual capacity to get that reference
I've been in more than a handful myself. There's many weirdos but also many normal people. The Civ one was the one that had the most peeps posting here on Veeky Forums, though.
What can I say, I live in hope.
Why? Why some fucking landwhale? Why not superior Shanakdakhete?
I'm pretty sure he went on play in Back to the Future...
Two explainations, either they want progressive gender mix for their leaders or the good leaders are going to get doled out as $5 DLC, or both.
Although that said, if they were going for that, where the fuck is Carthage and Dido? Or Byzantium and Theodora? I get that they don't want to bring back leaders from V, but LITERALLY ONLY YOU CARE ABOUT THAT FIRAXIS.
I'm actually sort of suprised they brought back Genghis instead of using Kublha Khan.
You now realize that Christianity is just a giant death cult who worship a dead god and promote eating the flesh and blood of said god to grant the follower eternal life.
>either they want progressive gender mix for their leaders
Shanakdakhete is a woman too.
I'm pretty sure Byzantium and Carthage will have other leaders if they're added, or two leaders, then Dido will definitely be there.
Not really, it's nice to see different people. Augustus in Civ 5 was cool, Trajan is even better.
No, Lenin was just a tool for this guy:
>new ep never
kill me
Yeah, but would you REALLY have cared all that much? Some nations really don't have all that many leaders to use, like the Zulu's for instance. Others obviously have massive stores to draw upon.
Rome, England, France and America have geniunely huge stores of potential leaders to draw upon.
But the Shoshone? The Apache? Brazil? Not so much.
Vlad the Impaler?
See you at Halloween, user!