The Empire has Pike and Shotte tactics down nice and solid. The Dwarves have musket lines and powerful artillery. The Skaven have long range sniper muskets, flamethrowers, rockets, poison gas, Doomwheels and energy cannons.
The Bretonians? >Durrr, lets all be knights and throw mobs of peasants at our problems!
Jaxon Hill
William Morales
The empire doesn't have pikes.
Samuel Wilson
how fortunate that empire and dwarfs aren't their main enemies, right?
Thomas Reed
Did a Skaven start this thread?
Lincoln Ross
Almost like they represent the honour before reason trope.
Carter Cruz
Shut-snap man thing. The Liber Bubonicus prohibits shitposting
Carter Stewart
Yep, they have magical protection against high powered weapons and the hardest hitting cavalry. Their archers outrange muskets and the Trebuchet is one of the best warmachines in the game eventhough it was designed by a loonie using church ruins for ammunition. Peasant blobs are nigh useless, except grail reliquary which is a great tarpit.
Only real shitter is the magic (we play 7th). Beast lore is fucking gimped due the bears anger not working on mounted models and lore of life has it even worse.
Grayson Gray
Grail Virtue of Noble Disdain
Bentley Edwards
You are just jealouse because you will never look so badass.
Jaxon Scott
Warhammer was made specifically so that you could take all the models Citadel produced, historical, fantasy, even sci-fi, and use them to play a game. Some of the mash-ups make more sense than others, and the Bretonnians certainly stick out compared the other humans polities like the Empire, Tilea or Estelia.
That being said the WFRP book 'Knights of the Grail' did a really good job of presenting the Bretonnian world view. Well worth a read if you can find the pdf somewhere.
Owen Richardson
how do they play in aos?
Got an old 2k force that could use some dusting off
Hudson Thomas
>The Empire has Pike and Shotte tactics down nice and solid.
not even a bit. They have muskets and don't adjust the rest of their weaponry well to it.
Wyatt Rivera
>The Empire has Pike and Shotte tactics down nice and solid. They don't >The Dwarves have musket lines and powerful artillery. Only a fag cheeses the dwarf gunline instead of righting your grudge mano-a-mano >The Skaven have long range sniper muskets, flamethrowers, rockets, poison gas, Doomwheels and energy cannons. Only clan skyre has those things, and they're not even the most fun to play
4/10 made me reply but also sage
Nathan Cruz
You're ignoring all the other races in WHFB that don't do high tech stuff. Like the elfs.
Also the brets have the best navy, since Manann (and therefore every nobleman on the coast) is ok with guns.
Bombards, culverins, pots-a-feu and swivel guns ftw!
Landon Collins
I’m fairly sure both the High and Dark Elves beat them in both naval prowess and capacity, and the Dwarfs at least have the edge in ship design.
Ayden Myers
If I remember Man-o-War rules correctly, bret had gallions while elves were limited to triremes, and dwarvish ships had armored turrets and steam engines, but lacked the sheer amount of guns of the bretonnian navy.
Luis Robinson
It does. It's just that GW had become so retarded by the time of 6th ed that they couldn't make rules work for pikes, so just gave them spears. In novels and earlier editions you could get Imperial pikemen. Any given army book isn't meant to be exhaustive, with the possible exception of the old Warhammer Armies from 2nd ed that had anything and everything you could think of.
Sebastian Green
They've got firearms, you know, things that historically replaced pikes.
Matthew Martin
The Bretonians have the backing of the most active non-chaos god and access to her blessings.
Brayden Powell
>in aos user, I...
Brandon Morris
Proxy as Brotherhood in KoW or Equitaine in 9th Age, or just continue to play 8th or earlier with your bros.
Carson Campbell
>It's just that GW had become so retarded by the time of 6th ed that they couldn't make rules work for pikes, so just gave them spears. No, not really. There were rules for pikes but there weren't any miniatures for them, because white metal pikes are shit and bend all the time. In 3rd edition the Empire could take 'Nulner Landsknechts' with pikes, but the illustration has a spear. In 4th edition they just left them out altogether.
It's nothing to do with the rules.
Jayden Brown
>firearms replaced pikes
Gabriel Mitchell
Yes, those 20-foot rifles with bayonets that made up all 19th-century armies
Jace Long
>20-foot rifles with bayonets >mfw having pike-gunners as core unit