Of all the legions Alpha Legion is the most rational. Humanity is fucked and doomed beyond belief, the only sane thing to do is to end it all.
Just like in real life.
Of all the legions Alpha Legion is the most rational. Humanity is fucked and doomed beyond belief...
Other urls found in this thread:
"I am 14 years old and school is out for christmas" the post/legion
>this is your mind on nihhilizm
Ahh yes, the "In 10 years I'm going to remember I thought all this and used it as a reason to justify my army choice" secret personal cringe legion.
>Wasting effort and time on helping others by ending it all
>Not just ending yourself
How does it feel to be a naive idealist?
Not being able to trust people is a weakness.
>Of all the legions Alpha Legion is the most rational.
Fool, that's exactly what they want you to think!
That's retarded, you're retarded. But if you insist, why don't you start with yourself?
in that case make like alpharius and fucking die
>implying the Emperor's Children aren't the most rational for embracing the sheer absurdity of the universe and living it up while they share the good word of Slaanesh
>Implying that was Alpharius
>Implying that was Omegon
>Implying Alpharius didn't trick Rogal Dorn into mistakenly kill his own twin Tugboi Dusque
>Implying there's only two Aplariuses
Shit, are you saying there's something more to Alpha dudes than fighting, scheming and trying to scheme stuff so that the dudes they're fighting end up looking like a bunch of dunces?
That's the secret Alpha Legion thing?
This is why advancing the plot is stupid, GW.
On childish nihilism. They need to teach philosophy in school and lesson fucking one should be. Yeah and the point of there being no inherent meaning to the universe is that so everyone can make their own.
Lesson fucking 2. Just because everyone can make their own reasons doesn't make them all right. How do we determine what is best from wrong? In my opinion the place to start is utilitarianism.
Gawd every time I see a post with someone claiming to be le edgy nihilist who doesn't even get it triggers me.
I like to think that the Alpha Legion despite all its schemes and shenanigans and millions of splinter cells, has a basic tendency to be more forgiving and work alongside any other kind of Alpha Legion cell, regardless of sleeper Imperial Units, Chaos warbands, human agents, corrupted xenos mercenaries, daemon princes, dark age tech mad scientist types etc for the sake of the Hydra.
So that no matter how convoluted the Alpha Legion factions become, their core value is that the Alpha Legion absorbs all the factions of humanity and beyond with some basic channels of cooperation, even for the sake of appearing to creating chaos.
IE it doesnt matter who wins or what schemes succeed or fail, as long as everyone becomes alpha legion in the end.
When you've reached the top,
When you've grown too strong,
There's only one thing to rely on
And thats self destruction.
Imperial Fists are the most rational. Girls have cooties so it's our duty to build fortresses where they are not allowed.
But the whole point of the book is that Alpharius can't fool the Primarchs. Dorn even points out "I know it's you, Alpharius. I ALWAYS know it's you. You can fool mortals, but it's physically impossible to fool another Primarch."
The Alpha Legion knew what was up,
>Not understanding the difference between Absurdism and Nihilism
>sacrifice most of his legion so they accept a shitty book
>the most rational
Ahahaha imperiumfags really believe this,kill yourself fistcuck
>Remember that time a traitor legion dug a big hole and told our primarch he couldn't cross it, so he flung so many battle brothers at the fortress behind the hole he plugged the moat with dead marines, strode over to give the traitor primarch a good talking to. But it turned out the traitor primarch wasn't there and the fortress was a bomb? Good times.
Remember the Alpha Legion before Abnett got their hands on them? Remember the Alpha Legion that consisted of tryhards who joined Horus to prove the galaxy that their fighting style is the best and because he was the only guy nice to them? Good times.
Is nihilistic defeatism the most cucked worldview there is?
>Universe wants to fuck us all
>Let it
edgy in a way that inspires no one but school shooters.
OP, if you really want nihilism, why not Night Lords? I thought that was always supposed to be their shctick - or at least their Primarch's. Course, the legion you could say is the epitome of nihilism - except while Konnie Curze thought that was a tragedy for the species, his sons took that meaninglessness and said "WE HAVE NO MORAL CODE AND NEITHER DOES REALITY"
I am a NL fanboy so dont worry user.
>Die as you lived son of the eight legion, in midnight clad.
>>sacrifice most of his legion to prevent another civil war that the wounded imperium certainly could not survive*
Dumb warpcucks
>people complaining that chaos worshipers are nihilists
As a AL fan myself, I can confidently say you're a faggot and should leave my army out of your particular form of sodomy.
And that's how you make a legion devoted purely to causing atrocities into one of the most compelling entities in a universe loaded with them.
>Death is nothing compared to vindication. Admittedly even then you could say that Curze meant that vindication, that everything he believed about the universe was true, was a fate even worse than death, but now I'm just extrapolating. Either way is awesome.
I thought he was praising that though?
>pic related - actual best legion, fight me
>it's physically impossible to fool another Primarch
Explain clusterfuck that is the heresy with these warrior sages leading the way then.
You're either a moron or a IF player as if there is an actual distinction
>pic related
>lesson fucking one should be. Yeah and the point of there being no inherent meaning to the universe is that so everyone can make their own.
>Lesson fucking 2. Just because everyone can make their own reasons doesn't make them all right. How do we determine what is best from wrong?
Except that doesn't really address the existential crisis at the core of nihilism.
>The universe is vast and uncaring, we are too small for anything we do or don't to have meaning
>You are dumb and wrong and following societal norms feels good now shut up
This right here encapsulates the problem. The Alpha Legion is fragmented to all hell. Some groups drank the Chaos kool-aid whilst others are hardcore Imperial diehards. Some are trying to enact some sort of master plan whilst others are just dicking about waiting for a call to arms. And everything inbetween. They are literally the least unified of the Legions. At least the World Eaters or Emperor's Children have a God in common whilst they fuck each other up.
wrong, nihilism does not mean hating on any form of morality you fuckign retard. Following moral norms because you like it is an example of a nihilistic take on morality. Believing everyone should create his own morality becuase there is no inherent morality is a nihilistic thought. You are confusing nihilism with extreme edgy nihilism.
Not that much better really. Honestly it's a condemnation of BL's HH that they seriously couldn't come up with better, and in some ways, somehow even worse.
>nihilism does not mean hating on any form of morality you fuckign retard.
And I said that where?
I haven't read the book, but he's right, older sources also say Alpharius couldn't hide from Primarches. Index Astartes says Horus knew Alpharius was a primarch the moment he saw this armored dude not much bigger than a regular marine.
Warp Voodoo apparently allows Primarchs to instinctively recognize their own kind.
>They are literally the least unified of the Legions.
You mean most unified legion.
It's all part of the plan, they are the unbroken chain.
Maybe unified in the sense that Omegon might still be out there pulling some strings, but otherwise no, it's canon that most cells are just doing their own thing. Granted, that's completely by design as it was always the plan for sections of the Legion to be able to operate independently, but that doesn't change the fact that one Warband is off spying on Abaddon in the Eye whilst another is rounding up cultists on the other side of the Galaxy without any knowledge of each other. They are Alpha Legion in name, colour and tactics but the leadership is completely different.
Total newfag here, what the fuck is that model in the background?
Either a ridiculous conversion project or a non-Games Workshop model. It's there because Night Lords are a bit zany.
Hey I posted the pic, and I had never thought to before, but I did an image search and it looks like it was part of a piece by two delightfully disturbing artists named Jake and Dinos Chapman. Unfortunately, no matter what article posts this, no one credits the actual name of the piece. Either way, not on the market most likely, unless you wanna place a bid. Shame, these fellow would do well in the conversion scene
> it's canon that most cells are just doing their own thing.
Yeah, but to a greater ends.
Alpha Legion is a weird animal, they way the operate is also designed to look like a chaotic mess.
They are many heads but one body.
If they ever decide to expand on their lore in 40k era, I think they will play a much bigger role than anyone thinks.
Man, this reminds me that I should try and finish that Deathwatch campaign with Alpha Legion as the bad guys.
God, it seemed like such a good way to just constantly fuck with my players.
>Not being Death Guard.
Existence is pain, but to embrace it brings immortality and camaraderie beyond wildest imagination. Only true way to worship Chaos desu.
I imagine them all only using variations of the word Alpharius to communicate with one another, like a bunch of bastard Pokémon.
At least that reason is consistent with the martial hubris of the legion. Like when they waited for a hive world or some big ass city to entrench and prepare, just because they wanted a challenge. The Guilliman raged afterwards. It was in the old index astartes article IIRC.
Well, that's another pic for the legion feels collection. Is there one for the IW, BL, WB and AL? Because I've got all the cult legions and NL now.
>I'm so loyalist you're a traitor.
>You can't be a renegade if there is no Imperium left
>Implying Alpharius didn't kill Dorn and put his face on as a disguise to secretly defect back to the Imperium before eventually faking his own death
>Humanity is fucked and doomed beyond belief, the only sane thing to do is to end it all.
This account is a lie.
>Dorn even points out "I know it's you, Alpharius. I ALWAYS know it's you. You can fool mortals, but it's physically impossible to fool another Primarch."
Because Dorn has never, ever, in any way been wrong before.
>They are literally the least unified of the Legions.
They canonically still have a central command calling the shots.
>Index Astartes says Horus knew Alpharius was a primarch the moment he saw this armored dude not much bigger than a regular marine.
IA also says he had just tanked his way through an entire honor guard bridge crew's worth of bolter fire to close to grips with Horus.
I think that might have been the bigger give away.
Horus felt the same about his other brothers.
He mentions it to his personal remembrancer.
Curze wasn't a nihilist. He had a lot of existential crisis, but in the end he died for something.
This is just some shit faction wanking. Writers think it's the only way to make a legion interesting.
There are legionaries that have ascended to daemonhood. You can't keep these guys in line.
True names.
They are Alpharius.
>Motherfuckers don't just embrace the fast and enjoy it all while it lasts
Oh my mistake. I thought nihilism was thinking there was no overarching meaning to the universe, hence the existential crisis. What's the distinction, if I may ask?