What will the 42nd millenium bring?
Dead astartes. Blasphemous mutants will replace them
Disney movies
disney wouldn't touch 40k with a ten foot pole. Thank god. They would have to change and get rid of so many things to make it family friendly and fit their agenda that the end product would be completely unrecognizable as anything 40k
>Buddy movie where a Dark Angel Fallen is actually the hero. Inner Circle chaplain hunts him down but he convinces him to join him on his quest to clear his and his brothers names. Evading Ork pirates and wandering inquisitors while on their way to Terra to see the oldest Custode who knows the truth and has the clout to sway some of the ordos and the rest of the DA to see the truth
the custode has a wicked long beard
Make the protagonists a Rogue Trader and his crew and have Necrons as the bad guys, it'll be like Pirates of the Carribean in space.
War and chaos.
And fresh new buzzwords to disguise the fact that Veeky Forums is still having the same circular fluff arguments they were having 10 years ago.
Yeah it's not like we live in a universe where Disney owns and ruined The Punisher ...
All the Primarchs through retcons and weird processes, more Primaris models, new models for every army, but that will take some time. I'd ay we have at least 3-4 years before every faction has received new models that actually make a difference, not like Celestine and Veridia for the SoB.
Hopefully more expansion for these guys, been thinking of getting a scarring of the White Scars chapter symbol on my chest recently too.
>Implying that's not already started to happen with the timeline advance
>Imperials and Eldar working together
>Big, Blue, Bonde, Heroboy woken up leading a shining crusade
>Numarines with no flaws becoming shining exemplars of humanity
>Axing of Slaneesh as a main god in AoS
>Bringing back the SoB and giving them a bigger role
>Dark Eldar are being redeemed by joining Ynnead
>Commoragh and its' not-family-friendly lore is being eaten by demons
>Chaos is becoming cartoonishly evil without the irony and being pushed as the main villain again
I dunno user
Hapinness and joy.
...fuck this gay timeline.
I really want to see that, and then laugh even harder at you because it will look like an SS rune that you tried to cover up by making it look "lightning"
Imagine the women, when you finally meet a troll one without a nose and she ask what it is "you aren't a nazi are you"
"it's from a miniature wargame"
"....now I wish you where a nazi instead, at least I wouldn't be THAT embarrassed to let my friends and parents meet you"
9th, 10th, 11th edition of the game, each requiring me to blow hundreds on crappy remixes of the rules.
I think you should shoot yourself for this heresy.
This looks gross dude
they ruined it?
Hopefully the squatting of your (as in "the user reading this post's") favorite faction.
Friendly necrons
Female space marines.
Alliances of convenience between some of the less blatantly evil factions of 40k. The IoM getting slightly less grimdark, Eldar of all flavors coming together to deal with Chaos a bit more, Necrons getting more pro-active on getting those darned kids of their space lawn. Chaos goes back to being a threat that doesn't actually do anything now that they've done their one big thing and Abaddon returns to being the worst boy in the galaxy. Nothing interesting with the xeno races cause nobody on the writing team cares about them.
That's about it.
About goddamn time.
Plastic sisters
Guilliman and Abadabadingdong face off in a one on one fist fight on top of a titan. Guilliman then takes off in a landraider with his otaku loving first captain
Please no. I just got into the hobby to escape this kind of thing.
one thousand years after the 41st millennium began.
Loyalist genderfluid mutant animals Space Marines Chapters.
>tfw deviantart furfags can do power armor proportions better than 90% of official GW art
user, I...
More misery for everyone involved, except the orks.
They never wanted to but The Punisher specifically, they got it as part of the package deal. Then it was pointless not to milk it. Buying 40K would be like buying The Punisher and nothing else, just in order to change it.
Guilliam makes a secret pact/alliance with the Tau.
Oh user, you didn't need to buy overpriced toy soldiers for that. If you wanted to avoid women your shit personality was always going to be sufficient for that.
Aren't those just Space Wolves(Wulven) tho?
Yes please. But only if they're as sexy as thiBLAM