When it comes to "half human, half [animal]" type races/monsters/creatures, how important is it to you that they behave like (or in what ways do you think it is important that they behave like) the animal half?
When it comes to "half human, half [animal]" type races/monsters/creatures...
>how important is it to you that they behave like the animal half?
Utmost importance.
Depends on the animal. I tend to do a little re-definition with my animal hybrids. My minotaurs are less cow and more prehistoric Auroch.
I don't things those were much less herbivorous than modern day cows. Would it really change the subject?
>being surprised that the minotaur
>ancient greek maneating resident of the labyrinth
>eats meat
Weebs and Nips aren’t known for being particularly smart or worldly. That’s why so much of this garbage is just sticking ____ ears on a little girl and calling it an animal.
Better than furshit
How do you rank this?
I'd argue it's somehow worse because it often doesn't matter. It's just window dressing and has no real reason to exist. It falls to the issue of telling rather than showing. "This character is x animal because we say it is, and it has no actual traits or behaviors that would make you think it is part animal"
>Wow having a broken leg sucks
>But at least I wasn't forced to self amputate and then consume it.
You're an extremely insightful person, and I value your incredibly well thought out, relevant and meaningful opinions.
IIRC the pre-domestication aurochs were omnivorous and happy to eat meat. Also extremely aggressive.
Both halves contribute to a psychology unrecognizable from any of its constituent parts.
Not important at all, mostly due to the fact that animal behavior is actually not all that different from how we think, and an animal that becomes a social, language using, tool creating species will have major alterations towards it behaviors to be more human.
Take for instance this Murder present are actually just cats bringing food to what it considers feeble hunters, a simple pro social activity we perform regularly and lots of other animals do too. Yes, cats think we are weird cats.
>Murder present are actually just cats bringing food to what it considers feeble hunters
Cats bring murder presents to prove they're working, and worth the diet supplements they're given.
The only-partly-dead ones most people get are from cats that aren't trained properly. I grew up with two cats that were born on a farm and given a few weeks training by their mother.
They were definitely showing off, especially the time they brought a pigeon through the cat flap. Or enjoyed watching the humans try to catch birds.
If animal has the comparable intelligence and social structure to humans, they would be more humans in behavior too. Some minuscule traits and quirks would stay, probably, but they won't be pronounced to retarded degree.
On a side note, if your beastfolk behavior boils down to "lol animal stereotypes" you are bad and you should feel bad.
I'd honestly prefer the shown animal to be metaphorical about their personality, and having actual animal parts denote supernatural powers, instead of just "i am snek therefore lamia"
It's much worse. Weebs tend to think they're socially acceptable. Furries know they're degenerates
Is this bizarro
But the point you were making in your last post was that the characters ARE (usually) behaving like the animals they resemble, rather than the mythological beings they're based on. The argument started in the first place because the Japanese don't usually assume a being with the features of cattle would be omnivorous since cattle is herbivorous (which, you might want to note, is a mistake the comic makes a point of correcting).
It's the truth and you know it.
Shit man people at my place of employment talk about anime and manga (if you’re using the severely loose newfaggy definition of weeb)
And it’s definitely not worse than furries
There's a difference between liking anime and being a degenerate weeb, same as there's a difference between enjoying media with anthropomorphic animals and being a furfag. You can really like naruto or dbz or gundam and even try to do Veeky Forums stuff with those sorts of interests without playing a hypersexualized twelve year old catgirl
And like I said, it's worse because it's the same level of degeneracy but weebs think that since anime is more socially accepted and commonplace then going full magical realm and/or sperg is fine and good because "it's just like my ecchi comedy animes guys hehe don't you like anime?"
>furfags trying to make their degeneracy more socially acceptable by shifting blame to weebs
Are you guys trying to reignite furfag hate or something?
They always do this just ignore them
Love this guy's art but I thought this manga was long dead
I mean, fine, if a player brings 700-years old magical loli to a serious game i would kindly ask him what the fuck is he trying to accomplish.
But that's the same difference as between reasonable beastfolk character and "totally snuggly gay cutebold OwO". The first gets a pass, i might even homebrew a race based on them. The second sheet goes into the shame bin immediately.
uncanny valley/10. Fur and human face don't mesh well.
No I just hate weebs. And I think more people should, too. Anytime you try to bring up weeb degeneracy people say "oh you're just a buttmad furfag. That's clearly the only reason you'd have a problem with me inserting my loli ass expansion fetish into the game". You're part of the problem
>Weebs vs furries flamewar
I prefer the human part to be dominant for multiple reasons:
>no/wrong information
Let's face it, writers aren't always the most informed about the subect of their writing. So half-animals frequently have things wrong about the animal in question or miss something crucial that would throw the design out of the window. Usually that's because the creator simply works off the cultural idea of the animal rather than doing research. Best example is wolves and their social structure. There's tons of shitty YA settings sparked by Twilight that has Alpha werewolves as absolute monarchs.
This lazy writing also frequently leads to:
Because many beastfolk are based on exisitng archetypes and because the more human races get the bulk of attention the few beastfolk characters we get are the same stereotypes over and over.
I aleady know the character by looking at it, so your introduction and character building is just wasting my time.
Lastly, I just prefer intelligent enemies/societies over ones with behavior restriced by animal archetypes because it gives me more freedom for storytelling, gaming, etc. Coming back to the werewolf example, with the stupid alpha/beta structure you're bound to have some side character strife for dominance. The werewolf antagonist is bound to value physical strength and aggressiveness, etc.
One thing I'm more lenient towards is if you outright say that your people with funny ears are just humans that have somehow gained these traits. Tribal ritual for supernatural strength, blessing by a wild god, wizards being irresponsible little shitheads.
It's more honest than pretending that it's a completely seperate species that just so happens to be exactly like humans except for the one or two points the creator finds interesting.
>No I just hate weebs.
Fair enough. Good luck funposting, user!
Are humans monkeyfolk?
They're to monkeys what Melniboneans were to regular people.
Humans are the monkey equivalent of catgirls. I think that monkeyfolk would just be smarter monkeys with better posture. It's also a criminally underused trope in fantasy if you ask me. Perfect orc replacement
>Humans are the monkey equivalent of catgirls
We have traits reminiscent of wild monkeys/apes but they're largely superficial and irrelevant, in the same way a catgirl's catness is basically just window dressing and a few cutesy mannerisms
>tfw no Conan-esque campaign with evil demon-worshipping sorcerers, barbarian (anti)heroes and savage ape-men
I want to run it but i'm not sure if my group will be interested.
Don't forget the ancient and perfidious serpent men and their unknowable cults
>Humans and beastfolk in the setting appeared because some dumbass god was messing aroung with Magical Evolution Beam
>Humans and beastfolk are practically similiar, in appearance (save from different animal parts) and genetically
Some humans are born with tails. it is said that great power lies dormant within them.
M8 we're violent and murderous just like Chimpanzees. There's more than just a superficial aspect to our traits.
Pure sword and sorcery or include the apocalyptically powerful relics left of ancient dead civilizations?
I thought both of them thought they were normal?
Tbh i've met more self-aware weebs than self-aware furries.
People can like anime and not be degenerate
Depends on the amount of animal in them, don't it? I mean, a human with horns and weird pupils probably shouldn't go all goat, where as an animal that walks upright probably shouldn't live a civilized human life. Though it's always a fun thing to subvert expectations.
Kouya is technically finished but it's a series that drives away translators like the plague and no less than 3 groups have tried to translate it and dropped it for various reasons.
>Fur and human face don't mesh well.
I tend to disagree but it really depends on the artist when dealing with this type of 'hybrid' approach. It really just depends on how they synch up the human face with the rest of the animalistic features. Tiger lady here has solid proportions meaning her human head "fits" on her larger than human frame, she has massive legs and longer than normal arms but it doesn't look "off" to me. The artist allows her enough human facial features to be recognizable (and attractive) but also allows the face to contort into a more besital snarl whenever emotions get high. He does this with all his characters but since this story is the kind where the males are more bestial in appearance than the ladies but a human face is easier to read without needing some other visual cue. Other features like the feet resembling an animals, larger muscle mass, multiple teets, claws, fangs, stripes, tail, etc, etc. Are also arranged in a way that looks "correct" to me.
Ultimately it's not the presence of fur on the face that would make me think a design looks bad, it's whether or not the artist can sell the whole package.
I think I just read an untranslated version for the art, I really dig this guy's character design
>Perfect orc replacement
Seriously, though. Just look at this motherfucker.
Eh, looks fine to me. As this guy mentions:
It still maintains pretty human proportions. I actually find animal faces and perfectly proportional human bodies more uncanny, especially if the face is completely animal and has no trace of human traits.
The tiger girl is best seen alongside other humans, she's fuckhuge.
Do you have any images of the monkey girl? Her design really works well imho
>The tiger girl is best seen alongside other humans, she's fuckhuge.
That she is
>Do you have any images of the monkey girl?
I have all the raws so give me a bit to scout out some choice pics.
Forgot I have this ancient collage
The centaurs in the same setting are all vegetarians despite centaur literally meaning 'bull hunters'.
Is the same series as the one with the honey badger girl and they all kill each other in some island battle royal bullshit?
No that is 'Killing Bites'
Who is this simian semen demon
>two nano-distinctive kinds of hate hurling their hate at each other over the difference
>a third nano-distinctive kind of hate hurls its hate at both sides
>I hate furries more, so fewer of them hate themselves as much as I hate them.
In my mind all Hanuman will now be based off of her.
Do you give much of a distinction between in-universe they are considered different species, vs. real talk orcs are green humans that people are racist against?
Would go cheesy for Tomoe.
Because violence is a trait only chimps have?
I believe her name is Tomoe Hanuma from an untranslated manga called Kouya ni kemono Doukokusu
Questions for thread-
Should you sex beast-folk?
Where on the scale of Weeb to Furry should they be on before you sex them?
>should you?
Harkness test
>where on scale?
Wherever you're comfortable with. Or if you play Exalted you might need to create your own with critters that do not pass the above test.
>Should you sex beast-folk?
Eh, if you really want to.
>Where on the scale of Weeb to Furry should they be on before you sex them?
C'mon user, we both know that's not true
I go by saturday morning cartoon rules.
So half animals range from hot girl with some cat ears ala the puma twins to STREET SHARKS AW YEAH.
They are equally likely to be entirely straight faced as having animal-like traits. Also, a high predisposition to liking a specific type of fast food as a group. Like pizza.
Thanks, it's a really good character design, and I like how he plays with the bestial nature of her face by showing her fangs
>"No I just hate weebs."
>Posts about it on an anime image board
I honestly don't get how often pic is related.
You know, I hate a lot of things too, user, but you don't see me hanging out in the central locations for those groups and fandoms bitching about it. If weebs are such a problem for you, just leave and go hit up Reddit or something.
>Anytime you try to bring up weeb degeneracy people say "oh you're just a buttmad furfag."
Only when you bring it up in defense of furfagging. Everyone laughs at Dakimura-toting 2d-waifu-having losers. Everyone. Weebs and Furfags are two different (though sometimes overlapping) degenerate communities and when you bring one up out of left-field in defense of the other, it frames you as a animal-fucking furfag.
To the extent that their clearly visible animal body parts would immediately imply.
pls sauce
>not recognizing that style immediately
Never delved in it you little shit.
I remember something about a lolibaba but cant find it.
Boku no Picu
it looks kind of like [Midori no Rupe]
Veeky Forums hasn't been an "anime imageboard" for quite a while now. You're deluded if you think that it is
Slapping animal behavior on a whole race of humanoids with no consideration to where/how they live, their history, their belief, or any actual culture is lazy and boring. humans are basically apefolk but we're infinitely more complex than your average gorilla or chimp
user please
No he's right. It started as an anime image board with only a few sub boards that had a focus on certain topics, most related to anime. Over the past decade it has expanded far beyond an anime board and has left that origins far behind.
Now it is an image board with many subs that have focus on a wide range of topics many of them where posting anime is verboten, and they've been that way for years. The revisionism of claiming that the origins of the board mean that you can post whatever shitty anime bullshit wherever you want is the most entitled weeb shit ive ever seen.
Veeky Forums is a board that is only barely appropriate for some anime posts, and all of those are for the TTRPGs that are anime based. Its origins as the 40k and D&D board says such.
Of course not, it's an azerbaijani recipe wiki everyone knows that
>not bonobos
This is why people hate weebs
Incredibly important, otherwise what is the point in using them.
Monkey is best girl.
If she ain't nyaa-ing atleast every other sentence, off to the adoption center with her
If she nyaa's even once, to the pyre with her
Make your mind up, user
We ain't friends no mo', anonymous
reptile people beeing the ancient evil empire that while degenerated still lurks around the corner to take back the world is under utilized as fuck.
It used to be the standard with Conan, but the only example i can think of these days are DnD Yuan ti.
Warhammer Lizardmen sorta count but they are 1. not evil and 2. the setting is dead.
Everquest is also dead.
Most newschool reptile people fall into the "Moronic swamp dwellers" category that just make far less compelling villains and boring player characters.
If we're still discussing likenesses of animal behavior to beastfolk, I play a harpy mage.
For the most part, I try to keep the character smart and not at all "lel birdbrain!" unless either I say something dumb and try to cover it up in character with the jokey "well, what do you expect? I'm birdbrained." response, or when I'm being silly and using the perform skill to do comedic impersonations.
Also i replace "huh?" with "haw," and have the character's laugh sound like a birds cawing or something.
birdbrained probably isn't much of an insult anymore since we discovered that birds pound per pound have denser brains and are smarter than other animals with similar brain sizes.
We were never friends
Is it? It's so cool and thematic. Plus being a smug snake wallowing in his own decadence is fun.
Look at this retarded baka
You're a silly one
i personally prefer the highly disciplined low emotion approach over the languid decadent approach.
Reptiles inspire fear in a lot of people, thats why Howard used them, imo the whole decadent angle downplays that a bit.
In a way, thulsa doom in conan wasnt very decadent compared to the rest of his cult. I could be wrong tho.