in which i try to not be a failure at making threads
>autistic meme game that has been in the works for over a year
>chess/shogi hybrid, pieces are based on boards, each piece has a unique ability
>the most retarded shit you'll see before the year is out
>it's actually fun
ITT: Veeky Forums plays Veeky Forums chess
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i don't have the most sophisticated way of updating the board but i'll make do with what i have:
1. f5
I want to play this but I'm procrastinating going Christmas shopping already and this will make it worse
>Having /mlp/, /vip/, and /pol/ but no Veeky Forums.
The hell OP?
someone has asked me this before, the pdf will explain. if i had a better idea for a Veeky Forums piece it would be on the board right now, believe me.
Bump. Never seen this before. Have no idea what's going on. Haven't rolled dice in years. Stumbled here from /k/ on a whim. Good luck OP.
I don't want this thread to die.
/a/ to e7
No idea if that works but I'm doin' it anyway.
>A promoted /a/ has the option of leaping 2 squares in any direction.
>/a/ isn't promoted
pic related is the promoted side of the /a/, all pieces' promoted side have a + prefixed to their name.
Make Veeky Forums piece "rules lawyer" and cancel out a single elimination per game, or some other kind of rule. Or a rule involving a dice and a table.
for it to be a 'rules lawyer,' do you mean it would be able to cancel your opponent's move, like the knightmare cards from knightmare chess?
i tried with the first edition to use dice, rooks were /s4s/ that when moved you rolled 2d6. rolling 11 permitted you to move any piece to any unoccupied square on the board. with the first edition though i just threw shit at the wall and hoped something stuck; it'd feel like an addition rather than an internal part of the game. i don't mean to be really boring but i'm trying to keep away from elements of imperfect information and luck. even with all of these traits Veeky Forums chess is still a game of perfect information.
Or let it choose a "class" at the beginning of a game and change its movement
that's pretty much the first edition Veeky Forums except the cards used to pick movement and traits were picked in a double-blinded fashion. remove the double-blindedness and it would be better, but i'll have to spend some time looking for movement patterns that are equal in value. i want moves that make it equal to a knight or bishop, not one move that makes it equal to a knight and then another that makes it stronger than a queen, because everyone would pick the latter move every time - the values of the armies would be unequal if you were to pick anything else.
>/pol/ twice
>/b/ twice
>/mlp/ twice
>/k/ twice
second /pol/ should be called Veeky Forums
second /b/ should be called /v/
second /mlp/ should be called /trash/
mechanically, they are identical
I got nothing for /k/, sorry.
It's wife, /an/? Or alternatively its lovechild, /out/.
kek, the pieces are identical (/k/s are bishops, /mlp/s are knights and /pol/s are rooks) but i have to maintain the names because if one /mlp/ was /trash/ for instance you have to constantly remember that they're functionally the same. plus there's only so many letters that you can use for notation, i'm using Y for /diy/ and I for /vip/. the back row pieces are all their own entity.
Bump for interest
Download GIUMP? You can make it layer based and 2D, making it easier to edit.
if you mean using GIMP to create and update the diagram, i plan on doing that as soon as i make proper icons for the pieces.
Given how much Veeky Forums is 40k dominated, you could make the TG tile a tactical marine.
true, i'll take that into consideration.
i'm hoping this game can go a few moves further, from personal playtesting this game does have the tendency of getting really sharp down the line
/mlp/ to d7, /k/ to c6, user to b7, /k/ to b5
let's face it nobody who's not a fool plays petrov's
i'm gonna take your first move of Md7
Kc6 is giving up a /k/ for nothing because Mxc6 and the position is the same except one less /k/ for white.
3. Md4
fine, four knights game, Mg7
actually i think i should demonstrate each piece's properties as the game progresses. anons for the most part are just pawns so nothing too special there. /mlp/s are the immediate next step and that's where things get interesting.
i've gone and highlighted the d7 /mlp/'s moves. you can see that it moves like your regular knight. however on a 10x10 board it has been proven that a standard knight is weaker than the bishop, when on an 8x8 board they are almost equal in value. however, we're talking about /mlp/ here. this isn't your regular horse, this is a pastel horse. it has the additional trait of being able to capture pieces that are diagonally adjacent to it, without having to move.
4. e5
welcome to Veeky Forums chess' four knights game: the /mlp/ mexican standoff.
just read the rules, castling is going to be such a bitch
5. Yf3
a /diy/ has no move but inherits the moves of every friendly adjacent piece. it copies only moves and its own trait, so it doesn't get any extra traits, but if you were to have two adjacent they would pass on their moves to each other. the /b/ has a similar rule where it cannot copy other pieces' traits unless the piece happens to be itself, so while both players can move their /b/s around the board ad infinitum after the first move, when a /diy/ moves enemy /b/s will be stuck until something else moves. here it inherits the move of the admin, the /a/, the user, the /k/ and the /mlp/.
Most special moves not made
need to make the remaining pieces
need to change descriptions and figures
Not in a mood to finish it.
Someone continue the work
drafted a quick guide for the very basics
holy shit nice job user. i've never used zillions before but i've of course heard things about it. seems to be everywhere on the chess variant pages.
bumping with some original content™
>no Veeky Forums peice
Veeky Forums are the players.
is a3 to a5 a valid move?
well, you're not wrong about that.
it's me (white) against Veeky Forums (black). i could play a5 but the tension seems to be held more in the centre than the flanks.
You could have a variant where at the start of the game you write your team (board) at a piece of paper and you must play with that piece.
Here is a zillion of game example
Its tg vs k
tg is normal chess team.
k is rifle chess variant team, but with 5 bishops, instead of 2 knights, 2 bishops and a queen. Pawn dont promote to queen or knight
Calculated the values of rifle chess pieces using zillion of games, this would be a team with 8 pawns, 1 king, at least 2 rooks and more 5 pieces that arent pawns or king, with similar value from the normal chess team.
you mean kinda like chess with different armies or chess 2? i don't think i could make a set of equal armies for multiple boards.
Small question after reading the rules: do either dropping a piece or using /mlp/'s range to take a piece counts as a move?
yes, they do.
Okay then two more just to check if I'm not mistaken: what are the pieces frozen by /x/ at the start of a game?
Can /r9k/'s rage move get countered by a promoted /vip/?
/x/s only freeze enemy pieces that are adjacent to it.
an unpromoted /r9k/ will be stopped within a square of a promoted /vip/ when it captures. i should also mention that a promoted /r9k/ is capable of capturing a /k/ or /a/ that is 3 squares away if there is an intervening piece.
what does /d/ do?
moves 1 square in any direction, upon its first capture it ‘absorbs’ the moves of the captured piece (but not its trait)
I'm amused by the fact that the /pol/ pieces are both far-left and far-right.
What doesn't /d/ do?