I’m looking for a system centered around superheroes. I’ve only played D&D 5e before and GURPS but I hated GURPS.
There are a lot of options out there, I'll just go through a few of the ones I'm most familiar with.
Mutants and Masterminds is a generic system built for supers stuff, with a lot of granularity and flexibility in building your own powers, although it makes the character creation a bit complex.
Masks is a rules light game about teenage heroes, with a focus more on personal identity and character development than nitty gritty details of superpowers, built for a single kind of superhero story but it tells it very well.
The Sentinels of the Multiverse RPG isn't actually out yet, but they released a quickstart with some adventures and pregens and it looks pretty promising, a rules medium game using the same setting as the Sentinels of the Multiverse cooperative card game.
I'll second 's suggestion of Mutants & Masterminds. It's a generic system at its core, but it's intended to be used for superheroics. Even if you strip away that verneer, it's a very capable d20 system that offers LOTS - I can't stress this enough, LOTS - of freeform character-building. It can be intimidating to get through chargen, but once you're past that, the rest of the game just cruises. If you have any experience with D&D (which you do), you already know how more than half the non-chargen mechanics work, and you'll take to M&M very easily - my group transitioned seamlessly.
Interestingly, the Sentinels of the Multiverse guys are actually doing a collaboration with the publishers of Mutants and Masterminds, making 'Sentinels of Earth Prime', a set of new hero, villain and environment decks using the same ruleset as Sentinels of the Multiverse, based on the default setting and iconic characters of Mutants and Masterminds.
I'm going to second Masks, it has its own niche as opposed to doing 'superheroes' in general, but it's a really good system
>iconic characters of Mutants and Masterminds
I ran with homebrewed settings, so I'll take your word for it.
Godlike is also a thing, though the system's a bit weird.
Bump. I need this thread for later.
GURPS with different rules.
>unironically recommending gurps
Is... Is that an emo Skeletor?
Hey most people go through that phase at some point in their life, it's probably just him as a teenager before the whole skeleton thing.
"Craaaaaaaawling in my skull....!"
It was actually quite ironic.
I'm sorry your IQ isn't high enough to appreciate irony and GURPS.
Couldn't you just play a high level 5e game in a modern setting
>The Sentinels of the Multiverse RPG isn't actually out yet, but they released a quickstart with some adventures and pregens and it looks pretty promising, a rules medium game using the same setting as the Sentinels of the Multiverse cooperative card game.
I'm really hopeful for that one, a guy I know plans to run it once the actual chargen rules are out. The basic concept (Since SOTM has a bit of a focus on comic book characters as parts of the books, not just on their own. Like how Chronoranger was literally part of a wild west comic that they brought back as a superhero since they owned the rights) will be 'Sentinel Comics has recently bought the rights to some old golden age solo books and are putting them into the setting'.
So far I'm going with an old WWII comic that was briefly published while america was allies with Russia...and very quickly went out of fashion when the Cold War got going as a ruskie hero became very unpopular. She's being added to the setting as the first Nachthexen, with the PC being in-universe her successor to her magic and out of universe the modern reboot for a world that likes more multicultural hero options.
Wait, I don't follow. Instead of comic book-esque action, the game is literally about comic books at a meta level?
What's a good rules-light system for shounen and superheroics?
that isn't FATE
Do you want a dedicated superhero system or are you open to other suggestions?
What did you dislike about GURPS? This will help with recommendations.
That's ironic an autist talks about irony.
Anything that can handle this. Action, superheroic, or generic.
Well, shounen is just a story style, so that doesn't really need rules unless you want some way to adjudicate that kind of social interaction. For supers I suggest BASH! if you want a dedicated system (a solid and fairly lite ruleset that I like), or possibly Masks which is a PbtA system (I know, I know) that focuses on teenage heroes and their interpersonal dramas.
For non-supers-specific I would suggest Risus or PDQ (both equally good IMO), or Wushu (a personal favorite). Risus or PDQ would be particularly good for your purposes since the rules work just as well for social conflict as for physical.
I should stop and point out that I definitely tend towards rules lite narrative games. If you want something crunchier then Mutants and Masterminds might be more to your cup of tea
Nah, it's still very much about comic book-esque action. It's just that the framing device for it is a bit meta (The term they use for a session is an 'Issue'/Chargen talks about prior adventures in the term of 'Back Issues'.).
M&M does the same thing.
> Risus
> Wushu
Excellent taste.
it actually isn't
>Mutants and Masterminds
>Savage Worlds+Superpowers Companion
There you go, three to look at.
Supers Revised Edition is neat. We're enjoying it right now.
Could you provide a link to the newest version of the Risus .pdf?
I teach, and Risus looks like a great game to play with my students during after-school waiting time.
Gotta throw my hat in for Marvel Heroic Roleplaying.
It's pretty narrative, but it has some neat stuff you can do with the dice pools.
Bumping this.
Hero System.
> Hero System 6th Edition Trove
> Hero System 5th Edition Trove
I'll have to start a MEGA for this but for now...
Nice. You have a few things that I don't.
I heartily recommend reading the Risus companion. It has some of the finest gaming advice, both for GMs and for players, that you'll ever see.
The Risus Companion: a 64 page player's guide to a now 4 page RPG. Everyone should read it. It's like the Art of War of RPG sourcebooks - useful to the direct subject it addresses yet widely applicable beyond that.
Thank you so much!
I will! I think my students will get a kick out of this.
A little something I didn't see in your files. I've used it and it works fairly well.
It's one of the neat things about the setting, they not only created the heroes and their adventures, but also their publication history, which gives the setting a really authentic feel. They have a podcast where they discuss it in depth, going over the various heroes, villains, locations and stories, adding in little tidbits like bad stories, dumb decisions, accidental elements that were retconned in and such that make it feel like a real comic book universe that might actually have been published.
One of my favourite characters, Mister Fixer, is a blind black motor mechanic martial artist who was the gritty reboot of an exploitation era martial arts hero, Black Fist, whose comic ended after the whole blacksploitation fad died out. It's a really cute little bit of meta stuff that also adds to the characters arc in the actual story events they go over.
Thank you and added.
>no wild talents
The fucking state of Veeky Forums. Lemme put it like this; ORE is probably one of the best systems to ever be created, and it's one of the most versatile as well. If you want to make superheroes in Wild Talents, sure, go nuts with customization. Character driven dramas? There's Dirty World. Be cartoonishly villainous and go to hell? Better Angels.
People will point you to Mutants & Masterminds but personally I think Marvel Heroic is a better system.
ORE is very, very good IF you happen to like it. It's a very love it or hate it system, though. You're just going to have to accept that your RPG waifu isn't lusted after by every player out there. Sorry to stomp on your little RPG cuckold fantasy, but you'll just have to play her yourself.
Didn't think this was worth bumping off a thread to create so going to ask here. Super villain idea, r8 m8
>Goldie and Jewel, pop idols under control of the Banker (I'm going to replace that name sooner or later)
>Goldie can fire midas blasts which turn targets to gold while Jewel controls gems and can use them to fly/defend herself/redirect Goldie's blasts
>Both can enter a super state by coating themselves in their namesake
Interesting synergy with the ability to redirect her partner's power. That could be a fun surprise for the PCs. What's their motivation? Are they willing pawns or is The Banker (TM) basically forcing them?
Not sure yet, The Banker gave them their power but I'm thinking the The Banker is also their manger so they have two big reasons not to cross him
Maybe he who gave also has the power to take away? It would make for an interesting background story. How would they react to the idea of getting powers, even if different from the current ones, that couldn't be taken?
I think they find their career worth more than their powers and The Banker can take away their powers at will but generally avoids acting because it cost him
The Banker is King Midas, his power is as big as how much wealth he has but he's greedy so generally uses catpaws and secondaries for crime.