Has anyone on this board played Brik Wars?

Has anyone on this board played Brik Wars?

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I think NiceDaemonette aka Whiteagle is the only one, which should tell you something.

Is that "worst pain possible" a real Lego head.

I want it.

It's from exo force I believe.

>exo force

Oh god this is some silly shit.

I had some as a kid. They were kind of cool. They had huge mechs. Basically lego anime.

I'm not the only one, hell the legend of Harpoon Jones comes from Veeky Forums...

>They had huge mechs. Basically lego anime.
I think even a few were designed by a big time anime Mechanical Designer, his credits were Macross related if I remember correctly...



Oh yea those were dope. I remember the little comics for that series that were in the lego magazine

As a kid exoforce was so awesome

Yeah, it was my shit back when I was a kid. If I still had legos and people to play it with you can bet I would get right back into it.

Literally who?

Some namefag from years ago that some dudes hated for his "teehee I'm so pervy" schtick. Also a number of trolls who pretended to be that namefag to rile them up.
So it's literally nothing, and doesn't really say a damn thing about Brik Wars.

They're all real heads; number two has had some of the original printing removed. It was originally a crash test dummy head.

Whiteagle is an annoying namefag who constantly shills BrikWars in every thread about Lego RPGs. He was banned from the BrikWars forum because of how annoying he is on Veeky Forums. He also namefags as a female when he wants to talk about 40k.

By the way, I voted Trump. He's the best at politics, just like BrikWars is the best Tabletop game.

I have played BrikWars. Its been a very long time.

Its silly fun, and maybe I'll play it again someday when my kids are old enough.

Personally though, I find it kind of mediocre. Not a huge fan. And the community was offputting. Like this weird combination of taking it all way too seriously, but being absolutely retarded at the same time.

Wow it's like it's 2013 all over again!

I’ve never played it but to be honest I got that vibe from how the rules read. Like, it’s one thing to repeat the mantra “chill out, it’s just a game,” but BrikWars seems to go balls deep and is oddly aggressive about it. “YEAH THE RULES ARE SILLY DONT LIKE IT YOURE A NOFUN CUNT JUMP UP YOUR ASSHOLE.”

Never played it. After reading the rules, I concluded it wasn't my kind of game and picked up MF0 instead.

Some things I have issues with:
>Unseriousness to the point of insulting the reader
>Almost no competetive element, focussed more on creating carnage together
>Rather basic rules, still somehow managing to take up that large a rulebook
>Very strong push to handwave everything
I feel like Brikwars is an excuse to play with legos first, and a wargame second. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but you need to find that crowd that's casually interested in wargaming but not a hardcore wargamer. If you're looking for a more serious lego wargame, try Mobile Frame Zero.

>By the way, I voted Trump. He's the best at politics
Wow, you clearly don't know who your even impersonating...

Yeah, but that's what happens when a game is built mostly around creating your own dudes; People get defensive about said creations.

Not my Briktoid Automata though, as they're basically a send up on how an omnicidal robot faction can be so ubiquitous yet so ineffectual.

I've voiced my own complaints with MF0 many a time, namely the games math being heavily skewed in favor of Offense, but I can reduce your issues into two categories:

>>Unseriousness to the point of insulting the reader
>>Almost no competetive element, focussed more on creating carnage together
The flippant tone of Brikwars towards "gaming" is literally by design.
Mike is an artist, and when he saw the Warhammer Community, he found an acrid cesspool almost entirely devoted to WAAC instead of using the medium to create awesome shit.
Thus he created Brikwars as the antitheses of Warhammer; A completely free game that encourages you to weaponize what ever crazy, stupid, silly, and/or awesome idea that pops into your head.

>>Rather basic rules, still somehow managing to take up that large a rulebook
>>Very strong push to handwave everything
Of course, encouraging this kind of creativity leads to the nebulous nature of Brikwars rules.
I mean, you are going to have to be vague if you want to uniquely crunch everything from a kids' frankensteinian mecha donkey to a Super Heavy Death Tank.

Posts like this are why people don't like you.

I preferred Claydonia, to be honest.


A proud and fellow cuckold who had one too many tokes of the all might black dong and turned him retarded.