perdy art edition
>Comprehensive Rules
>Current Modern Metagame
Who is your favorite card artist? Avon? Guay?
perdy art edition
>Comprehensive Rules
>Current Modern Metagame
Who is your favorite card artist? Avon? Guay?
Could Drake Haven have a place in Modern? Turning cycling cards into real threats at instant speed seems good honestly.
It's probably too slow.
There any good cycling cards we coud make use of? maybe it could be an alt win con in living end?
never know ultil you try
It's shit
A three drop that does nothing the turn it comes down and very little the following turns doesn't normally work in Modern.
Possibly, as a control deck finisher, but it feels unreliable and probably worse (thanks to deck building restrictions) than other ways to win with hard control decks. You have a better chance in Legacy, actually, since you have Lightning Rift as a backup wincon or could make an Astral Slide deck instead. Still probably wouldn't be amazing, but there you have it.
>Who is your favorite card artist?
Richard Kane Ferguson
>first response is this
Great start to the thread guise
>Hey guys what if I built a deck around getting my life really low and playing Death's Shadow
2 years ago you'd have been calling this retarded. Drake Haven is a card that effectively lets you win the game at instant speed. Opponent did something? Cool, counter it. Opponent didn't? Cycle 2 cards and put 4 flying power on the board. The only downside is it's a 3 mana do-nothing enchantment the turn you drop it, but beyond that it's pretty much what control wants as a win con.
What do you all think of Modern as a pro tour format? Having one Modern pro tour every year pushed Wizards to change the banned list right before the pro tour in an attempt to shake up the format. Do you like this or not? Would a Modern pro tour every two years work better?
Why don't they just use modern masters sets to reprint cards for modern without having to print them in standard if they're "too strong"?
Why print a card that would see no play outside of degenerate decks? Strix would be used in Ad Nauseam sideboards and nowhere else because there's no Force of Will to pitch it to.
Maybe, but there are other good cards that would be nice in modern but aren't reprinted because everything has to go through standard first.
The issue with Drake Haven is that the best cards for control decks don't have cycling. Turns out that you can't cycle a Cryptic Command or any of the good counterspells for that matter. Censor isn't gonna do the job in Modern. There aren't enough powerful cyclers to really support a Drake Haven deck.
But you can run any kind of discard outlet and pitch whatever to that, pay 1, and get your board position.
So I just ordered some proxies off of black lotus? What are the chances I will be banned from my LGS. I used to play standard but it got to expensive. i ordered his set for modern, these are some pics he showed. They don't seem bad at all, can someone show me the bad details. I don't own a real goyf or dark confidant.
>Strix would be used in Ad Nauseam sideboards and nowhere else because there's no Force of Will to pitch it to.
Grixis control would use it and I can think of a couple memey decks like Tezzerator or UB fae that probably would too.
>admits the card dose nothing but may be good
>compares it to deaths shadow which dose exactly what it says every time without fail
I don't understand your argument
>can anyone tell me the bad details on a low res image
Here's what I've noticed about fakes in my experience. None of them pass under a loupe, they don't have correct rosette patterns and they often fuck up the layering process. They coloring is off 90% of the time and the font/set symbols/spacing are fucked up a decent amount of the time as well. They also don't have the same texture and smell as real magic cards either but you should be double sleeving if you want to risk this shit. They are also flimsier in some cases or in others don't quite have same feel as real cards in regards to stiffness.
Just bought this for a bro as a Christmas gift, about $20. It was the most competitive $20 and under deck I could find that wasn't burn. It's actually surprisingly good, very explosive. The Impact Tremors and Reckless Fireweavers turn your servo/thopter spam into lightning bolts then finish with like 5 4/4's or shrapnel blast's.
Name some free discard outlets that a control deck in Modern wants. There really aren't the tools to make Drake Haven highly competitive. You can probably assemble something but it ain't gonna be stellar. If you disagree, go brew something up. I guarantee you'll be disappointed in the deck.
>Grixis control would use Baleful Strix
What for? Beating up on all of those fair decks that got eliminated 3 rounds ago by Tron, Storm, and Titanshift?
>that one geek who plays around a post sideboard card in game 1 then slams the table when he loses and finds out you don't have it
>beating fair decks
Because it's a good source of CA and is loopable with Kcommand? it does wonders against creature decks too. Also Grixis control likely gets eliminated by Tron most of the time along with the other fair decks my man.
>I used to play standard but it got to expensive.
>Therefore I moved to modern to play the most expansive deck in the format.
Flawless logic, not suspicious at all, especially if you were autistically screeching about the prices before.
Jund isn't any good right now btw.
>every time without fail
you must be thinking of a different card. DS takes turns to turn on and prays it has enough hand destruction until then to survive any combo deck in existence.
>Name some free discard outlets that a control deck in Modern wants
Nahiri, Jace the Merfolk Looter, Collective Brutality, Desolate Lighthouse, Pull from Tomorrow, Sultai Charm, Hieroglyphic Illumination, Izzet Charm, Thirst for Knowledge, Baral, lands with cycling, Tolaria West, Liliana of the Veil, Oona's Grace.
Honestly there is this cycling deck that might be more your style.
What's the Dredge vs Tron(traditional RG, GB, Mono G, Mono U, Eldrazi,) matchup like for Dredge?
you win because trons first three turns are setup for one permanent resolving and you can have an unbeatable board by then.
ugin or bust
Is it true Dredge is dead in this meta?
Why? I don't see the hard counter. Give me the skredpill so I can understand.
Graveyard hate is ubiquitous. That being said dredge took 3rd place at gp Oklahoma 2017
merfolk looter?
You could also use merfolk looter and magus of the bazzar
Topped a recent modern challenge. It's exactly like dredge in every other format, if you're prepared for it you win, if you aren't you lose, simple as that.
I was suggesting cards that could reasonably see play, not merely repeatable sources of discard.
I don't believe for a second that WotC can refrain from a shakeup ban. They're desperate to break into respectable esports viewership numbers, and with the Protour around the corner, there's no way some shmuck won't take the low-hanging fruit to impress his boss.
Storm is probably doomed, but besides that, what bans are likely? Could DS bite a bullet? They could probably pretend it was warping the format too severely.
Unban GSZ. Let us Gaddock Teeg for x = 2 to keep Tron in check.
it would be urzatron first and foremost.
I just want to be able to run dryad arbor
You can do that too! And then in the mirror match you can both cast Gaddock Teeg on turn 2 ensuring both your GSZ get shut down!
>implying we can both GSZ for teeg
Tron would be the most likely choice to produce a shakeup. People hate playing against it and the types of games it produces are not interesting to watch, either. It's Coin Flip: The Deck.
Just want to throw it out there that OP's image is THE BEST Island art. It's criminally underused.
No no no, you both GSZ for Dryad Arbor turn 1, then you cast Gaddock Teeg normally turn 2.
>not APAC Japan
>not Guru Island
>not judge promo
shit taste desu
>It's Coin Flip: The Deck.
t. Assmad jund player
>we both open with GSZ and a one of in our decks
Seems a little unlikely mate.
A true mirror match is only when the actions are both mirrored as well. It is destiny.
Just play Ad Nauseam. If tron wants to play non-interactive for 4 turns then punish them.
>deaths shadow decks struggle vs combo decks
Nah, no Jund. I really don't have anything against Tron but it does play like a coin flip.
There's no better feeling than resolving a Blood Moon and watching your opponent fall into despair as their $1000 does nothing all game. For all intents and purposes, you are literally cuckolding them, right there in front of everyone.
What other decks let me chase this feeling?
Lantern does this but on a more sadistic level.
>I don't believe for a second that WotC can refrain from a shakeup ban
Get rid of chalice and I'm a happy man.
How is that a shake up ban, chalice is only used in tier 2 decks
>Etron is tier 2
Umm sweetie..
Are you just saying, or are you requesting criticism?
Inspiring vantage, the red white fast land, is only about $3 and would do so great stuff for the deck's consistency.
There's also no reason not to acquire cheap sideboard cards. 3x Wear/tear, 2x eidolon of rhetoric, 2x rule of law, 2x sorcerous spyglass, 4x dragonsclaw, cheap shit like that.
>are you requesting criticism?
Yes. Those are really good suggestions, thanks.
As an after thought, a final cheap sideboard artifact to fill up to 15 on is tormod's crypt, or relic of progenitus if you want to spring for a modest upgrade that costs a few bucks a piece vs a few cents a piece.
Is Eldrazi and Taxes just overall better than monowhite right now? If so, why? I'm guessing eldrazi gives you more disruption overall but if anyone can clarify on that I'd be very thankful
what deck do i buy into
GB or U Tron
Mardu Pyromancer
Lantern or Grishoalbrand, the rest are pleb tier desu.
i was leaning toward mardu after watching MJ misplay every match but still end up going 5-0 (10-0) a competitive league.
i like lantern but that shit requires you to play it every week to gitgud. I have too many other modern decks i cycle between.
E&T is less consistent than White Weenies but has a lower skill floor and can more easily recover punts, where Mono-White has a much higher skill floor and is more consistent and more powerful in the hands of a competent pilot.
if you're not an autism like d&t guy or craig wescoe you might consider WB E&T as the jump off into Thalia decks.
Gris is a retarded meme deck. It's kind of a funny meme, but it's really too expensive for not being great.
Budget replacements for Thalia?
Lantern, because you can side into affinity if you want with easy.
I'm a Mono-White Death and Taxes player. I'm still new to it (only 1 month since I got it) but had great results in my meta. I tried EnT (from a friend) and for some reason felt like a downgrade.
The hand disruption in EnT is very good, but the rest seems a lot weaker. While both decks allows you to do some crazy stuff (I really mean crazy, specially with the Flickerwisps), the EnT wasn't consistent enough for me to enjoy the same as the Mono-white. The Mono-White also felt like you have a lot more flex-spots in your Deck, you can change it like you want (more Controlish, more Aggro, etc).
There were a lot of people that say that, but for some reason I found it easier, mostly because of only using 1 color instead of 3 (without fetchs). Maybe I just got too used to the Flickerwisps (and Restos) that made me ignore the dificulty of the Deck...
thalia isnt even that expensive
>Lantern, because you can side into affinity if you want with easy.
The fuck are you talking about? You can't play Lantern with a transformative sideboard into affinity. Unless you mean you can build into affinity.
I'm conflicted because I think chalice is way too powerful of a card in modern /sometimes/. But it's also an extremely good card to have in the format other times too.
get a mcfucking job.
E&T is putting way more results(think 50% more) but it has very little you can change. It's overall better because you get to use three very good Eldrazi but mono white runs MD counters to some strong decks(Crusaders, revokers, spellskite) which might make it better or worse depending on your meta to the point you could get many easy wins by using it when GDS got popular, but BW gets to run better G2 and 3 instead and is a stronger deck if you're not thinking of a specific opponent.
>E&T is putting way more results(think 50% more)
Seemed like it, but apparently it is not
Literally die.
That's what I meant. It's easier to build affinity with lantern cards.
i decided to go with mardu pyromeme
most of the cost were the lands and thoughtseizes anyways
That goyf looks fake as fuck lmao.
I like to remove the lower ranking tournaments since they do represent the cases where a local meta might give it advantages, you'll notice that if you do E&T has around 50% more of results.
In that case DnT even gets that advantage, it appeared in a lot of top 32 in big event, many of which, better positioned than EnT. It appears there was a switch in the meta that made Mono-White succeed better.
You obviously don't have MM goyfs, 15 and 17 had such massive variation in print quality is pretty hard to tell usually.
Really? I guess I got lucky then. My MM17 goyf is darker than the rest, but I assumed it was because it was from a different run.
mm15 had shitty print runs but none of the set symbols are dark as shit like the chinese ones.
dude, he is using a potato for a camera, of course they look awful.
thoughts on Martyr Proc? It seemed like a fun deck to play and I like making mono-white decks work when I can
I'm somewhat against it but that's just me. My opinion is that if you play a deck that auto loses to any significant tier 1 from the past couple years then you're doing something wrong.
My only exception to this is Jund, because it literally can't beat tron but it's so good overall that I'll play it anyways.
Really match up dependent. Could get a lot better depending on how the meta changes, but for now auto conceding to eldrazitron is too much for me.
But living end already exists.
Lel fucking cheat card just tap to get mana lol did you make that yourself? Hahaha
Just looked up Mardu Pyromancer. That could be a fun deck to build and I have most of the tech beyond some of the lands. Thanks for bringing it up.
>Goblin Guide
>Monastery Swiftspear
>Snapcaster Mage
>Grim Lavamancer
>Lava Spike
>Rift Bolt
>Boros Charm
>Lightning Helix
>Mana Leak
There's a legit burn deck in here right? You lose out on Eidolon but gain the power of Snapcaster, and you get general cheap blue disruption to make sure your creatures continue to get the damage in.
>master trinketeer
Doesn't seem playable. For 3 mana, it's a super mediocre lord. Paying 4 mana for 1/1s isn't playable. Hell, for context, the infamous thopter/sword combo basically isn't playable, and that gains life AND makes flying tokens for just 2 mana.
I'd replace with signal pest, which A) gives artifact etb triggers, B) is 1 mana, and C) is sometimes even better, as it's buff applies to even your non-artifact creatures.
Just play straight up burn dude.
>lavaman AND snapcaster
There's that spicy synergy I love so much.
But it kinda leaves you asking, why white? Boros charm and helix aren't reasons to splash a color all by themselves. I guess it opens up your side board some.
You slow yourself down, compared to a more traditional burn list(snapcaster is NOT an agro card), and I guess my question is, what problem are you trying to solve in burn by going blue? If you want to shore up the combo matchup, Mardu pyromancer brings in hand disruption that's probably as good or better than the counter spells.
It kinda shifts you out of the agro slot and into the midrange archetype, by going blue. So you probably want to treat it like more of a tempo deck.
There is a direct conflict between counterspells and prowess creatures.
Counterspells deny your opponent important cards, which typically occurs on THEIR turn. Meanwhile, prowess makes stronger attacks by casting stuff on YOUR turn.
Swiftspear + mana leak is pretty bad. You're just playing a 1/2 with haste at that point, a shitty goblin guide.