Wtched the new movie and started to think about the SW universe , both films and Expanded Universe. Has any character tried to end the life of all force users/sensitives? Not an easy task i agree, but with the enough effort it would be possible. If somehow it got acomplished, what would be the general consequences.
Force User Genocide
It would only stick for a couple of years before the Force manifested in people again.
All life is tied to the force famalam
It’s a hard to find the right place to ask these questions, op probably should have asked /co/ or the /swg/ we have here
Darth Bane murdered all the Sith Order (In Legends EU he did this with the Thought Bomb, which was a Force nuke that trapped all Sith spirits within its bulb for all eternity)
And later Darth Sidious, Bane's successor, did Order 66 to eliminate all Jedi. That said it'd be fucking impossible to eliminate all force sensitives.
killing all force sensitives would not stop the force to influence some people, but if we deal with the force the same way the Impperium of Man tries to deal with warp or eretics, wouldnt there be people looking for force sensitives while they dont know how to use their powers yet and eliminate them?
>Has any character tried to end the life of all force users/sensitives?
Kreia in KoToR 2 came pretty close.
for feks sake when did Veeky Forums stopping a place for nerd stuff and start being no fun allowed?
> wouldnt there be people looking for force sensitives while they dont know how to use their powers yet and eliminate them?
That’s what one of Darth Vader’s jobs were and as mentioned, they’d just pop up again
When the quest faggots got exiled. They're now salty and thinking they're calling out "improper" threads akin to their own.
Yes OP, it has been done before, do yourself a favor and play KoToR 2.
>yfw the elimination of Vader and Sheev didn't lead into Luke going into seclusion, finally dying of old age and leaving the Force completely in balance, leading to people who can manipulate it to stop popping into existence
Force users being an anomaly caused/created by universal imbalance would have been so much better.
>what would be the general consequences.
The end of all life
Mostly this happened in the EU, in the films it was Order 66 that did the Jedi in.
Other than that:
>Darth Bane eradicated the Sith Brotherhood with the Thought Bomb weapon in an effort to rebuild them (Darth Bane series)
>Darth Revan, Darth Malak, and the Sith Triumvirate nearly wiped out the Jedi, through death or conversion (KotOR 1 & 2)
>The Sith Emperor, Vitiate, plotted the death of all sentient life in the galaxy to attain godhood, and later manipulated the Eternal Empire in a war against the Jedi and Sith (SWtOR)
>and Expanded Universe
Kill yourself
Also forgot, the Jedi have fought and essentially genocided the Sith on several occasions since their split, so their hands are hardly clean.
>what would be the general consequences.
If force users are all Mary Sues or women, the only consequence will be a net gain.
> the quest boogieman rears its head
this is Veeky Forums user. /tv/ has all the star wars you could ever wish to discuss.
Pretty much forever
Would you shut the fuck up with your bitching about quests in every single thread for at least a day? No one misses quests because they were shit and your tastes are shit.
To be fair, it was less about killing force users, and more about literally destroying the force itself.
This. You can say a lot of things about Kreia, but you can't say she's not ambitious.
There's too many records of the Jedi and Sith teachings to unring that particular bell, user. You'd need a book-burning campaign that would make Qin Shi Huang blush over a thousand years to wipe the slate clean.
>No one misses quests because they were shit and your tastes are shit.
you might want to reread that post
Kreia wanted to kill the force at Malachor, didn’t she? I’m sure the EU had several dozen attempts at various points.
As other anons have stated, Kreia did try to destroy the force, but it would have come with the side effect of killing everything the force flows through (i.e. all life)
As far as I know no one has attempted to essentially blind the galaxy to the force, making everyone into normies
In the old EU, it would not have worked even then.
Sith spirits had the ability to last forever and teleport to any dark side location they know of. So, if a dick head sith bothered to be a scholar before he died, he can keep playing intergalactic whack a mole when he was found .
Kreia only wanted you to get get off the pot so to speak. Everything else is lies, manipulation and jokes. Her entire character is Do or Do Not with a thin veneer of philosophy.
roughly 4-5 years ago
The Jedi and Sith tried to genocide each other back and forth and nearly succeeded four times, twice for each. There's so many more force sensitives that aren't Jedi or Sith though that it'd be impossible to get rid of them all.
The one thing, the one thing that the sequels did correct is Kylo Ren. He's not even a sith, just some guy. The sith are gone.
Man we've had like a dozen SW threads already, none of them tied to Veeky Forums in any particular way. Please fuck off OP.
Fuck off, autist. This board did not become the greatest board that ever was by constantly talking about DnD
Daily remidner
Which would have killed all force users and ended their tyranny over the galaxy. It also would have killed a lot of force sensitive species, but that's a small price to pay to be free.
Reminder that the force is canonically a parasite local to the star wars time and galaxy. You can live without it.
>Darth Bane murdered all the Sith Order (In Legends EU he did this with the Thought Bomb, which was a Force nuke that trapped all Sith spirits within its bulb for all eternity)
That sounds really dumb. Was it really dumb?
>who is this hag
>google her name
>writer of some of the fucking awful Nu-EU books
I know the old EU wasn't the greatest that ever was, but Jesus Christ are the new books bland as hell
it wasn't darth bane but khan a sith who thought himself a lord and who was crazy as hell
he made a "mindbomb" to suicide all sith against the jedi in the hopes the sith would be strong enough to survive
after that fiasco darth bane started the rule of two for the sith not to muddy the waters of the dark side again with loonies like khan
>Nerd stuff
Stop this shit.
>Written by Rian Johnson
Why are you bringing fake news here son?
If you honestly believe that Rian Johnson is the sole writer responsible for this moralistic, preachy, tonally inconsistent trainwreck of the script, I've got a bridge on Coruscant to sell you.
It's perfectly in line with his previous works though. You think Looper's third act wasn't preachy "muh morality" as fuck and tonally a mess?
Midichlorians are not the Force, nor are they parasites.
No, it is the chemical you use to help keep public swimming pools bacterial levels in check.
Wrong if you kill every person with midichlorian then the force would never manifest and disappear
Wasn't that the whole thing of the main villain in Kotor 2?
You know, her death at the end would be more impactful if she hadn't been a massive bitch the entire way through that for some reason hid her escape plan from the majority of the crew in a situation desperate enough to cause a mutiny.
That is only technically true, since all life in the universe is connected to the force. So yeah, if you exterminated all life, even plant life, and yourself, the force would disappear.
But that is kinda pointless, isnt it?
>but new life might appear
Which, in the star wars setting, would mean the force would immediately be back as well.
>and what are your fields of expertise that make you think you're fit for the job of admiral
Always just one more genocide away from utopia eh?
/tv/ is garbage. They hate the board's subject matter about as much as /v/ hates video games.
If she told them, there would not be the whole subplot of "capitalism = bad" and "the ugly sister survived and is dating the First Order traitor".
>Arms Dealing is a grim and dubious business = Capitalism is bad
wew lad
Kreia saw in the Exile that it was possible to someone cut itself from the Force and survive. So her plan was to cause a galaxy wide shockwave against the Force. One would either cut himself from it or die.
That's literally the explicit background of the first film, "last representative of an ancient religion" and whatnot. Your question is beyond stupid.
>Has any character tried to end the life of all force users/sensitives?
Of course, play KOTOR2
Force sensitive don't need to be trained to be immensely dangerous and powerful in really subtle ways. The Star Wars galaxy isn't centralized enough to support an effective inquisition either.
What is Star Wars General on Veeky Forums?
/tg is on similar level of autism to my comfort zone, it feels bad to talk about stuff I may like with pops from other boards as they are on different autism levels. So if it can be talked on /tg, then talk will be nearly always better pal.
So we would be left with galaxy full of people cut away from the force, but would it prevent new force sensitive people to be born, thus restarting cycle of hatred and destruction?
Midichlorians aren't the Force, they just often aggregate in organisms with a strong connection to it.
>but would it prevent new force sensitive people to be born, thus restarting cycle of hatred and destruction?
No, because it's dumb as fuck fanfiction that misunderstands the basic premises of the setting.
People can do bad shit, with or without the Force. Jabba doesn't need to be a fucking Sith to be a terrible human being, a slaver, murderer and oppressive tyrant.
Just because it tickles your delicate sensibilities doesn't make it the right place to post it.
Literally the plot of Kotor 2
It's from one of the Dark Forces video games featuring Kyle Katarn. Subsequent prequel era EU writers connected it to the last stand of the Sith after the TPM novelization gave us a backstory to the Rule of Two and Darth Bane.
But then again that game had some weird ideas.
You are either new or baiting. I can't tell. Veeky Forums is at it's best when it discusses media in and around traditional games. If it can influence a table top game, it's fair game.
>Muh mining town
>muh stables
I wish that entire arc of the film was cut out. I'm still salty I sat through 40 minutes of bullshit just for it all to get resolved by someone else anyway. Why did they make me watch it if the whole fucking reason they went there was going to be resolved by different characters we don't care about?
Then stop me, suka.
You gotta understand that Jabba's small change when you got assholes like Nihilus and Scion running around. Imagine if Jabba survived being strangled and started eating souls to the point where he could consume planets, or survived on pure anger and rage and became an immortal killer with a grudge that would hunt luke and any other jedi to the ends of the galaxy, like an undead Vader. The only reason Jabba was any focus at all was because he had one of their friends. All the other crime lords don't come into the picture because they're just not important on the scale.
In the game you deal with lots of Jabba-esque assholes, both the exchange, other hutts, mercenaries and the like. Your party includes plenty of assholes. Nobody pretends evil goes away if they lack the force: it's just a matter of trying to get the force power out of the equation because it ups the ante by so much. Of course it wouldn't work. Traya didn't seem to expect to win. She and her plan were a final test for you. It's all part of her shaping you into something else, something that could go help Revan.
I mean the setting is full of cyclical catastrophic wars that at their heart are the Jedi and the Sith fighting it out much to the detriment of normal people, so that people with destinies can seem to be manipulated: Jolee Bindo would have laughed at that and rambled on about that story where a guy falls into a warships engine to fulfill his that the force guides the what, not the how, but the what is still important. Ending that cycle is noble goal: it's the "potentially killing whole species and every force user" that makes it evil. She's a liar and an old emotional fool in a lot of respects: Kreia isn't right and nothing in game indicate that she is, least of all her betrayal. She's just a crotchety old woman with a grudge against the force and everyone who relies on it because she's been kicked out of every important group of force users.
Imagine being so pissed off you're perpetually floating
That was literally the plot of the prequel trilogy.
>Jolee Bindo would have laughed at that and rambled on about that story where a guy falls into a warships engine
These are oversimplifications, the real objective was to destroy the cyclical narrative of star wars, the constant rebalancing of the force always brings more death and strife than a force usee genocide ever would, to destroy the power inflicted by the force upon its servants or the people who use it for their gain is the only thing that makes sense, it would be a gigantic blow to the very forces that control the universe, even if i was force sensitive i would believe that my death or the death of other force sensitives would be a just price to pay for the freedom from an infinite cycle of arbitrary death. Truly the force and its is the true evil.
The force and its will*
Sorry, on mobile right now
well yoda did a good job of dealing with that.
Killing force users won't achieve anything, for fuck's sake. The Force is the very tapestry on which life is woven in Star Wars. There are entire species in tune with the Force by their very nature. It manifests itself in the existence of reality. Spinoza's concept of God is a very good description of it.
Killing Force users won't do anything, because new ones will always be born. Even if you somehow breed everyone into one of those species that somehow don't produce Force users (which, unless they added that incredibly dumb shit back in, don't exist anymore) they'll suddenly get Force users popping up. That's because the Force is the fundamentally Good Will of the universe, which will always imanate itself in an effort of Good.
Evil exists because people have free will in Star Wars and some of them exert it for selfish acts, not because of some dumb EU cyclical nature of the world horseshit.
I know you are probably memeing, but he knew that she had poached the books and was just giving his student the push he needed.
I am honestly surprised the Republic put up with the jedi. Every major galactic war seems to be a result of their schism with the Sith.
isnt that because the jedi were pretty much the dudes that saved the republics ass everytime?
Would the republic need saving if the jedi weren't around? You don't see the Nightsisters or Whills Shaman causing galactic conflicts.
Sheev was never a Jedi, so I'd say that's a yes.
No jedi means no sith. It's a ten thousand year old religious schism, ravaging the galaxy with warfare every few centuries.
True but the damage is already done. If you get rid of the jedi now then the sith would fuck everybody up.
Unfair comparison. The Sith are objectively evil. We know because the Jedi said so, and that's scientific proof right there.
There'll always be Sith. Even if you somehow managed to eradicate all traces of their teachings and history after Sheev's and Anakin's death, there will always be people that fall to the Dark Side. Many of the Jedi's teachings are about preventing exactly that, because it's so tempting to take the short and easy way of you are more powerful and special than the people around you.
Which is why I will refer you to >She's a liar and an old emotional fool in a lot of respects: Kreia isn't right and nothing in game indicate that she is, least of all her betrayal. She's just a crotchety old woman with a grudge against the force and everyone who relies on it because she's been kicked out of every important group of force users.
>Traya didn't seem to expect to win. She and her plan were a final test for you. It's all part of her effort at shaping you into something else, something that could go help Revan that wasn't really a Jedi or a Sith.
She's trying to teach you her understanding of things. She's also a liar.
She hates the force but has no real way of destroying it. She see's dependence on it as a form of weakness, and wants to make people rely on it less who otherwise would use it as a crutch. Yes the cyclical rebalancing of the force and the wars that come with that are caused by one side manipulating and corrupting the force and being dick bags, but she doesn't see it that way because she's one of those dick bags.
daily reminder that the mandalorian war was caused because of the sith emperor in TOR :^)
I don't care about the rest, but holy shit. How would this even survive in a galactic civilization?
>There'll always be Sith. Even if you somehow managed to eradicate all traces of their teachings and history after Sheev's and Anakin's death, there will always be people that fall to the Dark Side.
Not every dark force user is a Sith.
Yeah, that entire section is weird, overlong, and pointless to the eventual resolution to the story. I guess it serves to advance Finn and Rose's characters as well as introducing some morality stuff into the whole thing, but all those things could've been handled in a better way that doesn't derail the other plot threads and do nothing to actually advance the plot because the rest of the plot would've kept going regardless.
Still, I like the film. A lot of fun parts, and that fight against Snoke's guards was fucking awesome.
Name one major conflict in Star Wars that wasn't caused by force users.
Reminder neither the Mandalorians nor the Yuuzhan-Vong count as they are both manipulated into conflict by force sensitives (Emperor and Onimi respectively)
Force users are a naturally occurring anomaly. You can't actually permanently wipe them out just by murdering every known force sensitive person as they will still occur in the future.
You sure can exterminate the Jedi or similar organizations though!
We need more droids for combat and Jedi slayers.
The casino plot represents the galaxy not giving a fuck about the epic Light vs Dark of Star Wars. Maas can't be fucked joining in, she's busy. The rich people at the casino don't care, they're rich. The police and the guy who reports their ship don't care. The oppressed kids don't care, they're busy being oppressed and looking fir outlets in their imaginations.
Finn doesn't care about the sidequest, he's the adult audience surrogate who wants to get back to the plot. Rose is the chubby unattractive newcomer but is more aligned with the children on the planet and her childhood dreams of toppling the corrupt establishment. She gets to do this in a mad romp to save horse-people, clearly aimed at a younger audience than the rest of the film; Finn explicitly yells "stop enjoying this" because he represents the adult audience and established fans and the scene isn't for him.
That said, I literally fell asleep at this bit last time I watched the film, so fuck it.
Except that the Sith are far more interesting, fun and engaging than Krylo will ever be.
>daily reminder
Daily reminder that TOR is even less canon than Legends continuity, or its true name, the SWEU.
This is bait, i suppose.