/STG/ - Star Trek General

Wormhole Edition

Previous Thread: A thread for discussing the 'Star Trek' franchise and its various tabletop adaptations.

Possible topics include Modiphius' new rpg 'Star Trek Adventures', WizKids miniatures game 'Star Trek: Attack Wing', and Gale Force Nine's board game 'Star Trek: Ascendancy', as well as the previous rpgs produced by FASA, Last Unicorn Games and Decipher, the Starfleet Battles Universe, and the Star Trek universe in general.

Game Resources

Star Trek Adventures
-Official Modiphius Page (Rules, FAQ and Player Resources)
-PDF Collection

Older Licensed RPGs (FASA, Last Unicorn Games and Decipher)

Other (Unlicensed) RPGS (Far Trek + Lasers and Feelings)

Star Trek: Attack Wing
-Official WizKids Page (Rules, FAQ and Player Resources)

Star Trek: Ascendancy
-Official Gale Force Nine Page (Rules and Player Resources)

Star Trek: Fleet Captain
-Official WizKids Page (Rules and Player Resources)

Lore Resources

Memory Alpha - Canon wiki

Memory Beta - Noncanon wiki for licensed Star Trek works

Fan Sites - Analysis of episodes, information on ships, technobabble and more

Star Trek Maps - Based on the Star Trek Star Charts, updated and corrected

/stg/ Homebrew Content

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First for variable yield warheads.

That was a really stupid episode.
But I loved it.

What a thrill...

That is perhaps the worst mission in the entire game. I get what they were going for but it’s just not viable with the crappy in-game mechanics. You’re actually better off doing sneaky missions in the space arena because there’s an actual stealth mechanic.

Well, tacticool captains do have some kit power that basically makes them turn invisible for a short amount of time.
But if they had made the mission with that in mind, then the science and engineering captains would have had had to eat shit.
Or they could have had done like in few earlier missions where your approach was based on your captains type, like in that Vault mission.

Why do people fight over planets when they just could make thousands of ring stations with more living area than a planet?

Because planets are already there without needed to make anything? Waste of resources not to use them, not to mention planets are where they get most of the resources anyway.

Because a planet might have something nice on its crust, like a whole lot of Duranium or Dilithium ore.

Crazy expensive to do. I'm not sure if the Federation could even pull one off by the end of Voyager. There's maybe 2 or 3 races in the galaxy that have the tech to do it and they're all assholes anyway.

They have anti-gravity, force fields, automation, and all kinds of crazy stuff. I'm sure that you could manage to do it.

And yet when they found the sphere in Relics they freaked out about it. Engineering of that scale was beyond Starfleet's technological capabilities.

Given that the largest structure we see Starfleet build is a Starbase, and that the response to finding a functioning Dyson Sphere in TNG was "oh holy fuck, they're actually possible" I doubt they have anywhere near the industrial capacity to make it work. They have a lot of the tech down, but no way to reliably upscale it to the absurdly large scale needed for a ringworld.

Just because you have that tech doesn't mean building a massive fuckoff space station is worth the time and effort. Again, planets already exist without needing to build them, and they have a bunch of resources anyway. Even uninhabitable planets can be made habitable with terraforming as long as they're in the habitable zone, for less resources than it would take to build a space station of equal living space. The largest space station we know of that was built by the Federation or its surrounding neighbors, Earth Spacedock, only has living space for tens of thousands of people, nowhere close to the billions that can live planetside (trillions if they stopped caring about comfort and sustainability). Anything larger than that has been consistently presented as being far beyond the tech level of the Federation.

What about something more closer to a planet or a moon, like the Halo Rings from Halo? You could make many rings from the resources of a single planet. Each one would be more efficient use of space than just colonizing the crust.

No you dipshit. The planet is already there. It's already in existence. The most you need to do is bring in resources for the initial colony and then use whatever's on the planet to expand further. Relative to the amount of resources already on plant, you get to colonize it basically for free. For something artificial you need to build it from scratch. Every single millimeter of it requires resources that need to be brought in from somewhere else. It's a complete waste.

Terraforming is an arduous process that really should take centuries. If you have the industry and tech to terraform a planet within your lifetime, building huge habitats jus as or even quicker is within your grasp.

In the Star Trek universe its more cost effective to find a habitable planet than building one yourself.

Almost as engaging as Kobali Prime


So, my group plays the FASA rpg where everyone is at least a department head (and sometimes captain or first officer depending on which campaign we're playing). How do you guys play? Basically the same? Redshirt adventures? Other spaaace nations?

Kobali are a disease, they're like shittier borg.

They are borg who cry while assimilating you.

HEY GUIS, LEt's put them in charge of the Hospital ships! What could go wrong?!

At least now you don't have to waste room on a morgue.

Do they cry? They seem fully on board with what they’re doing being good.

wait what would happen if they reanimated a dead borg

A Kobali borg.

I imagine they wouldn’t, seeing as the body needs to be in okay shape for them to revive it.

Somebody should have let the Kobali know about that asteroid where those religious nutjobs transport their freshly dead.

My one successful Trek game had us all playing as department heads. The captain was a GMPC for the first tutorial session and then conveniently got killed off so we could make more equal decisions


Kinda silly that it didn’t ship with that option.

Legit hype. I gotta look into this now and convince my buddies to join in on it.

Engage Bonerdrive, maximum hardness.

That "Voyager gave rise to the reign of Trump" user has it all wrong.
Capt Archer put ideas into Trumps head in the past, because of temporal cold war shenanigans.

In all seriousness, I just bumped into this clip and it made me think of that "the Voyager Conspiracy" style connect the dots logic.


Move to a better country.

It used to be till we elected a cheeto to run it.

While I agree with you about the American President, 's pic is not from America since I'm in America and can see that vid just fine.

*Looks around* Odd I was pretty sure I'm in the United States right now. East Coast. Maryland to be specific. Are you using a vpn and forgot?


Odd. Works fine for me and I'm in Ohio. No, I don't use a VPN. Wonder what that's about.

Could it be your ISP doing because of your proximity to D.C. and blocking anything remotely anti-Trump?

Honestly I wouldn't put it past them. It's Comcast so.....

Well, don't sweat it, you're not missing much.

Nowhere near enough corpses for the perversion of nature to thrive.


It's just captain Archer mentioning that real estate is going to be big and kid Trump takes note of this.

Whats the yellow square on the Centauro's saucer?

RCS thruster.

Comcast owns NBC so I can't say I'm surprised they block you from viewing NBC content on third party sites.

Scratch that, I'm using AT&T in Kentucky and it's blocked here as well. I wonder what ISP Ohio user is using.

For the record, the video works fine in Ireland. So this would seem to be a purely internal issue.

The only RCS abbreviation I know is Radar Cross Section.

Reaction Control System. Real-world spacecraft use them for maneuvering and to keep in position.

For once, the Vaudwaar were right.

Section 31 confirmed.

>Prometheus class
No wonder they blocked you, Prometheus a shit tier waifu.

Its our STA ship.


I am still baffled as to by Cryptic thought that people would actually support the Kobali there.

>Cryptic doing/thinking something absolutely retarded.

Actually cable providers usually don’t do that since demons like Comcast are Feremgi and don’t care about your petty politics and just want money, so they charge both sides the same.

I think they were going for the good old “it’s okay because they’re aliens” shtick that Trek has always been obnoxious about.

Do you reckon there are people out there that honestly think Starfleet are the bad guys? It gets bandied about as a concept every once and a while and it always comes off as contrarian cherry-picking nonsense. So I assume it’s just a shitpost. But do you think some of them actually believe it.

I imagine a lot of libertarians think SF is stultifying humanity.

Starfleet no, the Federation, yes.

Yes, there are people who believe that Starfleet and the Federation are actually the bad guys. Case in point: . It's pretty stupid since Starfleet and the Federation have basically always been shown as a good humanitarian organization that genuinely cares about its citizenry and attempts to act in their best interests when possible. The big exception to this is Section 31 but it has been always noted to be an outlier and not representative of the Federation as a whole.

There are unfortunately plenty of people who legitimately think the Federation/Starfleet are bad guys, usually for ideological reasons that invent headcanon instead of arguing based on what's presented in the show. Like the Federation doesn't use money therefore it must be a communist military state where the common person is subjugated and Starfleet is just the elites or something dumb like that.

It's because every single Senior Starfleet Officer that appears onscreen is some combination of incompetent, malicious, conniving, traitorous and morally abhorrent.
Obviously it's because everyday interactions with the top brass would make for a boring episode, but it still presents the image that the main cast are the only people that earnestly apply themselves towards overcoming those moral failings that were allegedly nuked out the human psyche during all the wars.


The Kobali were doing nothing wrong though.

They were stealing bodies from a Waadvaur tomb/stasis center.
Also they corpse snatched Kim's body.

Who gives a shit about a bunch of cadavers? I mean, seriously, it's not like those people are ever coming back alive and the Kobali can make good use of them.

Those folks live for a while their old lives while transforming into those purple bastards.
Also one should not disturb the dead.

>Also one should not disturb the dead.
What kind of superstitious bullshit is this?

Common courtesy, mate.
Let the dead remain dead.

The dead already are dead. The Kobali using their corpses to create new people doesn't change that.

They were allowing the Vaudwaar stasis pods to fail, rather than repairing them or releasing their occupants, purely so they could have fresh bodies.
Besides that, several species they have revived (including humans) actually retain their memories and identity for a short while before they experience a death of personality.

>They were allowing the Vaudwaar stasis pods to fail, rather than repairing them or releasing their occupants, purely so they could have fresh bodies.

I've done Kobali Prime plenty of times. They were not deliberately killing any Vaudwaar. Not letting them access the survivors was wrong, and the Kobali accept that after you confront them about it.

They weren’t deactivating the pods, but they were allowing them to break down. They only start maintaining them after Admiral (you), destroyer of worlds and galactic war criminal, confronts them about it and says that it’s a pretty shitty thing to do.

t. Jalaya

I've heard this one argued a fair bit. I remember some dude writing up an essay about this line of reasoning. Something about no "little red sports shuttles" meaning that the general populace of the UFP must be enduring something akin to Stalin's "Great Terror".

In my game(s), the group is the bridge crew, like in the shows. One of the PCs is usually the captain, but he or she is more of a Picard-like mediator rather than a tyrant bossing everyone around.

Has worked without any problems so far.

Does the captain get final say on plans, decisions, etc?

Don't ask me to provide a source but I remember hearing that the Kobali were intentionally like that in the game because the devs wanted a morally grey situation.

Might have worked if we had a compelling reason to like the Kobali beforehand. Otherwise they just come off like body-snatching gremlins that maybe deserve whats coming to them.

u would

Starfleet really should have immediately seized the cryopods and moved them offworld and out of the way of the conflict and slapped the Kobali if they complained. Those zombies can go fuck themselves, they dragged Starfleet into a vicious war under false pretenses. It's a straight up Prime Directive issue.

Remember that time Admiral Necheyev got angry at Picard for not committing genocide, and then ordered Picard to commit genocide if he ever had the opportunity again?

To play devil's advocate for her position: at that point the Borg were little more than an equivalent to the Doomsday machine of TOS. Relentlessly destructive and utterly impossible to negotiate with other than to surrender and die/be consumed by. They were not able to be dealt with conventionally other than on an incredibly limited scale. And whilst Hugh was separated from the collective, one drone liberated under highly unusual circumstances didn't exactly make for much in the way of a practical solution to a very real possibility of the loss of trillions of lives to the Collective in the near future.

The decision to try and wholesale eradicate the Borg might as well have been the choice to fight a flu epidemic, just scaled up somewhat drastically.

I'm pretty sure that genociding the Borg was both legitimate and justified, given what they've done and what they are. They're closer to a virus than a species since there is no "borg" species as such any more. Can't really genocide a virus.

>terminating zombies is genocide

No. Really no.

Remember that time that Picard had the opportunity to safeguard the Federation from the greatest threat it had ever faced, and made the unilateral decision not to do so because he though living as a mindless slave was better than dying free?

>From the minutes of the Starfleet Senior Admirals meeting

You know, we meme about Starfleet Admirals being terrible people and everything, but it's a fair minority of the ones we see on camera. The big offenders are Admiral "Fuck the Ba'ku", Admiral "Imma take over Starfleet now", and Admiral Janeway. The rest of them are generally harmless and mean well.

I will note however that TOS was worse about flag officers being terrible than the other shows with virtually no positive examples of flag officers demonstrated on the show.

We weren't killing the survivors from that shipwreck. We were just watching them drown and fishing the corpses out of the water afterward.

Don't forget the Kobali going "Boohoo, the people we're fighting have developed a vaccine that prevents us from stealing the bodies of their dead >off the goddamned battlefield< and using them to kill their friends GENOCIDE ALERT SAVE US STAR FLEET"
Seriously, fuck the Kobali and fuck their bullshit

>> JJ verse comics beta canon
No more JJ-verse films, plus the comics don't dispute the JJ movies, means the comics are about as canon to JJ as anything else considering its all JJ verse is getting from now on.
After Beyond bombed, despite being the better of the 3, Paramount wont take the risk. So no seeing pic related on screen. Besides comics are better than the films were but IDW wrote those not JJ so.....