Weekend Warcraft Lore General

Camping in the Storm Peaks Edition

Discuss the lore of the Warcraft franchise and its application in and around traditional games.

>Document compendium: Contains official (ex-canon) DnD 3.x variants and a fan made DnD 5e version!

>Previous thread

I claim this thread, for the Mantid.

Get back behind the wall

>The Amani did nothing wrong
>The Drakkari are absolute madmen
>The Zandalari were behind it all
>The Gurubashi are also absolute madmen

What is it the Farakki/Sand Trolls actually DO again?

Arathi and Quel'dorei should have wiped them all out.

The insect races are the most ignored, yet interesting races in the game. The Nerubians, giant spider people with great underground cities, and built temples to the old gods. Playable Nerubians when?

You mean besides fighting a generations long war with the Qiraji that kept the bugs wholed up in Tanaris?

>Arathi and Quel'dorei
>going anywhere NEAR primordial Northrend

Try and survive in a desert.

I guess it's hinted the Hydra god they worship is an Old God minion but other than that, they didn't actually do much.

Okay, see, that's a good thing.

The sand trolls fought the Qiraji long ago. One of their great heroes sacrificed himself to kill dozens of them and cursed them to be mindless scarabs.

They're still immensely vicious and pose a threat to Gadgetzan, but they got that going for them.

Darkspears are Race Traitors, picking fucking invading orcs and dirty elves over rebuilding the great Troll Empire.

What about the prefix Zul leads to such maximum donenothingwrong?

And they're also the ones not:

>Sinking into the sea
>Losing their souls to blood gods
>Dying in the sand
>Being turned into zombies
>Blood god-ing even harder

All Azeroth is rightful Troll clay, they were here first. Except for maybe the Bugs, and beast races (your kobolds, furbolgs, etc) but fuck them.

Basically everything is the elves fault.

The orcs bailed them out when the Sea Witch bullied them off their islands. To this day, they are the most thriving of the troll tribes outside the Zandalari, and some of the most famed, varied and almighty champions of the world are Darkspears.

game getting playable naga yet?
there were a bunch of races in the new expo right?

Not to mention that a bunch of other trolls kinda sorta went traitor and teamed up with the Darkspear over their own

It makes sense, they don't practice ritual sacrifice and their continuous success suggests that they're favored by the loa despite that, so why not join up?

I'm kind of digging the Void Elves.

They're doing "Allied Races", kind of a subraces thing but not really.

Horde: Nightborne, Highmountain Tauren, Zandalari Trolls

Alliance: Lightforged Draenei, Dark Iron Dwarves, and "Void Elves" which they literally just made up.

To be fair. Only 2 1/2 of the ally races existed before the last expansion

I'm sorry for butting in, but how is the lore for warcraft right now? I left around cataclysm and I recently heard that Sylvanas became warchief? How did that happen? I though the other horde leaders didn't like her?

Yay, races that should have just been recolor options for already playable races instead of having unique racial features

Also no taunka, no tuskarr, and it has been 4 expansions and we still can't give our dwarves wildhammer tattoos

All the horde leaders that didn't like her died. Literally in all but one case

*gulp* brehs....

Except Baine, Lor'Themar and now Saurfang and Rokhan aren't exactly her biggest fans

So, you know, most of them

She became warchief because the writers really like wanking off to her

I don't think Gallywix cares for her either. Though he doesn't care for much

Garrosh went crazy and Vol'jin, who went through a lot of character development and became a really awesome character, led a rebellion and succeeded him.

Then he died to a no name demon and Blizzard had "the spirits" tell him to make Slyvannas warchief right before he died because muh faction war I guess.

It's funny how the absolute worst thing that has done the most damage to the overall quality of the lore in the world of warcraft is the fucking war

But hey, that's warcraft writing for you, two steps back one step forward, or three steps back, pick one

It's believed that Vol'Jin died because Alliance players were whining about Wrynn dying in the next patch, so they bullshitted something last minute to appease them

Alright, I think I get what happened. Sorry for bringing it up, it seems like it's something you didn't want to be reminded of.

I find that hard to believe

Alliance players aren't that whiny are they? I mean, I can understand being mad about Jaina being character-assassinated or Theramore going up in smoke, but Varian was kind of harmful to the idea of the Alliance as a whole, what with his whole "blue warchief" shtick, and we've actually had Anduin for longer, so why force the Horde to give up something nice when the Alliance is just dropping a dead weight?

Blizzard had a chance to set things right after Mists

They explicitly chose not to, by killing off one of the few leaders people actually like

You darn right we mad

They retconned Varian into a complete moral paragon who was good at everything ever and all his misdeeds were a result of a split personality.
Oh, and Vol'jin was alive in the patch beta where he and Varian died. Varian wasn't

The signs are there, man. Varian's last stand and death had way more put into it. Vol'jin's death happens out of nowhere, and there's little to no memorial in comparison. Varian's death was planned from the start, but Vol'jin's death was at the last second, and you can tell this is the case by how much they put into each instance.


So they made a character, then they massively reworked his personality with a totally inadequate excuse behind it to make him more of the good guy. Because heaven forbid there be actual moral quandary in the Alliance. Then, after years of trying to force a personality that was totally ridiculous on to a character who should never have been handled in such a way they finally get rid of him

And this is supposed to cost the Alliance something?

I play Alliance, I still have the dwarf priest I used in Vanilla, and I am horrified by this


I get why you are mad. I am kinda still processing it in my head for why they decided this was a good decision. I don't remember Sylvanas being relevant enough to be warchief. The more I think about it the less it makes sense to me.

You'll be horrified to learn that people bought it all, hook, line and sinker. Alliance players LOVED the bastard.

All the other founding leaders of the horde are dead or functionally dead.
The writers also really like her. Which is unfortunate cause they're the only ones who do

>Alliance players aren't that whiny are they?
Understatement of the fucking decade, dude.

God fucking damn it

They turn Varian into discount-Thrall, and everyone suddenly loves Varian and hates Thrall

what is wrong with people?

As a self-proclaimed Alliance player, I didn't give more than a single fuck about Varian 'til his heroic death in Legion.

All he ever did before was make other leaders look retarded or incompetent because "HUMAN KING MUST BE BEST AT ALL THINGS". It didn't elevate him, it just made them look braindead.

All in all, I wanted more from Tyrande, Magni/Council of Three Hammers, and Genn.

The Alliance babbies screamed bloody murder that it wasn't fair Varian had to die at the Broken Shore while Vol'jin gets to live and go MIA to chase down a lead. They demanded equal sacrifice, so Blizzard killed Vol'jin to appease them.

They made thrall shit in the same expansion. They have systematically ANNIHILATED his character.
I think they realized they fucked up getting rid of Vol'jin though, since they've said that they're not done with his story

It also clearly dismisses the entire "Sylvannas was creating a second Zombie plague to unleash on everyone during WotLk" thing, and we all had to invade fucking Lorderan to stop her.

Cunt Sylvannas, traitor to all living beings, warchief of the horde. Should have been Baine Bloodhoof

>implying there's a difference between whiny Alliance and whiny Horde

During that beta patch when he wasn't dead, he still made Sylvanas acting Warchief and said he was off to visit some place important or something.

Since Blizzard said "Vol'jin's story will continue" on Zandalar, he was probably going to travel their alive in the original plan. BfA's Zandalar plot will probably be pretty similar to what it was when Vol'jin was alive, except this time he's a ghost probably.

They ruined Thrall in Cataclysm, and they kicked him when he was down in Warlords of Draenor. He STILL hasn't recovered.

Hopefully they'll have him just flat out alive and merely pretending to be dead.

Well, after how they treated Fandral, I think it's safe to assume the night elves will never get the respect they deserve ever again

All I remember about Thrall in Cata is that he stole the Deathwing kill from the raid, which, admittedly, did leave me pretty pissed at him

I take it he did a whole lot worse from the Horde side of things?

When did this happen? I never heard about this til now. I followed the Legion beta closely enough and never heard any "REEEEE"ing about Vol'jin. It just seemed to be a decision the writers made to head that off at the pass.

>cue endless threads about Horde-only players getting angry that Vol'jin died in a chair and didn't get exploded
>blizzard can never win

Remember that Iconic weapon Thrall had?

Personally I didn’t mind Varian as Lo’Gash the orc gladiator in a cool “Conan the Barbarian” way, but all that shit being just a way to explain away his shitty behavior in the WoW game itself leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I feel like it’s a toss up over which ruins the fluff of the setting more; the game or the expansionary materials.

We know, all dwarves are extra thicc

Yeah it got turned into a Legion artifact along with a bizarre arrangement of lore-important and not-lore-important weapons


And now it's getting melted to depower Gorshalach, along with every other artifact

A lot of people think King Rastakhan is going to die in Zandalar questing because they feature his daughter so heavily in promotional materials.

One of the theories I heard being tossed around is that he, feeling he's failed the Troll people as king, will trade his soul to Bwonsamdi for Vol'jin's, resurrecting him. Probably not true, but it's something to think about.



Why? Why are they destroying all of that lore? Ashbringer and Doomhammer and all the cool things that were introduced in Legion but nonetheless had actually compelling lore?

Why does Blizzard ruin it's own nice things?

Because while as game creators they are relatively decent craftsman (they aren’t nearly as bad as turning out deliberately half-finished games and making you pay for it twice as their peers in the gaming industry), their actual skill as writers leaves a LOT to be desired.

I've heard it said Blizzard is pretty good with making NEW stuff in WoW but struggle with returning to the old.

Remember Pandaria, where the lore of all the new races was pretty cool, but the faction war did nothing but piss both sides off?

It wasn't about Vol'jin specifically. It was that Varian dies while no Horde leader died.

Other than all the ones that have died before

Beats me.

The alternatives would leave people with a much less sour taste in their mouths. Perhaps the artifacts get their exceptional power (i.e. what we've been collecting all expac) drained and are brought back to their default state, and then could be passed off to the appropriate NPC keeper.

Thrall gets the Doomhammer back now that he's done his soul-searching or whatever.
The Scepter of Azshara gets stolen by Naga.
The Fist of Ra-den vanishes ~mysteriously~. (Ra-den just recalled it and decided to put on his big boy pants now that the Titans are alive again.)

Armageddon goes to Whitemane.
Blades of the Fallen Prince to Mograine.
Forgettable blood axe to Nazgrim.
Strom'kar the Warbreaker to Thoras Trollbane (because the Warbreaker has dark power as well as ties to his ancient lineage).

Scale of Neltharion to God-Queen Sigryn.
Valarjar swords to who-gives-a-fuck.

Atiesh uses the staff's weakness to break free and peaces out.
Felo'melorn could be taken up by Aethas or returned to (or stolen by, if Alliance) Silvermoon.
Ebonfrost can go back to Alodi in ghost-land. IDGAF.

Naaru staff sacrifices itself heroically to purify the land as best it can. RIP. Or it goes to High Priestess Ishannah(?) of the Aldor.
The Not!Ashbringer staff gets taken up by Alonsus Faol.
Xal'atath says thanks for all the power and peaces out with a new form without getting drained.

you get the idea. You could do this for just about every class and spec.

>start with the amani, finish the job centuries later

By Atiesh, I meant Aluneth. Matt Mercer escapes his bondage and flees back into the body of a cyborg cowboy in a comic-booky FPS.

Why even take them away in the first place? Like, seriously. Why do all that shit and then decide to just roll it back

Speaking as a Warlock, I have an alternative suggestion: go fuck yourself, and keep your hands off my superweapons.

Because artifacts were one of Legion's signature gimmicks, and now that Legion is over and new gear is on the way, those artifacts have to leave. Hell, one of the hunter artifact weapons is Alleria's bow, and she straight-up tells you "I'm gonna want that back at some point."

>Alleria: "Nice bow. You're doing good with it- but I want it back later."
>Horde hunter flipping Alleria off while holding Thas'dorah up to Gorshalach to drain its power

Two of your superweapons contain sentient beings. Souls, at any rate. They're gonna want out.

>warlock's fingers get broken by DKs
>their weapons are free.

>Two of your superweapons contain sentient beings. Souls, at any rate. They're gonna want out.
One of them for a demon who was too much of a cunt for even Sargeras to tolerate. And we've been feeding him souls this entire expansion.
And killing Sargeras, the only being who was powerful enough to imprison him the first time, before he had sucked up countless souls while waiting in that scythe.
Ulthalesh raid boss next expansion?

I didn't play much demonology this expansion since I hate how it plays, but with what little I did play, Thal'kiel seemed like a cool dude.

Of course, the Scepter of Sargeras is what shattered Draenor into Outland the first time. That one should probably be kept somewhere safe. But getting it out of the hands of its wielder might be an issue. He could panic and, like Ner'zhul did before, open up too many portals and break Azeroth.

>But getting it out of the hands of its wielder might be an issue. He could panic and, like Ner'zhul did before, open up too many portals and break Azeroth.
Is that a threat, warlock?

Thus it was, thus it shall be.
You're not fast enough to stop me.

Why is cool Warcraft art like this only available on some random russian site? Like, I've seen digitally painted lore events, but they always have that cyrillic watermark

Speaking of inter-class bantz, who have the death knights NOT pissed off yet?

anyone who's actually worth something

>random elf goddess that loved humans
She didn't like humans, she thought they were good slaves.

So that's, what, the shamans and druids?

Kill all Void Elves.

Kill all blood elves.

Kill ALL the elves.

Amazing how blizzard, when given an incredibly obvious choice, always chooses the wrong option

Sometimes it looks like they won't, but that's always a setup to really psyche you out when they make yet another shitty story decision

>t. Lor'themar
Jokes on you, m8y, my vote for next Warchief is yours.

t. Garithos

have any of you ever tried to get a job at blizzard?

>(they aren’t nearly as bad as turning out deliberately half-finished games and making you pay for it twice as their peers in the gaming industry)
>wha is sc2?

I'm a fucking kiwi, there's no way in hell I'd be able to get a job at Blizzard

Blizz is like GW
They wouldn't know good writers if they literally walked up and offered to work for free

Ironically enough creative assembly of all people ended up making Karl Franz a deep character with 5 skills points and 2 quests in warhammer.

>Perhaps the artifacts get their exceptional power (i.e. what we've been collecting all expac) drained and are brought back to their default state, and then could be passed off to the appropriate NPC keeper.
Everyone would fucking hate that just as much, especially the waifu dagger. It's not different.

Nobody likes Void Elves, user.

Good Writers should be one the highest demanded jobs in entertainment industry - yet i'm so surprised these companies do not host regular contests to cream the top

Which non-religious class would even give up their weapon?
Especially after all they did to find, claim and keep it.
I think only Pally, Priest, Shaman and Druid would give theirs up willingly.

Just have them all be returned somehow

Maybe some get destroyed like the incredibly evil warlock artifacts, but most should just return to where they belong rather than being melted down.

It's worse than terrible writing, it's terrible and lazy writing, just a way to avoid having to write a little "giving up the artifact" story for every class

I did, though for software engineering.
Though I noticed that they had zero job openings for any writing jobs that weren't technical documents.
I don't believe Blizzard thinks their own writing is bad.

Hunter, since their weapon was a temporary gift to them by a still living character with the bow?

can you elaborate please?

Well, Warlocks have two weapons that can break loose on them and one that can break the world.
Easily lose two of them, the third is a bit tougher.