Do you allow women to play Veeky Forums?
Women in games
No, then again, I'm a faggot
One of my best players is a woman so yes
OP, do you really expect this thread not to just be a total shitshow
Yes, then again, I'm a homosexual.
WTF! I'm a homosexual now!
I have two girls in my six player party. No issues with them whatsoever.
I treat every player equally, I hand them a rule book and tell them to read it. If it's a DnD style game I tell them to make their own character sheet, not copy one off the net, because I will check for it, and if they have questions ask me.
>OP you really expect this thread to just be a total shitshow
is probably more accurate
Sure. Why wouldn't I?
Allow, yes. I'm pretty distrustful of women but I like to think I have an open mind.
I ran a one-shot once wherein my friend's gf played. Honestly I kind of just assumed she found it boring but according to him she quite enjoyed it and wanted to play again with the group.
Her character was a little 'lol so randumb' but then again so was the character played by the guy I consider one of my closest friends on earth
But anyway, I think it can work. I despise the whole trend of 'make every hobby more inclusive!!!' but that's disconnected from the concept that if there's a woman you find not to be insufferable who wants to play a tabletop with you, it's worth a shot.
Yes and I treat them exactly like I would anyone else, couldn't give less of a shit.
The current one isn't getting invited to future games, but hasn't done anything to outright get the boot. I don't need 2 quiet passive people that are just there.
Yes. Sure, she's the Wizard's sister, but of all the players in my group I think she enjoys the game most.
yes but sadly a lot of them get kicked real quick for demanding to be treated different than the dudes.
This is a stupid thread!
Yes, I think its more fun that way, they appreciate stuff that men dont, I actually encourage people to find more women to play but sadly more of them are frankly not interested, at least where I live
It depends. Girls are allowed in general but it's important to recognize they have a different set of red flags and green flags.
>blue hair
>resting bitch face
>liberal arts degree
>basic bitch only there because of boyfriend
>tries too hard to be quirky
>problem glasses
All bad.
>open minded normie
>weebs for some reason
>edgy/alternative in general (barring sceneshits)
All good.
I'm not sure what you mean.
just google image "problem glasses"
a punk girl can technically dye her hair and not be a SJW but that's irrelevant since punk is dead
I always find them to be more quiet. Guess women can’t be isolated into a single group.
I'll let anyone play provided they aren't an asshole and they are genuinely interested in the game
"What is this WoTC official character sheet bitch, I told you to format your own! Not just the content, the whole fucking sheet!"