What does terrorism look like in your setting/campaign?
What does terrorism look like in your setting/campaign?
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Kids that are younger than 14 blowing themselves up to destroy buildings in the capital all in the name of their Prince of the enemy country.
Some elaboration if you would.
Is this one of those "post your PCs" thread?
A cult of Christian Transhumanists are trying to get closer to God by making their own creations and understanding why God made the decisions he did. The abominations and leftover experiments they leave behind aren't well received by more orthodox Christians and Space Muslims. So while armies mass for the Jihad / Crusade against literal heretics who don't get the First Commandment, the faithful around the transhuman heretics assassinate scientists, bomb labs, and rob their banks.
Of course, it's not terrorism when the transhuman heretics send supersoldiers to fight the narrow minded. It's "evangelism".
I don't...think so? I mean, unless your PCs actually classify as terrorists.
In a digimon setting there's a deep history of hatred against machine type digimon since they've instigated many of the last world conflicts. So there's a group of bug/plant type digimon turning feral digimon on their societies and towns
So the two biggest countries are going to war with each other. It's been a stalemate for a long time and on the other side, which the country is called Bolassia, they have a group called The Corpse Knights. These are mainly street gang kids who lost their parents to the war. A lot of them are really loyal to the ruling prince. They decided to go to our capital in Aquilonia and bomb the shit out of it. Them being kids, the only way to do that is to die in the process since they wouldn't be able to escape or fight their way out. So during the whole day, you had a bunch of people going suicide bombers on the city.
This was not the country or the knights' idea. Just some kids.
A cute witch injecting explosive magick charge intolocal KFC food that leads to gory explosions of several black men and women, one Asian couple and several white people.
Street urchins self-actualized as suicide bombers? Yeesh.
Do they believe in Point Omega? Do they wire two brains together, so that a being is freed from its solipsistic prison?
Germanic inspired Tribal groups have a few individuals burning down structures in the rome inspired city in their war against civilisation
Gigantic birds of prey with the heads of wolves and beaks of raptors
With the absurd advancement of technology, immense amount of living space available, and the experience of the War, people decided that slaughtering each other for imperceptible differences might just be a bit idiotic. So, the closest thing to terrorism might be a drone-fortress suddenly reactivating or a rogue superweapon remembering its mission, and neither are human-built anyway.
Of course, I still have to flesh out the setting more, but the ideas are there.
Really discreet bait man, I'm impressed, 10/10.
Yeah, my GM loves dark stuff
Standard moon-coons-ala-economic-migrants.
Partisan gorilla fighters attacking imperial barracks, supply trains, depots etc. Oddly enough the majority of the ""freedom fighters"" are too young to have been part of the kingdom they're supposedly fighting for.
Wait, gorilla fighters or guerilla fighters? Don't get me wrong, the former would be pretty good.
why not both
Shit i always mess that up. It's guerilla fighters, i haven't run a game with gorilla partisan fighters yet.
The Rebel Alliance
Which is why the players are helping lawful authority destroy a planet, so that everyone will be too terrified to assist the Rebels.
>people decided that slaughtering each other for imperceptible differences might just be a bit idiotic
People ARE idiots though. People have died in isreal because a man on the other side of the world weighed in on an argument about their capitol city.
Plus terrorism is usually the result of charismatic leaders using people to grab power, and using perceived class/race/etc differences as a wedge to do so. If there's any kind of power imbalance then someone's going to try to use it for their own gain
Mushroom people suicide bombing in ciies of those that would despoil/exploit their Mycelium
I was gonna call you a newfag and find the source of the original meme, but all I can find is the NAVY Seal pasta. Guess the original is lost somewhere in the anals of the internet.
That's pretty good. Do mushroom people exist as more regular people as well, or exclusively as bombers for the mycelium?
(that isn't actually MY setting)
Mycelium is a vast thing, covering lots of land. It is also a source of various foodstuff, and also interesting and exotic substances. Mushroom people generally just spawn from it and tend to it, aiding its growth.
What setting is it? And does it have psychoactive mushroom bombers?
So, at some point substances were discovered, and people started to kidnap/kill moshroom people (calling them mucilids from now on) for their, well, flesh. One wrong shroom was killed, and retaliation, followed by escalation, ensued
I have neither muslims nor communism in mine, so it's not a problem.
Not even domestic terrorists?
Well, psychoactibe substances are not actually life threatening, so suicide bombing with them is pointless )))
more mucolids began to be spawned, more agressive ones. Police actions against shroom' poachers changed into repression of those violent new arrivals, and eventually, as friendly neighbours started supplying weapons, to a guerilla war. As Micelium still was source of riches, foodstuff, medicine and one of the big sources of revenue, skorched earth tactics weren't employed (especially considering that would resulted in full-blown rebellion, as opposed to low intencity conflict)
The setting is one of "Baskets of guts" comic about (mis)adventures of a lich who awakened from his tomb to start undead apocalypse, only to find out a) there was one, and it was defeated b) magiscience marched on
Pictured: weapon sold to moculids
And here is the bomber, in color
You physically can't have terrorists without commies or muslims. It's not terrorism if those groups don't do it.
I suppose it only exists in whatever language that is?
as far as i know, yes
Ah well.
this is the worst bait i've seen in a while
It's not bait. It's simple truth. I read it on Breitbart.
Well, yes, you are right. Fear mongering is always an effective tactic, unfortunately.
In setting, the creation of the FTL drive in the 2080s didn't make interstellar exploration immediately worthwhile, but it made interplanetary missions, especially mining, extremely lucrative. This destabilised countries that relied on exporting rare earths and coltan, enough to spark a whole bloody lot of wars in the meantime. Limited nuclear exchange happened. Genocides abounded. Horrid recession hits the countries that don't get in wars.
Some acts gave the UN more power I don't know how it really works, what could give the UN actual power instead of being a fucking joke like today?, which decided to find its bollocks and stop this clusterfuck. Fifty years pass before the situation completely calms down, but the peacekeeping forces actually manage to rebuild, so much that the affected countries flourish, along with the rest of the world. The War and its atrocities have scared the shit out of people, and when coupled with technological wonders that start to make wealth and social differences completely pointless, they decide that maybe, just maybe, massacres are an astoundingly bad career move. Then, thanks to pure dumb luck, they manage to finally unite, thanks also to good politicians playing their cards right.
I-I just want to make a lighthearted, utopian setting for sci-fi, n-no bulli
I know it's stupidly idealistic, but I can't imagine any other way to make a truly unified Earth
If you're going for a utopia don't worry too much about "Realistic" justifications. Having people unanimously reject war after an age of horrifying battles, coupled with more than enough resources is a fine base for a utopia. Realistically humans couldn't stop shitting up a utopia if it was handed to them on a silver platter, so don't stress it too much
As for the UN question, I imagine the UN absorbing more and more member states until they effectively encompass the world, then handing it power over the FTL exploration would lead to it dominating the planet.
My character is manufacturing alchemical bombs during downtime and leaving them in densely populated areas of the city because the nation is on a conquer-and-raze rampage, with my character's homeland in sights.
There are three main hotspots for terrorist activity in the setting. Other areas have issues, but they are infrequent or not really recognized.
The first area is a series of planets populated by two alien species which developed in the same solar system. One was stuck on a much smaller and poorer planet than the other, so they were conquered and enslaved. Slave revolts happen every so often, but most of the time there are just attacks by revolutionary groups who use terror to strike back against their masters and spread the word of their situation. Their targets are rather random and are not limited to members of other species. General methods include assassination, general skirmishing and ambushing of military forces, suicide bombing of slave quarters (to "set their people free"), kidnapping, and mass arson.
The second is another alien species that has many internal quarrels. Some of the attacks are the work of disinherited nobles and claimants fighting tiny wars with their relatives in order to gain a title. Most of the terror attacks performed by this species are about tiny religious differences within their own religion (much like the Byzantine Iconoclasts). Their religion is a gigantic mess of innumerable deities and has no agreed on central authority figure or a dominant holy text. They really don't care about other heathens because proselytization is not a part of their religion, but perceived heresy, no matter how misguided is violently put down. There is no reason to fight a non-believer about the nature of what is holy, so they are ignored, but if a brother is to fall to foul lies, they must repent or be purged. Often times, one group or another will take to the unused lands between cities and camp out until they find a target to strike.
These arguments can turn into full-fledged holy wars as priests sway the mob and the nobles to join their cause. The high king usually allows these wars to happen unless they are stupid enough to take a side, or powerful enough to quell the insanity before it spreads. Attacks usually include massacring perceived threats, lynchings (if on a smaller scale), surgical strikes on specifically offending structures with demolition explosives, causing mass riots, and eventually full-fledged war. Firebombing and the use of large explosives are usually avoided in early stages.
The third area is the human sectors. Humans have the most diverse culture in this setting, and therefore the least agreement on how anything is supposed to be done. There's a certain human tendency in setting to call even the smallest dangerous factional action a terror attack even if it was done for nonpolitical reasons. Attacks are very common but usually not severe. The largest cause is the humans of the two main political faction making jabs at each other.
I suppose when you're 14, that is some dark stuff. I mean, it's been featured in a Paul Simon song, so how dark can it really be...?
Organized, ritualistic lynchings in public areas.
Cultists arrange themselves in a market square or similar while waiting for their target. When their target appears, they all rush him at once, use a column or beam to hold the rope, and lynch him. Its not a typical choke to death, and has more in common with gallows; the victim is held a couple feet in the air in an attempt to snap the neck. The body is also stabbed using a long thin knife in the lungs just to be sure (since they're usually on a limited time frame and can't afford to wait).
Fires and plague infested rats are also common, but they tend to be limited to cities that the group doesn't care about.
yes, basically
some of it is "disruption" terrorism, where millions of dollars of money are spent by the government, but no-one dies (people tend to forget that this IS terrorism)
Some of it is rioting
Some of it is bombs, EMP or otherwise
Brainwashed Self-Duplicator with Bombs attached to him.
>What does terrorism look like in your setting/campaign?
we don't see then untill it's too late
can you use gas wepans in a terrorist attack?
Extremist robot who believe they are enslaved higher beings. They are constantly attempting to colony drop.
A mish-mash group that wants to first destory the old balance of power, and then any form of supernatural power in order for -normal- people not to live in the shadow of the blessed guys. Currently aligned with PCs (them being more or less aware of what that group really is).
Is this a "draw your party" thread? I love the "draw your party" threads!
Unknown Armies?
> I know this is patti hearst and the SLA symbol, but goddamn does this look like the full page photo that would be next to the writeup of a vampire clan in one of those world of darkness larp books, Mind's Eye Theater
Blood thirsty sand people
the usual suspects, they plan something big, and the heroes stop them
i try to get as far away from ISIS as possible, so that we dont walk into the edgezone, where the only meaningful choices are war crimes and quitting the whole mess and joining rojovo
Well, incidents I've alluded to or used:
-The Black Powder Plot. A conspiracy by an unknown party to assassinate the deposed Grand Theogonist Johann Esmer, whom opponents of the returned Volkmar argue is the legitimate leader of the church. Basically this was just a riff on the Gunpowder Plot.
-Night of A Thousand Madmen. A cult to Tzeentch in the city of Kislev broke into the Lubjanko hospital/sanitarium through the sewers and agitated, armed, and unleashed the facility's most dangerous madmen, using chaos-tainted alchemy to drive more peaceable lunatics into a frenzy of murder.
-Bombing of the Strigany. This one the PCs were present for. A nativist dock gang in the city of Kislev loaded a boat with black powder and kvas, set it on fire, and sailed it into the dilapidated warehouse the city's local Strigany were squatting in. They attempted to follow this up with a raid by masked gangers to murder any survivors as they attended to the wounded. The PCs, being on-hand, slaughtered the gangers.
The Emmanuelle Intrigue. This was another one the PCs foiled, in a different game. During a festival, a mutant assassin was smuggled in in a cask of wine delivered to the palace. The palace guard was distracted by an attack staged by a necromancer in the sewers, drawing off Emmanuelle's bodyguards while she was at luncheon with the two PCs (long story how they got there). This pair managed to stop and drive off the killer and protect Emmanuelle and a niece of hers.
I chuckled
intentionally? no, probably not, but as far as everyone else is concerned...
might I suggest Feng Shui first edition? (Second edition has them as well, just not as many, as the future world went mad max as opposed to Cyberpunk)
It looks enlightened
>my players
A fifth of the merchant's guild turns up dead on the night before a guild vote to fuck over the peasant population of the city.(May or may not have been caused by me)
Space-luddites spreading primitivist philosophy to unsuspecting aliens to stifle their development.
Ask Tokyo about that. en.wikipedia.org
Two atomic bombs on civilians.