How would you do a Shin Megami Tensei-style magical/theological apocalypse game?
How would you do a Shin Megami Tensei-style magical/theological apocalypse game?
My main issues are balancing magical/supernatural stuff vs mundane stuff (I don't want it to be perfectly balanced but I also want "guy with guns" to be a valid character without necessarily having to go sorcerous) and maybe figuring out how SMT style demon summoning would work while not being awful on the tabletop
>How would you do a Shin Megami Tensei-style magical/theological apocalypse game?
Well, I'd set it during the Apocalypse. Id make sure the end times were upon us. I'd make the events be supernatural in origin, and make those events impact the reigning religions, for sure.
Then I'd top it off, with having it affixed around some Shin Megami Tensei gameplay
...what virtue is this supposed to be?
These are well done.
What "virtues" are these supposed to be?
Sorry OP, I don't have anything to contribute, but I just wanted to say these images are cool af.
Well, okay, maybe if you wanted to do an eschatology-focused game, look into the old World of Darkness stuff that featured Gehenna (the setting's equivalent of the apocalypse)? WoD has always been kind of a standard for modern urban fantasy TTRPG (although depending on the splat it can get ridiculous and out of hand quickly e.g. Mages).
The werewolf ones are from a vampire vs werewolf class-based PvP concept by the same artist, and the demon is Gluttony from the Virtue/Sin Angel/Demon PvP concept.
Artist is MasterChew, I found him through IG
Sorry I've got nothing to contribute but I would love to try one sometime
The red one is the Sin series, Gluttony. The others are just werewolves, just a different group
Might as well dump the rest of the demons, angels and werewolves
Now the demons
And now the werewolves. In case you were wondering these are meant to be two man teams as opposed to two forms of the same guy
Wizwolves, apparently
And here's the last of them.
Maybe I'm missing something, but what sin is this guy supposed to be?
He's a newly demon'd cultist who has yet to rank up and earn his sin. Sad he doesn't have an angelic equivalent
That werewolf looks so done with this shit.
Game mechanics? Game Mechanics
Team medic. carries no projectile weaponry. Can Heal teammates from his own health pool (quickly) or with Charity angel (more slowly). Charity angel grants him a continuous regeneration. His Shield grants broad damage reduction in general, and immunity against all damage from certain angles. His Medkit can also pass out combat boosts and revives.
All about playing the long game: Patience is an area denial sniper, but you have to wait for them to come to you. Her armor and health is relatively low, but her rifle is accurate and very deadly at any range. Topping that off, the angel can set a multitude of tripwire traps around any area. These traps are only sprung by demons. Patience grants a "Visibility reduction" effect, where the longer you stay in a place the less visible you become. Invisible low-mobility sniper with a massive number of traps? Sounds promising.
As the other side of the sniper coin, Envy is much more mobile and has a far greater degree of FUCK YOU involved in his firing solutions. Envy's demon is passively offensive in it's own right, maintaining overwatch while Envy settles in to a sniping position, alerting Envy of any approaching enemies and taking demon-bow shots at them. Envy has a limited amount of wallhacks always on: if an ally sees an enemy, Envy can see that enemy as well. Makes him uncannily aware of his surroundings.
Decent enough?
>I also want "guy with guns" to be a valid character without necessarily having to go sorcerous
Unless you're playing with friends, don't. Seriously, it always, always ends with one guy trying to do a "badass normal" that shit-talks magic and anything supernatural, spouts technical specs like an airport novel and wants to go by purely by grit and strategy. Only turns out he knows absolutely nothing about actual strategy, and the first time an enemy foils his brilliant tactic of standing still and magdumping until everything is dead he's gonna throw a huge bitchfit and grind everything to a halt.
Sounds good so far. Good work user
To make explicit the roles assigned them by the artist:
>Kindness: Powerful, but frail magic user. Needs squad support to be fully effective.
Probably low health and armor, with powerful abilities that have either long windups or cooldowns.
>Charity: support healer that can aid the entire squad.
Probably something like >Chastity: close-to-mid versatile CQC.
I'm thinking that she either has high armor, or can use the straps of her angel to maneuver around the environment Prototype-style. Probably like Tracer with those twin SMGs.
>Humility: flanking stealth infiltrator
Low armor, terrible ranged abilities, but outright invisible at long ranges and being tricky to spot at midrange. Vicious melee fighter, especially when using angel.
>Temperance: multi-role team leader/strategist
Other than the idea of him granting four different passive buffs based on the four heads (Armor for human, speed for eagle, damage for bull, ??? for lion), I've got nothing.
>Patience: Trapper, DMR
>Diligence: tank and heavy support
High armor, with the ability to boost it and provide cover with his angel. High-damage minigun useful for long-range suppression. Angel makes him a threat in melee as well.
The PCs possess martial abilities (Fighting, Shooting, Magic, Tools) to fight off the survivors of the apocalypse but can only combat "entities" when tied to one via a pact. The ritual to initiate the pact is specific to the entities' alignment (Law, Chaos, Nature, Ethereal, Eldritch). For example, to make a pact with a demon of Chaos you must best it in battle or to make a pact with Law you need to prove worth by doing certain virtues acts of faith. The more powerful the entity the more complex and drastic the act such as fasting, flagellation, murder, torture, sacrifice, spirit journeys, as well as rituals that require arcane knowledge and materials.
Setting can be anywhere and at any period. Though the modern era has been done I would like to see one done in a scifi setting with aliens bringing in their own gods, religions, and mythology. The "apocalypse" is an amalgamation of different doom's day prophecies such as A.I. self awareness, the abuse of hyperspace travel ripping a hole in reality, societies rubber banding back into superstitious cults after years of unsatisfying enlightenment, recent advancements in energy production has drawn the awareness of the outer gods (lovecraftian entities that survived in the void between galaxies) and their irresistible hunger.
Each race has several subdivisions of clans that follow different theological pursuits, specialties, and technological levels. Though they might have stronger leanings towards an alignment than another there is no issue with alignment shift other than opposing entities may not accept a pact with you. One key element of roleplaying in this setting is conversion. Each player is encouraged to attempt to convert other players. A diverse group can cover many bases but a group that falls in alignment will gain certain boosts.
I'm currently working on a SMT/Persona inspired setting that uses the End of the World RPG system since much of the mechanics of Demons/Personas use resonate with the +/- dice system in EotW. It's not a one to one representation but it does capture the tense nature of SMT combat, in my opinion.
Now, my take on the Vices:
>Sloth: mobile cover
A more defensive Diligence. Trades melee damage for superior cover creation ability (possibly can create temporary walls?)
>Envy: sniper
As , probably
>Gluttony: CQC expert
Grenades and shotguns, with demon doing melee. Demon probably steals health from those it damages.
>Wrath: explosives expert
Human uses a grenade launcher, demon hurls fireballs.
>Lust: stealth infiltrator
Probably a lot like TF2's spy.
>Pride: melee berserker
No ranged weapons, but high damage resist (that reduces as Pride takes damage) and DEVASTATING melee damage.
>Greed: Disruptor
Can drop traps that resemble pickups/"poison" pickups into traps. Can blind enemies with the glint of gold. Low combat potential in straight-up combat.
You presented to separate Ideas there. Magic and Theology.
Theology has the benefit of an Apocalypse being built in to many theologies. Since you're posting Virtue stands and referencing JRPGs, you could go with a "god as the bad guy" or "god doesn't interfere" trope. If God is the bad guy, the angels the PCs ally with (to get their powers) are the dissenters. If He doesn't interfere, sending angels to help humans, doesn't count, or their still dissenters, or he doesn't interfere with their decisions either.
WH40KRP, Unknown Armies, CoC, WoD, massively houseruled Wield