Warhammer 40k General /40kg/

Orks are made for waifuing edition

>FAQ update

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>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations
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>Math-hammer Updated for Tyranids? Math-user requests vetting

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Who got udeas bout what codex after daemons?


>Start Collecting boxes are gone

Same here, except i love when my noname HQ or sergeant makes OMG EPIC OFFICIAL HERO that have several books written about him bite the dust.


Imperial agents would be nice but I'm expecting them to be dead last... probably orks or dark eldar next.

I would like this but I expect Tau myself

>tau are a shooty race!
>BS 4+

Describe your local game stores players and what armies they play?

*T'ips fedora*

>Dark Eldar
>Second codex of the year

That'd be great, but highly unlikely. If it happens though it'd be a great excuse to get some more coke and a new dildo.

I'm chugging along with painting my first minis. What do you guys think? Not sure if I like the leadbelcher on the backpack, I think it might be a bit much


What Stratagems do you guys think would work for Minotaurs best? Black Templars, BAs, or Iron Hands?

Likely tau or necrons

I actually did a wash with Carroberg Crimson or whatever it is, after I base coated with Mephiston Red. I just fucked up and cause I'm bad I accidentally covered it all up when I did the coat of Evil Sunz Scarlet on top.

There's an argument for Salamander as well, to represent them being bafflingly well equiped.

Put the nuln oil on the leadbelcher

We used the be:
Gay navy bro: blood angels
Trucker: guard and orkz
Gay marine: guard
Fat grognard: tyranid
Me: nurgle
Furry: space wolves
"Stoner" sci fi fan : ad mech
College professor : ad mech
Literal autistic patron: tau
Goth high schooler: dark Eldar
Fat dude and his gilfriend: Eldar
Anime-weeb: nightlords
And finally, heavy metal motorhead biker: necrons

We never were all in the same place at once, and our lgs has since shit the bed, but... what a group.

What kind of daemons could I use the Sylvaneth from Age of Sigmar as? Blood letters? I want a whole army of daemons being proxies by tree dudes.

A shade of black might fit the backpack nicely

Paint em rotting and you got nurgle?

Could you get away with this in a GW store? I mean they're GW models so it's not like they're losing money...

Seriously, use the Nuln oil on all the metallic parts of the miniature. Your mind will be blown.

Nuln goes real well with belcher, follow up with runefang highlights
Unless you want some other effect.

why the FUCK does the terminator Sgt have to take a power sword?

its a historic thing

explain this bull shittery to a space wolf player?


>tfw millenia old veterans of a thousand planets who have faced down all the terrors of the galaxy get dropped by some squad of Scions in their who don't even know their real name, fresh out of the Schola Progenium

what's their rules? I forget

They always have and always will

re-roll one hit and one wound roll per unit.

>traitor primarch gets btfo by a detachment of Leman Russ tanks

I want your suggestion Veeky Forums.
I was building an Angels of Vengeance army (DA successors) but with the whole new 40K plot/lore being "All canon chapters are decimated and getting replaced by chadmarines" (even the fucking Dark Angels who are the most secretive and wary of outsiders ffs), I'm really thinking of making a homebrew chapter though I'm not really into the donut steel thingy. What should I do?

On the subject of washing metals
Agrax and retributor gives a warm dull gold that is lovely.
Different washes tint leadbelcher different shades easy. Making it a good metal for colouration

Vikings used swords as well

Just play a chapter on a penitent crusade so you've got a lore reason to not use primaris marines.

>I'm not really into the donut steel thingy
Don't make cringy over the top shit, other than that it's just a meme user. Get creative.

I like power firsts. I want more power fists.

Remember that a Chapter consists of about a thousand marines and you won't be fielding that many. Maybe your forces are all 3rd Company, while Primaris boys are all getting assigned to the 4th and 5th?

moody guy: DA
FLGS owner who gives the good deals:Imperial Fists
Another shop owner who biznesses down the corridor, very chill guy: Death Guard
Cauliflower faced Nice Guy Boxer: Valhallans
Fitness Gym Bro: Space Wolves
Twins: Tempestus Scions / Ad Mech
Cool Veeky Forums wife of 1 of the Twins: T'au, but moving to BA while waiting for the codex
Me: Nids

Pretty active group, we shit-talk on whatsapp, organize weekly games, and represent our guys shop when we go for tourneys to other FLGSs

Reminder DW is the worst according to ITC player rankings and Necrons the worst actual faction.
Tourney guys can't make them work

>he doesn't field 1000 marines

space fags are also marines. if you want powerfists go traitor, oh wait you already have

Have you seen the Guardians of The Covenant? I can see them dodging the massacre and refusing to implement primaris

Whats everyone working on this morning? I just built like 30 fucking wolf guard.

Usually when 1000 marines show up it is so GW can exterminate the chapter

Alright, I'll give it a try. Thanks lads

>Usually when 1000 marines show up the faggot with too much money is at the store again

I liked the AoV more than the GotC and I think that GotC were also decimated with AoV and Angels of Redemption if I remember correctly.

Practicing gold for Custards

Cocky new fag: Primarus Marines (Astral Knights?)
Navy Bro: All things chaos (demons/nightlords/thousandsons)
Tall AF bear man: Space Wolves
Lanky Asian: Guard
20 something dude who is secretly 40: Space Wolves
Unhygienic Fat Lord: Orcs
Actual 40 something dad: Guard
Army Officer: Guard

So many guard...

trying to think of a way to cut/bend a ripped cable into the right size/position without it looking to bad

got a pic of your scheme?

Ham sandwich

>make an army of Ultramarines/Dark Angels ironically
>make all the unnamed characters fairy faggots and tie them in with the named characters
>put the special characters in positions where they get killed in game
>win through big chapter cheese and spam

I think people like guard because they're the least cringy faction for people unfamiliar with the hobby. You can pass them off as WW2 models pretty easily.

Oh, I also forgot: The guy who talks alot and theory crafts, but doesnt actually play anything.

When did the Fallen get to legion strength again.

And for that matter how did the Custodes get back to ten thousand from 1k?

>tfw GW pulling new factions of mary sues outta their asses again and retconning their fluff accordingly.

It's mostly younger people. 16-20 or so at my store.

We have 2/3 people who play Imperial Guard or Tyranids.

Havent painted any custodes yet. But here is the scheme I'm basing it off. Playing around with proportions and stuff for personal taste


Most likely the Custodes spend the last 10k years replenishing their losses.
It would make sense, but it's not clarified anywhere

Fallen can't be more than half legion strength, otherwise what are DA?

Oh yea, I think I'm the user that made the suggestion lmao

Fallen as well

Probably lmao
Thanks again. It looks great

yea, fuck the bright gold official scheme

Before battle of terra 2. They were back up to 10k

Fallen though. DA must really be bad at their jobs

I kinda like how the new Custodes stuff coming out says how they are still active and even have other forces who catch chaos marines and xenos for custodes to kill.

Also I suppose the Emperor doesn't have to personally make each custodes anymore (or has still been helping since we now know hes physically active and talked to guilliman).

In fact the custodes new fluff of being into research, philosphy, and civilian tasks could probably explain it too, as I'm betting a few are scientifically inclined as well.

The fallen rumor I got from other posts on here who said it was from the latest dark angels codex.

>Fallen can't be more than half legion strength, otherwise what are DA?
What if they have the lost second legion with them?

Anyone have any of the easy build datasheets?

This is all I've found.

So i made a T'au list. It is suppose to be sort of aggressive with the Breachers and Kroot and flamer Crisis Suits. Point was to instead of sitting around in my deployment zone i will be able to push forward and drown my opponents in the weight of 40 assault 2 s6 ap-2 d1.

>Using Kroot

Put Nuln Oil on the metallic parts. Then carefully put it in the recesses of the red parts.


What the fuck is wrong with FW's filter ? I can only found this through sheer luck. Is there anything else that I might miss ?

The entire model being gaudy doesn't work well. I'll probably make their equipment like shields to be in great condition to contrast and pop

The fallen have access to both imperial and chaos resources and have plenty of geneseed to make new fallen marines.

If anything that makes sense, as in one of the (crappy) new dark angel books, astelan was trying to make a dark angels/death guard hybrid legion too. Which sounds horribly OP with the new Death Guard codex out.

>Mortarion, Lion'el, and Guilliman all in one Fallen army because muh battle brothers to chaos and imperium.

Wouldn't it be better to have another Fireblade instead of an Ethereal with that many breachers?

>Mortarion, Lion'el, and Guilliman all in one Fallen army because muh battle brothers to chaos and imperium.

You couldn't do that because DG and SM don't share a keyword.

>represent our guys shop
Is that supposed to be english?

Looks cool desu.

Aggressive T'au is fun.
But how on earth are the breachers reaching anything?

Was mainly just using what 2 start collecting gives me as a base.

Fire Blade doesn't buff breachers.
Darkstrider would be better.
Fighting retreat plus analyser

I almost want to use this for my Minotaurs instead of the normal bronze

Oh yeah. I keep thinking Blasters are Carbines.

This, even if you use the Kroot as a meat-screen half of them will be dead before they can shoot

Special snowflake Fallen rule than I dunno.
>unless Luther gets primarch tier stats as well.
>inb4 every faction gets nu-primarch serum'd named characters that become primarch tier units of all shapes and sizes.

Prinaris'ing can happen to anything now.

Can't wait for super farsight
Guess he'll hop in a custom tide

>want to run a fluffy mechanised infantry list for marines
>know the moment you play someone will pull out a primarch or knight and pop all your rhinos and get your 30 tacs shot to shit

The Fallen were scattered so those who actually fell to chaos got the unique advantage of starting their warbands from a thousand different planets at once and with the imperium being split by the rift theres a good chance the stranded imperial worlds fell to such warbands

>thinking about getting back into 40k
>think about small guard army (played Orks & SM in 3rd ed, cbf again)
>will cost like $1k to get up and running again
>have to pay $2.5 to get car fixed

Better shell out for some of those big models, goy. You wouldn't want your army to lack a big hitter, right?

Put something scary to draw fire. I take 2 predator tanks and 3 dreadnoughts. Your marines should have something to make there presence known too though, meltas or plasma. Punish your opponent if he let your marines close, punish them if they leave your heaves alone.

I am going to move forward through cover and march sorta try to draw my opponent into a trap or just be able to maneuver around them. I dont plan on really winning or anything with this. But i will try my best dammit.

>mechanised SM
>being afraid of Knights

>semi final of store championship
>scions + bullgryns vs leman russ spam + shadowsword
>got first blood by killing the shadowsword with 2 scion units

somehow melta being 17 points now makes them roll way above average

I'll have a laser pred, venerable dread, two Razorbacks with HB and LC and then 3 rhinos. How good are vanilla termies this edition? Last I played was in 5th and I heard power fists got a buff