Which sounds like a better time?
>A lamia sorceress with high CHA who's always smiling brightly, knows how to be polite and friendly in public and is also secretly a lawful evil psychopath who is skilled in poisoncrafting, Bluffing and Intimidating people who might fuck with them, mercilessly interrogating and killing people who *have* fucked with them, and at playing with kids.
>Chaotic Good Lamia twin blade fighter with no social graces, but still knows how to earn respect and fear, due to their raw talent in blade fighting and constant desire for battle and other things that are fun. Is also constantly sporting a toothy smile.
Which sounds like a better time?
Other urls found in this thread:
The second one.
First one reminds me of this
Might I suggest not being 12
Neither, I pick the lawful good paladin waifu and smite both
Even if she's a lawful good lamia paladin?
So you're either playing the nice anime girl, who's scary when she's mad, or the tsundere tomboy anime girl.
Depends on her stance on cuddling
That is a good point I didn't consider.
Both are just absolutely terrible. 2 is the lesser of two evils.
Psychopaths are incapable of being lawful evil by definition so the second wins by default. You should be ashamed of both though.
How about this then:
A sorcerer with a familiar that can talk.
The reason it's important that the familiar talk is for the purpose of playing the long conversation, a Bluff where the sorcerer and familiar lie up a backstory that "left the sorcerer deaf and mute."
As long as you only use spells that have somatic and material components, but never verbal, you can make a lot of people outside of your party believe in your lie. Not to mention there's a lot of things you can listen to people say when they believe you can't hear them, moreso when they think you can't repeat anything they say back to your companions.
The amount of food a warm blooded lamia would have to consume on a daily basis would be obscene, well over 10,000 calories a day
how the hell do you know this?
Warm blooded animals make their own heat and need to keep their temperature consistent, heat generation requires calories, lots of calories, birds and mammals need to keep eating to be able to function properly.
Cold blooded animals do not generate heat, they're merely the same temperature as their environment, since they don't need to put any calories towards heat generation they require a lot less food than warm blooded animals of the same size.
This is why snakes only need to eat once every few weeks or even once a month and still be considered healthy.
Well let's take a similar sized warm blooded animal and compare. Let's say a Lamina is about twice the size of a human. Another creature, a bottlenose dolphin, is about the same. In order to maintain bodyweight, a dolphin needs to eat about 4-9% of their body weight daily. At 550 pounds that's 22-50 pounds of food daily. Let's say the fish is makeral, a commin enough fish. At 47 colories an ounce, 22 pounds would be 16,544 calories, and at 50 pounds that would be 37,600 calories. That's 33 / 66 Big Macs, 16 / 32 16 oz steaks, or up to 58 live rats, a day, of calories needed to keep your warm blooded Lamia waifu well fed.
>Let's say a Lamina is about twice the size of a human
Most art shows lamias having a tail nearly 10'-15' in length on average, that would be almost three times the size of an average human, and also consider that 10'-15' tail is pretty much nothing but muscle and organ of an absolutely fucking ludicrous width when compared to even the largest of normal snakes.
To party with or play as? They both sound fun to be, but horrible to party with.
Grizzlies can consume almost 60,000 calories a day and maintain weight, if reasonably active. It's not impossible for such an animal to be able to survive, but it is very difficult. If a Lamina needed to consume that much a day, it'd be more likely to want to eat everything your fridge, your pets, and then you, before wanting to be your docile fantasy waifu.
Never said it was impossible, just saying that a warm blooded lamia would be an ungodly resource drain.
Basically, if you can't buy hundreds or even thousands of dollars worth of food on a daily basis, the entire neighbourhood is disappearing
If my lamia is cold blooded, how often and how long would she need to bask in the sun or cuddle with me to warm up?
With a heating mat it can take hours for a snake to heat up, basking in the sun could also take hours, lamia's would likely be purely desert or tropical species that wouldn't go anywhere near more temperate climates.
And never, you don't put anywhere near enough heat for a snake, especially a snake with that much mass.
You can be evil and still be kind and cordial you know.
>needy lamia waifu
I so want this now
>A-user, I'm sooo hungry!
Hungry? We just had dinner, Lami.
>I-I know, but... It wasn't that much...
Three chicken dinners, and you ate all three of them!
>Come on, user, Pleeease?
Shenanigans ensue when she decides she wants to go on as diet.
why must you hurt me like this?
You asked the question, now live with the consequences.
To play as.
Another idea would be one who has fame as a dancer, but past that famous persona can go unknown as a rogue, that is skilled in Bluffing, and poison making, and is very good at info gathering, both as a rogue familiar with the underground, and as a dancer known at even a basic level even to royalty.
I think bottom line is I really enjoy Bluffing the shit out of people. You can get away with a lot of things just by careful phrasing of words, and that appeals to me a lot.
Was gunna say: pretty sure he meant sociopath. Not that most people even know the difference, as the OP clearly does not.
I'd go for 2, though I'd lose the toothy smile thing and just go stoic, since that way it'd be easier to get into situations where she's all cute. Fitting in the Bluffing and Intimidating thing that you like to do would probably be doable too.
Warm-blooded lamia would need a lot of energy (usually people tend to think of them as roughly human sized and kind of ignore the snake tail, but really they'd be three or four times the size of a human from head to tail, and weight over 10 times as much). However, a cold-blooded animal of that size would also have major problems living anywhere where the temperature isn't hot 24/7, and even then would be very inactive.
The most logical solution is actually a hybrid system, such as how some large fish can maintain their heart and brain at constant temperature and keep the rest of their bodies at the same temperature as the surrounding water, or what the largest dinosaurs are assumed to have done and mostly rely on their size to slow down heat loss and only use energy to keep them cooling down beyond some minimum threshold.
>Tfw no cute gluttonous lamia waifu
So... literally just warm-blooded human torso on snake tail.
Would that mean they coil around themselves to keep warm in the winter?
So to answer OP's questions, the best character choise is a neutral hungry lamia sorceress who adventures to get money to feed her colossal appetite (and also because she can just eat any monsters she kills).
>For justice!
>For fame and fortune!
>Because I have the munchies!
Honestly that sounds like a great character
oh jeeze
Both sound like garbage attempts at garbage fetish waifubait, to be honest
But the obscenely high metabolism would stop her from getting fat, that number is just survival rations, I'm sure.
That's why you provide her with double to triple the recommended numbers of calories.
It's not even that her metabolism would need to be high. A lamia would just be so much bigger than a human (from head to end of the tail they're usually several times the lenght of a human; IIRC the lamia from monmusu is like 16 m long) that if she had a human-like metabolism she'd need to eat far more than a human.
God damn it, why do I find the idea of a cute and very hunrgy lamia eating obscene amounts of food absurdly sexy.
I did some really rough back of the napkin math, and based on that a 16 m long lamia with metabolism of an average warmblooded animal would need about the same amount of food as 8 or so people.
So yea, keeping lamia waifu from not eating your neighbours would be very expensive, especially if lamias like snakes are obligate carnivores (a centaur might also literally eat like a horse, but there's a good chanse you could just buy hay and vegetables, which are relatively cheap. Meat, on the other hand, tends to have much higher price per kg).
In reality a Lamia would probably be mesothermic, neither hot nor cold bloodes, but somewhere in the middle. Like ancient dinosaurs and modern bluefin tuna. If we propoae that a Lamia is going to be mostly muscle, they might likely have organs similar to tuna called retia mirabilia, which allow for warm blood near the muscles to be transfered elsewhere. So instead of a high metabolism warmblooded Lamia you have to overfeed or a lazy sleepy coldblooded Lamia who only needs to eat every few days, you might have something in the middle. A more sporty and active Lamia, one that tries to remain active as much of possible in order to maintain body temp.
I call this: the tomboy Lamia.
>This thread
I want to rub her chub
Because the monstergirl, if they are of a centaur configuration like a lamia or spider girl, will outeat the fuck out of the big orc fighter. And that's adorable.
Also, your dick is responding to worldbuilding. This is why the best porn you keep reading after masturbating because you are interested.
Man, I finally have an excuse to go out hunting and get a giant freezer!
I've been waiting for that for goddamn years.
haha I wonder how she would look if she ate twice as much haha just for laughs haha
>A more sporty and active Lamia, one that tries to remain active as much of possible in order to maintain body temp
Forgive me if I'm being retarded and have poor reading comprehension, but define "Active as much as possible". Are we talking much more active than average kind of "As much as possible" or like approaching shark-tier "As much as possible"?
Generally mesothermic fish are active constantly, but this is probably from the need to breath with gills and hunting habits. Mesothermic animals such as (some) turtles and echidnas however, sleep and have periods of inactivity. They have periods of cool bloodedness, but quickly heat up with activity. Tunafish can cook their own flesh they heat up so much with exertion. So a mesothermic Lamia would probably range between periods of no activity, and their skin would be cool to the touch, but mesotherms all lack ways to cool themselves (perhaps why some dinosaurs had frills, to not cook themselves to death) so their skin temperature could suddenly raise to scorching near 90 degrees. So your morning cuddles with a Lamia would be slightly cool, and post activity *wink wink* would be scorching hot.
Shit like this makes me incredibly disappointed that any setting involving monster(girl)s is just cheap waifu shit where no more thought is given to them after slapping animal parts onto a human torso. Even something as relatively innocuous as would be nice from a world-building perspective.
>mesotherms all lack ways to cool themselves (perhaps why some dinosaurs had frills, to not cook themselves to death)
>The usual "cuddling for warmth" meme is replaced with desperately trying to cool them off after they overexert themselves
An interesting inversion.
welcome to the world of critical thought, where any and all fantasy settings could be way better if they gave even the slightest bit of shits, but they do not.
Move to Texas and cull the Axis Deer population! All you need is a hunting licence, no bag limits! I'd suggest hog hunting, but the meat is terrible from what I've been told.
like, yeah, culling is good, but I can't physically eat that much deer.
I'd need some kind of massive person who lived in my house or something.
Get a giant lamia gf, then! I hear they like hand-holding and extensive cuddling.
That's because water conducts heat much, MUCH better than air, user. Heat lost is generally proportional to the surface area, not mass, so with everything else being equal, a warm-blooded critter twice the mass of a human would spend about 1.6 times as many calories as a human to stay warm.
> You will never live out in the country with your lamia waifu
> You won't go out hunting deer every day to feed lamiafu
Why even live?
Although at least I got a random NPC. Have the players meet a ranger living out in the woods and stay at his house for the night. He says he's married, but his wife is too shy to come meet strangers. If they pay attention they notice he's preparing a lot more food than just he and his guests would need, and that he goes out hunting for deer or boar every day despite not having a way to store or sell the extra meat. If the players decide to spy on him, they'll find his wife is actually a lamia he somehow met and fell in love with (and convinced not to eat him when they first met).
They both sound like you're injecting your fetish shit into a game.
Didn't the main monster girl encyclopedia thing include some pretty detailed stuff about habitat, temperament, and of course reproduction habits?
>Would that mean they coil around themselves to keep warm in the winter?
technically you could but it wouldn't be very effective.
>it's a lamiafag blatantly trying to force his monstergirl fetish into his game again
Why is it always lamiafags in particular? They're the absolute worst about this.
Their internal body temperature is magically regulated in a way that does not conform to either endothermic or ectothermic biology.
I don't remember anything too extensive. Of course it's been awhile so I might just be forgetful.
Still though, there's a lots of interesting implications with human beings and monsters living side by side that most people don't explore in too great of detail. For instance something like a lamia or centaur has to pose several logistical problems living alongside human beings just from their size and body types alone, not even considering the more intimate issues (in this case metabolism) that might further complicate things.
The thing is, if you're enthusiastic enough about monstrous humanoids to make a writeup like that, most people will think it's magical realm.
And because people flinch away from sex out of fear of being thrown out or bullied by their groups, it doesn't even matter that "magical realm" is wholly defined by the person actively putting it into the game.
You could write pages and pages on the daily lives of centaurs, lamiae and other humanoids in a modern or fantasy society, complete with the facilities, products and customs influenced by or created for them, and a lot of people would enjoy it, but I really think the current RPG community is defined too much by slavering Tumblrinas seeking "oppression" in everything on one side and incel robots//pol/shitters calling the sex they can't have "degenerate" on the other side to have any real space for advancement, depth or innovation in anything else than the mechanics.
so a warm blooded Lamia is more plausible
still cute hungry critters
Picture Sportacus, except female and also a giant snake.
>most people will think it's magical realm
See the thing is that the only people paranoid enough to think that a detailed integrated society like that is a magical realm are the people who have that as their magical realm themselves. There's a pretty noticeable difference in tone when you're talking about the mechanics of snake pussy in bed versus something like explaining how city buses needed to be retrofitted to accommodate nonhuman bodies.
> a shitty yandere vs a mediocre autistic tsundere
Miss me with that gay shit, nigga.
If those two were my only options, I'd rather stay celibate for the rest of my life.
It was like that two years or so ago, but by now monstergirls are generally one of the better-known "weird" fetishes on the Internet.
On top of that, let's not kid ourselves, a large percentage of people who really like the major MG works have high-octane autism and don't make a good impression.
I've seen people who stepped onto the Internet or into roleplaying games a few days or weeks ago make fun of monstergirl fans and everything that includes it.
It's kind of become an easy shorthand for "anime autism", now that dakimakura of completely normal characters have lost their impact.
So to recap the "plausible" types would be:
>Similar to the usual depiction, but with a massive appetite to compensate for their increased need for calories
>Not as high maintenance as a warmblood, but instead have long periods of downtime and can only realistically inhabit places that are incredibly warm
>The most "normal" in comparison to human standards, but runs the risk of overheating when overexerted due to lacking a means of regulating body heat
At least OP's shitty anime tropes have spawned a pretty interesting discussion. Will have to keep this in mind next time my games have reptile creatures.
It also doesn't help that the latter is about ten or fifteen times as hot as the former in my opinion. You don't even need the sex, you just need a dose of either a) a monstergirl living her life in a world full of other monstergirls or b) a monstergirl trying to live a normal life in a world where shit isn't made for her. Then you have the variations - whether or not this world was always like that, whether or not every single person is like that, who runs it, how the power dynamics are and of course whether or not people know that something changed. It also has to do with liking TF - the idea of turning on a TV show in the morning and seeing the newswoman's snake half rested off to the side off-camera like nothing's off at all, or being delayed on the morning commute by a centaur girl trying to climb a flight of stairs, two teenage demon girl students in a normal-looking jewelry store dithering over horn and hoof accessories are three of many scenarios that cause me to enter Great Sage Mode. Whether it's been like that from the beginning, it happened a few years ago and now everyone's trying to get used to it, or everyone just thinks it's been like that from the beginning and it was recent in reality, it works wonders. Common-sense alteration truly is a patrician fetish.
And now you know why nothing is safe and nothing is sacred. Ignoring the hooting hordes of moralfags as long as you have fun, then only starting to restrict content if it becomes clear it's the reason you're not having fun is in the end the best solution in my book.
>a large percentage of people who really like the major MG works have high-octane autism and don't make a good impression
Well obviously if you're a fucking sperg about it then of course people will probably think it's magical realm and they will also most likely be right in that assumption. The biggest thing would probably be world-building versus specific characters. It's one thing to have a well thought out culture of snake people within the setting and to naturally branch off of that than it is to introduce what's essentially a copy-paste of Mia from Monster Musume for the sole reason of wanting a lamia NPC.
Also. Boys. If you're only showing females exclusively then we all know what you're doing.
At least on here, people putting monsterboys or even just males of the species in get shit on too.
"You're just doing it to have an excuse - if it wasn't your fetish you wouldn't put in monstergirls in the first place."
"The historical examples of these monsters are mostly female and based on the fear of [insert woman-related problem here], so you're just being desperate."
"There's too much/too little sexual dimorphism. You can tell that you're just trying to get off."
And, of course, the instant accusation of just liking bara, traps or God knows what.
It's not a problem with the material itself, it's a problem with people joining a witch hunt because it gives them an excuse to shit on people.
>However, a cold-blooded animal of that size would also have major problems living anywhere where the temperature isn't hot 24/7
Please, tell that to the 15 foot alligators living in North Carolina.
Could such creatures even co-exist with humans with such demanding bodily needs?
Shadowrun actually took the time to address these things with their non metahuman sapients. They didn't go terribly in depth, but they certainly gave the GM and players a base to build from and an idea of just what it means to be non-human in a human dominated society.
Impossible? No. Difficult and/or resource intensive? Probably.
One of my favorite nonhumans to put in these types of scenarios are centaurs do to the fact that they aren't terribly different from humans aside from their size and unique shape which would require many changes to day-to-day living but not absurdly complicated ones. Depending on how prevalent they are in said society it would be a similar issue to dealing with people in wheelchairs only the "wheelchairs" would be much larger.
Male Lamia
Best answer. Spearman Male Lamia.
Druid male lamia with viper animal companion.
shadowrun intentionally fucked up any and all non-metahumans they could so that they wouldn't have to worry about making weird race equipment.
Fucking horsehead centaurs.
A lot of the talk's been about keeping a lamia functioning, either through how much sunbathing a cold-blooded lamia would need or how much a warm-blooded lamia would need to eat, but wouldn't it be the opposite, given that increasing the size of a creature increases the volume far more then the surface area, there's more heat being generated, without much more skin area to release the heat from.
Clearly keeping your lamia from overheating would be the challenge, as unless they had a slower metabolic rate than a human they would need to have some other method to keep them cool.
Ideally a lamia would spend most of their time relaxing, only getting up for short periods to do energy intensive tasks such as cuddling.
They're both deprecated terms for Antisocial Personality Disorder. Hare's definitions (the only ones to seriously contrast them and not just provide an alternative term for the same thing to be less confused with, "Psychosis.") were never widely accepted by the psychiatric community.
Go check the DSM-5.
But why would anyone trust the first lamia? They're snake people. They look evil.
snakes look like a LOT of fucking things man.
They look like the creator of all things. They look like medicine. They look like poison. They look like the great deciever. They look like the immortal that stole the fruit of life from gilgamesh.
Long story short, what a snake looks like to somebody REALLY fucking varies.
Like a penis
Corcodillians don't quiet conform to the cold blooded mould user.