what's your favorite saber form force user /tg
and why is it form seven?
Meanwhile on force user /tg
It aint form 7, Juyo's shit
Djem So is best because of it's two different philosophies, and no, not referring to Shien also.
Defensive Djem So = Speed+Precision
Defensive Djem So relies on following up all defensive movements with offensive strikes made to force the opponent away, and is best represented by it's signature technique, the Fluid Riposte.
Offensive Djem So = Power+Speed
Offensive Djem So can sometimes batter even Form 3 users into submission and it's movements are far more kinetic than Forms 1 or 7, offensive Djem So is best represented by the Falling Avalanche, which can absolutely destroy an opponent's defense.
How can other forms compete?
Why are you posting about lightsabers on Veeky Forums? Go back to /k/.
This is now a dejarik thread.
explain Dejarik to me user
Prove to me that sabacc isn't masterrace
Form 6 when mastered and combined with either Form 3 and/or Form 7. If dealing with someone who isn't talented enough to do the aforementioned, Form 3 and/or Form 5 depending on personal tastes and capabilities of the trainee. Form 4 is a shit.
I use the Kintan strider death gambit your move
This is the only correct reply.
I think Master's are getting wise to this place.
Nu's complaining to Master Yoda right now.
>Implying Yoda isn't browsing this board right now
Form 2 for life, every other form user confirmed for savages. Except those Niman bros, they're cool.
Truely wonderful, the mind of a child is. Borwsing Veeky Forums, a waste of time it is. Be on here, Master Yoda would not.
The Sith did nothing wrong.
Shii Cho is best, undeniable.
Anyone who disagrees is a newfag who failed to master the basics
This. Philistine swine profane the lightsaber with their inelegant flailing and blundering forms. Form 2 with its roots in jedi history is the only acceptable answer
Niman (Form VI) all the way. In the hands of a master, Niman offered an appropriate defense and approach against every other form, taking bits and pieces from each. It was also developed with the use of Force powers intermingled with its bladework, making it the ultimate expression of Jedi combat.
Unless you're facing multiple opponents with blasters, like you are a majority of the time.
Ask all those surviving Niman masters on Geonosis.
>tfw the pazaak community
Hey jedi, new youngling here.
whats a good combination of lightsaber type for the most solid defences for ranged attacks aswell as melee.
I'm a counselar fag btw
Jar'Kai a best, prove me wrong (You can't)
Form 2 can't be beaten. It's not just the single best form for the purposes of dueling but also styles on everyone else with completely elegant and efficient bladework. Get this flippy spin shit out of here, only REAL blademasters need apply.
Shien variant of Form V is superior. Fight me.
Those retards were hardly masters. Niman advocates for finesse and ingenuity, not the formulaic, brute force crap those jackasses used.
That's explicitly Form V, or Djem So. It's the form Anakin used.
The Old Republic gave me an appreciation for Form 1 and 3, particularity when used in concert. My main is a Light-Side Sith Warrior Juggernaut (for Sith Empire characters, Light-Side just means 'not a cartoonishly cruel super villain'), those were the two forms you had access to. And because I'm the type of nerd who places tabletop games, I considered what this style meant in the narrative of my character.
Form 1 covers the traditional swordsmanship basics, but is also characterized as being seemingly simple and wild but using 'deliberate tactics, calling for continuous, step-by-step advancement while cutting off the opponent's angles'. Its also known for sweeping attacks and being good against multiple opponents, but not so great in a one on one scenario.
Form 1 always seemed very weird to me. I know just enough about HEMA to know that traditional swordfighting is anything but simplistic, nor does it, taken as a whole body, have the sort of weaknesses Form 1 has ascribed to it.
Everyone probably has a good grasp of Form 3 thanks to Obi-Wan.
Blending the two wasn't too hard. Focusing on Form 1's goals of pushing an opponent down a path towards an end game and Form 3's stamina and defense to last long enough to execute it. Form 3's defense is further complimented by Form 1 in a multiple opponent scenario, and Form 1 gives Form 3 better offense.
The result fits well with the Warrior Juggernaut role, which is Tank. In my head, my Sith Warrior doesn't fight with explosive power, but like a hydraulic press. They just push forward until their opponent inevitably breaks down and is crushed.
Form 1 + Form 3 is not as flashy as other dueling forms but it has a distinct character that sets it apart from the other top contenders for 'best', making it my favorite.
Frankly I prefer using my abilities unarmed, lightsabers are noisy.
I'm a little confused, what you've described sound like defensive Form V, maybe I just don't understand what makes Form 1 unique
^This, if you're going to use a lightsaber be classy with it. The weapon just works so well with the form.
Form 1 is weird and not very well thought out. Defensive form 5 is about rapidly going from defense to explosive offense. Its meant to create an immediate threat, ideally to regain the initiative. What I'm getting is less about speed and power and more about deliberateness and strategy.
Ok this makes a bit more sense
I mean Form 1 was originally just the only form, wasn't it? Then based Makashi was created and wrecked form 1's shit. Form 1's greatest strength is it's applicability, you're never WRONG with 1, just not always as effecient as you should be. That's compared to form 2 where if you have more than 2 opponents you either switch forms or get ready to die.
Duelist + Shien/Juyo master race here, dual wielding is for tryhard babbies.
I've started seeing RLM stuff literally everywhere starting just this month. Did they do something recently?
>what's your favorite saber form force user /tg
>and why is it form seven?
That sounds like some retarded EU shit
They released a HitB episode about the new Star Wars movie the other day, I guess.
I've had that image for a while though, so it has nothing to do with anything.
WTF so apparently i'm a sith now or some shit?
So there i was learning about the bullshit that is the fact that midichlorian count is what determines how strong someone is in the force and i asked "Why don't we use the force to encourage Midichlorians to propagate within us?" I mean why not right? The more midichlorians the more we're connected to the Force.
Anyway the Knight teaching us flips his shit and throws me out of the temple and now this creepy old dude keeps trying to hand me red crystals.
form one is pretty much the acting purely on instinct form
so it just depends on how attuned to the force you are
Unfriendly reminder that you stupid space wizard laser-sword wielding dopes are useless against guns. Not blasters, laser rifles, plasma guns or energy weapons. It's balistic and kinetic weapons.
Some 7.62 balistic firearm > overrated laser sword
Friendly reminder that Jedi just stop physical projectiles with their minds.
If you want to catch a Jedi out with ranges weapons you use an alternating mixture of directed energy and projectile weapons.
>old timey guns > space magic
>SW after the OT
The OT were a good coming-of-age stories for children and young adults, and everything since has been redundant, with the exception of a few games that were good because they were good games and not because they were Star Wars. No, I'm not talking about KotOR, I'm talking about Jedi Knight.
reds so cliche how do you feel about dark purple?
I know right, who knew 21st century weapons platforms persist in the far future. I mean look at 40K, the Glock handgun pattern is still pretty alive and well, pic related.
>40k is comparable to star wars
enjoy the v&
They are a notable source of Star Wars related memes and reaction images, so they inevitably get posted a lot when Star Wars is being discussed heavily.
Take it to the quest board.
Uh, no. This is not a quest.
I’m on a quest for your mamas vagoo QQ moar you limp dicked nerd.
>mfw raiding hospitals for blood that's high in midi-chlorians
Keep meditating and depriving yourself of emotional fulfillment, losers. I'm taking the shortcut to Jedi greatness.
Rodger Rodger,
Not yet. Wait for some idiots to start namefagging, then we grab the pitchforks
>reading the first Bane book
>that sabacc
I got hype
>just got lightsabers for me and gf
>just ordered a third
Too bad there’s no clubs near us
what yoda said
yoda would never be here
wait a second
Twie'lek show brain tails or gtfo
I use Form III, come at with all your insults and watch as I effortlessly deflect them.
t. uncivilised
Mando here.
Remind me again which of your lightsaber forms protects you from explosives?
What about flame jets?
That's not how Midichlorians work you fucking numpty. They feed off of the force, the only way you could encourage them to propagate with you is by gitting gud.
But you're so damn dumb that you think the Midichlorians are the cause of the force and not a symptom of force sensitivity so I wouldn't bet on that.
Yeah go ahead Mandofag, toss a thermal detonator at me, see how that works out for you.
t. Radical centrist gray "Jedi"
>meanwhile on x Veeky Forums
Thanks for reminding me to filter these threads friend!
Makashi is not best form, but damn if it ain't my fav
I hope you roll with dual blasters, I got a pair of SSK-7s hit a Jedi with one of these and he won't be getting back up
who here's a good solider
Well I'd always love to lead good soldiers, especially ones who follow orders. Ya know, not following orders could get a lot of good men killed.
Is anyone here good friends with Ben?
Because i need a star torrent of some 2Jawas 1droid tier stuff
What, no love for form IV? We got super speed, super jumps, why not use it?
>form IV
Eh, I dunno why but it's one of my least favs. Makashi is pretty to watch.
>a Star Wars thread not 100% made up of shitting on the new film
By the Force, if we could keep this up. We need more threads like this.
What is everyone's favorite Jedi vehicle? Mine is definitely the Delta-7.
Its the Form of Manlets
That picture, I just...
It's twenty thousand years in the freaking past-future or whatever. Do these fools know NOTHING about the proper way to butcher a humanoid carcass?
It's supposed to be a target zone thing not a cuts chart
It's Veeky Forums. I know automatic assumption of stupidity is the right and wise course of action but I promise I was joking.
Thank you for trying to be helpful, though. I do appreciate the effort.
No problem user
Let's return the sithposting
Have we ever considered attaching the end of a lightsaber to a blaster?
That sounds just crazy enough to explode in your hand!
What about a saber spear?
(dare I even suggest such magnificence?)
That would be unsafe to wield and impractical
Let's be reasonable here
Almost as dangerous to the enemy as it is to the wielder!
Truly, the weapon of a supreme master of the arts martial.
More seriously, though, I seem to remember that there have been saber-spears in canon. It makes sense as long as you make the shaft out of a lightsaber resistant material
My DM just asked me a bunch of questions to make my character with and I don't know the Star Wars Rulebook. I just want to tank this time around.
>Do I prefer defending against melee attacks or blasters?
>Do I want to attack with lightsaber or the force?
>What would you like to be your Highest/Lowest stat?
What stances do you think he'll give me to suit this build?
Form three?
But isn't that anti-blaster?
Who designed the DC-17 blaster pistol, it looks like a brick with a grip.
>retarded EU shit
You mean the only parts of Star Wars that aren't trash?
>brick with a grip
Yeah, that is a little OP even for SW
It's both really.
We all know the slimmer a blaster pistol, the stronger it is. Like the WESTAR-34, or DL-44.
So I was checking the archives the other day and then I noticed a massive amount of files and data missing or edited. I mean for the most part it really does simplify centuries worth of information, but at the same time tons of ancient wisdom and legends are gone.Then again tons of it was pretty fucking stupid like how on a remote forest moon there was a force sensitive mountain who could talk.
Who is this Jedi Master Dis Nai who authorized this and whats his rank on the council ?
Yes, but a brick with a handle?
Forget about your blasters and lightsabers and deathstars and shit. You just went "Fuck them Geneva Sector conventions cuz' it's about to get real up in here."
>implying Form III isn't the best
>using sabers
I have myself commissioned a genuine Sith Sword on Korriban for 20,000 credits (that's about 20,000 credits) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of solid durasteel with my Sith Sword.
Sith Swords are thrice as sharp as Jedi Lightsabers and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a Lightsaber can cut through, a Sith Sword can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a Sith Sword could easily bisect a stormtrooper wearing full laminate with a simple vertical slash.
Ever wonder why the Jedi never bothered conquering Korriban? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Sith and their Sith Swords of destruction. Even in the Great Hyperspace War, Republic soldiers targeted the men with the Sith Swords first because their killing power was so feared and respected.
More like "bounty hunter on a budget" better not let any clients see that DC-17 "budget WESTAR-35" or they'll think you're a joke.
I hit 'em with my brick on a stick and they ain't gonna be sayin' shit.
>can cut through durasteel
Get a load of this pleb that can't even dent beskar
and look where it got them.
They're all extinct. Both the religion and the race.
Well, I think, don't tell anyone but I think Senator Padme is a sith lord.{/spoiler] but I'm afraid that Skywalker kid will shoot up the temple if I say it publicly.
I thought they target them first because they were stupid enough to bring swords to gun fights, making them easy targets.
Order 6.9.3a was basically "Shoot the retards with the butter knives first and get them out of the way so you can deal with the real threat."
we're still here kiddo
thats why its force user/tg not jedi /tg
now want to visit korriban?
youll leave a changed man
Better pistol whip them cause something that unbalanced can't shoot straight.
I just assumed it was for those Jennsari shitters, Baran Do Sages, Force Witches and Wardens of the Sky.
I didn't know there was unironic dark jedi here, go back to /sith/