EDH/Commander General

"Close but no cigar" edition

Previously: RESOURCES

>Latest News:

>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their decks strategy and card choices.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commanders color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

>Thread Question
What commander do you think would be significantly improved with the edition of another color


>What commander do you think would be significantly improved with the edition of another color
add green or blue

White to Yasova so that I can add more blinking stuff in her kit.

Red to UW Taigam so that Jeskai finally has a decent commander that isn't Narset.

>Thread Question
>What commander do you think would be significantly improved with the edition of another color

any of the colorless eldrazi

If he had white he'd be my favorite hands down

u fokkin wot m8?

>What commander do you think would be significantly improved with the edition of another color
i presume you mean addition
this guy's not wrong, jund frog would be quite good
but desu, any boros commander. every single one is boring, and adding another colour to them would make them alot better

How to build this sour looking fuck? Should I just generic Boonweaver combo, or is that a little too spikey and just go with value reanimator.

along with stealing opponents stuff through killing, then reanimating.

Any particular bombs I should be looking out for? I want to have a MLD/Diet Stax theme on this because Abzan has the best access to that stuff. Things like Iona, Life from the loam, Armageddon, Splendid Rec, all that nonsense.

>red in the commander that consistently accumulates fuckhuge amounts of mana so you can reverberate your giant exsanguinate/torment of hailfire/mana dump "I win" card and access to wheels
How about no?

b-but pic related and mina and denn and some neat stuff

If you wanna go for a diet stax them then that sounds fine, maybe tutors on a stick like Razzle Dazzle demon from Ahmonket

>Complaining about copy spell effects
Holy shit how pleb could you be?
Daily reminder that red is the worst color in edh

>play teneb for 6 mana
>gets killed
>play teneb for 8 mana
>gets killed
>play teneb for 10 mana
>gets chumped by tokens or turned into a forest
>sure wish my deck didnt involve having my commander deal damage! yolo xD

>play anything
>it gets killed
>why even play lol xd

git gud

Dralnu would be so fucking tight as a Grixis commander

Not that he isn't fun already, but still

I know what you are trying to say, but plenty of cards don't care if someone blows removal on them. Etb creatures don't care, and off the top of my head, two popular abzan commanders, karador and ghave, don't care either. You can cast a creature from your graveyard before you pass priority with one, and you can combo or make tokens in response with the other.

>add green or blue
pure cancer

What would you even get out of red in 'trog? Stranglehold, Angry Omnath, and a few nifty removal spells?

>thread question
FELDON. Literally any colour would break him, but black in particular would be absolutely degenerate.

Imagine a blue-red Daretti. Jesus fucking Christ.

What's the best commander for dumping/reanimating obscene amounts of 1-drops? I want to break monotony of battlecruiser magic in my playgroup, but also don't want to go full token.

You could even Dread Summons and use other spells along with Teneb to steal creatures from other graveyards. stuff like that

>actual RB reanimator general
Fuck yes

Shirei is the correct answer.

Nin, the pain artist in grixis.

Really though I want to see way more four color commanders, and maybe partner added to some monocolor legendaries that don't see play.

Athreos+Shadowborn apostle

Shirei is definitely the best answer. Although white would be a nice inclusion for Ranger of Eos and Proclamation of Rebirth, I think Shirei will pack more of a punch overall.

Alesha would be an alternative, but she lends herself strongly to other things, and that might lend to dilution of your theme. Shirei, on the other hand, is very strictly low-cost creatures, because you don't have many other options.

Shadowborn Shirei just sounds fun as hell. And any deck that makes Fume Spitter gross is okay in my books.

Definitely Shirei. Play thrumming stone + shadowborns for goofy funsies that involves thematic ritual sacrifice, or just run sac outlets + little guys + blood artist / zulaport cutthroat for value. Your choice. No reason you can't do both, either, it's just more difficult that way.

teferi planeswalker would be dope with any one of mardus colors.

PW Teferi is already fucking broken and doesn't need anything else. If something really needs to be added, add W so you can run teferi's protection, since it just makes sense.

Teneb is one of those background commanders that you don't cast until you're out of other options. Abzan reanimator can work on its own.

you mean like an actual UR artificer that wizards still wont make?

Tymna+someone else to actually make cheap creatures work, otherwise you'll have shit for card draw and end up topdecking by turn 5.

>he doesnt want to cast teferis protection with a leyline out and a teferi about to ult with 7+ mana to cast sphinx rev while trying to draw the hightide
Sounds like you hate fun user

It's likeā€¦Feldon's Cane

>Shadowborn Shirei

I don't like Athreos because it lets opponent choose, and even if you treat each 1-drop as bolt spell, it's not gonna get better.

I was thinking about Derevi just untapping a land each time 1-drop enters the battlefield and then dropping another 1-drop, dumping your whole hand in a turn, but that needs some serious card draw. On a bright side, white and green, two colors that do recursion best.

>>Shadowborn Shirei
>so new he doesn't know how to quote

user, it's 3 AM here, it's a miracle i am still somewhat awake.

I should go sleep.

That's what he said in the spoiler though.

Add blue to Slobad for best and only Izzet artificer.

>friend suggests we play a 5 man budget decks only
>other guy says he'll only play if we also make it PLANECHASE
>me and this other guy are skeptical but relent
>game takes 5 fucking hours before I win because everyone else decked themselves
>guy who suggested planechase blames the budget guy for the game taking long and says he let me win because he got "bored"
That's one less dickwad I invite to my house

>doesnt play budget combo

Our group has a number of combo decks already and we built budget non combo decks to make it easier for new guys to join

>Thread question
Give any Boros commander green, especially Gisela.

But he called it broken like its a bad thing to be unkillable

>want to make Anafenza Hatebears
>see token genereators and want to make something in the vein of OG Rock with the Rock and his Millions
>want to put both in
Am I getting too greedy or?

Are you sure about this?

I once tried brewing my Derevi that way, but I never found it to be particularly great.

Edric, on the other hand, is basically on one-drops and extra-turn spells.

>Brion gets more and better fatties to chuck at people
>Kalemne actually becomes playable
>Aurelia and Gisela can hit the board before you lose
>Iroas ascends to Xenagos-tier for an aggro commander
Think of the possibilities. Or just give Xenagos white I guess.

Where to get good waifu playmats

>"give any boros commadner green"
>posts a naya commander
and your point is?

Hatebears alone won't win you the game so it's fine to have a secondary theme. I personally went with Anafenza hatebears + graveyard shenanigans (including a Reveillark combo).

Sometimes you'll get lucky and establish a solid board presence with something like a Gavony Township or a Hardened Scales to let your creatures match up to the opponents' larger threats but when you get stuck with just small hatebears and a 4/4 Anafenza, no good attacks and limited removal, you need a plan B.

I'm thinking about using token generators and using Eldrazi Displacer and other effects like that so they can pop out lots of duders, then lock people out from combat/blocking with something like Glare of the Subdual, or use other effects that rely on tapping creatures. Sadly it's painful doing that because usually stuff is relegated to "tap target creature" "tap [x] creatures you control", stuff like that, so searching the gatherer is a bitch.
Metamox alleviates it, but is still painful.

Sounds like a good way to be banned from Magic forever

That could work, especially paired with effects like Gavony Township or Cathar's Crusade. Just don't dilute your hatebears too much.

Alright, thanks bruv.
I've considered using some Eldrazi Processors but they seem so few and might not work, but I might do it still, with effects like Fiend Hunter and the like.
Might use Phyrexian Plaguelord over Brood Butcher because it's better.

Run this, both for flavor reasons and because it actually works with your game plan.

It's unplayable most of the time but it's done some good work for me in both Ephara and Anafenza.

>mfw I got a foil version as well
tricki dicki, thanks for the tip
Now to balance out all this stuff along with having decent ramp at least

forgot my face

So what's with the renewed popularity of this badass bitch? Not that I mind it, I fucking love Anafenza, but she's a low-tier commander on her best day.

Props to people building and playing it though, it's damn satisfying to come out on top as an aggro deck, the least viable EDH archetype of all.

I'm doing it because I do wanna play some kind of hatebear type of deck, and "unconventional" token deck. Helps that I have a pre-release version of it.

how do you guys feel about this card?


Never there when I need it, really rarely get to abuse it but when you can it's nice.

i see a lot of mixed response, some people dont like it at all, some people wouldnt play blue without it

This is the enchantment I'd never play blue without. Leyline, I never really feel like I need.

my nigga

future sight is the bomb, i once combo'd off with my enchantress deck the turn after the table was hit with sire of insanity starting with nothing but future sight and mana in play

I just want some cute fantasy female artwork on my playmat

>thread question
Black for zedruu

Borby Enraged would be decent

Its the reason I play blue. Flashing out walkers makes my pants stinky.

So Iconic Masters ended out being pretty disappointing for most of its reprints, what does Veeky Forums want in the next set of reprints?

>flashing out walkers

i mean i guess thats cool

my favorite thing to do is use cloudstone curio + leyline of anticipation to protect my things from removal

moar lands, manabases could always be cheaper. i would never play with hideous m15 border filterlands but i would appreciate if they existed and lowered the price a bit of original shadowmoor filterlands

Neheb can already generate tons of Mana in R.

Seismic Assault, nigger.

Bruh do you know how mad people get when you flash out 3 walkers at eot with counter backup, storm out and proliferate them each to ultimate and pass the turn with a dack and a teferi emblem out.

magical christmas is next week

>Seismic Assault

Thats just basic mizzix

I remember a few threads back someone mentioned the idea of a Commander Roll so I whipped this up. Anyone want to give it a go?

Sure I'll give it a spin
What made you pick these ones anyway, just personal preference?

Shiit I'm having such a hard time picking a commander I might just have to do this myself!


No time like the present

why not

I skipped all the unstable spoilers so I could go into a draft blind. Drafted a bit then caught up on the full set. Baron von Count looks super fun, how do you buld him? Just focus on storming out to kill a player turn 4 or do a more controlling game and actually play good cards?

If it matters, I'm only trying to get his "destroy target player" off once, not necessarily win a 4 person FFA

Rolling for Grixis.

>Still fucking around with a Ramos deck
>So many cards teetering on the chopping block
>Then find even more cards

It's become this absurd Command/Charm Tribal deck with a ton of methods to cheat spells, generate copies and have shit happen when spells cast. Some day I'll get off a Quintcast Cruel Ultimatum that the deck is capable of.

Mostly a balance between popular commanders (Meren, Omnath, Queen Marchesa, 4-color dudes), guys that do something unique (Norin, Doran, Skullbriar. Phleddagrif), and guys that lean towards a specific playstyle (Zur, Trostani, Titania, Skeleton Ship). Phage was a must just for that one unlucky roll.

That was me! Thanks for your work user!
its also a birthday present, God bless


penis Penis PEnis PENIS

Add green so I can actually ramp for one in my Goddamn life.


Who is the cute boy?

A couple of guys in my group use waifu playmats. No one cares and there are grills in the group.