Indecisive Edition


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>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their decks strategy and card choices.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commanders color identity.


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>Thread Question
What commander do you want to play, but you can't decide on how to build?

Other urls found in this thread:


My brother built animar and I’m building gitrog

Have we gone too far down the rabbit hole?

This is a Kazuul thread. Pay (3) for each post you make, or I'll send an ogre after you.



I'd argue that Mirri is a go tall Voltron deck too, I very rarely if ever hit people with other creatures once she's suited up

>Thread Question

Ramos. I can't decide between +1/+1 counter synergy or multicolored spellslinger nonsense and can't zero in on a build that can both go nuts if I get to untap with Ramos and function without him. I've yet to get my list under 140 cards.

The thing is, if you go wide with her, the swarm literally can't be stopped. IF you go tall, she's about as stoppable as any other potential Voltron base.

That is a yes

Pretty much any commander without a no-brain list, I'm rethinking my goals in commander atm

>What commander do you want to play, but you can't decide on how to build?
Titania of all fucking things. Other than hitting infinite with Food Chain and Command Beacon I've got trouble making Lands.dec survive and thrive in monogreen

Lesser ogres OUT

How do you even build a deck?

I'm making a mill deck and I dont know what the fuck I'm doing.

I have like 25 extra cards I dont know where to fit

Give me more ways to cheat in expensive creatures in Orzhov colors

Well, you can net deck to get a base idea if you're not familiar with most of the cards.
Alternatively pick a win condition or even multiple and plug in cards that synergize to make that win condition real. If your goal is to mill then I also recommend some graveyard exile tech to keep yourself from feeding any decks that are based around resurrection

Well, you start out not doing mill in EDH. I don't want to sound like a dick but mill is really ineffective in the format.

I already have a deck I'm progressively buying but I'm just not sure what are the optimal cards for it and I have like 25 extra cards I could swap but I dont know

It's all good, I have combos and life drain as well, I'm running Phenax, Mortivore, Guiltfeeder etc... so I can swing at someone for 40 damage if I have to

I thought "dies to Doomblade" was just a meme, but now I get overly uncomfortable playing shit that doesn't have some tough-ass protections so that I'm sure I'll untap with it still on the board. This leads to some pretty uninteractive solitaire plays and if I don't lock people out, they"ll wreak ANYTHING I put on the board ('xcept lands, thank god), even if it doesn't do them harm

>Playing creatures


Millchads dont have this problem

Should I buy the remainder of my commander deck from star city games? On one hand, they have everything I need in stock, but on the other hand their business practices have been kinda shady..

Not the person you are talking to, but I agree. I tried doing mill a few months ago it only did reasonably good because nobody was aggroing all over me, but I still didn't have a real chance of winning. It has the same problem as, say, Gisa and Geralf zombie tribal - it's too slow, beneficial for your opponents and not flexible

>not using all the mill engine creatures

>giving kike city games money


Y'know... reanimation?

Or just making black mana out of the ass so you don't have to

dies to doomblade isn't a meme, but it is overused occasionally

things that are inherently strong vs doomblade
>creatures lower than 4-5 cmc (4 cmc is really the cut off point where a creature becomes more efficient to remove with doom blade)
>creatures with protection
>ETB/LTB creatures

Do you yell KAAAAZZZUUUUULLL whenever you cast him? Because if you don't, you're doing it wrong.

I feel that I must add, that commanders I play (or in general) are rarely below 4 and lack etbs, and that can be cast in response to greaves equip, so it is problematic

How do you play monored so that you don't feel a complete underdog? It was one of my favorites in constructed play, due to simplicity, but card advantage is something I just can't do without

>He has no partners decks

What's your excuse for not playing the vastly superior choice?

Who in their right mind would sell these? And I'm not buying two different decks to get the ones I need. Also, they lack personality completely, the mere fact that you got two unrelated cards that are both commanders ruins the whole point

I'm a commander inspired person, building around two mediocre mooks is not inspiring. I would much rather build a deck inspired by the abilities of the commander than a goodstuff pile.

plus partnerfags are usually insufferable

>group complains that I run a big mana Eldrazi deck because annihilator is a "feel-bad mechanic"
>half of them are playing t4-5 infinite combo decks

I already run reanimation but the issue is when my hand is full of expensive fatties, since all the playable self-discard effects are in green, red and blue.

It's not, even when I Exhume It That Betrays t2, it can only get one person out, and that would usually be the most insufferable one

Black has ridiculous lot of them, some just make everybody discard

>Mfw when I hang up my turn 2 Sharuum deck and people are still pissed because I play Rafiq.

>Thread Question

Dear god, where to start?

G/R Wort - not sure if I want to go goblin swarm, spellslinger, or something else

Marath - I wanted to build a fight deck and originally had Rhonas as the Commander but think Naya colours would be a better fit.

I want to build a Notable Dar aggro lands deck but again, don't k own how well that'll be.

And dear god Abzan. Do I go with Doran, Anafenza, Ghave?

There's more ideas I made note of but I'm not at my pc.

Choosing a commander is hard

Try building something that doesn't have "roflstomp" written all over it, or at least use low-profile commander with the similar deck

If you beat people fast enough you don't need card advantage.

Kinda hard when my meta is nothing but Teferi stax, Derevi stax, Tymna/Thrasios doomsday, etc..

I cannot comprehend the hand of 7+3-4 cards (half of which are probably lands) that can take out 3 people with 40 life you the game, in red, of all things, and the amount of luck needed to goldfish it.

>stax player complains about literally anything
Bitchslap his ass into the next century

Some days I'm really tempted to do so.

I would only do it if I could partner Bruna and Gisela.

>Black has ridiculous lot of them, some just make everybody discard
Few of which are actually playable in the situations where you don't need the discard. I can only think of LotV and flip Lili.

Is this thing good for ramp in a non-green deck with a CMC1-3 commander, or am I better off playing Gilded Lotus?

Someone I've played with yells "DINOSAAAAAURS" whenever they attack with gishath and it is the most obnoxious thing in the world.

Grenzo, Havoc Raiser + general fuckery is fun, things like Disrupt Decorum and Insurrection can steal games handily

I bought an arcade wizardry deck to get into the game, what are some must have cards for it?

the pinball wizard is great in arcade wizardry

Underrated post.

Use both. I can say that Boros loves it

How do I make mono red work?

Daretti stax. All other lists are inferior.

Nigger, you're the only person to post after him. How the fuck could it be underrated?

>He has no partners decks
But I do. Tana & Tymna hatebears and Sidar & Ludevic evasive creatures and card draw are some of my favorite decks

>What commander do you want to play, but you can't decide on how to build?
Gay dudes
I can't decide if I want to go with a mill subtheme tokens or stealing so I'm sorta doing all three and it's working but it can be more focused

>turn 2 Sharuum deck
I'm sure that's exactly how that deck played

once every three thousand games it would win on turn 2 if the opponents didn't have any answers

that counts as turn 2 bro

I bought Atraxa as soon as she was released, and refuse to build infect or superfriends. Every iteration has been my most expensive deck, and I keep moving goalposts slightly. My win con has always been Darksteel reactor, but I've approached it 2 or 3 different ways, so far. Keeping 4 colors balanced (cost/quantity) and focused (similar/synergistic effects) is vexing, but I love witch-maw, so I'm not giving up.

It does me well in hope, WCS, it's a vulshock morningstar, BCS, it's a Dynamo and 2 commander damage.

No it isn't
A turn "x" deck is a deck that wins or threatens to win most commonly on turn "x".
My selvala wurm deck can win on turn 1 with a god hand that don't make it a turn 1 deck


>Adding raw power to decks
>Not sure if I should invest in Premium boardwipes, Fetchlands or tutors first
Kind of leaning towards Boardwipes lads, Damnation and Toxic Deluge just seem too powerful.

Rated post

>want to build six separate gruul decks


>unstable reprint
theyre going to make some of the uncommanders legal at the very least. or do a semi annual legal thing, like april fools.

generally tutors are the way to go as they can get anything you need for the situation. after that comes lands

dont buy damnation. there are better board wipes in black and it costs way too much for what it does. MAY if you are in monblack consider it but only then

aside from spike i think all the commander should be legal as none of them are really that bad. no other uncard should be legal though as they are stupid as fuck

Just go with Xenagod, hard to remove, makes any decent creature a fucking train and you can run Berserk.

angry omnath and xenagod are pretty fun along with ruric but nothing else really is that great in gruul imo. the rest of the commanders all play the same pretty much

Xenagod and Omnath are two of them, but Borborygmos Enraged seems fun too. And Rosheen Meanderer/Wort the Raidmother can focus on RG's cool and powerful sorceries instead of creatures.
I mean, imagine a conspired Plow Under.

mary o kill and dr jumbles need thier cards of choice to be optimum because changlings alone only go so far. but the dr can work without hosts, seen a gw sliver build with him. baron is going to take awhile for most to solve, personally going for dash focus. grusela is goat reanimator. calcutron and X is super lockdown nofun bros.

I've got a spare $20 to go into my Tana / Tymna deck. Deck buffs Tana, makes saps, buffs wide and uses Tymna to send saps out wide to draw a lot.

Usually overrun type effects are "I win".

Should I get Craterhoof or Purphoros? They cost about the same and would both be super good "I win" cards for the deck. Purphoros is a little more resilient, but Craterhoof could win it out of nowhere.

Or should I get anointed procession & mirari's wake instead

This card is the best card.

Vial Smasher + Kydele, and Tymna + Sidar Kondo here.

>being this retarded

Posted this last thread, I've got a Vorel counters deck and I want to build a golgari deck of some kind. I'm stuck between stone sisters, Meren, and hapatra. What do

>being the copy-paste partner-fag

>What commander do you want to play, but you can't decide on how to build?
Pharika, Athreos, Mogis, Phenax, and Erebos

How opposed would you be to using RoboRosewater cards to play with in EDH?

Also what some goodstuff for Navagika here?

Will Mindless Automaton go infinite with Mikaeus, the Unhallowed? Automaton will return to the battlefield after dying with three +1/+1 counters and to draw a card, you must remove two counters. Does that put a wrench in the combo?

I just picked up the cat precon to start playing with a couple guys i work with who also got the 2017 precons aside from the dragon one and one guy who already has a deck. What should i expect?

Cat precon is all about stacking a bunch of buffs on one big guy and killing people quickly.
Vampire precon is all about going really wide and having better cards on average.
Wizard precon has no one clear direction and is kinda shit, but has two amazing commanders and two decent commanders that people can build around.

No for a lot of reasons. You're right in that you can't activate the second ability if you only have one counter.
The other problem is that Mikaeus will make it a 1/1 so it wouldn't die even if you removed every counter

What's a fun mono U commander, I don't have the cash for all the fatties for Braids.

i thought i'd never build mono-u myself but i finally did for talrand


>get talrand on the board
>cast cantrips
>cast synthetic destiny or mass polymorph to summon the big fatties in your deck

>inb4 someone calls you a poorfag
Higure is really fun, and Mistform Ultimus is a great Voltron deck. Braids can work decently on a budget as well.

X is great, if my play group allowed it he would go straight into sen triplets

The wrench is put first by mikaeus' Lord effect. Same reason you can't go infinite with Ballista either.

i just built jalira and it seems fun. haven't actually run it yet. i bet you could build one for next to nothing.

He's a Baral of laughs for the whole table!*
*once everyone else has scooped

>build friend a deck for his birthday filled with cards i know he could never afford because he is a poorfag
>he fucking loves it
>feel great
>fast forward 3 weeks later and no one in our group can beat it

what have i done?

What's the deck?

Fuck card advantage, just throw huge fireballs at people. Don't be a bitch.
Last night I swung with a 37/37 double strike trampler.
It was a great feeling

Mizzix's Mastery, Past in Flames, Increasing Vengeance, Recoup, Reiterate
Red is the color of creativity. Build up a combo in your grave, then recast the pieces.

yidris storm

>Build a full-powered storm deck for what was likely a mostly poorfag/budget/semi-casual group
>Be surprised nobody has beat it

There are two things to do:
>Build everyone else in the group high-power decks for their birthdays, create a full high-power meta to balance things
>STAX him hard up the ass

My friends and I are planning on building some EDH decks, most of us haven't ever played or built decks for this format before, and I myself haven't played magic in years. We're trying not to overdo it in terms of cost, thinking ideally under $60 but could go up to $90.

I was looking at a couple of interesting commanders and budget decks, most notably this ninja Vela deck:

The above deck is kind of old though, do you guys have any suggestions of things to add/take out? I find the idea of continuously bouncing ninjas in and out of the board hilarious and fun.

I was also considering an enchantress Sigarda/Bruna, and maybe a ramp Azusa, but I'm open to suggestions for beginner/budget friendly decks.

>ramp azusa
azusa is like 50 dollars on her own brotato. the budget zur cycling deck is kinda popular but super fun if you want a suggestion

I am never going to stop shilling Higure. Higure, the Still Wind is cheap to build around, fun to play, and lets you shank your friends with an army of ninjas and faeries.

I'm pretty sure the oversized commander card is like $18

save some more money and get all 4.

otherwise purphoros should be bought first