What are some things my players should encounter while infiltrating an inquisitor's ship? (Dark Hersy game)
What are some things my players should encounter while infiltrating an inquisitor's ship? (Dark Hersy game)
Depends what kind of Inquisitor they are.
Ordo xenos, fairly puritanical but ruthless
Why didn't you ask in the rpg thread?
How big is the ship? What's it's model?
>Why didn't you ask in the rpg thread?
Because I thought people open threads like this all the time? Haven't been to tg in a while, did things get more organized?
>How big is the ship? What's it's model?
Was thinking an enforcer class light cruiser but not sure it would be appropriate, I'm not too knowledgeable about the imperial navy
No. He's just some faggot who thinks everything should go in a general thread.
They could encounter a xenos dissection (or Vivisection?) chamber, Alien interrogation rooms (Dark Eldar being tortured by their own devices might be interesting, if the party has encountered them before), A Deathwatch meeting room, etc.
Those are some great ideas, thanks.
>Dark Eldar being tortured by their own devices
That's be more along the lines of what a radical would do.
Also, some kind of grand library. No self respecting inquisitor or noble doesn't have one of those.
Yes, a big library sounds nice. What about defense systems?
Aside from the standard point defenses, ratings, and inquisitorial guards closer to the inquisitor's private quarters, gonna depend on how tight he is with the Mechanicus. Could be mostly passwords and key cards, could be retinal scanners, could be a guy with a telescope reading a biometric scanner at the other end of the hallway and hand cranking the door.
They can encounter a Kroot or two shaking hands with the (a) Inquisitor while dragging a body/bodies to another room
A firing range where Adepts and a Mechanicun supervisor are firing alien weapons
A tyranid artifact. Something wriggling with lots of tentacles, likes to whisper in peoples heads about how damn hungry it is.
Probably a stormtrooper barracks where the soldiers are just chilling and playing regicide or cards.
roaming squads of armsmen and stormtroopers who are equipped to deal with xeno and who doesn't afraid of anything
maybe a quirky mini boss squad who are his trusted acolytes or throne agents who the team can avoid or fight. bonus points if the rival team is a more strict and (on paper) competent version of your team with obvious similarities and a few opposites for contrast.
An Eversor or Murder-Servitors.
How quirky can mini bosses be if they're puritan?
Totally going for that hand crank thing. That’s so 40k lmao.
A bit too puritanical for these
Yes, could be an early room. Nice.
Oh yeah. They’ve already met their rival squad, maybe they’ll square off again on the ship.
I just want an infiltration mission not a bloodbath!
A scribe carrying a bunch of alien book to a room labeled “Incineratum”
A collection of Slanesshi dildos, used for research purposes.
>I just want an infiltration mission not a bloodbath!
An Eversor could be a good motivation to not alert the whole ship. They're kept in cryosleep between missions, too dangerous to let walk around otherwise. Maybe your players could locate and neutralize him before the Inquisitors have reason to wake him up.
A collection of hapless, but highly lethal goons that vaguely resemble guardsmen
Even better, wake him up then run like hell.
>Sir the Eversor is free!
>players get away in the chaos
Yeah, the Inquisitors probably wouldn't release it unless they seriously thought they were in danger of losing the ship. Setting an Eversor free in your own vessel is a desperate measure.
>Xeno "Zoo" for extraterrestrial animals
>The Barking Toads got loose
>Gather them up, if you would
I believe the implication was that the PCs woke it up.
OP, rip off the ending of the Last Crusade and have the players answer Theological questions and quote scripture or Flame-servitors turn the heat up. I used that once, it was fun for the players and gave the Clerical character some relevance on a mission where he'd normally be rather use-impaired.
High security armory, under constant guard, holding the recovered armor, weapons and physical remains of 3 space marines in stasis with their progenitor glands still viable for recovery. A gift intended to be delivered to the chapter.. and something in his back pocket, should he require a very large favor.
A second Astropathic Choir, independent and prevented from mixing with the ship's other psykers, purely to carry heavily cypered and vital messages for the Inquisition.
Empty isolation vaults and cells, intended for material that requires analysis rather then destruction in the field. Whole rooms and vaults able to be hurled into space should containment be lost.
Darkness and heresy.
Remember, even an escort class vessel is the size of a small highly mechanized city. So taverns, laundries, and telephone sanitizers. But of course like any small isolated town, it will be weird and suspicious of outsiders.