Veeky Forums literature general

Did anyone see that pic related is finally out after 6 long years?

I just finished it. I really liked it, but god dammit they left it with so many fucking cliff hangers and Emperor knows when the hell we're ever going to see another one.

Veeky Forums related literature general too, I guess.

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it's usually best to imagine Abnett series end after the first omnibus

personally, I prefer the second Omnibus to the first. the first is a mess.

The greatest of them all.


bringing some fresh stuff in

I bought pic related a few weeks ago, about 1/3 of the way through, short stories are pretty good sci-fi.

calling it 7 out of 9 stories are actually pretty good so far. unless you like shitting on nazis. then they are at 9:9 pretty good stories so far.

Can't find Warmaster online. I'd buy it if it was £5, but they're asking £12 for the text when the hardback is the same price.

Epub where?

This. Feth paying for data. Someone hook us up with the good stuff.

How come in the first war of Armageddon the grey knight murderize all of the IG forces they can, but then in the Sabbat Crusade it isn't really brought up.

Also why is a regular human the warmaster and not a space marine?


>Also why is a regular human the warmaster and not a space marine?

>Why is this extremely scarce but extremely effective killing machine not being relegated to a position where it doesn't directly kill people?

Is it out?

Graham "I fucking love robots" McNeil

MECH is this an IP?

>Fuck your deserved rest Dante,LMAO

Sanguinius is a cunt

Aye. Hoping some based fa/tg/uy will post an ePub download.

Is there any more Salamander novels out there? I finished all in the 40k mega, but that cliffhanger in the book that has the Order of the Black Chalice makes me want more

I'm about 2 hours in the audiobook really enjoying it .

>How come in the first war of Armageddon the grey knight murderize all of the IG forces they can, but then in the Sabbat Crusade it isn't really brought up.

> First War for Armageddon, 444.M41
> Sabbat Worlds Crusade 755.M41

Inquisition stopped being gigantic faggots and some rules where put into place after they went trigger happy exterminatus. They were just dickish faggots. Knowledge of chaos did leak after 300 years also.
Also most SM chapters didn`t like the Inquisition by then.

its a short story collection. not a bad one either from what I have read.

makes sense it was collected and edited by someone who loves giant robots judging by the subject matter.

anyone got a epub or pdf yet?

It was one of the only genuinely interesting novels they ever put out, the others were by Ian Watson too.

>Also why is a regular human the warmaster and not a space marine?

ePub where.

Like it or not, a lot of what Abnett has written has kind of become 40k canon and fluff. Someone went as far as saying the Abnett verse has basically developed a lot of the nuances of the universe. Not saying he is a great writer, but the question still stands for the reason listed.

Not sure what you are saying/asking. I am tracking this isn't Horus and a separate event.

A single killer is far less valuable than a effective leader. In most crusades there is usually a Space Marine leader in overall command. This makes sense as Space Marine leaders have centuries of experience over a regular dude who may have had a few longevity treatments at most. It seems strange to not have them in charge when they clearly took part in the battle.

Ok makes sense, thanks for clarifying.

The first was a collection of short stories that kinda got stapled together after Gaunts Ghosts became a thing.

>A single killer is far less valuable than a effective leader. In most crusades there is usually a Space Marine leader in overall command. This makes sense as Space Marine leaders have centuries of experience over a regular dude who may have had a few longevity treatments at most. It seems strange to not have them in charge when they clearly took part in the battle.

Too busy keeping women from joining their chapters? :3

Having the audiobook on a computer without sound (it died and never bothered replacing) is pain, praying for a pdf/epub

what is the best novel to read to get into Warhammer fantasy

Probably Gotrek & Felix series. While they might not be best books ever, they're great introduction into the world, especially the first one, Trollslayer.
Skavenslayer is also great.
Then it slowly looses its charm but it's still enjoyable.
Other than that the first three Time of Legends trilogies are pretty good.
The Legend of Sigmar sets up the Empire, the main protagonist faction in Warhammer Fantasy. Sigmar is the greatest hero of legends in the Warhammer universe, the name "Warhammer" is from his hammer, Ghal Maraz.
The Rise of Nagash tells a story of probably the most famous Warhammer Fantasy villain. Also creation of the necromancy, undead, vampires.
The Sundering is a story of Warhammer elves, their civil war, High Elves, Dark Elves, some great villains like Malekith and Morathi.


thank you what about 40k


The Eisenhorn series is a good way to get started. It's a grounded approach to 40K that kind of deals with how "normal" humans get along in the universe. The Nightlords trilogy is also a great read, but it might not be for beginners - you kind of have to understand the universe before you can really get the nuances.

also looking for the epub


Trollslayer is a great entry novel into the setting and general aesthetic.
My favorite Warhammer Fantasy books, though, are Ambassador and its sequal, Ursun's Teeth. They're damn good novels in their own right, rather than being "good Black Library/WHFB novels."

40k books are really hit or miss. It would probably be easier to list books or authors to avoid reading (I still can't tell if CS Goto or Jonathan Greene is my least favorite writer; Goto gives no fucks about the setting and seems to have a fetish for scenes involving elf/eldar torture, but Greene is a legitimately terrible writer on a fundamental level).

The Ciaphas Cain books by Sandy Mitchel are great fun, though the descriptions and basic story structures tend to get reused. It's only really noticeable if you binge read 'em. However, they are nice in that you can more or less pick up any of them without needing to read the rest, though I still recommend going in order since there are some overall "arcs" in every trilogy. Kinda.

William King's Space Wolf novels, starring Ragnar Blackmane, are the best equivalent to the Gotrek and Felix novels. For one, they both have a fun-and-adventurous, swashbuckling tone. For another, they share an author.
Also, like the Gotrek and Felix novels, you should drop the series once King is no longer the author.

Some of the Gaunt's Ghosts novels are pretty good, but Abnett has . . . ideas about the fluff that are odd at times. Some people call his works the Abnettverse, since they tend to take place in the same general area with some other loose connections. I call it the Abnettverse because it's not quite regular 40k.
I still have mixed feelings about the Eisenhorn Trilogy, I dislike the Ravenor Trilogy, and I couldn't even finish the first Bequin book.
I hated Titanicus.

As an aside, the Spear of Shadows book is a very well grounded book that gives the Warhammer Fantasy feel/flavor, while still being in the AoS universe. If you're considering AoS at all, I'd recommend it.

This Eisenhorn is the best entry point into 40k.
Then you can go into whatever faction you're interested in.
Imperial Guards? Gaunt's Ghosts
Chaos Space Marines? Black Legion or Night Lords
Horus Heresy? Start with the opening trilogy.
Something lighter? Ciaphas Cain

When is Saguinius origin trilogy?!

does he has one and I just don't know?

ePub or pdf when

i am currently reading the dragon below series from Eberron, what other books from the setting can \tg\ recommend?

The Warmaster title is now always granted to Imperial Guard officers. Read the lore.

What a sad moment. But Rowboat cheered him up and gave him many new and sane toys. That was nice.

Shilling for Devastation of Baal, fucking read it, based Haley bringing the feels train hard on the BA

Official rankings 1

Official rankings 2

>Soul Drinkers tier 1

That was utter garbage. That tzeentch killing, scorpion dude. So bad.

Soul Drinkers, Fifteen Hours, Priests of Mars and Pariah should all be in the Heresy Tier.
This is such a terrible list, I can't help but be suspicious of the entries I haven't read.

Still faster than R.R. Martin

Holy hell, is that a novelization of the Fire Warrior video game? Is that real? Tell me that's not real.

Because the inquisitor in charge had no idea what he was doing, he actually gets called out on it

It's real, it's not bad.

Fire Warrior by Simon Spurrier

Read at your own peril.

how about this absolutly master piece?

I found the Blood Ravens novels to be Tommy-Wiseau's-The-Room tier. It was terrible, but rather funny in a thirty-clown-car-pileup sort of way.

How does Fire Warrior stack up to that?

This was the fifth damn bridge-related Captcha I've seen today. Odd choice.

I liked Warmaster a lot, it had some developments I liked, they kept the through line with the little gang going, and had a couple moments that actually took me a little by surprise even though one of them was telegraphed as fuck.

I like the way Abnett writes 40k, it's good shit. Not great shit, but consistently good shit.

Redemption Corps, Hellsreach and Rynns World were all good books. Go find yourself a commisar to be blammed.

>the beast arises

the gordon rennie battlefleet gothic novels are seriously seriously underrated

Fifteen Hours honestly put me off of any Black Library book after it, outside of Ciaphas Cain. The premise was cool, but it read like a terribly made WW2 flick; cliches, stereotypes and stories we've all seen a million times before. The only thing I liked was the bittersweet ending.

Truth is I read it a couple years ago and barely remember it, didn't seem to be bad.
I haven't read any Blood Raven novel because people say they are shit.

Ok you fuckers, I have a few free hours, I have most black library books, ask and I shall deliver.
No, I don't have Warmaster, though I need it badly. Google drive links only.

Tell me the book name and the author, it will be easier to find it in my library.

>no Dead Men Rising
What the fuck is wrong with you, you marine-slut?

>Space Wolf novels
rarely do you get a scene where a space marine in hiding are almost pissed on by orks (or was that one marine pissed on?)

hahaha yeah that's a good one user
Read Heart of Darkness instead of this bugman-tier fanfiction nonsense if you want a psychological damage 'justice' treatise.

No Sabbat Wars
No Wraight Fenris
No Last Church
Soul Drinkers was a neat idea for a story it just wasn't written very well.
Thorpe's Dark Angels books are largely inoffensive and pulpy.

Have you got The Greater Evil by Peter Fehervari?

Scars and legion were better than betrayer

Lucius' betrayal was literary kino and should be up the top.
Fulgrim should be at the top, hands down.

We all know HH is largely filler trash after the initial three books. Everyone else I know who started reading HH at the time agreed that after the initial chronological books it broke down into godawful filler trash with the occasional decent read like Fulgrim. Legion, Scars, A Thousand sons.

No, sorry. I usually wait for anthologies to get those short stories.

Also, does anyone know what happened with the guy that uploaded torrents of almost every BL material? He(?) was very fast to post new novels, I barely had to wait after releases.

The best part of The Warmaster (which i have on pdf but refuse to share), is when it turns out Gaunt's son is a reverse trap. Now all I can think of is how badly I want to rail to this snooty blonde princess who pretends to be a lasman, and get her discharged due to massive pregnancy.

Abnett doesn't write amazing books, but he does write better military sci-fi than 99% of the garbage out there and takes more time than none-at-all to make the Imperial Guard seem like it would function as a realistic organization.

>Have an example from Warmaster if you want one.

The Lifeward of a noble Guardsmen who was enhanced in a ton of ways does crazy flippy bullshit to flank a sniper, only to get domed the second he got a clear line on her because she was making a big show of herself, wearing a bright red bodysuit, and had no idea how to fight Urban CQC.

Little things like that make me think Abnett wants to set the crazy fantasy bullshit aside and just write a good story about some soldiers that just happens to be in the 40k Universe. That's why there are almost no Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines, Demons, Aliens, psykers, whatever. It has always been about the soldiers and their lasrifles and I think that really puts it a step above a lot of other 40k books.

The hints that Dalin might have been thinking he was going gay for this dude only to find out he is a she is going to be great when it pays off in the next book.

That is a good example, it's great that Dan still has the ability to surprise me, even after a hojillion GG books. Another one: super elite noble savage hunter/tracker/assassin/all-around badass just fucking dies because Meryn is a dick and shoots him in the back

>Not sharing
You aint mah nigga.

Dan writes more gritty military books, I also got the impression he wanted to avoid alot of the BS. Bit like forgeworld's attitude in say siege of vraks. More 'real'

I recall ADB or someone similar continually and hamfistedly making references to 'hurr the guy was easily shot because he wasn't wearing a helmet'
While this is true, referencing it in that way just came across as ''Hurr I get that joke' compared to say abnett writing about guardsmen in a seedy gambling den full of prostitutes on their downtime.
If you wanted to address the helmet realism issue just have it as a morale booster/fanatical faith issue. No different than a high ranking officer leading a first wave charge or a black watch bagpiper marching into enemy fire.

I like Abnett alot but he needs to just ignore this sort of thing and concentrate on a realistic approach instead of baiting himself into commenting on it

I hope Dalin wins the Chass bowl. Though If we are honest there's a good chance Chass will ultimately be a casualty, and that chance increases as the series goes on. I mean, the piper boy won the SABBAT bowl.

I also legit laughed when the Space Marine was shot by the las-rifle.

I look forward to series as it continues. I think Abnett wanted to make these sweeping changes if he was going to continue writing. I also think that by the time series ends the title "Gaunt's Ghosts" won't refer to the Tanith, but Gaunt's past. Though anyone with a brain has alreasy realized that's been the double meaning of the title all along. The series might end with the next book.

felyx is 11

It's too soon friendo. People need to buy it. I want more Ghost's novels. Perhaps some other user with differing morals will step in.

If it isn't in the archives by Christmas I'll start sharing.

My dog, I know exactly how you feel. I thought he was going to get to go down fighting on the Armaduke and then to just get got like that... man. Spoilers about how I think that might develop in the next block

I think Dalin and Felyx are going to figure out that Meryn planned it all because he's the one who ordered Dalin to leave, and that's how Meryn's gonna get fucked over and Fara is gonna get to show her stuff by being the one to take him down and Dalin is gonna get a promotion to sergeant cause that fuckin' family has leadership in their blood. What I want to know is what happened to Dalin's other brother? Gonna be a fun next book my man

I think that's an absolutely fair criticism. I think he get's caught up in the idea that he's the only one doing 40k "realistic" and goes overboard.

>that spoiler
my dog, we're on the same wavelength here, it's spookin' me out.

Hey man, Abnett wrote the subtext into the scene, not me. Though if it comes down to a Ludd, Dalin, Felyx love triangle I'm fuckin' done.

They're asking £12 for the electronic version. That's the exact price for the massive hardcover, it's a bullshit price for just the text.

Fear to tread is good

fair enough RE felyx

this yoncy business is really heating up though. the scene with tormageddon monstrum rex saving the armaduke then casually accelerating off mirrored that part in salvation's reach where it did the same thing without the pinpoint lance strikes. then gol's epiphany about his false memories back on vervunhive. THEN the buzzsaw noise blood explosion. bit of a stretch but could yoncy be related (not necessarily by blood) to pater sin's psyker runts? loving how abnett has turned a blatant gender fuck-up into a story arc

>new and sane toys
Until the Primaris Blood Angels attacked an AL outpost who goaded the BA into falling to the Black Rage.

Ludd winning the Felyx bowl is also acceptable

Felyx is like 13 now, but she was aged, hypno-schooled, and modded to be prime breeding material. Abnett is the one who has established she's effectively a young woman.

I think the Yoncy stuff is just a leap to far for me. ANOTHER powerful psyker in the ranks?
It's more forgivable if its just a demon clinging to her soul but... Meh. I don't think Hark would give up another Psyker after how the last time ended. Gaunt might not, and Ludd is a pushover.

yeah i get the impression that yoncy is more of a host to something than a genuine psyker. it's been established with rime and his sirkle that sek's method of subterfuge assassination is leagues more subtle than anything gaur could put into play. i think hark would top himself after the soric incident,
too. even if the latest one was directly responsible for the violent, explosive, buzzsaw-sound death of the crusade's high command.
also, ezra can't be dead. after killbox's foreshadowing, mkoll maybe,
but ezra no way.

>Did anyone see that pic related is finally out after 6 long years?
I'm now too poor to buy it so I'm waiting to read it until the paperback comes out or it gets pirated.

Up until now I had just figured she was the Eagle the demon was talking about, but that makes sense too. Maybe the two are connected? Plus I really want to see how this third kid thing plays out for Gol.

It needs to be Dalin/Felyx with Ludd left out and then Hark comes to be a bro. Then love blooms on the battlefield.

I don't want my Mothbro to be dead, explain how he is still alive please?

>Dalin x Felyx

>Hark x Ludd


Those are both horrifyingly wrong.

Dalin is way too low-class to ever be accepted on Verghast as a hive lord.

Hark is not for sexualizing, and Ludd should really find a woman who can take control of him.

>Dalin is way too low-class to ever be accepted on Verghast as a hive lord.

It's like you have never read/watched/listened to/absorbed via osmosis a love story before, because this shit is prime material for a big dumb love story. This exact plot is the basis for 99% of romance plots, I'm certain.

Dude I miss when all BL novels were £5 paperback.

Black Library isn't literature. It's what I call "shiterature," which includes garbage like ASOIAF and Harry Potter.

t. Veeky Forums

Not even memeing.

>tfw Brin Milo is getting /ss/'d by an Imperium Inquisitor RIGHT NOW

There really should be a cheaper option available considering they expect you to spend all your money on new dudes.

>Imperium Inquisitor
Oh it's happening, just not by her. Sabbat is how old exactly?

i mean based ezra is nearly definitely dead but i'm still in denial. just seems massively premature and i'm hoping abnett asspulls some dumb shit about his duty to gaunt not being fulfilled and him surviving hooked up to life support. anything but meryn popping him between the shoulderblades

also, fuck blenner. hope he gets sent to a death world. or better still, manages to do some last minute string-pulling and escape justice on urdesh by the skin of his teeth only to find that a clerical error has resulted in him being shipped out to the frontlines of the crusade

We really need to have a LuddxFelyx scene where he is railing her while he can hear Gaunt having angry hate sex with her bodyguard who was genetically altered to resemble her mom and appeal to Gaunt in the next room.

So much fetish fuel Dan has created...

I know I was talking about Dalin and Felyx being the one's to nail Meryn to the wall, but I really do think Blenner is going to do the right thing in the end and give full testimony. Gaunt will use his rank to shield him from the full consequence and have him stripped of position and rank and sent away from the Guard for good.

>Gaunt having angry hate sex with her bodyguard
I have some bad news

She was literally manufactured for that role, given the lengths mom has gone through and moms resources do you really think they only made one?

Ooooook, I get you now.