Shadespire General

Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire General


Haven't seen one around for a while.

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How the fuck do I win with the spooky skellingtons?

I can't hurt shit and just get rolled every time I play.

play toward objectives

Anyone have the download PDF for rules?

Does making an attack action mean you can't make another on in the same battle round (or is that only for charging)?

Do charge actions mean you also technically did an attack action?

If a card has a gear symbol, can it ONLY be played at the end of the battle round?

Sorry I don't have the rules book.

>Anyone have the download PDF for rules?

>Inb4 too retard to find it, in that case I can't help

>Does making an attack action mean you can't make another on in the same battle round (or is that only for charging)?


>Do charge actions mean you also technically did an attack action?

Yes, and move.

>If a card has a gear symbol, can it ONLY be played at the end of the battle round?

NO, they can be played after each activation.

The most cost efficient way of skellingtons is gearing towards objective holding, like this:


Hold 1
Hold 2
Hold 3
Hold 4
Hold 5
Hold 1-2
Hold 3-4
Hold 3 objectives
Hold objective for 2 turns.
Achieve 6 objectives. (superior tactician)
Move all your dudes (skelleton objective).

For your deck, shit like moving objectives or fighters, the two keys (+2 glory if you hold an objective at the end of t3) and shardcaller.

This is the easiest way to play them but also leaves you massively vulnerable to objective drop and card draw.

If your opponent gets to place 3 objectives then your life can be incredibly hard providing they have any idea what they are doing. Even with cards like Shardcaller in your deck if you don't draw them right when you need them you are pretty screwed. You also need glory to equip Shardcaller and the objective keys to begin with so if you aren't scoring then your problems aren't going away anytime soon.

Also playing for objectives won't stop your opponent from bully ramming you senseless. Everyone can beat skellies in a fight and start farming you for glory so that's what most players will immediately do.

You need a mix of objectives. The trick is figuring out which ones which admittedly I haven't figured out yet.

anywhere that sells the mini's seperately? want the sepulcharal warden seperate as a wight king for another warhammer gamething

The minis all come on one sprue so it's very unlikely you'll find the warden on his own, at best you'll find the whole sprue.

GW sellers on ebay are amongst the biggest scum lords on the planet though so you're probabley better of just buying the set.

bugger, he is obviously a tweak of the wight king model but I really like it nonetheless, I'm more of a painter anyway.

Thanks for the heads up user, why gw doesn't sell him as a third wight king variant I'll never know

So I painted up my skellingtons and played 2 games. Won 1 and lost 1. They are very objective focused but still extremely challenging. The game I won I managed to pull off "take the city" where you hold all 5 objectives and get 5 glory. Still struggled both games.

Another pic

I like your spooky bases user

Thanks bro. I tried to make them match the boards.

Wrong thread general I guess?

warhammer fantasy soon tm.

>why gw doesn't sell him as a third wight king variant I'll never know
Dude it's 30 dollar for the full set of 7 guy.. Roughly the same or cheaper price than any similar plastic character.

Because he doesn't really look like a wight king. Plus you get a whole unit of baller guys.

NOT! Smurfs Mordheim

Let them close the gap. Then murder them all with the warden and champion.

This isn't the smartest of plans. The warden hits reasonably hard but if he dies you're literally done for so getting into fights can backfire in the worst possible way. Also the champion only does 2 damage so it takes him at least 2 hits to kill anyone who isn't a low level pleb, like the petitioners or the khorne scrubs.

What does this even mean? Do people not even try to make bait intelligible these days?

i came here to make this post as well

You could at least try. Shadespire has nothing in common with mordheim to begin with.

Just now finished hearing the latest audio-drama, a place of reflection. pretty neat.

The warden can be pretty tough when he has lethal lunge. That way he is unable to be hit back.

He's unable to be hit back if he's surrounded by skellies or the enemy has already moved. if that's not the case he'll get smashed to pieces.

That's basically how I run it. Wait for the enemy to have moved/charged and then I put the warden to work.

for me user its a steep price, almost costs as much as a box of models for 7 guys so thats where my trepidation is

Newfag here, are you allowed to use the old Fantasy Battle figures in AoS games?

I just don't see it working against anyone who knows what they are doing. You'd have to be top tier pleb to get out maneuvered by literally the slowest warband in the game.

looking at the image it's really just 6 and half guys

To be fair you get the cards as well, and the box is a handy container for cards and models, but still.

GW prices are outrageous and everybody knows it. Shadespire can be enjoyed for nearly 1/4 the price of just one 40k army. In terms of GW value, it's pretty damn good.


orruks best warbands all other are cucks

So I can give a fuck about AoS, but are they releasing a Soulblight warband?

who knows, even if the game does well who knows if they release anything past the second Stormfags warband,
I want Sylfagneth, lizard bros, and mother fucking flesh eaters, but who knows

So you are :

>A Painter

>You can't afford 30$

>You're willing to pay 15,20,25,30$ for 1 guy instead of 30 for a whole team.

>You think you'd get more value by buying the 10 year old hand sculpted Skeleton warrior/Horde?

Your "Painter" mentality is truly amazing.


So what do you think about my blood reavers?
The bits are from chaos Marauder and chaos knights
And how do I paint demonic weapons?

The guy with the 2 horns looks retarded but the rest are pretty wicked. Paint them!

He costs 50 buckaroos where I’m from user; same price as a full ‘box’ of units: such as grave guard/black knights I’m sure I’ll eventually get him but so many other undead dudes I can get for 50, it just seemed superfluous to get the rest and not use it

Everyone in the area plays Ironjawz. They seem to be the easiest to be good at, all their cards are just supporting you running forward and punching things.

And then they all complain when I go Objective focused and don't fight. As if playing tactically is less "correct" than just pushing your dudes forwards.

Not in this wave.

Scrubs gunna scrub. Orcs are pretty easy to shut down in a fight anyway, you just job Gurzag as early as possible.

so everyone probably knows but december white dorf mag comes with a healing potion card

Retarded bump
So how can I and him look less retarded and different at the same time, I can make a weapon swap instead

Yes we know since november.

I forgot, the dagger is going to be painted as it was shadeglass that's why I make the swap

bit of green stuff building up that cavity between chest and neck, maybe twist the dagger a little to make it look less 'im holding somethin gross'

That dagger grip makes no fucking sense. Also the head is too straight and tall. Basically the pose lacks focus.

Thanks I will try to fix that

it will also look less wonky once painted obviously user, so don't stress too much