Obese blue haired liberal female friend I met at university invites me to her 5e campaign

>Obese blue haired liberal female friend I met at university invites me to her 5e campaign
>"Y-yeah sure" the system put me off at first but her "great" adventure was set in Middle Earth
>Game day comes and we play at her lesbian partner's house which is crawling with cats of every breed
>Sitting on a wonky table around me are two Adam Koebel lookalikes and their land whale gfs and a hideous looking tranny
>Traveling through Mirkwood we encounter a time traveling elf wearing a detective's jacket and top hat.

>Mfw everyone starts sperging out Dr. Who quotes

Left the table there and then and never came back. More angry they tried to "D&D up" Middle Earth than anything else.

>blue haired
These weren't warning signs?

But this didn't happen, did it OP?

I'll take stories that didn't happen for 100 Alex

I take it none of you have seen what makes up most of the playerbase of 5th edition.


Today at over the top fale stories

>two Adam Koebel lookalikes
were they wearing wristwatches though?

Whales that will buy anything Wizards puts out because they have bad budgeting skills and poor self-control?

None of this shit ever happened, and you know it.

Never happened.
You tried too hard

disturbingly plausible. socially intolerable monstrosities of a feather do flock together, after all. (and then they adopt a goth aesthetic, in order to mutually foster the delusion that they're outsiders because of that, and not because they're fucking repulsive.)

presumably OP is also pretty rancid and friendless though, otherwise he wouldn't even be associating with such broken people.

Good job op you did the I wish quests were still on Veeky Forums

>Obese blue haired liberal female friend

le made up strawman xd

Impressively obvious. Well done, OP, I don't think I could do a worse job if I tried.

>things that didn't happen

A thread dies for this, OP.

I don't play it personally but the six to eight people I know who do are all young white men.

>A thread dies for this, OP.
In OP's defense, I miss having quest threads on this board.

Why would you make friends with someone like that in the first place?

You know, I’ve been on Veeky Forums for years and years now but I still don’t get why people make up stories.

>I miss quests

Bait threads have nothing to do with quests. That was just one more excuse the Board Fun Police touted to get shit they didn't like banned.

Gross. I hate normie nerds who like Dr. Who. My gaming group has none of that nonsense or very fat people. Just a bunch of working class communists.

>Bait threads have nothing to do with quests.
Bait threads get more attention these days because there aren't any other threads on this board where people can get immediate gratification from posting in a thread. When we had quests, they served as a way to keep people occupied while they were browsing the board. Quests were just a fun time-wasting activity, but now that there are no quests on Veeky Forums, the only fun time-wasting activity on Veeky Forums that provides immediate gratification for making a post are bait threads.

I have no sympathy for you. You're the only one to blame, yet you went into the trap head-on.

Obese balding conservatives?

That's no true. There are also fetish threads.

Absolutely nobody, from the average player to the head honcho of Hasbro and everyone inbetween, has seen even a small part of 5E's playerbase. It's too geographically spread.

The only 5e campaign I've played has been with two white french guys and another white english guy, while their regular white english DM was on vacation.

I like this. It was fuckin beautiful to see a shit thread derailed so wonderfully

>why people make up stories.
Because they're Roleplaying.

>we play at her lesbian partner's house which is crawling with cats of every breed
>play like an asshole
>get called out
>"It's what my character would do!"
>twf when I'm petting a white Persian while looking like a Bond villain

I'll take "shit that didn't happen" for 500

>I joined a game with complete strangers
>I didn't make any effort to get to know people, or even consider what they might want out of the game
>I didn't ask for any details about the setting or anyone elses character
>I just sat there contributing nothing
>I completely missed the fact that I was only invited at all as an act of charity
>I didn't bring snacks

Some people threw you a lifeline at Christmas, invited you into their home and made the effort to involve you, and all you did was silently judge them.

A bad system can be fixed, but a bad player can only be removed. Do these people a favour and give them the gift of never seeing you again.

>everyone starts sperging out Dr. Who quotes
They were cultured people who have watched entirely of the classic series and were reminded of some classic stories and felt compelled to quote third or fourth doctor on appropiate times... right ?


Most of the people I've played with were thin nerdy white guys, with the occasional fat black guy with a dragonball shirt

Oh look, a Things That Never Happened thread.

I came to make sure this was kept alive.