>The two armies call a truce for the biggest holiday of the year
The two armies call a truce for the biggest holiday of the year
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What a maddening time war is
Nah. Load up boys we're hunting kraut
Infiltrator working for third party that sells weapons to both sides stages particularly gruesome incident that makes it look like the truce was broken.
>Not pretending to accept the truce and backstabbing them when they're not expecting it
The only good kraut is a dead one
>he see's you when you're sleeping
>he knows when you're awake
>he knows when you try to break the truce so commit for goodness sake
I just love that story or meme about the (german and french?) soldiers in ww1 getting out of their trenches to play together on christmas.
Personally I'm despaired by it, to think of these men who had no real quarrel with each other at all, who could have been good friends, are pitched by circumstance to fight to the death
That's why I like the version of the story where the men who went back to the trenches the following day refused to fight afterwards, unwilling to kill the men they had called friends just days before.
But that what makes the story sad and beautiful. People trained to kill one another willing to drop all just to play football on christmas eve.
>People trained to kill one another ... play football
Note by that American definition, they were playing soccer. That's what's baffling about it.
If they were playing football (handegg), it would be naturally stemming from the training to kill each other.
>I’m a devil just for kicks man
>I’ve been doin’ it since 1776 man
>mfw the same holiday is on a different day of the year
>mfw they keep getting pissed we attack them on their fake holiday day
They did. In some areas, the truce went on for several days. In other areas it never took off though, probably French/German sections since I doubt the French soldiers were particularly pleased with the whole invasion thing.
German-British was the more friendly one, as it wasn't either of their countries that were being invaded.
just a reminder that in certain places the various armies started shelling their own trenches when they didn't put enough effort into the war right after christmas
because nothing is proper about that entire damn war
Good luck, everyone.
Gotta be in it to win it
I mean who would have noticed another madman around here?
yearly reminder that they had to cycle out entire groups of people at some parts of the line because after talking with the enemy they couldn't find the will to fight them
it's not a good idea
>implying fighting a catastrophic war over an idea so stupid as nationalism is itself a good idea
The only sane people in World War I were the ones who refused to fight.
There's nothing wrong with being willing to fight for your country and its people, user. Good strong nations NEED people ready to do what it takes to preserve them.
that sane person's name was albert einstein
Because a four year stalemate in France was just what Britain/Germany/France needed to preserve their nations wasn't it?
nationalism is a stupid reason to fight a war though, it's pointless dickwaving and showing how many of your own people you can get killed in a single war doesn't prove anything but how little you care for your citizens.
The war shouldn't have happened, but it's no reason to resent the notion of loving your country and all the great heights its achieved.
just saying it's not a good idea to fraternize with the enemy
yeah, if it was valid, burgerland would be in rubble
one of my favorite stories of it is how a German soldier who got recalled noticed his, i think, british barber
the british barber was then asked if he could clean him up
while cutting his hair the brit with the razor to his throat was like "haha, i should probably just slit your throat, right?"
if you're interested
The entire war was one huge fucking catastrophe and will stand as an eternal blemish on our history. Every single part about why it started, what perpetutated it and what happened during it is sickening. In a better universe, both armies collectively laid down their arms and returned home.
Shows how fucking stupid war is, and how it's always about the upper classes using the lower classes to enrich themselves.
>But that what makes the story sad and beautiful.
Sad, yes. Beautiful, fuck no. Tragic, because it makes you think, what if those men had all decided "Hey, if we can be friends on Christmas, why can't we be friends, or at least not shoot at each other, on the other 364 days of the year?"
There's a difference between loving ones country and putting it on a pedestal above other countries.
I'm an American and I would call myself a patriot because I love the idea of what America can be, but I'm not a nationalist because I don't believe America is inherently better than anyone else.
When the 'great heights you've achieved' include sending fifty percent of your young men off to die completely pointlessly because you might have loved your country just a -smidge- too much, i think it's time to take a step back.
A lot of myths and legends about the Christmas truce of 1914
You get embellishments like this when the actual account goes
>The last I saw was one of my machine gunners, who was a bit of an amateur hairdresser in civil life, cutting the unnaturally long hair of a docile Boche, who was patiently kneeling on the ground whilst the automatic clippers crept up the back of his neck
No funny exchange or previous connection (hard to cut a throat with clippers, eh), they got added with all the stories that built up over the years until the whole thing became a fake memory
Same with the soccer game; a few guys kicked a ball around but there was no organized game of any kind
It's a good example of how WW1 is always sentimentalized; in this case it immortalizes the loss-of-innocence narrative that you get with stories about 1914
I really recommend the Wikipedia article on it, it draws from some great modern sources
What's even worse is that there's a good chance the Second World War wouldn't have happened if the first one hadn't. So not only was the First World War a pointless tragedy in and of itself, it was also a major cause of another mark of shame for humanity.
But consider all of the tight video games we got out of WWII. Or living in a world without Band of Brothers. The sacrifices made were not in vain.
You've got to remember this was at a time when war was still thought of as a fun little outing you do to have "soldier" on your resume and seem like a strapping young lad to all your friends
Everyone at this point in time had the romantic notion of Napoleonic wars in their heads despite the fact that military technology and strategy had advanced to the point that they could kill hundreds of people in the blink of an eye. People were still in a mindset that a war was just lobbing poorly-made balls from guns that can't aim for shit, grabbing a few provinces for your country, and heading home with no real hard feelings to the enemy.
WWI was the turning point where everyone realized "oh we can't really do that any more, because of that time I literally used a pile of my friends' corpses as cover from gattling gun fire for example." Every war was personal to everyone now because you couldn't leave without being, bare minimum if you're lucky, traumatized for life.
More like consider computers themselves. Who knows how much further behind we'd be without the enormous leap in tech the wars of the last century motivated
Who cares?
Would you volunteer to be shot dead so people 50 years from now could have a holodeck or some shit?
No, but I'd volunteer other people to be shot for one, absolutely. Hell I'd probably kill someone personally for one.
I mean, have you seen Star Trek? Those things are sick.
No, but I'd still think twice about time-traveling to prevent things for that reason
Can the holodeck be loaded with anatomically correct fictional characters? Because if so, totally worth it.
>because nothing is proper about that entire damn war
Just thinking about WW1 makes me depressed some times.
Mildly related,but not really. I was on holiday with my family this summer and I went to a bookstore with my brothers and found a kids book on WW1. I started leafing through the book out of curiosity, to see how they'd explain The Great War to kids and at first it was neat, they had all the nations represented as anthropomorphic animals, the English were all bulldogs, French were roosters, and so on and it was just the information shown in a fun way, with caricatures representing nations and historic figures. Then I opened to a spread on the battle of Passchendaele, and for most of the page it was just a map of the battlefield, with again the animals giving an easy visual as to where each nations troops were and some of the figure giving commentary about the situation. At the bottom they showed the casualties of the battle, each nation got a little drawing dedicated to the men they lost, but instead of showing them as a bunch of identical cartoon animals, they were all drawn realistically. It showed a drawing of a group of scared young men, under which it would say something like: Germany, 270,000 casualties, Britain, 450,000 casualties, etc. At that point I was starting to get emotional, not crying, but just choking up, It was probably the contrast between the information that caused it. And again at the end when the book started explaining the result of the war, how warfare changed and such, it again showed casualties, there was a picture of a line of men, each wounded in some way, the minor ones had castes and some head bandages, but others had missing limbs entirely, the book just bluntly stated that 13,000,000 men came back home injured. Right below that picture was a line of gravestones, with text that read; and 9,000,000 men never came home at all.
That part again made me kind of emotional and I wondered how a kid would react to it.
Big numbers don't mean much to little kids
True, but the pictures of scared young men might mean something to them. And by kids I was thinking someone my brothers age, about 10 or so.
But you would be dead.
But consider the gift he'd be giving the world.
A brave sacrifice so that all men may experience the joy of holding their waifus
If I must die so my grandson can one day facefuck Ryuko, then so be it.
Well the thing is that romantic notion had mostly been right, for the past few decades the only real wars you'd fight in as a European soldier were agianst primitive natives where you lose 1 man for every 100. Sure the sudden and dramatic losses where their, but they weren't common enough to be a real concern.
A young man promised to win his people their own country. An older man and his wife were murdered, after promising to visit those injured in their place. Their country demanded justice. Another man kept the promise he made. His cousin kept the promise HE made. A parliament kept the promise THEY made.
For your better universe, every one of them would have had to break their solemn word.
>Officers involved were executed afterward
Noone likes french, not even brit and american soldiers.
The Napoleonic Wars wasn't a great time to be a soldier.
In some armies the soldiers were treated well, good meals, most of your time is spent off the front.
It wasn't a terrible deal in a lot of people's eyes.
If men are small and their lives short you're not wrong, and it is good to give themselves for something larger and longer lived than them. If people live eternally, nations are much smaller and their lives are much shorter by comparison.
Society is never composed of more than men, but it tends to last longer than them through a kind of background element of carried values: for a state, this is the nation. It's just a matter of what is actually more valuable, the idea of a country or the men who compose it.
I'm leaning men. I say that as someone who finds value in the country. In a war, that old lie, dulce et decorum est, pro patria mori, is going to be lost to the honest men when things get hard just because it's not true: there's nothing sweet or fitting about dying for something so abstract and intangible: even martyrs believe they have felt some call or been touched in some way by God, but men who die for a nation know full well they've been called by men. What is true is that it is fitting to die for your fellow men, your family, your friends, your countrymen, strangers, and even your foes, but it takes a very particular kind of person to face that, a person who is approaching flawlessness, no matter how distant. I'm no such person.
The entire point of honouring a word is to maintain humanity and justice. We trust in vows so we can lend strength to righteous actions that protect us from each other and ourselves and to glorify our attempts at betterment.
The vow is unreal, it's a tool to help us be better people.
If that vow has been warped into something that kills and demeans everyone involved it is useless. It ceases to be honourable and becomes an arbitrary, self-serving thing.
When keeping a promise is used to justify a vile action the only purpose it serves is as an excuse for a weak man to escape responsibility.
Honour means jack shit without purpose.
This was meant for
>an idea so stupid as nationalism
Enjoy boiling bootleather until it's soft enough to eat and knifing your cousin over rolls of toilet paper, commie rat.
Tell this to Feanor and his sons please.
>if you're not a nationalist you must be a gommie
What did he mean by this?
So your world gets invaded by a vast multiverse equivalent of Chicago... can they survive?
moot resurrecting /pol/ was a mistake. I miss /b/ being the most toxic board
If you've promised to help your friend in their time of need and break that promise, then you are the shittiest person imaginable.
Fucking nu/tg/pol/. They can't fucking shut up about their non Veeky Forums crap.
A vow is ( especially one sworn before God) a promise that you cannot break under your own power. The effects matter not, but the vow must be upheld to the best of your ability.
Idunno, if I promise to help a friend no matter what, and then one day that friend shows up on my doorstep with a bag of orphan limbs, I think I'm well within my rights to call the cops.
If you hate your country and are unwilling to defend it, chances are you are a commie.
You don't need to be a nationalist to understand that the reason every nation exists is because there are people willing to defend it.
Nation undefended will end up a puppet state or simply being annexed by a nation willing to aggressively pursue their interests.
A peaceful country was getting invaded so other countries should've just gone lol j/k your on your own now faget? All it takes for evil to flourish is good men not take action against it.
Oh yes, every time it's someone else's problem.
Veeky Forums's problem has never been like many people try to point fingers at the people who like or write quests or hold the wrong political beliefs.
Problems with Veeky Forums started when we started kicking out creative people for those reasons. I remember when things ended up going wonderfully off topic because of autistic nitpicking.
You had people that actually created things in here, like the Chapter Master Game.
Now that creativity is dead because the culture of the board began to shift and hurt the feelings of some people and bans began to roll.
Now everyone is really touchy and closed minded towards everything in this place.
commies were indoctrinated to be fiercely nationalistic, though
that's how their entire system was kept running
> If you've promised to help your friend in their time of need and break that promise, then you are the shittiest person imaginable.
Giving blank checks in the first place is stupid.
>biggest holiday of the year
Fuck, Easter is underrated.
Everyone is fucking born. It's pleb tier. Resurrection, that's where it's at.
Same story, only with a book about ww2
> chances are you are a commie.
In retrospect it was dirty but since Washington's troops were outnumbered it was genius.
Truly the end of the gentleman's warfare.
My sides are in fucking orbit.
All the more reason to purge them xenos.
Fuck you Julian shits.
"The beast is dead"?
Yeah, the pictures with the civilians fleeing the diving stukas still get me
A leftist by any other name is still just as retarded.
True, but that's how it always ends up with them doesn't it?
All roads built on communism always lead to an incitement of violent revolt against the ruling body followed by a shift towards a totalitarian military dictatorship followed by more and more ideological purges to keep the same from happening to them.
If it looks like a shitlib, screeches about cultural enrichment like a shitlib, and imports millions of shitskins like a shitlib, then it’s probably a shitlib.
>corporate for-profit organisations
Stop it you're killing me
Nobody asked for nazimod to kill all the OC back in the day.
Absolutely nobody.
ITT: retarded alt right manlets who can't tell the difference between large corporations with operations and subsidiaries in several countries and 'muh globalists!!1!'
You celebrate Christmas rather than New Year's day? Are you a believer, tovarishch? That's not the Comsomol way.
Feanor was here, Teleri are faggots
opposite of communism isn't nationalism is all
>I think I'm well within my rights to call the cops
Wow, i can't believe people like you actually exist. You are a terrible friend, and a terrible person in general. It's one thing to deny your friend a helping hand just because you've got all touchy-feely - it's just makes you a lying faggot. But calling the cops on your friend is just on the whole new level - you're fucking rotten to the core! Your existence is a disgrace to humankind.
Since (((they))) control both, there really isn’t any difference.
They don't mesh very well, either.
Communism supposedly strives for a classless, stateless society where everyone shares the means for production.
Nationalism seeks to protect a nation's control over its homeland. Maintaining a sovereign nation state is pretty far removed from instating a stateless society.
Please, never post that propaganda filled stick figure channel ever again.
>everything I don't like is propaganda
Sure is /pol/ in here.
Yeah, the generals were so outraged by the fact that simple folk who had no reason to care about a political "my dick is bigger!" shitpost weren't too hot on the idea of killing each other they killed hundreds of their own men to ensure it would never happen again.
> mug /pol/ boogieman
Fuck off questfag. We kicked you whiny shits out for a reason.
God is this /co/mblr 2.0? All I said was don't post that biased piece of crap and now it's MUH /POL/! Fuck off
Pathological fear of actual content?