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Someone please post the short comic strip with a rabbit girl jumping on a plate. I know one of you has it; I saw it posted in these threads.
Well, excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me, princess
what did Kui Ryoko mean by number 2?
What in the fuck
Alignment chart for ants, that
Lab X-16.jpg
Where is this from? The art looks familiar and I'm not getting anything from google or saucenao.
Thank you, honestly
That's the greatest fucking thing I've seen today
Truly a christmas miracle
Wouldn't it be easier to get a signal on the moon? Less atmosphere in the way
not really.
First: the signal still has to go through the atmosphere since it's sent from base stations on the ground
Second: even if that didn't stop it, it still has to cross to the moon
Third: Even if the signal reached you, there is no chance in hell that your signal reaches them, which means you are not assigned an ID, which means your phone reports "no signal"
Fair enough, thanks
This has got to be a troll
>protector of brettonia
By the looks of it, a little kid made it for a school project.
I'm filthy nogunz, is that AR-15?
I do believe the factual information listed here might match some Call of Duty game, complete with the possibility to upgrade for 100 bullets magazine.
Is there a story behind this one?
it's fake, the hiding guy was edited in.
It's not an M4?
It's difficult to tell. 'AR-15' is a term describing the general family or platform of the rifle, which has countless variants and countless designations, but the term AR-15 itself most commonly refers to civilian versions of said rifle. The rifle in that picture could be an M4 carbine, or it could just be a civie AR with ergonomics matching an M4. It'd be impossible to tell without actually holding the rifle in your hands and examining it.
Let me clarify.
'M4' is a military designation that refers to a shortened-down version of the M16A2 assault rifle. Both are technically parts of the M16 line of rifles, which is- again- the United States' military designation for *their* version of the AR-15 rifle.
AR-15 can refer either to the original version of the rifle (the Armalite Rifle 15, the one Eugene Stoner and co first invented), all rifles that stem from it, or the Colt AR-15, which is the trademarked, civilian version commonly sold to civies and law enforcement in the US.
The main difference here are some very minor differences in components concerning the trigger assembly and possibly the bolt carrier group (I'm a little out of my wheelhouse at this point). Effectively, a true blue M4 would be select fire, capable of firing single shot or automatic. A civie AR-15 dressed up to look like an M4 (which is kind of a given, as military ergonomics have been considered standard for civilian AR-15's since the Clinton AWB ended) would strictly be single shot.
Gave me a good chuckle.
Fucking Ukraine!
>a troll
>a little kid
What's the difference?
Probably needs a better name.
One of them might grow out of it.
>the Armalite Rifle 15, the one Eugene Stoner and co first invented
I'm going to read that as
>the one Eugene Stoner and /co/ first invented
and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
>Veeky Forums holiday food
Even with no weapons proficiency, this still requires a negative int modifier
Notice the weedy hairless arms, that's either child or woman, possibly both.
Sauce? Is the guy actually trying to trick the chick?
it's a kid, from one of Nutnfancy's videos where he forces his kid to use a gun, it's even better with sound.
Don't know the film, but an user who did said it was an honest attempt to unload the handgun.
God fucking damn do I love receiver. Gets even better with mods to add shit like an R870, C96, Thompson.
Best gun will always be the 1911, though.
Getting hit by a drone that has re-entered the atmosphere at mach 7 makes me both laugh and mad as fuck
Awesome! Been binging Ash vs Evil Dead. Such great stuff.
Nothing like scrambling to reload your shitty revolver with a Drone buzzing around in your face like a fly at a picnic and that one shitty casing won't fucking extract.
Oh, that's a subtle trick. Well, subtle if you're nogunz.
For nogunz: he cycles the gun to eject the chambered round *before* removing the magazine, meaning a new round has chambered, meaning that the gun is still dangerous - there's still a cartridge chambered -
even after he removes the magazine.
Even better when you spawn with revolver, 2 spare rounds and no flashlight in the black as fuck chunks of map
While I'm not adept with guns myself, seeing the previous comment about it being a trick made me realize what he'd done. That is pretty sneaky, or potentially really dumb.
You can go ahead and leave the terminology out of it. Gunz or not, to fall for that requires nobrainz.
I just tested it on a physics PhD student, who's up to defend this spring. After being asked if he could spot the trick, he was reasonably sure that there was some reason that the gun was still dangerous, but he had no idea why. Without being told that there was a trick, he'd have fallen for it.
This is gunz.
The inclusion of a physics phd student means nothing here. There is nothing in that retard's resume that would suggest necesarily they had any mechanical aptitude or common sense.
Not that user, but this is a pretty gunz thing. They've cycled out a round and elected the mag. Without knowing that the cycling action also inserts a fresh round into the chamber (very much gunz, to the point that it gets brought up in basic), Joe schmoe isn't going to expect the gun to be dangerous
>very much gunz
Huh? I learned about this pretty easily. Anyone with a passing interest in guns, from video games alone, will learn about it.
>anyone with a passing interest in guns
What the fuck do you think nogunz means?
I swear every animal here is a meme. Maggies, cassowaries that have talons and can kick through sheet metal, monotremes, wedge tails that don't give a shit, etc.
Don't bother. He just assumes that any knowledge he has must be common sense, and anyone who doesn't have it must be dumber than he is.
People with no guns.
Since /k/ is here might as well post this.
That volume kind of sucked, only a couple of the stories were really fappable.
yeah the whole forced sex thing is sort of lame
Rabbit was the best story in my opinion.
I'll be kind to y'all since it's Christmas and I happened to have it bookmarked for years. It's a standalone, but I liked it better page by page.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope you guys pass this kindness on, especially by helping others who need it.
>Which will basically create a non-stop warfare.
Gets me every fucking time.