Is Veeky Forums aware of the current Veeky Forums botnet situation?
Malware on Veeky Forums
I for one am, but as ever cannot speak for all here. But it's big enough news outside of the site that I'd assume everyone within knows by now.
At this point I couldn't possibly care less, as much as this will lead to blame directed at people such as myself, because despite it's state it is still pretty much the only consistently usuable imageboard: damntextfilter-chan is a nightmare to access from where I live and I cannot post on there, with it being the only other place I know of that features Traditional Games I am stuck here.
Phrasing it as "I couldn't possibly care less" wasn't actually the best way to phrase that. I mean, I've come to terms with the bullshit and the fact that despite my wishes nothing will change; unless every pass holder decides to stop supporting the site it never will because Hiro doesn't care about us plebs. Too bad Moot is cucked now, so no salvation from on high.
Well this is news to me, thanks. Nothing's broken for me so I didn't notice and all my ads seem to be blocked as usual.
Could you explain ?
The linked thread is quite messy and doesn't explain.
Should I fear something ?
I read somewhere that 4chanX blocks it. Is that true?
It's in the update notes at least.
Three days ago Hiroshima did the following:
>added some code that forces ad blockers to allow ads
>added some code that breaks the CSS (webpage code) if you try to block the adblockblock
>added some code to allow about forty really shady Russian and eastern European servers to read a bunch of data on how your operation system works from your computer when you view the ads
>added some code to do this even if it seems like your ad blocker blocked the ads
>added some code that injects a bunch of obfuscated code onto your computer
That last part is what's gotten people really concerned, because a lot of people suspect that this is the initial setup for something really nasty that's going to be installed on your computer in a little bit and "complete the code" so to speak, allowing whatever nasty shit it could be to bypass your compressors.
This is the Dawn of the mobileposter age. Tremble before us.
But seriously though, just update your uBlock filters and you're fine.
Not OP but: Veeky Forums has new ads that attempt to bypass adblock, these contain a malware package that is potentially designed to connect your PC to a botnet, presumably for the purpose of cryptocurrency mining. Veeky Forums is also detecting adblockers and disabling the sites scripting software preventing it from functioning if it finds them.
Or so I think is the gist of it, correct me if I'm wrong thread, I only got a passing grade in computer science and that was a long while ago.
>presumably for the purpose of cryptocurrency mining
Nah, it's ransomware.
From /g/
Huh, that's a different filename than the one I saw last time. Maybe there's more than one infected ad.
Well shit, just when you think it can't get any worse it suddenly does. Anyone know any active Veeky Forums alternatives to migrate to? I think it's finally time to jump ship.
>these contain a malware package
So, does it only hit me if I click on the ad, or what?
Everything I know of is either deader than Vecna or cliquey as shit. I think the best we'll get is refugees using akun as a staging ground for figuring out where to go. I'm prepared to content myself with one post a month on touhouproject.
Nope, it loads some very shady js to your machine if the ad loads on page. The one I heard about was sloppy as fuck and dumped it right in your root, so check C: for new shit.
How can i know i'm infected or not?
This, please answer!
So if ads are still blocked, should be okay then?
> Kyiv, Gaidara st., 50
I live in Kyiv, and after I checked around the local sources, it seems like the Internet Invest company that's the registrant contact is known for some really shady shit (cooperating with Russian companies, despite us being de-facto at war with them, breaking all kinds of laws, registering domains for fraudsters that steal personal data and don't provide services they get paid for). They were reported to the authorities numerous times, but due to the rampant corruption of our judicial system, nothing really came out of it.
Pretty fucked up, to be honest.
That's not how this shit works. Is this your first time touching a computer?
Alright, as a complete potato with a bunch of adblock software, what can I do to avoid having shit happen?
NoScript, RequestPolicy, and use custom CSS. People say uMatrix is good, but I never liked it.
Still loving Clover. I've phoneposted for ages, it makes multitasking easy.
Do you need to clean your computer or some shit if you didn't install those before?
>Hiro working with Russian hackers
So I run noscript already, though it wasn't on because it was a pain in the ass, but I recently updated the uBlock origin list off the /g/ thread. Is that sufficient or do I need to do the full noscript 2006 Veeky Forums package?
I have something on my C drive called "end" that I never put there, and C is almost totally full so i guess im fucked? what do lol?
Alright folks, thanks to /g/, I'm hooked up.
Here are the steps not to fuck over your computer:
>download noscript
>disable absolutely everything EXCEPT the captcha script (super easy and intuitive)
>go to the Veeky Forums X link
>download greasemonkey if you don't already have it
>download Veeky Forums X
Now you have functional Veeky Forums with little risk of any of that bullshit. I'm only telling y'all because I like you.
So, block Veeky and block, unblock and
Also, copied and pasted from some merciful user on /g/. I recommend everything possible, because I'm from Veeky Forums back when actual degenerate computer-ruining stuff was posted here. Don't click any suspicious links, and be very careful what you download.
ublock. ublock should be stabdard Veeky Forums software by now. I know it can take some getting used to the advanced mode with the color coding and all that, but it's really no harder than noscript when you first started using that.
it mostly runs on pre-defined lists, you should only have to fuck with the advanced stuff when something like this happens, a site breaks, or you run into an ad that isn't filtered.
1. Install ublock origin
2. find the icon or click options in addons
3. if you clicked on the icon, in the popup under the big power button is a row of smaller buttons, the righthand one opens the dashboard where all settings are
4. if you have not done so, in the general settings click the "I am an advanced user" option
5. more tabs should be available after reloading
6. go to 3rd party filters tab
7. click purge caches
8. there should be lists already clicked (those issued by gorhill are part of the default lists, that list contains the Veeky Forums rule you want), but there is nothing wrong with just activating every list that isn't a language one
9. once you have selected the lists you want and you have purged already, click the reload button to reload them all
now you are safe.
Not sure senpai. I generally allow google, and overlap my filters with adblock/ublock to make sure things are locked down super tight. Ask /g/ if you're really worried, I figure google is at least in the business of not selling you to ruskies.
So let's say you're a mouth breathing retard who didn't know any of this and may be infected with computer aids, what do?
I would get a anti-virus and a malware scanner. Clamwin and Malwarebytes are some free versions. Then run a scan with both.
I posted everything you need to know user.
If that is still too complicated, each individual thing will walk you through the steps to install it, if you're diligent.
Good thing I use a phone to browse! Ahah I win again.
Phones are far from secure. Plenty of viruses and malware on that platform as well.
Yes but those look like tutorials on how to browse safely. I don't need to browse safely, I only ever shitpost from my phone when at work with nothing better to do, but I have Veeky Forums open automatically when I open chrome and may have gotten the whatever. Do I need to worry or do I iust stop browsing and it will never activate the ransomware/cryptomining/w.e
Install all that shit.
Just do it.
You don't have to worry about your phone if you use clover. Something something api, /g/ says it's okay. If you don't use clover, the fuck is wrong with you?
I just pop in now and then on my phone with nothing installed for protection. I'm probably fucked, and I assume just never returning to the site won't keep me safe?
Finally using clover is the best way to shitpost.
You have no idea how long I waited for this day.
Would NoScript on its own be sufficient to stop this, or should I go through the removal steps outlined elsewhere in this thread?
That explains the ad resurgence at the bottom of the page.
So what's this "Clover"? I checked the Play store and found nothing called that exactly, but I did find some Veeky Forums browser apps.
How's Clamwin compare to Avast?
use F-Droid for alternative Open Source apps
the search there
puking dudebro.png
>>added some code that breaks the CSS (webpage code) if you try to block the adblockblock
So that's what's been happening. I can't get anything on my desktop but text.
I'm using Adblock Plus and I'm not seeing any ads. Am I safe?
I grabbed uBlock just in case but left ABP installed as well, though disabled for now. It seems to be working but I didn't have ads on ABP either so maybe it's fine.
>tfw Linuxfag and none of that shit affects me
Come at me, Hiroshitmoot.
Keeps breaking captcha for me.
The annoying thing is I can't figure out what exactly is breaking it. I play with some settings and it's gone, I undo everything and it stays gone. I reset to defaults and it's back.
Okay, got UO running the latest lists but I enabled Veeky Forums.cdn on noscript because nothing seems to work otherwise. Is that okay?
Huh, thought this was a meme. I have KasperSky for adblock and I never noticed anything. Don't think I never ran into any ads here or clicked on the headers. Am I boned? Should I disconnect my internet?
Seems to be the ublock filters list (the main/default list). It only becomes a problem after updating, which is why restoring defaults works. It's also the only list that actually blocks the adds, though several others block the images.