
So, with general public's perception of elves shifting to "i hate those assholes" (see: every popular depiction of elf in media in 5-10 years), is it cool to unironically like elves again?


It's always been cool to unironically like elves.

What the fuck are you memeing yourself into?


Congratulations, you've evolved into a 3rd Level Hipster. Eventually, you will transcend to 4th Level Hipster when you realize and embrace the fact that you can like/dislike whatever you want.

I've always loved elves.
People who go "hurr i haet elves 2 arrogant" don't understand what elves are

>blanket, completely unjustified assertion taken as proof in the OP
That's a Veeky Forums thread alright.

>general public
You mean "shitposters on one specific Guatemalan philatelic BBS", right?

If we killed all the elves we would be able to solve all the problems in this world

No, i mean. Look at shit that's popular now/recently

>FUCK elves
Dragon Age:
>But our elves are actually shitty oppressed dindus but they are still arrogant faggots isn't it clever
and others.

The trend now is that elves are a race to dislike or hate.

Oh, I see. When you said "every popular depiction of elf in media in 5-10 years", you actually meant "two specific video games".

This is from people who think wyvern and dragon should be interchangeable.

>is it cool to be a contrarian hipster?


You evidence is two 7+ years old games?

>General reaction to avatar (count as elves)
>hellboy 2
>assorted comics, webcomics and mangu
>every single worldbuilding thread, on Veeky Forums or other sites

those are just two examples that came to my head first.

>General reaction to avatar (count as elves)
>and Veeky Forums

Ok then. Wasn't Avatar the highest-grossing movie of all time?

>general public has an opinion on elves

Go outside more often.

yeah, but look at reaction to it on the internet.

90% of people wished humans would win.
It is partly responsible for the rise of HFY.

my worlds elves aren’t all arrogant, don’t live 5 forevers, aren’t all beautiful, and aren’t the oldest race. they still nature hippies tho lol
the subraces include tribal hippy tree lovers and animal hunters
jew desert elves that are merchants and shit and love the gods
edgy ptsd-having tribal snow elves
and fuckin animal loving druid orcs

did I do it right

eh, 6/10, could be better.

Sure thing cheif.
Everybody loved the generic mean army men.

>Just normal hippies with pointy ears
That is terrible.

I mean, I know they’re pretty generic, but I prefer not to generalize all the characters of a race, yknow? that way there can actually be more variety from character to character

>my worlds elves aren’t all arrogant


>don’t live 5 forevers


>aren’t all beautiful

they werent all pretty to begin with, some were "beautiful" in a more "aesthetic" fashion than an attractive one

>and aren’t the oldest race

excellent, I hate that trope

Elves have always been cool when they are not a mary sue race, sadly, it seems like a lot of writers have a dire necessity to ape Tolkien and make them into "holier than thou" demigods

>Avatar (count as elves)
Counts as Native Americans/generic noble savages, dumbass. By your logic WoW orcs are actually elves
>>assorted comics, webcomics and mangu
Name them. Only mango with elves recently I can think of is Dungeon Meshi and Marcille is far from a disliked character. I guess you can count GATE but that had elf waifus left and right. Other than that there's what, Konosuba? It didn't have outright elves so much as background characters with pointy ears. Where are all these Korean talking comics with elf hate?

>the subraces include tribal hippy tree lovers and animal hunters
it's shit
>jew desert elves that are merchants and shit and love the gods
it's shit
>edgy ptsd-having tribal snow elves
it's shit
>and fuckin animal loving druid orcs
it's shit

Come on now, when people see a vindictive, heavily scarred military man willing to attack his former underlings, initiate atrocities on non-militarized space peasants and use weapons of mass destruction, everyone just sees a great hero and not a fascist jackboot grinding into a human face, forever.

fair enough

No, it is never cool to unironically like elves. It's just no longer cool to unironically hate elves.

Why you might ask? Because doing anything unironically is not cool anymore.

That would be funny if i didn't see "he's so badass, a real human bean" reactions myself.

a normie? no thanks

>it is partly responsible for the rise of HFY
Your newfaggotry is showing.

This mah Noldorian kin.

Where else do I get a tame giant praying mantis from in return for the rock mechanisms I've been having the fish cleaner make?

Welp, now that we've got an anonymous poster stating anecdotal evidence, I guess this thread's pretty much a wrap.

I've always liked elves and will continue to do so while Veeky Forums continues to bash a Mary Sue strawman of them that only exist to act smug toward.

so you pretty much turned them into unironical humans with pointy ears
great, 10/10 setting, you're so original, please let me throat you massive thick virile dick

Never understood why people think elves are mary sues.
Tolkien Elves are humans taken to the most extreme extreme possible.

it never stopped

The problem is he's the only character with any character. He may have zero depth (like literally everyone in the film), but he's much more colorful and entertaining than anyone else.