/mesbg/ Middle-earth Strategy Battle Games

General thread for the Hobbit and LotR SBG

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Iron Hill Dwarf user from last thread. Am I able to Ally Durins Folk with them so I can get access to Khazad Guard and Vault Warden teams?

I think anything good can ally with anything good, same with evil, so long as each warband is faction specific

Seems to me like you can ally any good factions you want

each "contingent" has it's own limit on bows but other than that, the ents can go to war alongside the numenorians

I'd like to start a mordor army and all I know about the whole thing is that I truly like the Tainted.

Is it a viable general or will it just die too early? Any advice on building a list around him?


LotR SBG Posting

We made it guys - a full thread that hit the bump limit.
Now we need to get pics of Battle Companies and There and Back Again

Unfortunately, he's got awful rules. By all means use the model as a regular Ringwraith however. They are very solid

hey guys if you've got a dude using a two hander in a duel do you reduce all your sides rolls by one?

No, only those from the guy with the 2h weapon. He's not swinging that wildly!

Guys? Can anyone do me a favor?

Post images from the Two Towers SBG? Namely Helm's Deep. That was my first book coming into the hobby, before I even knew about Warhammer or 40k. I wanna see it again. The table that got me into sieges.

>feels good man.
Moria user from a few threads back, continuing the experimentation with greenstuff on converting regular goblins into blackshields, hopefully the chainmail will look alright when its painted.


You could use him as the Tainted instead, if you plan on making a list based around one model. The Tainted has insane synergy with some other casters.

Also remember to use the 2H special strike on top of it. Might as well since that guy won't likely win the fight.

Bless user, that's so hot. Did they ever make one for Minas Tirith btw?

Also, are there still any "Rohan house" tutorials around??

The equivalent for Minas Tirith was the city streets rather than the walls. I’m sure there are images of nice walls of minas tirith dioramas our there tho

they do have a Minas Tirith at warhammer world, I believe it was made for War of the Ring

Any Dwarf players out there? Looking at taking a Vault Warden Team or two, some Khazad Guard/Iron Guard, Iron Hill Warriors, Iron Hill Goat Riders, and Dain Ironfoot.

Would this work or am I too focused on the troops?

1/3, from the venerable (2003) How to Make Wargames Terrain

2/3, of course it's upside-down, why wouldn't it be?


You're probably aware of this already, but Iron Hills dwarves are a different faction to LotR dwarves.

As other user said.

Still works fine as long as you take a hero to lead each contingent. I would perhaps skip the Vault Wardens if I was using Iron Hills also.

Hey, anybody got a scan of Lothlorien battle company?


it's about 3/4 down the previous thread (linked in first reply)

Looks like I need the cavalry too. Gonna proxy the guards, I'm dreading the resin pikes

Okay, I found the rest of my LOTR books that I'll add to the scanning programme in January.

As it currently stands I have 19 of the 22 published LOTRSBG books (IFAIK). I'm missing the Two Towers edition with the blue cover, Free Peoples and Kingdoms of Men. Can anyone think of any other LOTR books I'm missing?

You're saying I should use the Tainted as the Tainted? I understand it's a typo, but..

Likely undying based on his comment. Dwimmerlaik is a good ringwraith to use if you want to debuff people around you like the tainted.

Easy enough to convert from the Spear men. Just forgo the shields, slap on a fancier paint job and add some metal pikes from historical range

Would that stop me from taking Durins Folk and Iron Hills together?

Are Vault Wardens redundant because of the kit for Iron Hills?

Also, Merry Christmas anons!

>Would that stop me from taking Durins Folk and Iron Hills together?
As long as you have a Durins Folk Hero leading the Durins Folk Warriors, it's fine.

>Are Vault Wardens redundant because of the kit for Iron Hills?
IMO yes. Iron Hills have the high Defence and the spears. Both have their own unique situational things going on to ensure their maximum effectiveness, but I'd say just go with the Iron Hills.


Anyone got the Arnor battle company page?

Much obliged.

You're not bad for a pointy eared bastard, y'know?

I think I have almost all the books as pdfs on my laptop

I will try and find time later this week and upload them all for however long I can keep them online for free

To piggyback off of this post, if I wanted to start a mordor or angmar army, what are some good infantry units? I have no idea whats good in this game. I have a few models, but I got them with T9A in mind

Looking through the Free Peoples book, does anyone know if new Thranduil has different rules than old Thranduil? Being able to upgrade your archers to hit on 2+ seems really nice

You got desolation of smaug?

no all the ones he's got there are obsolete

but they've got cool pictures

If going with Angmar, you want to get some Mordor Orcs as your core unit.
If going with Mordor, grab some Morannon Orcs instead.

Mordor orcs can go in both and are decent enough in number so start with them. Then for Mordor you're looking at more elite orcs (Morannons, uruks, etc.) and for Angmar you'll need some beasties (wild wargs, bats, spectres). I've magnetised some warg riders so I can use them as riders or wild wargs, you could try that if you want to stay versatile.

He does, and there're a couple of different versions of new Thranduil.

the books we need are 'there and back again' and 'battle companies'. Everything else has been scanned. Everything.

Desloation is also obsolete tbf.

New Thranduil is a melee powerhouse (F7, up to 7 attacks, 3 M/W/F) . Very different to old Thranduill who is more of a support character. It can be presumed that old Thranduil will disappear when the Hobbit and LotR armies get consolidated

>Desloation is also obsolete tbf

oh true I guess what I meant is they're the really old, pre hobbit ones

which are still worth having scans of since they were neat books.

DoS is uploaded on mega bakka
or it should be. I have it on my private mega but I thought I also have put it one the OP one too

it's not

Did they fix the moving and firing penalty, return to model count limit, and bring back volley fire yet?


Return of old shooting rules would be nice, but model limit was literal cancer

Model limit was shit, but Warbands has its own issues. If they wanted to go that way they should have divided shit into an FOC like the other systems. Heros, Elites, Warriors, and Artillery.

As somebody who hasn't played this game in ten years, what's the difference between old shooting and new shooting?

Old shooting, up to 50% move with bows if you want to fire them.
New shooting rules, the same but at -1 to hit.
So bows aren't as good, and they were pretty meh before as they were strength 2 in a defense 6 game and strength 4 and onwards already couldn't move and fire.

I preferred it over warbands.

Amazng, is there a link?


Same user from before asking about Thranduil, with another question--I was thinking of a list something like Gildor Inglorion; Thranduil, King of Mirkwood; and then as many Wood Elf Warriors as I can fit with either bows+spears, or spears+throwing daggers. Spend the extra 3 ppm to make them Noldorin Exiles (8" move) and Mirkwood Guard (Fight 5/2+). Watch as everyone runs around shooting/throwing things. Profit?

Im thinking of running this list in a local round robin. First time with elves (just borrowing them before I start them myself)

What should I be on the look out for, tips for deployment and enemies to avoid.

Thranduil on Horse
4 Mirkwood Knights

12 M.E with 4 bow, 4 glaive, 4 shield

12 M.E with 4 bow, 4 glaive, 4 shield

Mega updated with DoS and Battle Companies pics from the previous thread


Round robin? List looks solid in any event. Looks like most of the list is D5, which means you'll mostly need to look out for horded S3.

Bear in mind that a Noldorin Exile/Mirkwood Guard is not a Wood Elf Warrior. IE. Once you apply an upgrade, you cannot then apply another.

Yeah just a friendly tourny were everyone plays each other once, 2 points for a win, 1 for a draw.

Highest points at the end wins, and play again for people who have the same amount of points.

Im thinking I might change deployment to have Legolas have all the bow elves, with 4 glaives in order to focus fire.

My plan for bulk S3 would be to shield up until I can get priority to pick the fights or until the cavalry arrives. Though im hoping Tauriel can handle hordes from her rules.

yeah, is not.

Tauriel is a great profile in that her potential damage is huge, but if she loses a fight she’s fucking dead. Don’t be relying on her in your game plan as a result. Very fun profile tho.

Seems to be personal preference on the archer warband front as well. If that warband gets a good deployment then all is well. There’s definitely benefit to spreading the archers out tho so that you are guaranteed to always have some shots. Play a few games to see what you prefer.

user, I...

Mk I'll check them out. What makes the units good? Also are they metal or plastic?

he fix

Ah well crap, I had wondered if that was the case. Thank you.

Morannon and Mordor Orcs are both plastic. Both are just the "basic" troop of the respective factions.

Aight. Regarding add ons, should I get the banner and captians or?

>Most stuff is GW store exclusive
>No digital books
>No real starter sets
>A lot of boxes are out of stock Online for a long time
Will they change it guys? I hope that GW will release digital rules and actually brew up some newbie-friendly bundles with actuall discount

>Most stuff is GW store exclusive
Unlikely. FW exclusive from here on out probably.
>No digital books
Dont think FW do digital books, so prob not.
>No real starter sets
Pelennor next year
>A lot of boxes are out of stock Online for a long time
Same applies to GW as a whole (although SBG more than others). Primaris must've tanked their capacity to print other stuff

Worth picking up, but not a prio for either army. For Angmar I'd suggest a Ringwraith and Barrow-wights.
For Mordor, Ringwraith and named Orcs. As a general rule for banners, the higher your fight value, the better they are. Even then they are not that great, although there is a particular scenario that requires them

>newbie-friendly bundles with actuall discount
A typical average-sized army is 3 warbands. That's less than £100.00 and more than a beginner should be playing with. Biggest obstacle here would be GWs reluctance to put anything that isn't plastic into a Start Collecting Bundle. To the dismay of all Craftworld Eldar players

Banners are nice from a modeling perspective, if not a gaming one

Ok, thanks. I think I have a better picture.

>Pelennor next year

wait what

Hello guys. Im so exited with Hobbit SBG miniatures, but can u explain me game modes?
First, standart. I saw local tournament once and it was like wh fb, but much depends on ininiative. Win alignment nerly = win game. I mess smth? And, what number of minis in one army on general? About 30?
Second, new scirmish rulestet. I cant pick famous heroes in my gang? Srsly? In fanservice movie game?
Maybe, there are more mods in this game?

Sure: there's the standard SBG which usually has a few dozen miniatures on each side, although it can be anywhere from single digits (all-hero armies, like the Fellowship) to more than a hundred (hordes, like goblins). Note that this is a skirmish game: models are on round bases and all act independently. Priority (what you call initiative/alignment) can be very important, but it's rolled for at the start of each turn so it's not like there's a single roll at the start of the game that determines everything. Furthermore, one of the main purposes of heroes is to use Might to perform heroic actions to act out of Priority order. Finally, compared to 40k, there are many more turns in a game and they are interlaced, so while games can be decided by Priority rolls, this is in my opinion much less of a problem than 40k's "alpha strike".

The new ruleset, Battle Companies (actually not new, just rebooted), uses the same base ruleset but is designed for around ten to fifteen models per side, with each model getting experience, advancements and injuries separately. It's like the SBG equivalent of Mordheim or Kill Team. It's also about your dudes: the main game is for recreating scenes from the films and you'll almost never see an army without a named hero. Battle Companies is about starting with a gang of rookies and working them into hardened veterans, and the stories they accrue along the way.

The only other major one is War of the Ring which was a ranked mass combat game similar to WHFB. I've heard it was good, but you needed special movement trays and far more than a reasonable amount of models, and it's now long dead.

>Biggest obstacle here would be GWs reluctance to put anything that isn't plastic into a Start Collecting Bundle
They have out finecast models in AoS boxes i.e. icewind assault
>A typical average-sized army is 3 warbands
>more than a beginner should be playing with
If you compare it to 40k/AoS, 3 warbands are an equivalent of how many points in these games? About 1000-1500?

>They have out finecast models in AoS boxes i.e. icewind assault
Yea, they've used tem once or twice before, but for whatever eason they don't make a habit of it.
>If you compare it to 40k/AoS, 3 warbands are an equivalent of how many points in these games? About 1000-1500?
Typical game would be 500-600 pts. 1000pts would be a very large game. A warband would generally be in and around 200pts in my games, although this can obviously vary heavily

Just about to start buying Uruk-hai Crossbows and Berserkers for my Isengard list and they are now temp out of stock.

When will this end?

Reminds me that some stuff I was looking has came back in stock. Should pick it up

Oh yeah, I wanted some rangers for a Dunedain warband.

It really bugs me that Halbarad is OOP

Which one you reckon they'll bring back. Think they were three or four

Were they? I suppose the one with the banner on foot.

That describes at least two.

Then I'd say whichever the most recent one is.

They could also bring back the Arathorn and Halbarad blister.

Anybody got a scan of Rivendell battle company?

So, i can create army only with heroes? It is even competetive?

>So, i can create army only with heroes?
>It is even competetive?
Depends on the heroes. Generally speaking not though.

Okay. It works with Azog and some boys?

Azog is a good example of a hero who works in an all hero army. None of his compadres really work though with the exception of Bolg.

The classic all-hero armies are the Fellowship, the nine ringwraiths, and the White Council. Azog's usually taken with a bunch of Gundabad orcs.

How many packs of them i need?

As a general rule, it is one hero per 12 warriors

Do ringwraiths still die when they reach 0 will points?

Yes. Hasnt changed. A few of the different ringwraiths have ways around it if its a major concern