
Post items and/or descriptions for them.






Tenderazer is kinda OP. Depending on exactly how it works, and how the softness distributes, it could be used to level mountains/walls/etc

Actually, a lot of these are, and tenderazer is a bit tame by comparison.

Good read though.










skullkey: spooky but breaks if u use it
old book: sites are unreadabel and break easily
tree in glass: people say it looks nice and like you more
impractical frying pan: eggs slide out because its sideways
krokodileearthing: bites your cheak sometimes and distracts you in fights but you are realy special
owlface: people go like "hey you have really strange eyes, oh wait thats a stupid owlmask from ashmandu next to the fountain isnt it?"
nerdmask: you now look like a real nerd
icestone: is realy cold but looks like a heart but if you want to show it to someone its melted to the point where its just a stone in ice
flask of the jellysword: a flask that contains ajellysword which cant hurt anyone but looks really cool
Featherduster of NOTegypt: you can clean dust really good and people think you were once in NOTegypt but you got it again from aschmandu you poser

not to forget
Larry: he sitts at a bench in a park and plays chess



Would my players walk out on me if I gave them this?

Ogidir, the Living Bookmark
Essentially an enchanted worm, Ogidir can remember exactly wherever you last left off in a book, and will inset himself with unerring accuracy in between the correct two pages every time you pick a book up..

They would need to find out first



Entirion's Wrath. Once used by the mighty paladin Entirion, it was said that he was chosen by a unicorn as a rider and partner.
The Grim Grimoir. Not only does it hold the spells to release some spooky ghosties, it also eats the color of surrounding objects.
Standard issue Glassarm. A pistol that shoots slow down beams and can also be used as a pipe.




That's a Mal Gusano.

You think wizards would steal ideas from books and fantasy if they existed?

oh man. yep! that dragonfly sword is gonna make it into my game for the rogue :P has a knack of falling off things

how does +1, slow fall 40 ft/day, flys back to hand if it's in hearing range sound for a lvl 6 who'd use it mainly in offhand?

>Starry Night Cake:

A star-themed wedding cake enchanted both with limited animation, setting the decoration on the cake into motion, as well as a mild blessing. If the cake is cut by a wedding couple on a night when all the stars in the sky are clearly visible, their marriage will be blessed with great fortune and longevity.


A shamanic instrument mostly used by northern shepherd tribes. Any herder worth their staff knows the melody to attract the player's and only the player's sheep flock to the instrument, but only highest-ranking shamans know how to pull the souls of deceased animals and reanimate and restore the animal from a bleached bone pile if need be.

Vigor Potion Set

A set of four potions gathered from the crashed remains of a flying city. Whatever their original purpose, they currently only yield barely controllable powers for a duration of the next few days from drinking. It's noted that survivors of the wreckage hold these in high regard, suggesting the variance in effects relies on the user's physiology.


A specially designed "impossible latch" mostly used for interdimensional infrastructure. Anything held together by an Everlatch will stay connected and together even if half of the structure gets thrown into another plane. Several gods have called for a crusade against these items after one was used to form a permanent passage between the afterlife and the material plane.

Author of the Dragonfleurette here (although you couldn't tell, now i think of it) That sounds pretty good. Personally, i'd just had the sword give a flat halving of fall damage, but hey, it's your game and you know how it works.


Bramo's Silver Horn, an early work of the great ringsmith and mage, it is filled with undying intense heat from the demon bound within, and grants mastery of flame to any wearer that can withstand the hot silver band on their finger. It also fills the wearer with supernatural arrogance, and is best worn only for short times.




aye siwmae

would break

that looks like a primitive version of a P90

well that was an interesting read




The Magistrate's stamp: When any document of any quality, forged or official, will appear through magical means to be authoritative on the subject at first glance, but with closer long term inspection it will reveal its true nature.


The blood of whoever is slashed by this weapon leaks as a multicolored paint-like fluid that stings when in contact with the eyes


Well, those look like caseless rounds, so maybe more advanced?

Still a horrific thing to have gutter/no sights on it.

Another of Bramo's works, rotating this ring changes one's age, youth towards the left, older age to the right. Its uses are many, from healing to immortality, but should not be used without care. It has the potential to kill by decrepitude, or incapacitate with youth.









Arch Armstrong Shell

The discarded shell of an Arch Armstrong crew, mounted onto a treaded platform.
The shell still holds it's enchantments, sanctifying all ammo fired from it's myriad of weapons and letting it's walls weather any terrain or regional hazard without much damage.
The small stature of the shell, however, makes this vehicle impossible to live in for anything larger than a halfling.

Carafe of Faces.

A silver carafe inlaid with several somewhat caricaturistic depictions of faces of historic figures and legendary warriors as a sort of shared death mask.
Drinking any fluid from this carafe summons some faces' owners to the drinker, depending on the liquid.
These souls can then be asked for advice, and some may even offer to bolster the user's abilities.
It's known that at least one fifth of the faces belonged to untrustworthy or otherwise villainous types.

Cthonic Egg

Supposedly a collectable in some higher planes of existence, these egglike statues pop up all across the lower planes through a myriad of manners.
Without fail, a Cthonic Egg can be identified by it's distinct oval shape and eldritch scripture around the square base, script which details statistics and abilities of the creature, and often a command word.
Speaking out the command word "hatches" the egg, summoning a creature depicted on the statue's carvings under the speaker's control until the word is spoken again.
There has been murmurs of a new lineup stirring up a fuss from avid players of whatever game these belong to.

Power Shrooms

A lineup of samples of more common power shrooms, as recorded in a low-end alchemy text.
Under no circumstances should any mushroom be consumed as is - the average human body cannot handle the stresses involved.
1. Grave Bolette
2. Neon Bulette.
3. Wrathlord's Stalk
4. Balm Russula
5. Mighty Russula
6. Wonky Champion
7..Jettison Bolette
8. Giant's Finger
9. Reaper's Champion



I know what you're thinkin, you're trying to remember if I fired 5 shots of potassium or 6. What you should be thinkin is, do I feel lucky. Well do ya kid?

reminds me of that biopistol form Existenz



I see you.


shoulda posted this over in



Oh wow, people screencapped my items! Cool.

Everything in this list is OP, I didn't care for balance.




Item drop chance increased.


I see what you did there

